Chapter 25

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Sebastian gathering up his dishes placed them back on the side table.  "I am going to see Amarna about my shoulder dressing.  She has patients I do not wish to pull her away from to come here and tend to me.  She did leave instructions with Eldrick to deal with it however with him having his nose in his books I am unsure when he will be able to get to it and I would prefer not to disturb him at the moment." 

Sergei just raised a hand and waved him on.  Once Sebastian had left Sergei turned to Sigmund with a curious look upon his face.  “Do you think they had a fight?”  Turning his head to indicate the room where Eldrick remained. 

"Well if they did, we won’t know until something happens to bring it to our attention.  From the way they keep everything to themselves, we may never find out.  I must say there is something that is bothering me about your apprentice.  She seems overly anxious.  I hope you know what you are doing because it could cost you everything.  There is only so much that you can do to save yourself.  If she is caught there is nothing that can save her." 

Rising from his chair Sergei slowly made his way over to Eldrick’s room, opening the door just a crack and cautiously peering in.  Seeing that Eldrick was sitting in trance with his nose in a book, Sergei closed the door slowly.  Retracing his steps he returned to his chair, sitting down heavily upon it, quickly taking a sip from the bottle on the floor next to it. 

“That boy can be a stubborn one when he puts...” trailing off mid-sentence.  “Did you say she?” A note of panic raising his voice slightly.  Looking around quickly he tried to see if there could be any place someone could lurk unnoticed gathering information.  Remembering his ability to sense the living presence of others he turned to that sense to discern whether or not they were being spied upon.   He could only sense three life forces which he immediately recognized as Eldrick’s in the other room, Sigmund’s and his own. A look of consternation crossing his face. 

"Yes, I said she, why does that bother you so?  Were you not aware that it was a girl-child you were training?"  His voice penetrating Sergei’s thoughts. 

“Sigmund, have you noticed there are only three sets of life energy in the vicinity, yours, Eldrick’s and my own?” His voice dripping with concern.  “It bothers me because, yes, I am aware of his gender, his True gender.  My daughter found him wandering in a field just outside the village. She brought the young waif to my attention on my last search for an apprentice.  I realized that she was the only one capable of meeting my standards however he wasn’t a he so I did the unconscionable and used magic to change him.  I know it was wrong but the spell has a limitation built into it.  If and when he understands who he truly is on the inside and rejects the name he will gain back his original form and memories.  He did consent to the spell but that was done before I cast it, so that memory too is suppressed.” 

"Sergei! I hope you realize that it could backfire on you most severely if Veldar uncovers the deception.  And now that you mention it, I hadn’t noticed.  I think we may need to either bring this poor fool to Amarna or call her here.  Or we could just ask Sebastian to bring her back with him.  That way they don’t pass each other". 

You know you may be correct; besides it makes him feel a little more useful.  I fear that shoulder of his can’t take much more abuse.  Would you believe he brought down a moose by himself, injuring that shoulder in the process, then proceeded to drag the dang thing back to the farmhouse?  Took him three days to get back." Sergei chuckled, "Then on our way here, we were attacked by brigands, he took a knife deep into the shoulder socket.  He was told to avoid any heavy lifting while it healed.  Then Amarna asks him to help carry the wounded to the house of healing, which he did like a hero, only to pull his stitches and cause more damage.  What I am most afraid of is whether he will be able to fly, if he injures it again.  I would hate to see him cripple himself trying to be helpful.  I also worry about what Sebastian being crippled would do to Eldrick.  Those two are nigh on inseparable.” 

"Sebastian could you ask Amarna to come to our rooms please once she is done with what she needs to do there, thank you."

* * *

Eldrick sat trying to remain in his learning trance, however, thoughts of the dream from the previous night kept returning to his mind breaking his concentration.  The thoughts of Sebastian cavorting with some other dragon were driving him crazy.  Thinking back to the dream and the image of the dragon, he recalled her scales were a delicate alabaster mother of pearl with coral highlights, her wings were of such a unique silver there was nothing like it, they shifted colour in ways that were more reflective than static, each movement bringing mesmeric flashes. 

Heat slowly rose to his cheeks as he felt jealousy increasing in his chest.  In an attempt to calm himself down, he started peering at the odd amulet around his neck.  His thoughts turned to the old man from whence the amulet came.  Though in all technicality it didn’t come from the old man in his dream because it was around his neck, not in his dream.  A thought occurred to him, there was an illustration of that old man in one of the books he studied back at the farmstead.  With that, he found himself drifting back into the trance. 

The pages of the text surfacing from his subconscious came into sharp focus.  The heading on the top of the page was “THE ELDRITCH”.  The text read “The last known Eldritch to raise into being was Servalin who became the Eldritch of Honor and Merit.  He is a wizened old man with gnarled hands and walks with a staff.  He has been known to visit those in whom he sees exceptional potential.  Though it is believed a visit from Servalin is both a blessing and a curse, for the words of insight he mutters causes those who hear them to look deep within their own being, seeking hidden truths.  For some, this internal seeking and struggle are enough to drive them mad.” 

Eldrick’s mind, unable to process the recall went completely blank, causing his body to shut down.  Collapsing, Eldrick's head struck the edge of the bed, entering a realm of consciousness unknown to him.

* * *

He found himself standing in a field facing five figures, a dragon of opalescence, a young girl, a regal Fae maiden, the old man, and himself.  Shifting to examine each in turn he came to realize he had encountered all of them before.  Most in dreams and the last in the mirror.  All appeared to have something to say to him.  The dragon spoke first.  “You have a path upon which you willingly set yourself.”  The girl was next, “To succeed, do not search.”  Once she finished speaking, the reflection of himself interceded, “There is a time and place for everything”.  The Fae Maiden smiled before opening her mouth, “The road is long, it is not yet time to search your soul.”  The old man’s eyes alight with mischief simply pointed to Eldrick’s chest and said, “All the answers you seek are in here, and will be made evident when the time is right”.  Then as if they were smoke, they were gone. 

Once the vision ended, Eldrick gradually returned to his senses.  The back of his head throbbing from the impact with the bed and the floor.  Sitting up with a moan, he rubbed the back of his neck.  The easing pain allowing him to think again.  With his mind returning to normal, he began considering exactly what he had just experienced, swiftly shuffling it out of his mind as the Fae maiden’s words rang out, “It is not yet time.”  Like a log to the back of the head, he thought somehow, he was the dragon.  Just how that could be he had no clue.  With this realization, the jealousy drained away.  With his mind empty and clear of emotions, he slipped into a trance with ease. 

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