Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

March 28



As normal the men were up before full first light. They went downstairs and had breakfast.  After the meal, they got their horses and began riding northwest towards the smoke and the station just over a mile away.

They rode up to the ferry, the barge was bottomed out part way across the creek. The building on the far side was abandoned. They dismounted and forded the creek two by two, the ones not in the creek standing guard over the other two. After making sure the weapons were dry, they remounted and rode to the station. The fire still smoldered, and the signs of an attack were obvious. Doors, broken and off their hinges, windows smashed in. They checked but found no evidence of who or what had done this. The men remounted and rode south along the tracks to check the homes and buildings in the direction. The first two homes were also abandoned, a close search found signs of scavengers. Lots of tracks looked like moccasins. But the tracks were all small, not a single adult sized track in the area. There had to have been at least a dozen of these kids. The tracks showed they came up from the west and returned the same way, towards Chereete Creek. However, there are no large settlements of Indians in that direction. They turned and with Alex dismounted and tracking began to follow the trail. The trail went west for about 150 yards and then disappeared. Sam got out his field glasses and began to search the surroundings. He saw a farmhouse about a half a mile away that seemed to be under attack, 8 or so hostiles, all small.

 “Men we will advance at a trot. Rifles ready. On command dismount, form line and prepare to volley fire. Be ready to receive charge. If they break, DO not pursue. Advance.”

The men formed line abreast and began to close, pulling the carbines out and holding them ready. The horses seemed to sense the change perked up, ears forward and preparing to charge the enemy. The men took the time to mentally prepare and observe the enemy in the just under three minutes the ride took. The enemy, and they were the enemy despite being child size were attacking the farmhouse with throwing weapons, a mix of javelins, axes and even rocks. To be fair some of the rocks were thrown by slings. The defenders were hiding within and firing on their attackers only when they seemed ready to push a charge.

The distance closed to 30 yards, “Halt, dismount, form line.” As the orders were followed, one of the attackers became aware of the men He warned the other attackers and they stopped the attack about the time that the line was formed. “Gentlemen, ready, aim” at this point the attackers, receiving reinforcements as another 6 small men rounded the house began to charge. “Fire” the four carbines went off with a roar, two attackers falling. “Aim, Fire” again the four carbines spat defiance and this time 3 attackers fell. The charge stalled as two of the fallen stood, a command was given and grabbing the wounded the small attackers fell back. “At the walk advance.” The men started advancing and the small attackers were starting to head around the building. “Halt, ready, Aim, Fire” the carbines spoke as one, once again, two more attackers falling as the rest disappeared behind the farmhouse. “At the walk, advance.” The distance closed but the small men were not to be seen. “Bull, Tom, right side, Alex left of the building on me” The men split and went around the farmhouse looking for the enemy. As they cleared the sides of the building a javelin came flying from the barn area, missing everyone. The men reformed and began to advance on the barn, just 20 yards away. “Weapons free, pick your shots. Prepare to receive charge.” Bull and Alex each fired once in the tense approach, but there was no sign that they had hit anyone. “Bull, Tom, clear the barn, Alex covering fire.” Bull and Tom double timed to the barn, paused to swap their carbines for pistols and knives and entered the building. “Alex, cover the right” Alex moved to be able to see around the right side of the barn as Sam moved to do the same on the left. Neither man could see a sign of the enemy as the slowly moved forward, from within the barn they heard a pistol shot, then sounds of a brief scuffle. Silence descended on the scene. After 3 seconds that felt like an hour Bull and Tom came out. Tom calling out “all clear. We shot one and the other two ran. Bull could use your aid Alex”. As Alex went forward, he found that Bull had a wound from one of the thrown axes. It had struck him on the outside of his leg and was bleeding freely but not heavily. While Sam and Tom provided cover Alex invoked the healing he was gifted with. The wound stopped bleeding and scabbed over but was not completely healed. The men then advanced towards the farmhouse calling out to ask if there were any in need of aid. The door opened and a young man armed with a shotgun looked out.

“Thank you sirs, but stop there”. Sam took one step forward, causing the youth to raise but not point the weapon at him.

“I’m Sam MacLachlan, brother of Gideon, out of Each Ranch. Is everyone alright in there? We have a medic.”

The youth called back into the house, “Ma, he claims to be Gideon’s brother.”

From within they heard, “tell him to come up. Your brother is not doing well.”

“Tom, take Bull and circle the house, check the fallen and make sure we are clear.” As Tom and Bull began to check the outside, Sam and Alex went inside. They found the youth and his mother in the kitchen. ” Mrs. Meier I am Samuel MacLachlan” Sam began.

“Yes, I know you boys” Fieke Meier cut him off, “Pardon, but my Wastl is badly hurt. He is in the front room.” Looking them over she continued “Where is your bag” as she began to wring her hands.

“Alex follow Erwin there into the front and see what you can do.” How is everyone else? Mr. Meier and the girls? Is Falk home?”

“Mine Gerwin, Mr. Meier was cut down by those things when they attacked. He was out by the barn. Did you not see him? she asked, looking frantic.

“My men did not say anything, I will send them to search as soon as we know the house is safe.” Replied Sam.

“Witchcraft” came the yell from the front room. Fieke and Sam rushed into the room to find Erwin pointing his shotgun at Alex as his shot was blocked by his sister Astrid attacking Alex who was on the floor near Wastl on the couch. Everyone was shouting and the room was in complete bedlam.

 Sergeant Sam in his best battlefield command voice cut through it “At ease everyone.”

The sound stopped and everyone except Astrid, who continued to beat her fists on Alex.

“Mrs. Meier can you stop your daughter please?”

“Astrid, leave him alone, they have come to help.”

 Astrid answered her mother, “He is a witch, he is casting spells on poor Wastl.”

Looking wide eyed between Sam and Alex Fieke questioned “mine god, is that true?”

“No” answered Sam, “we are sent by God, and as his apostles were, have been given some of his blessings. Mr. Chalmers can heal, partially, wounds and sickness. Though these are new gifts and need time to improve.”

While the others looked at Mother Meier, she looked long and hard at Sam and Alex. She inhaled deeply, looking skyward, paused closing her eyes and exhaling looked at her children, then back. ”We are Stevensville Brudergemeine, the evil one has no power in this house.”

This ended the argument the children knowing far better than to argue with Mom, especially on matters of faith. Alex got up and checked the wound, while Wastl was no longer bleeding he was still in a bad way, Alex fretting began to invoke healing a second and dangerous time.

Sam talked with Mrs. Fieke Meier and found that her eldest son Falk and her youngest daughter, Alburna had both been taken up on that morning of the 21st. By then Bull and Tom had finished checking outside, there were no living attackers found outside and only one body {which yielded an orange crystal). Sam sent them with Alex to search the rest of the area for Gerwin Meier and signs of where these attackers went. Sam brought the family up to date on what was happening in Stevensville and Each Ranch. He then offered to escort the family to Stevensville and if needed to Each Ranch. The men came back to say the enemies had disappeared again and they could not locate Gerwin. Fieke refused to leave while there was a chance her husband is still alive and none of her children were willing to leave their mother alone. Sam and his men spent another hour checking to make sure the house and barn were secure and searching for signs of Gerwin. They then had to take their leave to head back to Stevensville for another meeting with Jessica.

They had no issues on the trip back to town and had time to visit the general store. Where they found that the store had sold out of ammunition. They returned to their room above the tavern and took stock of their supplies, realizing that what they had may have to last them a long time.

Jessica joined them in the backroom for dinner, she had with her the three remaining members of the Dowling family. Shay and his two sisters Nessa and Imogen. Shay was 21 he had spent 6 years in the US Army having joined, underaged at 15. He spent the war on the home front but had trained for infantry. Nessa was two years his junior and Imogen would be 18 later this year. The men were happy to have another military man and offered Nessa their sympathy and condolences on her new husband having been taken on that night. Imogen was not sure as there was a young man sweet on her she hoped would ask for her hand but realized that she could not stay alone. Tom got the name of her hoped-for suiter and offered to talk with him the next day.

Stevensville Brudergemenine: Unity of Brethren of Stevensville or more commonly Moravian Church of Stevensville.

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