Chapter 53

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After changing and stretching, he picked up his staff and went to meet his fate.  The room was lined by every member of the house of healing.  All were waiting with bated breath, while Amarna collected the wagers and jotted down whether for or against.  Catlin pranced into the room, a smile on her face.

"Well, Ellie, this is going to be fun.  Need to stretch?"

"No, I stretched before I came down.  You?"

"Same."  Her grin broadening.

Without a word she attacked.  Once again, the hall rang with the sound of wood on wood as Eldrick defended.  The cheers of the onlookers barely registering.  Eyes glazed in trance they circled each other.  Staves blurred images in the air.  Neither seemed able to land a blow on the other.  Back and forth they went, the entire room was their playground.  Smiles on their faces grew as time passed.  Some of the onlookers leaving when they realized they had lost their wager for they had bet on the length of the match, not the outcome; only to return to see who was the victor.

For twenty minutes they exchanged blows without a single strike landing.  Amarna watching with as just rapt attention as everyone else.  She couldn't believe they were still going at it.  The clackity-clack of the staves striking one another rang out long enough to draw attention from the courtyard.  As guards entered to watch as well.  They began placing wagers with each for the outcome.  It seemed like neither was going to land a blow until suddenly Eldrick lost his footing and tripped, falling backwards.  Caitlin seeing an opportunity moved to strike.  Somehow, Eldrick blocking the blow, sent Caitlin's staff soaring through the air.  His staff hitting the floor butt first bounced free of his hands as well.  Eldrick rolled to his right as Caitlin dove to hers.  Each came up with the staff of the other.

The difference in weight confusing him momentarily.  Caitlin's staff was lighter than his.  Eldrick spinning the staff in an offensive pattern, as Caitlin struggled to become accustomed to the weight.  She barely blocked the first of Eldrick's attacks.  Eldrick pressed the advantage, disarming Caitlin and landing a decisive blow between her breasts, sending her sprawling.

Dropping the staff he rushed to her side.  "Are you okay?  I am so sorry I didn't mean to connect that hard."  Reaching down to help her up.  She reached up taking his arm, just below the elbow, pulling him down beside her.  The two of them laughing as he hit the ground.

"You're surprisingly good.  I thought Lugh was exaggerating when he said you tranced out in the sparring matches."  Glancing over at Amarna, "Well I lost my bet, he beat me fairly."  Rolling to her feet she glanced about the room.  "When did we get such a large audience?"  Turning to the Guardsmen, "Well gentlemen, who wagered against me?"

Eldrick climbing to his feet chuckled.  "About half I would say by the looks on their faces."  Gathering up both staves he returned Caitlin's to her.  "Thanks for the sparring match.  I would like to repeat it on different terrain.  I doubt I will be able to fight on a level floor."

Caitlin reached out and took her staff from him.  "No the terrain will not be so forgiving out into the real world."

"If you are well and truly done making such a racket.  I do have a patient I am trying to work with.  Imagine sparring in the foyer of a healing house, barbaric." Amaryliss' voice rang out over the noise.  "And you," pointing at Amarna, "you should know better.  What were you thinking?  This sort of activity belongs outside.  Two days of this racket is all I am going to tolerate.  If it continues I will hex the lot of you."

"This is war, Petal no like war."  The sprite quite visibly shaken trembled on top of Amaryliss head.  "Petal scared."

"Now see what you have done."  Amaryliss reached over her head to pick up Petal.  "Come my friend we have work to do, but first you need a treat."  She headed for the dining hall.

Amarna, turning, walked into her office.  "The wagers will be paid out in the morning," she called over her shoulder.

Eldrick, a little chagrined by Amaryliss' comments, remembered it was Sebastian who was her patient.  Gathering his courage to infiltrate her territory crossed the room.  Poking his head into the chamber which Amaryliss had left, he was shocked to see Sebastian, laying on the floor covered in sweat.  Puss oozing from his wing joint.  Opening his mouth to speak, he froze.  The puss was not white but a sickly green in colour, thick and putrid.  Under Sebastian's wing was a cracked clay pot, into which the puss dropped.  Gagging he withdrew from the room.

The foyer was empty, and he dared not approach Amarna about this for fear of reprisal.  Research, he needed to do research.  There had to be something in the library.  Reaching down to gather skirts, which were not there, he rushed for the stairs and the library awaiting up above.  Barrelling through the door without care or attention caused it to slam against the wall.  Reaching back in an unconscious effort to close the door gently, he scanned the room.  There had to be a section on infections and how to deal with them.  Walking up and down the aisles he searched for anything which might be of use.  Finding one whose title was 'Dragon injuries and care' he took it.  Flipping through the pages in an attempt to find an appropriate heading left him feeling disheartened.  There was not a single heading covering the problem.  He did notice a section on wing injuries and tried to focus on that.  Frustration began setting in as his concentration wandered.

"Damn you Amar!" he yelled to the void.  Rising, he placed the book on a table and left the room.  He left the library just as frustrated as when he entered it.  He turned down the hall in search of his bed.  As he was closing the door he glanced at Claire quietly walking down the hall.  He stripped and crawled into his bed, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.  Crying, he attempted to sleep.  His mind running through all the possible reasons for the infection of his beloved's injury.  With such morbid thoughts and his mind a restless quagmire of horrific possible outcomes, he found sleep evasive.  Eventually, he passed out on his tear-soaked pillow.

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