Chapter 19,

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Chapter 19

Thursday, April 6th

Cabin, north of Corvallis


The light of the day began to grow over the mountain ridgeline. The men all were stirring. Olek started a small fire in the stove while the men, weapons ready went out to scout the cabin and the area around it. The weather still was unseasonably warm, the air still, sky with not a cloud. They split into two groups, two men circling around the cabin in each direction to prevent something getting around them. They moved slowly, checking the area, and looking for tracks. When they came to the wall where the scratching had been heard they examined the wall two by two. There on the wall, just under 6 feet off the ground, claws had dug into the surface of the logs, dug in and held on. Down low, about a foot off the ground, the rear claws of something had dug into the logs. In between these three marks, at just above 4 foot in height, whatever had clung to the wall had been digging at the wall. Finding no other signs, they brought the animals out of the cabin. Tair and the dogs moved over near the tree heads down to the ground. Tom followed to see what was up. They all stopped and seemed to get something off the ground, then moved back towards the front. As Tair passed near, Tom heard a distinct crunch from Tair biting on something. 

The men took the time to clean the cabin, close the flu on the stove leaving the cabin as close as they could to how they found it. As it was still a bit early the men hiked back to the meeting area, leading the horses with them.

As they approached, they could see a wagon, drawn by 4 mules, a man and a woman standing next to it. The couple had 3 kids with them. Coming north from Corvallis two mounted men, escorting a buggy. Looking right, coming across the field an honest to God two horse field caisson and gun. Looked to be an 1897 three point two inch. The two men riding looked to be a father and son.

Everyone met at the wagon, already there. While everyone introduced themselves and their families, Bull looked towards town and started shaking his head, a big smile on his face. Coming up the road, a freight wagon, a 10 mule freight wagon. Two outriders, two people in the seat. Four doughboys and two leathernecks marching beside. The mules would not slow them significantly but nobody wanted to give those stubborn beasts to many chances to balk about starting. The wagon with mules started getting them up and moving, the buggy fell in behind them. The caisson and gun third in line. The train moved slow to give the freight wagon a chance to join the line. The six infantry spread out around the train, sometimes walking, sometimes hitching a ride. The 8 mounted folks moved back and forth along the line watching for trouble. The mounted men used the cavalry march, ride two hours and walk the horse one. Barring a problem, with a stop for lunch about 1 to give the mules a break they should make the ranch before dark.

Sam and his men used the time to talk with the people who were joining to come to refuge, or to join the troop. Getting a head count for how many total and which they were looking to do. They found they had 13 adult males, 10 wanting to join the troop, 9 adult females 2 showing an interest in joining. The working age group (age 13 to 17) had 4 lads, if Olek Gee was included and 4 lasses. Of those under 12 there were 6 girls and a boy. Counting only those of age to work, thirty, 41 if you counted those back at the ranch of the 62 recruits they needed.

The group stopped at 1 for midday meal and to care for the children and animals. It was a simple cold meal of bread, dried or canned fruit, jerky, cheese and water or juice. Sam made a mental note to himself, they would need laying hens, milk cow and goats and meat animals soon.

During the meal break, one or the riders with the freight wagon came over. “Good afternoon Mr. MacLachlan, I am Francis Eldritch, formally Staff Sergeant with the First Pioneer Battalion of Engineers, Mounted, my buddy,” he pointed to the other rider, “Sgt Moses Moon, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, USMC, wanted to sign up with your unit.”

“Sgt. Eldritch, I am very happy to have two Pioneers joining the group.” Replied Sam. “Our unit, we call it a Lance, has a requirement that is a bit different. We need Christians, of sound faith, in the Lance.” Holding up his hand, “Just last night we had something trying to get at us and only prayer kept us safe. Now we have allied units that don’t have that requirement, but the Lance does.” Sam pulled out his tobacco plug, shaking his head, he cut a small corner and put it in his mouth. Offered the plug to Francis.

Francis smiled and shook his head, “Got my own. I have to ask, what you mean by Christian.”

Sam smiled “Not my rules, but a follower of Christ.”

Rubbing his chin and looking around, thinking, “Guide, help me out here.”

“Sam, someone baptized in the name of Christ is a Christian, or we can even include someone with Christ on his heart seeking baptism.”

“Sgt., I am advised you need to be baptized, or wanting to be baptized.”

Francis looked around, high and low with a look of skepticism, “Advised? By who? No one else is here.”

“Sgt, trust me please, I will have proof for you later if you join the Lance. For now, trust me.”

“Mr MacLachlan, we have our families with us, we have already put a bunch of faith in you and yours. I’ll talk it over with Sgt Moon.”

“That is all I can ask.” Answered Sam. “We have people who will be part of refuge and allies in our fight who are not Christians. One of the Cheyenne warrior societies has already fought along side and is bringing family to Refuge. We will find a pace for any who are in need or truly wish to help.”

Francis raised an eyebrow, “Cheyenne?’

“We need to get back on the road to make the ranch by evening.” Answered Sam. As they all got back on the road Sam thought to himself ruefully, just can’t wait to see how he will respond to Vikings on a lake calling themselves dwarves.

The wagons continued north on the road, past the buildings empty and occupied they had passed on their way south. More signs of the troubled times were evident by another farm destroyed, another family that had been there just two days ago, gone. Sam and Alex fell to the back of the wagons and after they had passed went to check the buildings. Knowing the omitaa-dainah, and now other things were about, best to make there were no bodies, or hidden survivors.

Dismounting, Sam drew his pistol with the two words he had been given, while Alex pulled his sword. They did a quick check of the outside of the buildings. The barn was open, looked like it had been looted. They moved on to the house, bullet holes in the building helping them to relax just a bit, yeah bullets making things better. Just how messed up was the world that this was better?  They entered the building, each covering one side of the room as they did. Finding the room empty they continued searching the house. There had been a young man, his mother and sister here before. They found him, dead in the kitchen. Shot, looked like he had put up a struggle, but could only cover so much. There was the window, the shutters opened, and the door into the room from within the house on the opposite wall. Bullet holes in both walls showed people shotting from both directions. The men just shook their heads. The root cellar stood open, scatter gun, looked like double aught buck in frame, none in the door. The shot came after the door opened.

Alex called from outside the opening, “Hello the cellar, we want to help if we can. We were here two days ago, four man with a wagon lead by Sam MacLachlan, Each Ranch, anyone down there?” They waited, a slow count of 20. “We need to make sure no one is hurt down there. I am coming down.” Called Alex as he sheathed his sword. He started down the stairway his hands half raised at shoulder height. He found the mother at the base of the stairs, she had the open scatter gun still clutched in her hand, one shell in the chamber. Alex reached over shaking his head and checking the remainder of the room. No sign of her daughter. “Mom is down here, they got her while she was reloading, no sign of anyone else.” He went and got a cloth to cover her face, then he and Sam carried her son down and covered him also. They sealed the cellar and finished checking the house. Still no sign of the daughter. Deeply troubled both men mounted up and went to catch the wagons.

They were about a mile short of the ranch and Sam rode over next to Alex, “Get up to Each, let them know we are almost there and have 37 folks with us. Don’t want them spooked that we are invaders.”

“On my way Sam” and Alex rode ahead at a gallop.

The wagons got to the ranch to find the outdoor kitchen running preparing the stew that was becoming standard fare, a bit plain but filling. The others preparing places to turn the animals out, park the wagons and pitch more tents. Sam noticed as he was caring for Tair at the stables, some goats, the sheep they had brought back, and chickens. Sam finished caring for Tair and his tack thinking, almost like someone reading my mind.

Once the animals were all cared for and the children getting a chance to get some youthful energy out by racing around with the ones already here, the adults got together and introduced themselves. Sam got the family together in Gideon’s office and brought them up to date. They agreed that a group would head south with a wagon to collect the bodies. They would have to set up a location away from the ranch buildings and start a mass grave, as horrible as it felt, the living did not have enough time to bury the numbers of dead and still do the work to keep people alive. The family bowed their heads to pray for guidance on how to keep people alive, safe, and to do honor and duty for the Lord.

They all went to their places to sleep for the night.


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