Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

March 29th

Stevensville, Montana

Tuesday morning came dark, dreary, and cold. The men sat down to breakfast. “Time for some plans” started Sam, “Tom are you going to talk with Frank Bohm today?”

“I will be. Can’t have the Dowlings upset with us” came his reply.

“Alex, do you still have any of the “excess to the needs of the military” gear from mustering out?” “Sgt., I do not know what you are talking about Sgt.” Came the reply, I do have some gear I may have bought at Bannerman’s Army Surplus store, Sgt.” Sam smiled and shook his head, “you wouldn’t have a saber and breast plate from our time in Texas?”

“I do happen to have those items back at my cabin,” said Alex.

“Bull, Do you still have one of those army swords?” Bull replied, “I do but I prefer a tomahawk. Why are you asking?”

Looking at his men Sam answered, “with all that is happening we have no idea when we can get resupply. We have not heard a train come down from Missoula all week. We are going to have to conserve our ammunition. Scavenge what we can as we travel.”

“Good thing we all had sword drill in the military” responded Alex.

“Bull was infantry, they did not drill him the same way we were.” Sam continued “We need to find some more troopers or leather necks to fill out the Lance. Start drilling again. If we can get more troopers, we can start lances drill again. Tom how about you, still have access to a GI sword?”

 “I may have found one at Bannerman’s” came the reply.

“With the trains down the run to Missoula will take too long, so Bannerman’s is out. Alex, you go with Tom, Bull your with me, stay in pairs watch each other’s back. Bull we will check the hardware store and any others that are open, see what gear we can stock up on. We will meet back here for lunch then go stow our purchases and pickup our gear this afternoon.” The men finished their meal and breaking into pairs went to accomplish their missions.

As the two big men walked down the street towards the hardware store Sam noticed they were getting a number of, not hostile, but unfriendly looks. Not a common thing for a hometown boy. As they entered the hardware store the owner Charles came to meet them at the door, “Mr MacLachlan, Mr Fisher, I am sorry, I must ask you to leave.”

Sam looked shocked, “Mr. Jackson what is wrong?” “Father Hugh told me of how he had to command you out of the church, that you be warlocks. Go” said the shopkeeper pointing to the door.”

The two men looked at each other and slowly turned and walked out. As they returned to the street Sam realized the looks all came from the parishioners of St. Joseph’s. “Bull, Father Hugh told the whole church. We need to get out of here quietly before we cause a riot.”

“Where to Sam?”

“Into the alley, we will cut behind the buildings and get back to the saloon through the back door. We will keep a watch from the windows for Tom and Alex.”

The two men made it back to the room and took up an overwatch from the window. The feeling in the room grew tense as they had to wait almost 90 minutes before Tom and Alex returned. Tom told how they had found Frank, but that Frank had refused to talk with them. Sam explained what they had learned for Mr. Jackson the hardware store owner. Also that they would need to make contact with Jessica DaDann and tell her what was going on. Once that was done, they would head out of town and go pick up the equipment they had.

“Tom, you, and Alex go downstairs see if Miss Jessica is working, if not head to her place to explain to her. You are not so noticeable as we two giants. Bull and I will gather the horses and will meet you on the south end of town.” The teams started to split when Sam put his hand on Tom’s arm, “Here settle the bill before you leave.” And handed him a gold eagle, tell Torrence to keep the change.

The men split to go about their tasks. Fortunately, the stableman was not a member of St. Josephs, and they made it to the edge of town without causing a scene. Tom and Alex got there about 20 minutes later confirming they had made contact with Jessica and that she would meet them in two days at each Ranch. They mounted up and started to ride towards the Ranch. When they got there they found the number of people there had grown, The riders had checked the two houses across the creek on the south side of the ranch and brought the survivors back to the ranch. Six children between 3 and 14, three young men one with his wife between 15 and 18 and a new widow, the mother of 5 of them. This brought the total population of Each Ranch to 24 souls. His brother had opened the guest house and their parents’ room. Sam gave up his room in the main house to move out to the Bunk house, then asked his family to join him and he explained what had happened with Father Hugh and the parishioners. It was agreed That he and his men would take over searching the area for threats and survivors so the riders from the ranch could stay at Each with the herd.

Sam and Bull went to the forge and started to work with and on the men’s weapons. They had decided that with the looming ammo shortage they needed to make use of every advantage given them.

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