Chapter 60

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Eldrick found himself tied down.  Sebastian was not fifteen feet away with his wings tightly bound to his back.  There was someone standing just off to the side cackling evilly.  Suddenly there was a bright flash of light.  When he could see once more both the figure and Sebastian were gone.  He was still tied up.  The cold stone of the floor leaching away his strength.  As he lay there he realized if he didn't do something he was going to die.  As his strength faded, his mind became foggier.  His eyes were growing heavier.  Struggling to stay awake his mind kept flitting back to the thought it was better this way.  Just relax and everything will be over.  No more struggles, no one will miss you.  In fact, no one has missed you since you are still here all alone growing cold on a stone floor.  Why bother, your lover is gone, and your mentor has abandoned you.

With those thoughts floating in his mind he summoned the strength to survive.  He began twisting his body trying to find slack in his bonds.  Finding none, but feeling warmer for the struggle, he turned his mind to the problem.  He had magic, why not use it?  With those thoughts, he calmed his mind to summon his magic. It seemed sluggish almost as if something were suppressing it.  As he struggled he felt a sharp pain in his side.  His mind latched on to the thought of the shears.  Now to get his hands on them so he can cut his bonds.  With that thought, his magic flared to life, burning away his bonds.

With his limbs free and able to move once more, he rolled over to rub the circulation back into them before trying to stand.  With the tingling sensations fading, he considered what just happened.  Pushing the thought to the back of his mind, he was more concerned about where the figure had taken Sebastian.  Letting his senses roam, all he got were vague traces of the magical signature.  There wasn't enough to point him in the direction he needed.  Absently his hand reached for the medallion, only to find it missing. He felt the prickle of fear, that was a gift from one of the Eldritch.  Now it was in the hands of the mysterious figure.  At least that is what he believed.  This was not good.  He needed to get that back.  Rising to his feet, he took an unsteady step towards the entrance to the cave.  He only just realized it was a cave.  The floor had the man-made feel of carved stone, which meant this was not completely natural.  With his second step, his legs gave out beneath him.  Picking himself off the floor he tried to take a few tentative steps.  As his legs remained stable, he picked up his pace.

Leaving the cave he was on a mountain he had never seen before.  Looking down the mountain all he could see were vast grasslands stretching to the horizon.  Directly in front of him, he saw the glint of the sun on water.  He slowly made his way down the mountainside until he was on the vast plains.  The next thing he knew there were spears pointing at him.  Five to be exact.  Something about this sent his mind spinning.  Thormalkian hunters?  How did he get to Thormalk?  The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in the House of Healing in Herigberg.  They motioned for him to follow them.  As he started following them he tripped, slamming his head on the ground.

Eldrick found himself tangled in his blankets on the floor of his bedroom in the house of healing.  This is beginning to become ridiculous.  Why couldn't he have a simple, forgettable dream?  Looking towards the window, he saw the telltale sign of the rising sun.  Well, it was time to get up anyway.  Slowly untangling himself from the bedding he rose to see Caitlin still on his bed.  She was shivering in the early morning chill.  Carefully throwing the bedding back over her he gathered up the clothes he was going to need.  Quietly he left the room heading for the bath.

He was the first to arrive for a change.  He set the fire in the huge stoves to heat the large kettles of water.  There had to be an easier way to heat water for the baths.  As he sat there waiting for the water to heat up he thought about just how that could be accomplished.  Also, how would they keep the water flowing to the boiler if it worked?  Just as the water was about to reach boiling others started coming into the room.

"Oh Ellie, you have the water already heating, nice.  Now don't forget to refill the kettles and put them back on the stove once you have your bath at the temp you want."

"Oh dear, I haven't been doing that," Eldrick blushed thinking about the lack of etiquette on his part.

"No need to fret.  You're still new here.  We usually give people about a week to get used to the routine before we add the water duty," Claire stated.  "Now since you were here first and did the majority of the work get in your tub and we will help get you clean.  That hand has to remain dry."

Eldrick obediently stripped and climbed into the tub.  Everyone else stripped as well to prepare for their own baths.  Eldrick closed his eyes in embarrassment only to open them to mere slits to peek out at the ladies in envy.  Their bodies were perfect, whereas he was malformed and disfigured.  He was flat where he should be round and there was something that just didn't need to be between his legs.  He leaned back in the tub to wet his hair and almost forgot about the bandaged hand when someone grabbed it.  Opening his eyes in surprise he was met with two very well-proportioned breasts mere inches from his face.  The red hair which fell over them could only belong to Amy.  Swallowing he closed his eyes tightly.  He could feel his face turning fifty shades of red.

"Oh, look, you'd think she had never seen breasts before."  Amy's giggle was contagious.  "I mean come on Ellie, your face is as red as a radish."

"I have seen them before. I just wasn't expecting to have them that close to my face."

"Well, at least you don't try to suck on them as the guys do.  I mean how infantile."

"You tell her.  The last time I offered to scrub Henry's back he tried to take my whole breast into his mouth," Claire shook her head.  "I mean it hurt.  I almost drowned him for it.  That only made it worse since he had enough that it didn't want to come out because he was sucking on it."

"Yeah, those guys need to grow up.  These are just for feeding babies and maybe our husbands or lovers if we have them.  And then only if we want them too."

The banter continued like this for a few minutes.  Caitlin entered the bathing chamber looking completely confused.  All eyes turned to see her coming in.  Not only was she confused but her hair was a matted rats nest on top of her head.  Eldrick was getting out of the tub when she looked at him.

"Ellie, why did I wake up in your bed?"

"Cait, you fell asleep on her bed last night when we were chatting.  She could tell how tired you were, annnnd I told her not to wake you."  Jane was beside her quickly, planting a kiss on her lips.  "We know we can trust Ellie.  That is why you are still dressed."

"You had the bed, I ended up sleeping on the floor."

Caitlin's face relaxed.  She began peeling off her clothes as she headed to one of the tubs.  Checking the water to find it to her liking climbed in.  A sigh of contentment escaped her lips.  She dunked her head to wet her hair.  Coming back up she began finger combing to try to get the worst of the knots out before she tried to wash it.

"Ellie, I am sorry I thought the worst of you.  The guys wouldn't be as considerate.  I mean they are nice enough if they think they can get into your pants.  Once they have you in their room that is all they focus on."

Eldrick could feel his anger rising.  "That isn't right."  Then the memory of the first inn hit him.  He really wasn't much better.  Sinking to the floor he started to sob.

"Ellie, what's wrong?"  Claire placed a hand on his shoulder, walking around him to crouch down in front of him.  "Hey, hey there.  What has brought this on?

"I was getting angry at the guys for something I did not that long ago to Sebastian."

"Has it happened again?  Would you do it again?"

"No.  I wouldn't do it again unless he wanted to.  He was awake when it happened and didn't complain but I never asked either."

"Well if he was awake and didn't complain, but reciprocated it was a consensual thing and nothing to be upset about."

"Oh no, Sebastian," jumping to his feet he ran from the room.  He could hear Claire calling him to come back but he didn't listen.  He raced to the room where Sebastian was.  Opening the door he saw Sebastian laying on the floor as he had last seen him.  The smell in the room was enough to gag a skunk.  Spotting the window on the far side of the room he moved to open it when he heard Amaryliss's voice.

"And just what do you think you are doing??  Get out of there.  Get dressed.  This is a house of healing, not some brothel."

Eldrick froze where he was.  Looking down he finally understood why Claire was trying to call him back.  In a spate of modesty he tried to cover himself as he retraced his steps to the bathing room.  He was so embarrassed he couldn't look at anyone's faces as he entered.  Making his way to his pile of clothes he began to dress.  That is when he noticed he had grabbed one of his new gowns tied in the back.  He shuffled into it, and shifted it to where he remembered Francine had the arms and bodice when she was fitting it.

"I seem to have a problem.  I can't tie this up on my own."

"Oh, Ellie, that gown is gorgeous.  Where did you get it?"  Amy gushed as she began lacing it up and pulling the laces tight.  "I mean it must have cost a fortune.  If I miss my guess this is a Francine Du Plaint.  Everyone wants one of her gowns.  She has a waiting list two miles long."  She cinched the ties as tight as she could and tied them off.  "She has a signature to all her gowns.  It's the lace and no one knows how she makes it."

"Uh, yeah it's a Francine gown but I was only told to show up for fittings as I was the same size as the person the dresses were for.  I had no idea I was the intended recipient."

All the ladies were surrounding Eldrick at this point examining the gown.  Checking the hems, stitching and graceful fall of the skirt.  They were all in awe of the fact that a member of the house of healing actually had a Francine Du Plaint gown.  The extravagance of owning such a gown was all they could chatter about.  When Eldrick mentioned he had three of her gowns they fell silent.

" Did you say three?" Amy collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"What did I say?"

"Ellie, she has been saving every copper her father has sent her for the last five years to afford a single gown."  Claire helped Amy up off the floor.  "I think she has saved about seventy gold.  She has sold some of her own, sewn stuff here and there to earn more gold.  I think the gowns are a minimum of eighty gold and up.  That is normally ten years of wages for a healer.  And you have three.  not to mention you jumped the queue to get yours even quicker."

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to cause a scene.  I should sell them."

Amy's face flushed scarlet, "Don't you dare!"  Eldrick could tell she was spitting mad.  "If you sell them, it means you didn't find them to your liking and that brings the value of them down not to mention ruins her reputation.  Every gown she makes is one of a kind.  Designed with the wearer in mind as it is made."  She stopped herself long enough to take a calming breath.  "She only accepts the most challenging cases to jump the queue.  That means she knows something about you that others do not.  You do know she is said to be a nymph."

"A nymph?  Why would a nymph be working as a seamstress in Herigberg?

"Same reason a crotchety old leprechaun has come here.  There was a need."  Amaryliss chirped as she entered the room.  "Ellie, I opened the window in Sebastian's room which is what I gathered you were trying to do when I snapped at you.  The stench in there was horrific."

Eldrick nodded.  His face brightened slightly.  "When I opened the door to check on him, I wondered how he could breathe in there."

"You have a good healer's instinct.  I should have opened it days ago to get fresh air in there.  It isn't healthy to sit in such a condition."  She glanced at the ladies.  "I think you lot should finish getting ready for the day before the guys come in to start ogling you."  She turned and left.  Calling back over her shoulder, "Breakfast will be ready soon."

There was a flurry of activity as everyone got dressed.  A couple of the other ladies also asked for help with their gowns.  Once everyone was dressed they sat in a circle brushing out each other's hair.  The different styles depended on who was doing the task.  Eldrick had Amy in front of him and thought about just what to do with her hair.  Those long locks of curly red hair had him confused.  In the end he decided to place it in two 'ponytails' on either side of her head.

They were just finishing up when the guys came in for their baths.  As they were leaving they could hear the guys complaining about sleeping in.  Reaching the dining room they were surprised to see a pile of fluffy flatbreads.  There was syrup and freshly churned butter.  Eldrick had never seen anything like these before but the aroma was very appetizing and he couldn't wait to try them.  He speared two and spread butter on them, reaching for the syrup he placed a small amount on them only to have it soak in quickly.  He took a slice and popped it into his mouth.   The light and fluffy texture of the flatbread melted in his mouth.  He quickly devoured what he had placed on his plate.

He noticed that the others at the table had eaten just as quickly.  Everyone rose and gathering up their dishes took them to the kitchen.  Each person washed their own dishes with Eileen taking Eldrick's from him.

"You are not doing dishes until that hand is healed," she shooed him out of the kitchen.

As he was leaving the kitchen he saw the guys coming in for breakfast.  He waved to them as he left the area.  He headed to Sebastian's room to finish checking on him.  The smell had dissipated and the scent of fresh air was circling through the room.  Noticing the pail under his wing was nearly full of the putrid green ooze, he went in search of a new pail.  Finding one he returned.  Switching out the full pail for the new one he went looking for someplace to dispose of the contents.

"Ellie, over here,"  Caitlin called standing near a doorway.  "This is where we dispose of the really bad stuff.  I don't know exactly where it goes, but you need to pump water from over there after you dump something down.  Oh, and rinse the pail as well.  Then dump it down the hole."

Eldrick followed the instructions.  The sooner this was gone the happier he would be. 

"I don't think this is really clean enough to be used again is it?"

"No it isn't but it is clean enough to go to the kitchen for a good cleaning and sterilization."

"Well, I think we should leave it here for right now and go check on Amarna.  That way we only have to make one trip to the kitchen." 

Setting it on the ground just to the side of the door.  He gathered another pail and headed upstairs to check on Amarna.  Opening her door his senses were assaulted by a similar overpowering stench.  Before he even looked in her direction he searched for a window.  Finding it, he immediately opened it.  With the fresh air coming in, the room started losing its putrid scent.  He spotted the bucket, nearly half full, and her hand dangerously close to the nauseating gunk in the bottom.  "Caitlin, can you get a couple of leg splints?"

"Leg splints?  What do you need leg splints for?"  She looked at Eldrick as if he had lost his mind.  Shrugging she left.  Returning with Amaryliss in tow.

"What is this about you wanting leg splints for an infection?"

"Amarna's hand is close to being covered in the pus, with the splints I can keep it elevated above the bucket but still lower than the rest of her body."  He switched the two buckets. placed the splints along her arm and tied them in place.  Shifting the stool from the side to over the top of the bucket he slid her splinted arm over the bottom rung.  "Now she doesn't risk reinfection and you just need to lift the stool to switch out the pails."

"That is actually very clever."  Amaryliss scratched her head absentmindedly.

"Hey, Petal sleeping here," Petal popped out of the mass of purple hair, stomping his foot.  "Petal tired after Petal does cooking."

"Petal, you made breakfast?  That was delicious.  What do you call them?"

"Petal made fairy fried cakes."  He looked smug at the compliment.  "You want Petal to make breakfast again?"

"I would love that Petal.  Anytime you want to make breakfast, please.  I would also love to learn how to make them myself."

"Petal teach?" He was jumping up and down now in excitement.  "No one ever ask Petal to teach.  Oh yes, Petal teach."

"That's enough Petal.  I don't think you need to be the cause of a headache.  I have enough of those with these rapscallions."  She winked at Caitlin and Eldrick letting them know she was only joking.  "Now Petal, if you are going to teach Ellie how you need to write down the recipe so she can learn it."

"Ellie???  Where is Ellie??  Petal only sees Caitlin and Eldri.."  Petal was suddenly cut off as Amaryliss hand wrapped around him.

"Now listen here you childish little pipsqueak.  That is Ellie, and until I say otherwise that is what you call her do you understand?"

Petal nodded as best as he could with Amaryliss hand engulfing him.  As she released him, he hopped up and flew over to the stool.  Landing to face Amaryliss, he glared.  Turning, he looked at Eldrick, "Petal is sorry Ellie.  Petal didn't know."

"How could you know Petal?  You spend all your time nesting in my hair."  She scowled at the sprite.  "I am going to go brush my hair now,  It has been too long since the last time I had the chance."

Petal turned and stuck his tongue out at Amaryliss departing back.  "How is Amarna?  Petal scared for her."

"I was just about to check on that myself, Petal.  Cait, try following what I am doing.  I was asked to try to train others in this as well."  Eldrick let his senses flow over Amarna.  He could tell what they had done had some effect.  Her core was not as small as it once was.  In fact, it had expanded to fill the area inside the shield.  Eldrick was surprised to note that the shield had expanded from where he had anchored it.  With his senses he caught the faint trickle of power going from Amarna to the shield.  Eldrick pulled back his sight with relief. 

"It seems she isn't as bad off as I had feared.  She has begun fighting back on her own using the shield."

"You are done?  I didn't sense anything."  Caitlin was pouting.  "I wish I could do what you can.  That way I will be a better healer."

"I am not sure if it can really be taught.  But when I learned it I was in trance at the time."

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