Chapter 41

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"AMARNA!" the mental blast from Sigmund rocked her in her chair, causing her eyes to cross.  That was no simple call, something untoward must have happened with Sebastian.  Amaryliss and Sigmund were both with him.  She was a rank amateur compared to Amaryliss, which means something must have happened to Amaryliss if Sigmund is distraught enough to scream mentally like a petulant child.  Rising to her feet, she gathered a couple of the more senior healers and left the dining hall.  Arriving at the room in which Sebastian had been laid out, and finding the door an impenetrable force blocking the way, she stopped.  Placing a hand on the wood of the door she felt the cold of stone, not the gentle warmth of wood.  She bit her top lip in puzzlement. 

"How can a wooden door feel like stone?"  She mused aloud.  Turning to those whom she had brought with her she noticed the looks of bewilderment etched across their faces.  "I have no idea how to breach this door.  Normally I would suggest using a battering ram but I have a feeling that approach may be ineffectual.  I am open to suggestions if you have any." 

"Well since we haven't tried a battering ram yet we could always give it a shot.  But I don't think we have anything on hand to use as one." 

"Well, Brandon, why don't you see if you can find something, Amy can you go get the largest of the male healers from the dining hall before they turn in for the night."  With their instructions, the two healers ran to attend to their tasks.  With their departure, Amarna turned back to the door.  After a thorough examination with a critical healer's eye, she discovered the door not only had the feel of stone but appeared to be fused to the floor.  The door looked like it had melted in places like a candle to puddle. 

Amy was the first to return with the only other male healers currently in attendance at the house of healing.  Henry began organizing the others in preparation for when Brandon returned with the battering ram, or whatever they would be used as one. 

"Thank you Amy, Henry this may not be as easy as it looks.  I am not risking the health of my healers trying to batter down a door if it doesn't budge within three blows.  From what I can tell the door has turned to stone and melted.  The heat needed to melt stone gives me pause to the condition of those on the other side.  We should be prepared for the worst."  Pausing to take a deep breath, then letting it out slowly.  "I have friends on the other side of that door.  Sigmund, Amaryliss, and not to mention Sebastian; who was responsible for allowing us to save the guardsmen two days ago with his quick thinking."  She paused at the sight of Brandon returning with a metal battering ram and six very large guardsmen carrying it between them. 

"Ma'am, I hear there is a door which refuses to budge."  He looked at the men with him, waiting for an indication as to which door.  "You need not risk your healers, this is our job.  Men ready yourselves."  Amarna pointed to the offending door, they took their stance and began pounding. With each successive hit, the door cracked a little bit more. After roughly ten minutes the door shattered, leaving a pile of rubble. Amarna quickly slipping past the men entered the room. She gasped at the scene. The room was a shamble, nothing was intact save for the couch. Sigmund sitting on the floor next to the door while Amaryliss was cradling Sebastian's head in her lap. None of the occupants seemed the worse for the wear.  Seeing everyone was safe she turned back to the healers. 

"Well, we have work to do.  This room is useless until it's clean.  Claire, we need a new room for Sebastian.  Henry, you and the boys gather up some shovels and pails,  there is quite the mess and," pausing to gauge their reactions, "it looks like it may take a week to put this room to rights."  The look of shock was repeated on every face.  "Amy, I can use your decorating experience.  Come here and tell me what you think." 

Amy came over as the guards left.  She looked at the room with dismay.  "I am not sure there is much that can be done here.  We will need to refurbish the whole room.  I do like the shredded curtain effect, though we are going to have to replace the rods."  She sidled over the remains of the door to get a better look.  "I need my sketchbook," and promptly retreated from the room gleefully. 

With her gone, Amarna tried to ascertain whether anyone was in need of her skills. Sigmund slowly rising to his feet rubbed his shoulder. Amaryliss seemed completely lost to trancework.  Noticing this she turned to Sigmund. "What's wrong with your shoulder? 

"It's nothing just a bruise, same as my ego. I tried to throw my weight against a door that happens to open inward. I should have looked first. I am getting senile in my old age. I mean after nine hundred years you would think I would know to look before leaping," grinning as he spoke. "There are more important things than my ego. How is Eldrick?" 

"Eldrick is just fine, though, I do believe he is going to have a headache for a few days. I'm more concerned with what happened here. Now, what can you tell me about this disaster?" Once again her gaze travelled the room, her mouth downturned. "I have never seen anything cause such havoc in all my years." Turning to stare directly at Sigmund, pinning him to the spot. "I want answers.  You are the only one available to give them, I am waiting." 

Sigmund stood there shocked. Stammering he tried to explain. "Amaryliss and I were having a discussion about the day's events when we got the sensation something wasn't quite right. Almost like a sixth sense if you will. Then a blast of pure force emanated from Sebastian in all directions." Swallowing convulsively, he tried to shrug with a wince. "It was powerful enough to destroy everything in the room, how or why it didn't affect us is a mystery." 

"The reason it didn't affect us, you old fool, is because he is suffering from guilt at the death of one of the young healers when he came to Amarna's aid." Amaryliss voice held an etheric quality. "He is suffering from guilt for a few things, of which I can only discern a few. There is something about Eldrick, but that is all I can get. I need to have a long chat with him when he wakes, but right now his energies are precariously low." Turning to look at Sigmund and Amarna her eyes glowed with a silvery sheen. "Now if you too are going to be chittering away like a pair of squirrels, I would appreciate it if you went elsewhere. I have work to do." Her head swivelling back to face Sebastian's. "Pair of nattering old hens." 

Amarna reaching out took Sigmund's arm and began dragging him from the area. As they vacated the ruins Amy came rushing back, sketchbook and charcoal stick in hand. Amarna silently raised her finger to her lips as they passed. Amy nodding in acknowledgement continued on. 

A loud commotion could be heard just outside. Dropping Sigmund's arm Amarna turned to the main doors as a large contingent of guards entered with brooms, shovels and pails in hand. Seeing them caused Amarna's jaw to drop nearly to the floor. "What is this?" 

The lead guard stopping raised his hand and everyone following him froze. "Lady Healer, we are here, by order of his Majesty to ensure the quick and efficient clean up of the affected area. This house has been beneficial for everyone in the kingdom. Not to mention the survival of many of our number. I had to limit the number of volunteers to not intrude too greatly." He designated who was to start with hand motions. "There is also the small matter of Ivan's survival thanks to Sebastian. We have heard it was he who we owe and so now we return the favour as best we can." 

"I see!" The look of incredulity she levelled his way was enough to make his skin crawl. "If you are going to be working in here best keep quiet. Amaryliss is in a mood herself and she is still in there with Sebastian." Turning on her heel she marched smartly off to her office. "Are you coming, Sigmund?" The tone was more command than a question. 

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