Chapter 36

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After leaving Sebastian, Sergei headed back to his room.  Tears trailing down his cheeks.  “Why is this happening?  How can I fix it?  Eldrick deserves better and I hope the gowns I have commissioned will help.  I fear they will cause the magic to unravel,” muttering quietly to himself as he crossed the courtyard.  “I do not understand what is happening with him.  Why can't I figure out how to help?  If Veldar were to learn of this he would have us both killed.  Hopefully, Eldrick will be prepared before that happens.  He has more power in him than Veldar, but he is still inexperienced, that could be his downfall.”  He looked around for any signs of someone who could be spying on him.  Shaking his head in chagrin, he used his magic to increase his pace, returning to his rooms. 

Opening the door to his suite in the castle he encountered a shock.  Sitting in the room were three people, Sigmund, Amarna, and an aged leprechaun lady.  The unknown lady looked up and smiled.  Her face lighting up as if the sun were shining directly upon it. 

“Abou' time you showed up sonny.  What type of welcome is this?  Leaving your guests sitting in wait while you are off galivanting who knows where.  There is work to be done.”  Her voice rich with irony.  “We only arrived about an hour ago.  Sigmund let us know you were off to see Sebastian.  How is the young rapscallion?  I remember when he hatched.  He was such a cute little thing then.”  She smiled in recollection of the past time.  “I knew then he would be a precocious one, likely to find himself in situations he should avoid.  But, you know youngsters, they never learn, until the lesson is driven home like a hammer to a nail.” 

“My dear lady, I seem to be at a loss.  May I inquire as to your name?”  Sergei gave a respectful bow as he asked.  “It is not often one returns to their room to be greeted by one of the Fae.  I am honoured and humbled.” 

“Now where are my manners,” her voice contrite.  “I am Amaryliss, Lady Amarna’s mentor.  She too was a precocious youngling.  She actually sought me out some forty years ago to learn healing from the Fae so she could practice and train others.”  These words caused the unflappable healer to blush. 

“Now who is calling whom a youngster, my young Fae friend.”  Sigmund's rich tones playfully reminded Amaryliss that he was actually far older than she. 

“You old coot, how can you think I don’t know what you did in your youth.  Just because you happen to have a couple of centuries on me doesn’t mean anything.  In fact, it shows just how little you too have learned about life.”  She leaned over and gave him a nudge.  “You do realize your daughter has never forgotten how you left suddenly.  She misses her father but believes him to be dead because that is the story you concocted to explain your lacking presence.”  Winking at Sigmund she continued.  “Actually, she knows the truth but has chosen to move into the wildlands to practice her art.  She has a way with the procyvid like no other.” 

They passed pleasantries and jibes for a few minutes before Amaryliss turned looking over at the man sitting in the corner.  “There is nothing to be done for that one.  Whatever caused his condition has stripped away his life energies to the point of no return.  In my opinion, the best thing that could be done for him is to end his suffering quickly.  I doubt he even realizes he is suffering, there is not enough life force to trigger any form of consciousness.”  The pained expression in her eyes eliciting the fact she hated to see anyone in such a state, it ran counter to her very core.  “I plan on seeing to young Sebastian first thing in the morning.  I don't have the energy right now.  I expended a great deal today just getting us back.  I wished to meet the great Sergei before rushing off to my bed.”  Rising she looked at Amarna.  “If you would be so kind as to guide me to my chambers, young lady.” 

Amarna understanding this was not a request rose to her feet.  “Of course, honoured elder.”  A glint of mischief briefly playing across her eyes, unnoticed by either of the men in the room.  “If you would please follow me, we shall retire to the house of healing.  I am sure there will be things I must attend to before I too can take to my bed.”  Glancing back over her shoulder at Sergei with a look of longing. 

Out in the hall, the door closed behind them, Amaryliss gave a sly look to Amarna.  “You still have feelings for him?  I could never understand that, but then I could say there are a few of the fae who succumb to the same disease.”  Shaking her head in dismay she went on.  “His young apprentice is going to have a hard time.  There are things there which should not be.  I could detect the overlays of magic encapsulating the poor boy.  He is wrapped up tighter than the weaver’s loom.  If things do not change soon, there is bound to be an explosion as the spells unravel at once.  In which case, I hope to be safely back home.”  Dread filtering through her tone and expression.  “That one is going to cause an upheaval I fear.  Did you know that the dragons believe everytime there is a double solar eclipse the world changes?  I do believe the next one to occur is very soon.”  She reached up to place a hand on Amarna’s shoulder.  “Time will tell and right now we have more important things to worry about.  Like getting to bed.”  She emphasized her statement by giving a great yawn. 

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