Chapter 55

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When he awoke he could smell the pong emanating from the clothes he had fallen asleep in.  Climbing out of the bed he reached for the gown from the day before.  The ping of body odour rising from it as well.  He quickly went through his wardrobe and found the rose gown from Beth.  Grabbing it he headed to the bathing chamber to scrub himself clean.  His hair had fallen out of the braids to hang loosely about his face.

Entering he noticed several of the tubs already occupied.  Quickly he retreated to the hall before anyone noticed him.  Or so he hoped.  His face was bright red in embarrassment for the tubs that were occupied by a number of the ladies.

"Hey Ellie, get back in here.  There is no reason for you to wait.  Everyone needs to bathe and no one cares.  Right ladies?"  There was a chorus of agreement.  "Besides most of us have already seen you in the tub," Caitlin's voice rang out above the rest.

Mustering his courage he re-entered the room and began stripping for his bath.  The sight of a number of the ladies climbing out of the tubs with water sheeting off their skin caused him to blush more fiercely.  Averting his gaze he climbed into a tub quickly.  Without looking up he grabbed the soap and started cleaning himself.  Sliding under the water to wet his hair, hoping to give the ladies a chance to cover up.  Coming back out of the water he found himself being attacked by helping hands.  Soap and brushes attacking his back and hair.  He almost purred in pleasure at the ministrations of his helpers.  With his eyes closed, he waited until they rinsed his hair before opening them.  The sight caused him to close them again in embarrassment.  His helpers were skin-clad.

"You'd think he had never seen a naked woman before," joked Jane.

"I honestly don't think he has," Amy responded.

"I mean think about it he came in with old sour guts from the farm," chimed Eileen, with a giggle.  "Well, he will get used to it eventually."

Eldrick felt about six inches tall with the chatter about him flowing between the ladies.  Trying to ignore the chatter though he could feel his face reddening once more.  "Wait, what did you call Sergei?"

"Old sour guts."  Eileen returned.  "I mean have you seen his expression?  It looks like he hasn't smiled in years."

"If you knew how hard life is in the mountains you wouldn't think him sour.  Besides, he lost his wife and two grandchildren about twenty years ago I believe.  He hasn't had an easy life."

"Okay, he just looks so dour."

"He is old, and there isn't much left for him, I don't think,"  Caitlyn remarked.

"Well, you haven't seen him around Amarna in private either, I gather.  His face lights up when she comes to visit him.  I have seen her looking at him like a cat at a bowl of cream."

"Old iron britches, she has a crush on Sergei?  Oh my, this is news."  Claire giggled.  "How juicy.  We can't let her know though, she would take our hides off.."

"Ok, you are clean get out of there before you become more of a prune.  We will help you with your hair again.  As long as you are willing to help us with ours.  You should practice anyway."

Eldrick climbing out of the tub looked around for a towel.  Seeing the towels on the other side of the room he blushed even more.  He had to get a towel and cover himself.  His only problem was the room full of naked women between him and the towels.  Mustering his courage he noted where the towels were on the rack, closed his eyes and began to make his way to them.  When he figured he was close he reached out to grab a towel only to have his hand meet soft flesh.  He heard giggling as he opened his eyes to see his hand on Claire's breast.  Pulling back in shock he started stammering his apologies.

"Oh don't be such a silly goose.  You are going to need to get used to seeing and even touching the bodies of both genders."  Claire chuckled.  "My, your hands are soft.  I like it."  She handed him a towel.  "Ok, let's get dried and ready for the day.  Besides we still need to do your hair."

Grabbing the towel he quickly dried himself and dressed.  The dress flowing nicely off his hips.  He had never gotten used to brushing his hair as Sergei had kept it shorn short.  So, as he struggled with the brush and the knots in his hair, he tried to watch the other ladies as they worked their hair.  They all seemed so practiced and quick.

"Here, let me help," Jane's voice startled him, as she took the brush from his hand.  "You need to start at the ends and work your way up."  With expert hands, she made quick work of the knots.  "I have this today girls, go get breakfast."  She shooed them off with the brush.  "You know, your hair is so soft and full.  Now, what shall we do with your hair today?  Oh I know," reaching around him she handed him a pair of pink ribbons.  "Hold these will you please."  Taking the brush she divided his hair and began to plait it.  First, the left side, handing the braid to hold then attacking the right side.  Stepping behind him she relieved him of the first.  "Can you pass me one of the ribbons please."  Taking the proffered ribbon she tied the two plaits together after having quickly braiding the two ends together.  "There, I think that should do it," she giggled.  "Now let's go get breakfast before the guys eat everything."

Collecting the other ribbon she tucked it into her bodice.  Together they left the bathing room heading for the dining hall.  Eldrick's amazement at seeing what seemed to be more food than they could eat.  Noticing Caitlin, Lugh and Yosef, Eldrick went to join them.

"Hey there good-looking," Lugh said his mouth full of food.  "Come join us, the food is the best part of the morning.  Not to mention, the best meal of the day."  Food spraying as he spoke.

Jane cuffed him upside his head.  "Haven't you learned yet not to speak with your mouth full?  Honestly, you act like such a barbarian some days."  Chuckling she took a seat.  Filling her platter and one for Eldrick.  "He is right though, this is the best meal of the day."  She began to consume her food with relish.

Eldrick feeling the pangs of hunger starting dug into his food as well.  Though he found he had a hard time eating with the scent of unwashed bodies lingering in the air.  "Guys, you need to bathe.  Ugh, you reek."  Taking a few more mouthfuls of food he looked up at the giggling of the ladies in the room.

"Ellie has spoken.  But she is right you do reek.  When did you bathe last?"  Amy's laughter rang like soft chimes in the wind.  "I mean what are the rules of the place?  You shouldn't be eating until you bathe."

"That is true," the strident voice echoed through the room.  "Gentlemen, I am excusing you from the meal until you get cleaned up.  GO!"  Amarna stood in the doorway, a sour look upon her face.  Once the boys had left the room she sat.  "I hope you don't mind if I join you today.  I rarely eat in this room anymore and I do find that I miss it."  Her gaze took in all the diners.  "I am not as harsh as I make myself out to be at times.  I really do like company, though I rarely allow myself the satisfaction of it."  Filling a platter and mowing down on the food.  "Besides, without the appalling odour of the unwashed masses, this is rather nice."  Her laughter like a babbling brook caused everyone to join.

"Lady Amarna we didn't realise you were lonely.  I guess the responsibility of running this place is a heavy burden."  Eileen spoke contritely.  "You really should get yourself an assistant."  She glanced around the room at her fellow students.  "I think I am the only one who came here from Herigberg unless I am mistaken.  I have also been here longer than anyone else.  How close do you think I am to completing my training?"

"Eileen, you are more than ready to leave.  I didn't wish to tell you that because I enjoy having you here."  Her brow wrinkled in thought.  "If you wish to remain, I would greatly appreciate the help.  You can take over some of the duties I have when it comes to the care of those who come, allowing me to focus more on the administration duties.  Claire, you are another who is ready to leave."  Her eyes glowing with both pride and sorrow.  "I know you wish to get back to your home village which could really use your skills."  Taking a few more bites of her food before continuing.  "I will make it all official later today since the lesson plan may be beneficial for everyone.  In fact, today I am as much student as teacher.  Ellie is going to attempt to teach us some of what she knows.  I don't think these lessons are going to be easy.  Though she makes it look easy."  Giving Eldrick a wink she smiled.  "I doubt even she will find it easy to explain.  I fear she does what she does instinctually."  Her gaze wandering over to Caitlin.  "Cait, I have a special task for you this evening after dinner.  I would like you to spar with Ellie and don't take it easy on her."

Caitlin grinning like a madwoman nodded.  "I saw Lugh's chest when he came into the apothecary last night.  Boy, oh boy was he embarrassed."  She chuckled softly.  "Can you imagine a Thormalkian having to admit they were bested by a 'rank amateur'.  He was so smug yesterday before the training session."  Shaking her head, a wry expression crossed her face.  "Is she really that good?"

"Why don't you ask her, she is sitting right here.  It isn't polite to discuss someone as if they were not here."

"Oops, sorry Ellie.  Lugh and I are almost equal in skill with the spear which can be used as a staff.  And he had to admit once he gave you the basics he couldn't touch you.  He thought you may have gotten lucky with the first hit.  When you bested him again he started to doubt his skill."

"I don't know what happened.  I just reacted."

"No need to worry about that.  He said he wanted to watch our sparring match tonight but I think Amarna has other plans for him.  He really needs to study."

"Quite true Caitlin.  He does need to study.  I do not know where I failed in his instruction though."

"Aah, Lady Amarna, I noticed he can't read.  I started teaching him his letters yesterday after we got royally chewed out."

Laughter broke out around the room.  The girls covering the mouths in an attempt to stifle it.

"What's so funny?"  Yosef asked coming back into the room, his hair a wet tangled mess.

"Oh, nothing," Jane retorted.  "Just talking about last night's training session between Ellie and Lugh."

"I saw his bruise.  Nice work Ellie.  He was starting to get cocky.  Which, I know is why Cait targets him the most."  He threw a wink over at Caitlin.  "That and he thinks if he shows off he will get the girls.  Little does he realize Jane and Cait are not interested in guys.  Don't look so surprised Jane.  I have caught the two of you canoodling when you thought no one was paying attention."

Jane spluttering looked around the room.  Everyone was nodding, including Eldrick.  "You knew?  Ellie, you knew?"

"I may have caught the kiss yesterday."

"What kiss?" Lugh sauntered in like the cock of the walk.

"You know Lugh if you paid more attention you would know.  Instead of preening in the mirror.  There is more to life than just good looks."  Amy glared at him.  Her angry pout caught Eldrick's attention.

Eldrick thinking over the reactions of those in the room understood, Amy had a crush on Lugh who was oblivious as he seemed to only have eyes for Jane.  Glancing around the room he also noted the way some of the others were looking at the guys returning.  Some of the looks were returned some were not.  Yosef, it appeared had a thing for Henry who in turn was interested in Claire.  Claire was most definitely interested in Yosef.  Chuckling to himself, he was glad he had Sebastian.

"Well, I am finished with my food.  If I am supposed to be trying to explain things I better figure out how to do that."  Eldrick rose, returning his platter to the kitchen where he quickly washed it.  Coming back into the room he noticed most of the seats empty with dishes piled on the side table.  Gathering his thoughts and nodding to the remaining diners he left.

Eldrick, thinking about the day's events and the day to follow, nodded and left.  As he was passing through the atrium, he saw Amarna standing in her office doorway.  A slight smile playing across her face.  With a nod in his direction, she turned, entered the office and closed the door behind her.  Eldrick felt his spirits lift somewhat.  Reaching for the door he felt the chill sensation of ice gradually melting down his back.  He took a deep breath knowing he had to do this, he had to walk the halls of the castle to get back to his room.  He desperately hoped he didn't run into anyone.  Opening the door, he looked out across the courtyard.  It wasn't as empty as he had hoped.  The stableyard and fountain were a milling mass of people.  Closing the door, he put his back against it.  Sweat running down his brow and back.  His legs feeling as if they were about to turn to jelly, his entire body trembling. 

Pushing away from the door he carefully made his way across the room to the bench from earlier in the day.  He turned and dropped down with an audible THUD.  Caitlin stuck her head out of the kitchen with a quizzical expression. 

"I'll be right back," she called over her shoulder.  "Hey, Ellie what is wrong?"  She sat beside him.  Taking his hand. "You can talk to me you know.  Oh, for Alie's sake, your hands are like ice."  She tucked her bottom lip over her teeth, lifted her top lip and gave a shrill piercing whistle.   

Quickly two of the male healers and Jane popped out of the woodwork.  They exchanged looks and hand gestures.  Eldrick sat there watching in stunned silence.  They seemed to be having a full conversation, but not a sound was made.  That is until they all seemed to chirrup like a whippoorwill in unison.  Caitlin reached over and began rubbing Eldrick's hands. 

"We need to get the circulation back into these hands.  My friends and I have a plan to help you get to your quarters.  Just watch."  The gleam in her eyes becoming sharper and her grin broadened.  "Every night we clear the courtyard.  We just wish we had a fifth." 

"What do you mean by a fifth?"  Something about the term tickled the back of his mind.  A piece of information he had recently studied but not been able to fully realize.  His eyes widened in nervous understanding, "Thormalkian?  You are Thormalkian.  And training for war and healing?  How can you do that?" 

"Easy."  A male voice said as he tossed a staff and odd-shaped club to Caitlin. 

"Everyone does it."  Another male voice drifted down the hall.  "Head's up Cait.  Oh sorry, Eldrick, or should I call you Ellie, I am Yosef, that goofball is Lugh.  You already know Cait and Janie."  He threw a wink at Jane as he swaggered over to her side.  Ok, everyone ready?"  Without waiting for a response from the others he walked over and threw the doors open, howling like a wolf as he did so.  Piercing whistles responded through the door.  Eldrick was sure he heard the calls of a hawk, groundhog and meadowlark, all emanating from beside him. 

Eldrick watched as the calm healers turned into wild animals.  They rushed the courtyard which had emptied at the howl.  Soon as they hit the courtyard it seemed almost to rain wooden balls.  Their clubs flashing through the air hitting the balls back and forth between them, it looked like a dance after a few exchanges.  Not a sound escaped their lips as they wove around each other knocking the balls about.  Caitlin planted her staff, ran up it, holding the end, pulled off a flip with the staff snapping up connecting with three balls that filled the space she had previously filled.  The balls flew straight up.  Dropping her club to her feet she began an intricate weave with the staff.  Connecting with two, sent them hurtling towards the guys.  Kicking the club up into her hand, catching it she snapped it forward with a quick flick of her wrist.  The thunk of it connecting with the third ball sent it speeding at Jane. 

Silence filled the air, broken only by the sound of three soft thuds as Jane, Yosef, and Lugh all hit the ground.  Caitlin stood in the courtyard with a smile on her face.   She walked over to her friends and offered her hand to them.  Taking her hand in turn they rose back to their feet.

"Jeeze Cait, where did you pick that up?  I know we are training but from the looks of it, you may be better than some of the actual cadre members.  I would hate to lose you to a cadre but then I would be proud to know you.  Well, I already am proud."

Caitlin gave a sharp whistle, ducked her head, and snapped her club up over her head.  There was a distinct thud.  With a quick motion, she spun and hurled her staff at the crenelations on the top of the wall.  In quick succession, three more staves were sailing through the air to the same spot.  There were four sickening, squishy thuds, followed by a fifth and someone screaming.

Caitlin, Yosef, Jane and Lugh ran to where they had thrown their staves, pulling them from the body, Eldrick noticed they weren't really staves but spears.  He didn't know how he could have missed that earlier when he saw all four wipe them off and place a cap over the blade.  Taking positions at the cardinal points they waited for the guards to show up.

Henry and Amarna pushed past him on their way out of the building.  Henry arriving at the body first looked and gave a shake of his head.  Amarna stopped where she was, shaking her head she turned to Eldrick.

"Did you see what happened?"

"Yes, ma'am.  They were practicing to clear the courtyard for me.  I was waiting for them to finish because I didn't want to get hit by anything.  Once they finished, Caitlin helped the others to their feet, then just sort of reacted, well, they all did."  Eldrick walked past Amarna to the dropped cudgel, club, and looked at it.  Embedded halfway to the crossguard was a very lethal-looking dagger.  "Amarna, I think you should come see this."  His anxiety forgotten, he called to the guards as they entered the courtyard.  "Over here first gentlemen if you please."

The guards and Amarna reached Eldrick at about the same time.  He pointed to the dagger.  "I think you will find the attack was aimed at the healers who responded with like violence.  Only they didn't fail."  He looked down at his feet, the dawning knowledge that he had just told the castle guards the innocence of the healers.

Amarna reached down and grabbed the club.  Lifting it to her nose she gave a tentative sniff.  "I do believe this blade is poisoned."  Handing her burden over to the guards.  "Healers into the hall now."  Turning her back on the scene and grabbing the sleeve of Eldrick's gown, she returned to the hall.

Closing the door behind the assembled healers she shook her head.  "Okay you four, from now on we are going to need to alter when and where you practice."  Looking over at Eldrick, she took a deep breath.  "This is no coincidence.  Two assassination attempts aimed at students of the hall means the entire hall is in danger."

Eldrick blinked, "TWO!?  TWO!?  I think you are mistaken, Ma'am.  This makes three attempts.  Sebastian is laid up here because he reinjured himself preventing the first attempt which if I remember correctly was on your life." He stood there spluttering.  "I don't know about you but I am going to be speaking with my Master to see what can be done.  This hall isn't just a training campus it is a diplomatic institution.  Look around."  His voice was drawing a crowd.  He gestured with one hand to all the students and full healers gathering.  "You have members from every nation here.  The only nation I don't think you have is the Draconic nation but then I think you do in the form of Sebastian since he too came here for what training he could get.  Caitlin, Yosef, Lugh and Jane are from Thormalk, Eileen is from Shay.  I am not sure/ where the others are from, but I can guess not all are native."

The authority in his voice, caused the assembled onlookers to be taken aback.  He turned to gaze to the room, meeting every eye.  Not one could meet his gaze comfortably.  Returning his attention to Amarna, he held her gaze and waited.

Refusing to back down and knowing she couldn't in front of her students, they stood there.  Each attempting to outlast the other.  Several long, breathless minutes everyone watched with anticipation to see who would break first.

"Oh for the love of... the lot of you get about your business.  Amarna I could expect such behaviour out of Eldrick, but you?"  Amaryliss' tone sent people running, as she walked up to her student.  With a smack to the back of her head.  "You of all people should remember what training the lad has.  He may be an apprentice now but he is on his way to test for journeyman.  Oh no, young man, you stay right there.  You need to hear this as much as she does.  Eldrick reacted correctly.  His training is to assess the situation and come to a conclusion.  Once a conclusion is reached, stand by it.  Similar to a healer's training.  So you are reinforcing the training he has already received from that old goat."  She winked in Eldrick's direction.  "Now run along you have a long day ahead of you and I need to sit my errant student and friend down to discuss this.  Sigmund, get out here and escort this lady back to her quarters."

Sigmund calmly approaching, bowed deeply, "My lady may I escort you home?"  With a grin and a wink, he stood up, offering his arm.

Eldrick blushing furiously took the proferred arm with a smile.  "You may call me Ellie m'lord."  He knew he would have to act the part of a lady if he were to get back to his chambers safely.

Pitching his voice up in an attempt to sound more feminine he tried to make small talk as they walked the halls of the castle to their suite.

Eldrick on his way to the library was deep in thought.  How was he going to explain the learning trance?  He discovered it all on his own without understanding how it was he did it.  He almost walked past the library in his musing.  Stopping, he placed his hand on the doorknob.  He figured if he wrote out his method he might, just might be able to explain it.

Entering the library, noticing the stack of waiting parchment.  Sitting down he grabbed a quill and inkpot.  Scribbling furiously he made notes on relaxation techniques he used along with breathing.  After about half an hour or so he had a stack of notes about an inch thick.  He didn't know he could write that fast.  As he placed the quill back in the stand the library door opened.  The room was soon full of amused apprentice healers, for that was how he thought of them.  Apprentice as opposed to journeyman or master level.  Sergei had always told him eventually he would need to be able to explain the how's and why's of what he did.  He just didn't understand it could happen before he even made journeyman himself.

Looking around the room he figured the only way this would work was if the tables and benches were stacked against the wall.  "Well before we can begin, we need to clear an area.  Please help with moving everything against the wall over there," pointing to the one wall without any shelves.  

Grabbing his notes he shifted them to the top of one of the smaller bookshelves.  Lending a hand in the reorganizing of the library they soon had everything shifted to the with the benches stacked in front of the tables.  With the task done everyone milled about in confusion.

"I see there is confusion.  Good.  Please take a seat and we will begin the lesson."

"What on the floor?" Amy was incredulous.  "I am not sitting on the floor, it will ruin this gown.  The floor is filthy."

"Well then, I suggest you get a scrub brush and a bucket of hot soapy water and start scrubbing the floor."  Eldrick's voice held a hint of Sergei's attitude whenever Eldrick had complained about a given instruction.  "Go ahead we will wait."

Amarna's eyebrows shot up.  A slow smile creeping over her face as she sat on the floor.  Others seeing her following Eldrick's direction emulated her actions.  Amy just remained stubbornly standing.

"I do not plan on repeating myself.  Sit or scrub the floor."  Eldrick stood waiting to see what her decision would be.  His gaze falling on Amarna.  She was smiling and nodding.

"Amy if you think that because she is the newest person to join our little family you can act superior take a look around you.  All of the rest of us want to learn what she can teach.  You have a third choice now."  The cutting tone left no room for argument.  "You can sit and learn, scrub the floors of the entire hall, or you can leave and not complete your training.  Those are your options and if you are still standing there in two minutes I will presume you have chosen to leave."

Spluttering, Amy sat slowly.  "This isn't fair.  If my dress is ruined who is going to replace it?"

Eldrick began, "Life is rarely fair.  This is something I am learning.  Think about those who come here for help.  Was life fair to them?"  Picking up his notes he gathered his skirt under him as he too took a seat on the floor.  "Now the first thing is to make sure you are comfortable.  Paying attention to your breathing, slowly relax each muscle group starting with your feet.  Breathe in 1..2..3.. and out 1..2..3.. and in...."  Going through each muscle grouping he guided them into a meditative state.  Standing, he gathered books from the shelves.  While still giving instructions in a calm voice he placed books beside each person.  "now at your left hand there are books please pick them up and start reading."

As everyone did so he watched carefully.  He was trying to see who had succeeded and who had failed.  He wasn't sure he would know until later.  He chose not to enter the trance himself because he knew there needed to be someone to break the trance if they were successful.  Some of the students seem to be successful but he wouldn't know until the end of the lesson since he hadn't told any of them what books they were reading.  One by one they closed the books and placed them to their right.  A few of the students reached out for another book while others remained still.  Those who remained still he tapped on the shoulder one by one and beckoned to follow him out of the room.

"If you wouldn't mind telling me what were you reading?"  Eldrick asked each of them in turn once outside the room.  All could answer that question easily enough it was the next question which they couldn't answer.  "Quote the third paragraph of the first page."  After each student was questioned he asked them to return to their place.  Once he finished with them he began the same routine with the ones who had reached for a second book.  The same questions were asked each of them, though this group was able to quote the section they were asked to.

"Ok, I would like each of you to open the books and hand them to the person on your right, if there isn't one pass it to the person on the farthest left behind you.  That means Amy, you bring your book to the Lady Amarna."

The books being passed around caused a mild disturbance.  Amy glaring at Eldrick as she brought the book forward to Amarna and the retaking her seat.  Eldrick walked around the class and began asking random people to read the passage he had asked them about in the hallway.  "Oh, I would like the person whose book it was to recite it from memory as well."  Not indicating that there were those in the room who wouldn't be able to.  He purposefully left Amarna until last.  "Now when I call your name I would like you to stand up.  Lady Amarna, Jane, Eileen, Caitlin, Henry, and Frank.  You six have successfully grasped the technique.  So in my opinion you can go and take care of other tasks or duties as directed by Lady Amarna.  The rest have more work to do.  This is not an easy skill I am led to believe."  He waited to see what was going to happen.

Amarna looked around the room, "Those who succeeded please follow me out."  Without waiting she left, quickly accompanied by the other five.

"Now for the rest of you, we need to work on relaxation and emptying your mind."  Glancing about he took in the expressions of those seated.  The faces ranged from fear to anger.  "Amy, why are you angry?"

"This is a waste of time," she spat.  "I have been here for two years and this is the first I am hearing about this technique.  I mean if it so effective why weren't we taught it before?"

"Amy, if Amarna had known it she would most certainly have been teaching it.  Normally this is a skill which is practiced by the dragons."  He watched the expressions on the faces of the gathered faces turn from apprehension and fear to excitement.  Amy though remained impertinent.

"If it is a dragon skill what makes you think we can learn it?"

"Lugh, maybe you can explain to her in a way she might accept."

"Uh me?  I can barely read."  His face turning scarlet as the words left his mouth.

"Fine, Yosef can you explain it?"

"Amy, you have been here longer than Caitlin and Jane." Yosef stood facing her.  "I know for a fact they're not dragons nor dragon blooded.  They both learned it.  Now, why don't you stop being a bitch, shut your mouth, sit down, and listen to Ellie?"  He planted his hands on his hips  "You've seen her in here, devouring information quicker than anyone else.  Not only that she has perfect recall of the information."  He paused for breath, "Lady Amarna was so impressed by this skill she asked Ellie to teach us.  I don't know how long it is going to take to learn but I fully plan on learning this skill if it kills me."

"Fine waste your time, if you want.  I am leaving.  I have to clean this dress before it is completely ruined"  Turning she made to leave.  Abruptly she stopped inches from the door.

"You were instructed to learn this and I was instructed to make sure you did."  His tone becoming harsh.  "Unless you learn this you are not leaving this room until the day is over.  If you want to leave I suggest you quit acting the spoiled brat and sit your ass down."

Claire's eyes opening wide in shock as her jaw dropped.  She squirmed in place.  Eldrick could sense her unease.  "Claire, what is the wrong?"

"That is the very tone Amarna uses.  My mother had used the exact same one while I was growing up.  It is just scary to hear someone so young using it."

Eldrick nodded at this.  "Shall we begin?"  He looked around to see the nods from everyone but Amy.  "Ok, I would like you to form a circle around me.  Amy come join the circle or not, just remember what I said."

Everyone sat around him, with Amy standing by the door.  Seating himself in the center he began asking questions to see why they either couldn't relax properly or clear their minds enough to focus.  Addressing each concern as he came to them he tried to figure out what would work.  He knew what Lugh's issues were before they were even spoken.  "Who here knows how to relax muscles through massage?"

Every hand moved to point at Amy.

"What??"  The sudden silence drew her attention and caused her to cringe when she noticed every eye was on her.  "I am not doing this stupid exercise."

"No one was asking you to do this 'stupid exercise'.  They were answering my question regarding who was the best at relaxing massage.  Lugh is tense because of our sparring match yesterday and could use a massage.  Would you do that for him?"  Eldrick waiting for a response.  When one was not forthcoming quickly enough he added, "or are you not a healer?"

Amy turned three shades of red.  "I am a healer! And I will prove it!"

Eldrick grinned, knowing he had found her problem.  Pride.  Yosef, Claire could you set up a table so Amy doesn't have to kneel on the dirty floor, like some 'common servant'," he put emphasis on the last two words.

The two rose and removed a table from the pile and set it down.  Lugh rose and lay down on the table, a smile on his face.  Once Amy started the massage Eldrick returned his attention to the rest.

"While she is ministering to Lugh, shall we continue?"  With the nods of assent, he led them through the exercises again though he paid attention to Amy as he did so.  When he figured they were ready once again he placed books near them.  He approached the table, raising a finger to his lip where Lugh could see it.  He placed a tome on massage techniques to the left of Amy.  "There is a book on your left please pick it up and read it."  In a quieter voice, he added "You as well please Amy."

Everyone reached for the book.  Lugh just lay there watching the room.  Once Amy retrieved the book, Eldrick motioned for Lugh to get off the table.  "Your issue is failure, because of the lack of skill in reading.  I can understand, so for this exercise, you will read this."  Eldrick handed him a book on words and their meanings.  "I don't expect you to get through this whole book today.  I just needed to get Amy involved.  I just wish I could help you quicker but there is much you need to learn before you will be ready."

Lugh nodded and sat on the floor book in hand, attempting to relax as well so he could still participate in the exercise.  As he seemed to slip into the trance with the book in hand, Eldrick smiled.  What Lugh needed was permission to fail.  Once again there were a couple who did not reach for another book.  Noting which ones, was easier this time and so he didn't take them out to quiz them.  Hearing the thud from where Amy stood at the table caught his attention.  She was reaching for another book.  His theory proven.  She already knew how to do it but needed a different focus to start and a gentle nudge.  Placing his hand on Lugh's shoulder to get his attention, he motioned to the table.  Lugh caught the message and carefully climbed back onto the table."  Eldrick gathered up the book on massage.

"Amy why don't you finish the massage you started,"  Eldrick spoke in her ear softly.  As her hands returned to the task they had abandoned when she began reading."  He walked back to the center of the circle, and clapping his hands, "Ok let's see how we did this time."  Every eye turned in his direction.  Amy didn't stop the massage though she did turn to look at him.  "Amy I have a question for you.  how long have you gone into trance while massaging others?"

"Don't be absurd, I don't go into a trance.  I have never gone into a trance."

"Ok, then you shouldn't be able to tell me what is on page one hundred and three, in the art of massage."

"It's a diagram of the muscle groupings in the back."

Eldrick held the book open so those around him could see the diagram.  "What about page twenty-seven?"

"Duh, it's a diagram of the legs muscle groups."

Again Eldrick held the book open for everyone to see.  "Ok this should be harder,  What are the muscle grouping in the forearm, and on what page is it noted?"

"The superficial muscles in the anterior compartment are the flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis and pronator teres. They all originate from a common tendon, which arises from the medial epicondyle of the humerus, found on page sixty-seven.  Just what does this prove?"

"While you were massaging Lugh, you entered a trance and followed my instructions to pick up this book and read it," his grin spreading.  "For you, the easiest way to enter this trance is to do something you know you are good at.  I gave random page numbers and you could answer the questions with ease."  He pointed at a few of the others.  "Those I have indicated please report to Amarna."

As they rose, the few remaining looked at each other.  Eldrick noticed the eastering sun and nodded to himself.  "This will conclude today's lessons since it is almost dinner time.  Tomorrow we will pick this back up."

The few remaining were Yosef, Lugh, Claire and Emily.  They rose slowly not quite ready for the muscle cramps they had earned.  Yosef once on his feet began to stretch, indicating that the others follow his example.  As they did so Eldrick joined in as well.  He knew he was going to need them later.  Once the stretching was complete he dismissed them to dinner.  He was hungry himself, and needed to report to Amarna before he could eat.

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