Chapter 27

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Amarna didn’t bother to knock as she entered the room, “What seems to be the problem?” Glancing around she noticed Eldrick was missing. 

“Well, it seems we have a quandary here.  This poor sod doesn’t register to life senses yet is definitely alive and breathing though seems catatonic.  What do you make of this?  After all, this is where your expertise lies.” 

“Well, I am going to see what I can see.  I cannot guarantee you will like the answer though.  I am not going to hide the truth, first I need to examine the patient.  Now, if you would be so kind as to remove yourselves from the area.”  The scathing look she gave them both said this was her domain now. 

With a slow breath, she settled herself down to the task.  Letting her senses and healer’s instincts go.  Her perception was that the life energy was down so low as to be unnoticeable to the normal perceptions, only a trained and experienced healer would be able to sense them.  There was nothing she could do to increase his energies, letting him rest wasn’t going to do anything either.  She did recognize the energy signature, however, and knew that this man had information that Sergei needed.  Now she knew she was going to have to call upon the Fae to heal two birds with one throw of the dice.  With an exasperated sigh, she rose. 

“SIGMUND!!” her cry, piercing and full of looming dread.  She began gathering her bag and stood waiting by the door when he popped his head out of the other room. 

"How may I help you, dear healer?" His mental voice was full of worry.  He approached her with some trepidation. 

“It seems I now have two patients in need of help I cannot offer. There is, however, one who can help both but I am afraid she is rather stubborn.  I need a ride if you would be so kind to take me to Amaryllis in Eleth Vinland.  She was the one who guided my training forty years ago.” The pained look on her face spoke volumes to those who knew the Fae and their attitudes toward the shorter-lived race. 

"I am willing but not pleased to be taking you there for it is quite a distance and the Fae have particular attitudes.  Especially those who choose to live outside their realm."  The look crossing his face expressed his worry and concern for the elderly healer. 

She just stood by the door waiting for him to accompany her.  As he approached, he sent a mental message to Sergei.  The door to the side room burst open just then.  Eldrick burst forth a look of sheer panic written across his face.  He began bolting for the door when Sigmund reached out an arm, impeding his advance. 

"Slow down there lad, what has you in such a panic?" 

Sebastian, where is he?  What has happened to him?  I have this terrible feeling that he is in danger.”  His breath came in ragged gasps as he tried to catch it.  The fear was still written across his face. 

Amarna advanced on Eldrick at a sedate pace and with a calm visage.  “He is in the infirmary at the moment.  His shoulder needed attention.  He is going to be fine, but I need to seek out my teacher for advice on this poor sod.  I was just asking Sigmund for assistance in going to see her.”  With that, she laid a hand on his shoulder, gave it a slight squeeze, and turned towards the door. 

Eldrick'sface was crest-fallen, and Sebastian was stuck in the infirmary. Understanding that Amarna was suggesting he not disturb her patient, he reluctantly returned to his studies. 

In the courtyard, Sigmund looked at Amarna.  “You may wish a saddle or this could be a very short trip.”  Raising his hand to indicate the stables. 

Amarna nodded and headed over.  She began looking over the racked saddles trying to find something suitable when the head ostler approached her. 

“Now lass, I know you are not one for riding horseback.  So to what do, I owe the pleasure of your company?” his gentle voice held a hint of concern.  With a wave of his hand indicated the array of saddles.  “I noticed you were trying to decide on a saddle but you have no horse in the stable.” 

“Well if you must know Teddy, I need a saddle for riding dragonback.  I need to make an urgent trip to my old mentor in Eleth Vinland, Sigmund has graciously offered to take me since that is the most expedient.  I have patients whose conditions I need to consult on,” her voice tinged with suppressed worry.  Scanning the saddles a second time, her brows wrinkled.  “I don’t see anything appropriate.” 

“Nay, you won’t, Sigmund’s saddle in the back room.  He commissioned it a few years back.  I didn’t understand why he would want a saddle.  He's not a beast of burden,” turning he headed to the back room, returning with an elaborate saddle.  “This is his personal saddle.  Allow me to saddle him for you.” 

Upon closer inspection, the saddle was shed dragon scales, well-tanned and masterly crafted.  As they approached the courtyard, Sigmund was waiting in his draconic form.  Teddy slung the saddle across his neck just in front of the wing joints.  He secured the straps in a fashion to provide ample support for the rider and not hinder the wings.  Offering his hands to Amarna, he supported her in mounting the majestic creature.  Once astride Teddy took the extra straps and secured her to the saddle, explaining that she would need to strap herself in on the return flight. 

Craning his neck Sigmund checked on his passenger.  "Are you ready for this?"  His mental voice was rich with merriment.  "It has been a while since I had the pleasure to carry a lady anywhere." 

Amarna leaning forward patted Sigmund’s shoulder and sat back in the saddle.  Sigmund gave a powerful down thrust of his wings.  They were airborne.  The castle and courtyard dwindled as they gained altitude.  Amarna clutched at the saddle pommel as her stomach felt like it had been left on the cobbles below.  The view was breathtaking though she felt like her heart was in her throat. 

"This is going to get uncomfortable after a while.  It's about three days flight to Eleth Vinland.  I doubt you wish to spend the entire time in the saddle, we are going to need to land at night.  You can sleep in the saddle which is part of the reason for the extra straps, the other reason is I may need to make quick turns."  The tone of his voice was indicative of his concern for her well-being. 

Watching the landscape flowing beneath her was mesmerizing and she soon forgot her fears.  Considering the length of time she would be away from her charges gave her pause. 

“Sigmund, I neglected to inform His Majesty as to where I was going and why” her words flew away as they came out of her mouth.  She wasn't sure how she could communicate with Sigmund since she was incapable of telepathy.  Just then Sigmund swivelled his head to look at her.  She thought she saw him wink at her just before returning his gaze forward. 

"If you think loud enough in my direction, I can pick up your thoughts as if you had telepathy.  All dragons are capable of it though we do not intrude on your thoughts as it is considered impolite." 

Thinking loudly or so she thought and spoke at the same time.  “That is good to know.  I was saying King Daividh does not know of this mission.” 

Sigmund gave a nod of his massive head.  The air began to become chill as they approached the mountains.  Amarna realized they were approaching the border of Craglim Reach.  They may pass over Tanneris if her understanding of geography was accurate.  She understood that going by dragonback was much faster than travelling on the road.  The number of twists and turns extended the distance to about three times what it would be flying. 

The thought of sitting astride a horse for a tenday or more made her cringe.  She came to the conclusion travelling the usual way would have dire consequences for her patients, especially Sebastian.  His fluctuating life energies were something she was concerned about. 

"What's going on with Sebastian’s life energies?

They're in a state of flux, only Amaryllis can possibly do anything about it.  This is why I need to seek her advice and expertise.” 

Sigmund began making more powerful strokes of his wings to increase speed.  "This ride is going to get more uncomfortable.  I am going to climb and dive, exchanging altitude for speed." 

He climbed until the air almost became too thin to hold them aloft.  Reaching the altitude he desired, he folded his wings.  The wind rushing past Amarna made it hard to breathe.  The speed the ground was hastening toward them causing Amarna concern.  Trusting Sigmund’s expertise she said nothing.  With a snap of his wings, the ground sped by underneath them.

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