Chapter 48

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It was several hours later when Eldrick heard laughter downstairs.  Trying to rise to go investigate, he found his legs had fallen asleep.  He had not moved that entire time and his body had other ideas now.  Stretching and trying to rub some circulation back into his offending limbs, Eldrick found the sensation disheartening.  After several minutes of chafing his legs, they quit hurting.  Standing he left the library.  Heading downstairs he saw Sergei chatting merrily with Amaryliss.  Her arms were full of books, which she was passing to Sergei. 

"--forgot I was toting these." 

"Fear not, I forgot until we separated and I was about to head back to my rooms.  I cannot understand how you could move so quickly." 

"My dear boy though I may be centuries old, I am not quite that old comparatively.  I do believe I am about the same relative age as, oh, King Daividh."  She gave a self-deprecating chuckle.  "There that is the last of them,"  her head swivelled towards the stairs, "and here comes Eldrick to carry them for you."  Turning she gave Eldrick a look.  "Be a good lad and take these books from your master back to your rooms, please." 

Sergei handed the books to Eldrick.  "These are all that we could find with any substance.  You can study them later.  Now off with you." 

Eldrick, his arms full, nodded and turning to leave, heard Amarna calling for Sergei and Amaryliss' attention.  Knowing he was being dismissed he left. 

* * * 

Sergei glancing over his shoulder gave a soft whistle of astonishment.  Amarna stood at her office door, the smile on her face giving her an angelic appearance.  Sergei had not seen her smile in quite a while and was happy to see it.  She was not wearing her customary apron over her gown.  Turning to her summons, he smiled himself. 

Linking arms with Amaryliss, they followed Amarna back into her study.  Pushing the door closed, Sergei turned to face her. 

"I see you are in a better mood today.  Which I truly appreciate."  His grin was infectious.  "Now, how can we help you?"  He held the chair for Amaryliss, as Amarna encircled the desk to take her own seat. 

"I wanted to provide and receive updates.  Eldrick is going to take a lot of work.  I feel if he is immersed in his studies it may go easier as I can talk to him while he is somewhat distracted."  Her gaze shifted from Sergei to Amaryliss. 

"I am not sure how you are doing with Sebastian, but you should know Eldrick snuck in while you were away." Rolling her eyes and giving her head a shake.  "Sebastian mentioned he had a secret he was keeping and because of the nature of dragon couldn't speak more of it, whereupon Eldrick replied by telling Sebastian not to worry about it." 

She looked up at Sergei.  "There has to be some way to fix this issue without causing either of them any more harm.  I understand there are drawbacks to everything we could do and thus the reason for this discussion."  She looked past the two of them almost expectantly.  The poignant silence was suddenly broken by an unexpected voice. 

"Petal help.  Petal like Eldrick.  Who is Eldrick?"  His glassy-eyed stare was very comedic, as his head popped out of Amaryliss hair.  "Petal sense something odd.  Petal hungry."  He began pouting and holding his stomach. 

"Petal, you silly fool, you startled me.  I keep forgetting that you like to hide in there."  She reached into the drawer of her desk and withdrew a piece of candied fruit.  As she offered it to him, Petal's eyes grew wide at the sight of the fruit.  The red meat of the fruit crystallized with sugar and dried was encased in thin golden skin.  Petal began jumping up and down in excitement.  His mouthing moving but no sound seemed to be coming out but increased in volume. 

"~awple, strawple, STRAWPLE.  PETAL GET CANDIED STRAWPLE."  Leaping off the top of Amaryliss head, with his wings all a flutter he couldn't fly straight.  Making a beeline as best as he could he slammed into the proffered fruit.  Wrapping his arms around it he tried to fly away with it.  It was an odd sight to see.  The fruit was almost as large as he was.  He couldn't maintain a hover and slowly settled to the top of the desk, munching happily on his treat." 

Amaryliss looked surprised.  "Where did you find that?  Candied Strawple is nearly impossible to find.  The sprites won't even tell me where they grow." 

Amarna shrugged "I have a student from the farm.  She won't tell me which area she is from.  Everyone once in a while her father or brother stops by with a care package for her.  Inside are things like this which she shares with me sometimes."  Her eyes wandered over Sergei who had a smug grin.  "Don't tell me, you know where they grow don't you?" 

"My dear Amarna, I am bound by honour and cannot answer that question." 

Throwing her hands up in exasperation, "You are as bad as a bloody dragon when it comes to maintaining honour and blasted secrets.  You always have been.  That happens to be one of the reasons I have always been attracted to you."  This caused Amaryliss eyes to widen. 

"This man is the one you wouldn't betray?  At least that is the way you phrased it if I remember correctly.  Him?"  Waving her hands in emphasis towards Sergei.  "You had to go and fall for a Druid who is more duty than compassion.  One who has raised a family and was married when you met him.  You wasted your good years waiting for him to notice you and now you tell him?  Erighmoria!" She cursed.  Turning her eyes to Sergei.  "And you, you knew all this time of her feelings for you.  You couldn't be bothered to deflect them onto someone worthy of her and just let her pine after you." 

Petal looked up from his treat the look of bliss fading to anger.  Dropping his candied strawple, his wings slowly furling and unfurling.  Clenching his fists, he vaulted from the desk straight at Sergei's jaw.  Landing the punch squarely, rocking Sergei back in his chair. The force of the blow was powerful enough to knock the chair and Sergei over. 

Picking himself up off the floor and rubbing his chin. "I guess I deserved that. I didn't know she was holding herself for me. If I had, I would have told her to find someone else." 

Amarna's jaw dropped and tears starting forming in her eyes. "I could never do that. Not to you and not to myself. There has only ever been one man in my life." She glared at Petal.   "That is no way to treat a guest here. I could not betray my heart any more than I can avoid practicing my skills when they are needed." 

Sergei righting his chair, sat back down. "Lady Amarna, I knew you had feelings for me though I didn't understand how far back they went." 

Petal, his face a bright crimson, hung his head in shame. "Petal sorry Amarna. Petal sorry Druid." Looking over at Amaryliss, "Petal sorry Elder. Petal should not have gotten angry, but Petal likes Amarna very much." 

"Now that we have that out of the way. I do believe it is time we developed a strategy for helping these two young fools. I appreciate the work you are doing with Sebastian, Amaryliss. When do you think it will be safe to release him from the biding circle?" Her eyes tracking Sergei's reaction to this news. "As for Eldrick, I believe the best thing to do with him is to keep him so busy he cannot think about anything other than his training." 

They discussed things for a couple of hours longer.  After which Sergei bade farewell to the ladies and took his leave.  Returning to his rooms he found Eldrick sitting on the floor with one of the tomes in his hands, his eyes closed and his head bowed. 

Picking him up, Sergei, carried Eldrick to his bed.  Gently laying him down and covering him up.  Giving a silent prayer over his apprentice, Sergei retired to his own bed.

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