Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

March 26th Sunday

Each Ranch celebrates the Sabbath, Sam in his new office of Kight of the Supreme Order of Christ and by the power of the clerical investiture given by God through the angel Hevakhemel lead the worship service at the ranch. The collection was taken for Sam to take with them to Stevensville the next day.

March 27th

Scouting and Recruitment

After breakfast Sam and his Lance left to head towards Stevensville, Florance and Carlton. They had the same standard load out as the quest but left the dogs home as they hoped to travel a bit quicker. They picked up the dirt road just to the north of the ranch compound and started towards Stevensville. The ride had an eerie feel as the majority of the homes stood empty, several showing signs of breaking and entering. They stopped at several of the homes they knew the owners of to check up on them. The people they talked to had a haunted look in their eyes, most mourning the ones they lost, others belligerent from having fought off raiders. Arriving at Stevensville they found the town had put up manned barricades on the roads and patrols were out around the town. They asked and went to talk with the new sheriff, Dado Magee. From him they learned that Stevensville Station was abandoned as most of the homes and businesses on the west side of the creek had been attacked. Some by raiders but several were attacked by child sized attackers using hand weapons and small spears.  

Sam and his men next went to St. Joseph’s which had replaced St. Mary’s Mission to pay respects to Father Hugh. After they gave the tithes of the ranch to the church they asked for time to confess. The Father agreed but they told him they first had to explain what had happened to them since Tuesday last. The Father listened quietly until they finished and then shook his head. “My sons I am sure you believe all you have told me. Yet even with all that has occurred I fear you have been led astray by Satan.”

“Father all we have told you is truth. We swear that all happened even as we have said.” Said Sam.

“Mine is one of the blessings that have a visible effect,” Tom lifted his hands and invoked the word he had learned, light began to shine, bright and pure from the rafters of the church.

“My son, that you practice witchery is a sign of sin not God’s grace and mercy” said Father Hugh. “Father,” began Sam.

“No Sam, this is not for me to help with” Sam heard Guide in his mind. Sam paused as Father Hugh looked at him, sadness in his face. ”Father, would you lead us to the relic, the relic in the alter?”

“My Son, what do you plan?”

“To offer you proof that we are men of God, not deluded by the lies of Satan” Sam replied.

“I will not allow you to profane this church” answered Father Hugh.

“Father, I promise, nay swear, on our hope of salvation that we mean no harm to this church.” “Child, your man practices witchery, I can’t allow you to continue to profane this building, I command you, by God’s Holy Name, begone.”

The men looked at each other, Bull spoke up “Father, we are servants of God even as you.”

“Child get thee hence by God’s name.”

Alex kneeling “father if you will not let us swear by God’s own name in the presence of the relics how may we prove we are God’s servants still?”

“I command thee a third time, in the Name of the Lord God of hosts, get thee hence.”

The men lowered their heads. “Father, we forgive you your fear, and pray in the Lord’s name that you find salvation and truth.” Sam turned “Let’s go.” And they all left the church.

They went to the tavern and ordered lunch. Jessica brought their meals and Alex said, “Hello Miss Jessica good to see you.”

“Hello Alex, what you men up to?”

“We are scouting the area for Each Ranch, gonna head out to Florance and maybe up to Carlton.” He replied.

Looking around she leaned in “You be careful there are a lot of strange things going on.”

Sam broke in “We already lost a man to some of that strangeness, and had raiders hit Each.”

Looking around to check the other tables “What happened?”

Alex spoke up “Miss Jessica we rode up into the mountains and were attacked by creatures, the injins call em omitaa-dainah or dogmen. Lost Gunner to one.”

Tom spoke, “we even saw some jackalopes, live ones not like we pull on them tenderfeet.”

Bull picked up, “we even saw and talked to a woman who is half whitetail.”

Jessica just listened while looking around again. “Mind if I sit?” When they men nodded she looked over to Torrence “Taking a short break.”

Torrence shook his head looking at Alex and said “Go ahead.”

Jessica pulled over a chair and leaned in “You all seem to have seen some strange things. I need to ask have you heard of any people that are different now?”

Sam asked “Different how?”

“I heard that Widow McArther was attacked by a raider, rumor has it that when he grabbed her she slapped him.” She looked around and lowered her voice, “that is not the strange part, his face was burned in the shape of her hand, and he” looking around once more, “he nearly died from the burn. Doc Diedrich is still treating him.”

“Yeah, we have some experience with that,” replied Alex.

“You gents have seen magic?” Jessica asked. Alex looked at her and began to incant opening his hand he had a small ball of light. “More then saw.” Jessica’s mouth opened and closed twice before she said, “you gents need something a bit more then that light?”

They exchanged a look between them and Sam asked, “Like what?”

Jessica looked at Sam’s bowl and it began to lift off the table. “I can make people move quicker or drop things, give them pain or itching, dad taught me to handle his carbine. That sound like I could help?” “This is dangerous work, already lost a friend” replied Sam.

“My family is gone, got no one to miss me” she replied.

“Now that is just not true” said Alex, receiving a smile from Jessica.

“You got a horse?” Sam asked. “Horse, tack, dad’s buckboard and his American Cream, even have his old Colt lightning, chambered 44-40.” Said Jessica.

Sam, “We may have to camp some nights, got the gear?”

“Got dad’s”

Sam looked around the table and met each man’s eyes. “We have to spend some time going over plans. Meet us back here bout supper.”

Jessica smiled, “I will see you then.”

Sam went over to Torrence and booked a room for the night as well as the back room for dinner. Then he and his men went upstairs to talk.

Alex “Sam why didn’t you have Guide prove what we said to Father Hugh?”

“Guide, you want to explain that to us?” asked Sam. The angel appeared, “I am here to council and guide, it is not my place to remove obstacles of this world.”

“I don’t understand.” Said Tom.

“I have been sent to teach what you need to know, to council as you seek it, to when needed,  point you towards the things the Lord wants YOU, not me, YOU to deal with.” The angel replied.

“But how are we to prove to people the things you tell us? Asked Alex.

“Are you greater the Yeshua? Did YHWH provide proofs for the messiah? Do you question the will of the Most High?”

“And yet the Father says you are sent to lead us astray” accused Tom.

“Was I not in the church with you?” The angel answered. The men had no answer and spent the afternoon in prayer and reflection.

At supper time they went to the back room and waited for a short time. Jessica Dadann came back to join them. After everyone had their meals in front of them and the back room just to themselves, they joined in saying Grace. Sam started, “Miss Jessica, I have a few concerns, you travelling alone with us would likely reflect poorly on your reputation.”

“That is true” Jessica replied, ”but, I Need to go with you.”

Sam raised an eyebrow, “Need? Strong word. Are you sure that it is not the times we are in?”

Jessica shook her head, I am sure Mr. Sam, that part of it is the time we are in, maybe more than part. Tis not just the loss of family here, nor is it Mr. Alex always with the sweet words. No, I need to go with you.”

“There is that word Miss Jessica. Why do you need to travel with us?”

“You won’t believe me.” She answered.

Sam smiled, “Try us.”

Jessica looked each man in the eye, she took a deep breath and closed her own eyes. She looked up and exhaled. Muttering softly, “Dagda cabhrú liom.” She seemed to settle and looked each man in the eye again, “Swear, swear by the God you worship to tell not a soul.”

The men looked at each other, Sam replied “Interesting request. Give me a moment please.” Sam rose and walked to the back of the room. He stood looking out the window. “Guide he thought” “Yes Sam” came the reply.

“Will swearing to Miss Jessica help or hurt what we need to do.”

“Interesting question Sam, I can’t see the future you know.”

“Will God be displeased by us swearing to keep her secret?”

“A better question Sam, HE will not be displeased, IF you keep the oath. Beware what you swear to, you know not who or what you are swearing to.”

“Guide, why do you think I am asking you.”

“This is something you must decide Sam.”

Sam reached up and rubbed his face, then turning he walked back to the table.

“Miss Jessica, I am not happy binding us to something we know nothing about. Can you tell us anything.”

Shaking her head “I want to, but I am afeared if I do.”

“What if, we swear that we will tell no one of what you tell us, unless it endangers others?”

Jessica thought, “Mr. Sam we are already endangered. That would not keep my secret and myself safe.”

“Will you swear that keeping your secret will not put my men’s or innocents lives in peril, just by the keeping?”

“Dananna treoir dom” she whispered.  Jessica took another deep breath, stared Sam in the eyes, “Swear that if you disbelieve you will tell no one.”

Sam thought a moment, “Swear you do not mean me and my men intentional harm and we will swear the same to you.”

“Jessica bit her lower lip for a moment, “I must put trust somewhere. I, Jessica Brigit Dadann, swear by the Gods old and new, I have no intent to harm you and your men, only to aid you.”

The men looked at each other with widened eyes. “Each then repeated after Sam “I, each man gave his full name, do swear by YHWH through his Son the Christ, that I will not tell your secret nor cause you intentional harm, except to save an innocent”.

“I guess that is the best you will swear, and I must tell you. The old Gods return”

Bull interrupted, “We know didn’t you listen before?” “Bull, let her talk” said Sam. “Miss Jessica?”

“Please hear me out, I am Jessica Brigit Dadann, when our family came to America, great grandfather changed our name, from McCredne to Dadann. I was told it sounded more American and not something the church would frown on. Ach you are not Irish, Credne, like Dananna is of the Tuatha, the old Gods. Credna was a smith of the Gods and Dananna was mother of Gods and goddess of bounty. My family has kept to many of the old ways, Dagda, father to the Gods, had three daughters and named them all Brigit, I am named and dedicated to the second, the Goddess of medicine as well as Dananna, our family’s patron, Goddess of bounty. One of the Good Folk, in service to Brigit came and gave me gifts of the Tuatha, he also said I must aid the servants of the White God, the one called Yeshua The Christ. That is you? I have not been led astray?”

“You have found God’s servants; we are members of the Supreme Order of Christ.” Sam then told Jessica who they were and their quest. Then he finished “So we need to find two more sergeants, front line fighters. Each of us then needs a group of 5 to support him. We would have you, but as a member under one of the sergeants. Also, we will need a couple of other ladies to protect us from others thinking improper ideas of our group. Know you of any to travel with us?”

Jessica thought and looked at the men, “I think I could find others. It could take a few days.”

“We can spend a few, very few days. Monsters and men are killing even as we speak.” Replied Sam.

With that Alex and Tom escorted Jessica home and the men retired for the night.

(Dagda cabhrú liom: Dadga help me)

(Danann treoir dom: Danann guide me)

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