Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Evening March 24, 1922

Big Creek Falls

The combined forces arrived on the flats between Big Creek Lake and the falls on Big Creek. They pitched a single encampment that was still broken into three groups within. The lack of a common language being a barrier for the groups to function together better. The leaders surveyed the area and the falls. There are plentiful trees for the lumber and the leaders quickly agree to the area to set up the Holy places. Also, where to place defensive walls, bridges and where housing should be placed. The sun was setting as the groups sat to their evening meal.

After the meal Sam, Tom, Agot, Frode, Frans and Wyome joined together. First all, except Frans, through prayers, song, dance and offerings of food and drink consecrated the ground that would be the common area of the town that they had laid out. Then aided by Frans and his runes they placed and prepared a small boulder in the center of the grounds, earth packed around the base. Next, they placed large rocks at the cardinal points around the commons. With Sam and Tom leading they followed the instructions given by Guide, aided by the other Holy Ones and the Guides they had from their own deities the Universal Translation Blessing was imbued in the 5 stones anchoring them one to the other and making the common a Holy Place where all could talk one with another. A stone longship was laid out and the bodies of the fallen were given burial by burning. Their work now finished, they retreated to tents and went to sleep. Though it was a very cold and dark night, the moon just barely a sliver in the night sky, the camp was unbothered. In the early morning the groups lit fires and began to prepare a meal, the dwarves again providing provisions and the groups began to intermingle the blessing letting them talk to each other. Plans were made.

 Sam and his group would go to recruit more members and help to set up the new town and fort. All but two of the Hotametaneo’o would go to the tribes to bring more people, the other two to remain as scouts and guards with most of the dwarves.


Morning March 25th

The groups, having finished breakfast and plans laid out each took leave to continue their quests. As the lance started down the trail to go around the falls the each received a notice “Congratulations, you have finished the quest to find allies. Each man found himself holding a green crystal. (5 stat points).” The system interface continued, “You are given a follow up quest, recruit 30 people to come and build the new fort/town/ refuge.”

“Let’s take a break here for 15 minutes, look over our stats and spend the 5 points if it helps. We all have the recruitment quest, yes?” ask Sam.

Everyone agreed they did and sat to go over their sheets. Tair came over and began to nuzzle at the hand which held the 2 crystals Sam held. Sam looked up and stroked Tair’s muzzle, “these are not a treat boy” turning his hand over and showing him. Tair quickly licked them up like a sugar cube. “Tair NO” exclaimed Sam. It was too late. “Guide” called Sam.

“I am here” came the reply.

“Will they hurt him?” asked Sam “will he become a monster?”

With a slight chuckle “No, Tair will just become more and better at being himself.”

“Himself?” questioned Sam.

“You have noticed he is not exactly the mount he had been?” Came the reply.

“What is going to happen, how will this change him?” Sam asked.

“He is no longer just a cavalry mount, no longer just a horse. He is becoming self-aware.” Was the reply. “He what?”

Guide sighed. “This will take longer than your break, how about tonight for these questions?”

Sam glared but agreed.

Tom “Tair nabbed your crystal huh?”

Sam “He did, everyone be careful of the crystals around the animals.” After everyone agreed they started the trip again. They followed the trail back the way they came, when they got to the turn where the smell had been there was no trace of it and the animals seemed unconcerned. Tom did a quick search for any signs but came up with nothing. The omitaa-dainah had not smelled anything like what they smelled before, but they were unwilling to spend a lot of time searching now. They followed the trail back to Big Creek and began to follow the creek back to Bitterroot Valley. The woods around them were alive with the early spring sounds and the weather was warming quickly. If it were not for the events going on it would be a beautiful day. Just before they reached the valley the lance decided to detour and check the Curlew Mines. Riding towards the mines Tom, in the lead, held up a hand to bring them to a halt. The lance closed up and Sam inquired “what do you have to report?”

“We can’t see much coming from this direction, but I don’t hear any of the machinery” replied Tom. “Alright men, with just four of us we will all go in, weapons loose but not ready, no need to start anything we don’t need to” ordered Sam. They all fell into open order line abreast and continued the ride to the mines.

Arriving at the mines they seemed abandoned. As they rode in they heard “Alright that’s far enough. What are you doing here?”

Sam called “Hold” and they stopped.  “We’re here to check how everyone is. Does anyone need help?” “We don’t need any help, you can all ride on now” said the voice.

“Fine, not looking for trouble. Our news Victor was burned, our riders found bodies but no people. We are heading to Each Ranch if you decide you need help.” To the lance “Head out column of twos”. They lance turned and rode out slowly.

Tom, “Something seemed off.”

Sam, “I agree”

Alex, “what do we do?”

Sam, “With just the four of us? Head back to the ranch.”

Bull, “What if they were raiders and the miners are in trouble?”

Sam, “they know we are here, if we head back they will likely open fire even if it is the miners. Pick it up, once we get to the ranch we can get more men” The lance picked up the pace heading back to the ranch. Remembering the jackalopes they slowed down as they crossed the Indian Prairie. When they were part way across Tom pointed to a beautiful Indian woman sitting in the field.

“Wonder if she knows about the jackalope?”

“Guess we should warn her” replied Sam. “Don’t want to make her nervous, Tom, head over gentle like and have your translation blessing going.”

“On it Sam” Tom began heading her way, the others slowing and maintaining their distance. Sam whistled the dogs back as they started to head after Tom. Tom dismounted and walked the last few feet to be in range of the translation blessing and called “Hello, my name is Tom, wanted to warn you that we saw jackalope a couple of days ago here.”

“Oh, really? What did you expect me to do about them” she replied with a soft smile.

“We just wanted to warn you, they attacked our dogs as we rode through.”

She raised an eyebrow, tilting her head.

“Did not want you to be attacked, would you want to travel with us until we get you away from here?” asked Tom.

“Travel with four large, handsome vehoc?” she said lowering her head, but keeping her eyes on the men. “Just trying to be good neighbors, we work with Motseske, call him toothpick for that knife, good man. Would not want to see you get hurt.”

“I will be safe” she smiled shyly “I will sit here a bit.”

“Mam, unless one of your men are around, I am not sure that is safe” answered Tom.

Looking slightly away from the men, in a soft voice, “you will force me then?”

Shaking his head “No mam, in case you don’t get back is there someone I should tell?”

“There will be none to miss me” she looked at Tom directly.

“Last time, you sure you want us to leave?” asked Tom.

“I am sure” came the reply. Tom turned and headed back to his friends.

Sam “She isn’t coming?”

Tom, “She says she is safe and that no one will miss her.  I don’t feel right about this”

Alex “She is an adult, her choice”

“Guys, look” interrupted Bull.

They all looked to where he was pointing at the woman, who was now standing and walking away, From the waist down she was a white tail deer. The four men just watched open mouthed as she walked farther away, and then with a flick of her tail took off with a bound disappearing in moments. The men looked at each other and with a shake of their heads continued onward.

The remainder of the ride was quiet, and they made good time, after crossing at the ford they decided to press on to the ranch as it would be just after sunset when they got there.

As they made the final approach to the ranch they could see that the horses had been brought in close and there were 3 riders among the herd.

They got to the main house and stopped at the stables to care for the horses before heading inside. Gideon came out to the stables to meet them and find out if there was anything urgent. They all took a moment to mourn James. After Gideon went inside to let the cook know how many for dinner.

Over dinner the lance told the story of the trip and what they had found. They also told of the plans for a refuge in the mountains with the newfound allies.

Gideon told how while they were gone rustlers had tried to make off with some of the horses.

“There were five of them rode up and started to try and drive the herd away. Shooting at the main house and the bunk house. Just glad no one got shot. While we were trying to pick a couple off and getting ready to give chase. Well, all of a sudden Murphy, that ill-tempered paint, he turned around up on his hind legs and laid the leader out. Right out of the saddle. Then sweet Arable, that chestnut American Cream. Never saw the like she just barreled right into one of the other riders, knocked his horse right over and then she stomped right on the rider. The other three took off.” Gideon continued

“Then get this as we mounted and started to head out, Murphy, Arable and Seonag, that dun mustang, they started rounding up the herd and brung em home.” The men all just shook their heads.

It being late everyone not on watch turned in. Sam went to the stables and putting a wad of tobacco in his cheek called, “Guide”. The angel showed himself and Sam asked, “Okay what’s up with the horses and what was that thing in the field?”

Guide began, “Tair, and several more in the herd are descendants of the 1st horses. Their bloodlines are very pure, not totally but mostly, back to the horses the Lord made in the first 6 days. The horses that were cared for by Adam and Eve in the Garden. When man sinned the animals in the Garden were cursed by God and cast out of the Garden with man. The curse cost the animals the ability to talk with man and each other.”

“Wait, wait, wait” interrupted Sam, “I don’t remember that in church, The Father never said anything about that.”

Guide replied, “Do you remember in Church the Good Father telling how John the Baptist and Jesus both told the churches of the time that they were not following God’s plan. That they were vipers and misleading people?”

“Okay” said Sam hesitantly.

“During the years since the founding of the church, even as before, the leaders would chose only the texts that  met with their view, many and many have been lost or just hidden and not taught.”

Sam sat down wide eyed “They what?”

“Man, as always tries to take God’s place, to decide what God means. There are more ancient teachings then all the books that man uses in this age.”

“Tell me that is a lie” pleaded Sam.

“No Sam, it is nothing but the truth.” Reaching out the angel placed his hand on Sam’s head, “Be calm, God does not blame you.”

Sam began to relax.

“One of the texts that is hidden is The Book of Jubilees” continued Guide, “In chapter 3 it says “ And to Adam also he said, ' Because thou hast harkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat thereof, cursed be the ground for thy sake: thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat thy bread in the sweat of thy face, till thou returnest to the earth from whence thou wast taken; for earth thou art, and unto earth shalt thou return.'

And He made for them coats of skin, and clothed them, and sent them forth from the Garden of Eden.

And on that day on which Adam went forth from the Garden, he offered as a sweet savour an offering, frankincense, galbanum, and stacte, and spices in the morning with the rising of the sun from the day when he covered his shame.

And on that day was closed the mouth of all beasts, and of cattle, and of birds, and of whatever walks, and of whatever moves, so that they could no longer speak: for they had all spoken one with another with one lip and with one tongue.

And He sent out of the Garden of Eden all flesh that was in the Garden of Eden, and all flesh was scattered according to its kinds, and according to its types unto the places which had been created for them.” This is indeed a good understanding of that day.”


“No Sam, I do not lie this is what happened. They shall grow smarter and more like God’s creation, some may even begin to talk.”

“They what!” started Sam.

“Did you want your other question answered now, the night grows late and you must sleep.” Said Guide.


“Sam we do not have all night, I may not bend time for something like this, either we talk of the animals or the being in the field.”

Sam deflated a bit, shaking his head. Looking at Guide, “Tell me of the creature in the field, the one that looked like an Indian.”

“Good Sam, you learn, she is called Anukite, Deer woman. I am not allowed to tell all, it is not our story to tell, but she could be Nunnehi “the People Who Live Anywhere” or Ani Yunwitsandsdi, literally "Little Men." Those are like “The Good Folk” of your family’s homeland. She could be the spirit of a raped and murdered Indian woman, or she may be The daughter of the first man and first woman a beautiful young woman named Ite (Face). When she tried to become a God and displace the Moon she was cast down and half her face disfigured, she became Anukite. Some even call her a goddess of fertility and of vengeance. I may not tell you which of these deer women you met in the prairie. However you and your lance have come to the attention of the local supernatural and deities. For your alliance with the Hotametaneo’o as well as the  Troich you are being noticed within Heaven’s Court. You shall see much and many more things in the future, but now you must sleep.”

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Oct 22, 2023 15:31

I really like the blending of various religious, for lack of a better word, mythos.   Following the story on the map with lends a sense of believability to an unbelievable world.   It grounds it in the real.

Oct 24, 2023 15:57 by B3ast

Thank you Zen, As I am using apocryphal works I am sure that many would agree with the word mythos. I am also glad to hear the background information and maps help to suspend your disbelief. Chapter nine is almost ready to go live.