Chapter 25 Tuesday April 11th Afternoon

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Chapter 25

Tuesday April 11th

Afternoon, 2nd Night of the Full Moon

When they arrived at the washed out bridge the dogs and scouts did not sense any dangers in the area. Tom and Sam took up positions on the east side (nearer to the woods) and one on either side of the stream. The stream was still running high from the mountain run off. Alex and the ladies were point for the wagons. After the wagons and cattle were across Tom and Sam took up the rear position for half a mile, then began to ride towards the front. When they were a bit over a mile past the washed out bridge they called a halt for the midday meal and to rest the animals. They called the break a bit short and got back on the road hoping to make the house and barn past the turnoff for Victor before twilight, but it would be tight. During the afternoon they had the feeling of something watching. Something keeping pace, but hidden. The animals did not show the signs of skittishness the omitaa-dainah caused but the dogs were not straying as far either.

Tom and Sam moved off the road in the late afternoon and Tom explained he was not getting much from the dogs or his horse. He wanted to know what Tair’s impression was and Sam and Tair were alright with that. Tom said the brief prayer to invoke his ability and placed his hand on Tair’s shoulder. Sorting through the large number of impressions from the animals and people quickly, Tom got Tair to focus on the something, the being shadowing them. As he focused his attention was drawn by the wagon behind them, No, Tom again focused on the thing, it was shadowing them, the horse behind them snorted drawing their attention. Again, Tom and Tair focused away from the wagons, into the field the creature, it was, one of the mares behind him, it was getting close to time to breed. Tom withdrew his hand and looked at Sam. “We may have a problem. None of the animals even Tair seem to be able to focus on whatever it is. There is something there, but every time I try to get an impression from them something else pulls their focus off it.”

Sam: “Go tell Alex and the ladies, be prepared.”

Sam rode over to Marco, “Capt. We may have an issue, we seem to be being stalked. Did you or any of the folks with you get any gifts that night or since?”

Marco: “Stalked? By what?”

Sam: “An unknown that seems to be able to hide itself. Does not seem to be normal. Now, anyone here get anything to help with scouting or defense against an ambush?”

Marco: “Got two of the riders with the longhorns swear they can communicate with them,” Sam shook his head, “It can hide from that”.

Marco: “Alright, maybe Robert Clachair, up in the second wagon”

After thanking Marco, Sam rode up to talk with Alex and the ladies to see if they had any insights.

Jessica: “It depends on how it is doing what it is doing. I have a way to dispel invisibility, but that will not work if it is not invisible. It seems to be more than or maybe less than invisibility because the animals are not ignoring but unable to focus on it. Almost like distraction. That requires more power than I can do.”

After thanking them Sam went to talk with Robert. After a bit of talking, there was nothing he could do to cause whatever it was to be found. He had some earth powers and could even call forth a golem to fight it, but until they knew where and what, he had nothing he could offer.

The group pushed on a bit faster, they would need time to prepare, to keep the cattle and horses from a stampede. That could cause casualties as easily as the enemy.

They made it to the three buildings just past the turn off to Victor. The barn looked good and solid. Still getting the 24 cattle and 48 horses just would not work. They could keep the 3 first horses and the 5 cavalry mounts outside. The loft could hold some and the house would have to hold the other non-combatants.  While Sam worked to get all the people and animals settled for the night, Tom went and blessed the buildings and Alex took the Holy Water they brought and dunked and blessed as many hand weapons as he could. Hopefully the ranged weapons would drive things off, but better to prepare for the worst.

Jesssica and Nessa prepared a few regents for spell types they thought could help. The camp made, a meal eaten, animals bedded down. As the full moon rose over the mountains low and heavy the people settled for the night. Alex, on first watch saw an owl glide across the face of the moon. In the distance, miles to the south, came the howl of wolves. The first howls lonely and haunting. They were silenced by the deeper and more menacing answering howls. The men kept an uneasy watch, weapons at hand always looking away from the fire to not ruin their night vision.

Voice: “Jasper.”

Jasper looked around quickly, no one was close.

Voice: “Jasper.”

Jasper readied his rifle. Looking, searching the darkness. Voice: “Hide Jasper, it’s here.”

Jasper: “Who’s out there, show yourself.”

Roy: “Who you talking to?”

Jasper: “Someone’s messing with me, trying to make me think someone’s talking to me, said to hide.”

Alex hearing this: “Get ready people, we have company.”

Voice: “Jasper, it’s hungry, Jasper.”

Jasper raised his rifle pointing out into the darkness he fired blindly.

Voice: “I tried to help you, now look what you did.”

Jasper raised his rifle pointing in another direction, Roy moved over pushing the barrel down just as he fired again. Jasper let go of the hand grip and swung with his fist at Roy. Roy ducked and grappled with Jasper’s arm. From out of the darkness came a low menacing chuckle. Roy turned his head to look and Jasper hit him on his left ear causing Roy to stumble away from him. Alex seeing the two guards fighting called “To arms, wake the camp.” As he moved to break up the fight. People began to stir, lights coming on in the house, Alex stepped between the men hands up to hold them both back. From out of the darkness came a small, owl sized bit of darkness. It flew right at Alex with a screech, like chalk dragged on a chalk board. It hit him in the center of his chest and Alex staggered back into the light, the winged, scaled lizard like creature attacking him with it’s claws. The creature let out another of the nerve racking screams as it’s claws and body began to smolder and it took off straight up into the darkness. The men stood, shaking, looking out into the darkness. That low, menacing chuckle sounding again.

“Sgt, I see you have better protection then these others.”

Alex, his shirt torn in several places, revealing a scale chest piece worn underneath. Some of the metal pieces, hanging loosely to the leather. “show yourself” he called as he placed himself between the voice and the camp.

“Now Sgt. That is not a welcome, where are your manners?”

“You want a welcome, come out and show yourself.”

Sam: “Alex, report.”

Alex: “Something out there sent in an imp, it least I think it was. The chest piece hurt it and it flew off.”

“Sir MacLachlan, you are outmatched, come join us.”

Sam: “Never shall we join you creature of darkness”

From the direction of the barn a tenor voice began to sing, firm and proud, the chorus of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.” Other voices joined as the words continued.

From the darkness, “My pets don’t like your song, tis a pity.” As the men began the first verse from the darkness came a bass voice, “Mine eyes have seen the” joining the hymn. The song, began to falter, Sam began to recite the Our Father. The voice from the darkness, paused.

“Maclachlan, not all who oppose you are damned, the day of Judgement is not yet, come join us, our time is now.”

Jessica stepped up behind Sam as the voice talked, she dumped a ladle of the Holy Water over his head. Startled Sam gave a slight hop to the side, looking at her. Sam smiled and turned back to the darkness, “I will stand by my words and my vows, get ye hence.”

Voice: “You have your faith and strong allies; my pets have indeed heard thy command. But I am no cast off from the choir, I have not stood judgement. We will meet again, Champion, if you live long enough to meet me.”

The camp and the surroundings grew quiet. From the fields across the road rose the figure of a man. It turned and began to walk away under the moon. As it walked some of the men raised rifles and aimed, Sam ordered them to hold fire, the other military trained stopping the non-trained. From the figure they heard him singing, “Fare-well, dear friends, stay safe, dear friends, have peace, have peace, We’ll see you again, we’ll see you again, have peace, have peace” as he quickly moved farther and farther into the fields.

Sam: “Everyone, swap the guard now, Alex, I need your report, everyone else, back to your places, try to rest.”

Alex gave his report to Sam. Tom, Jessica and Nessa listened in. There was some discussion about what had happened but nothing they could pin down. As Alex and the ladies left and Tom took up guard, Sam moved off to the fire. “Guide, I am confused.”

“Yes, Sam you are.”

“Guide, tell me of the creature, please.”

“Sam, I am not all knowing, I can’t tell you everything, only God can.”

“Guide, how can the creature be commanding demons, yet not be damned?”

“The abomination will be judged in his time. He is of the Niphilim, a child half human and half Angel. Beyond that I can say no more this night. Go Sam, get your rest.”


“Rest, now”

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Dec 11, 2023 21:22

Great description with Alex trying to get Tair to see the party stalker. Nice interaction with the unjudged. Liked the way Guide doesn’t give away too much information. Good lead up to future chapters