Chapter 2

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March 21,1922, Wednesday


Stevensville Mt.

Dawn, light enough to see finally, Sam headed over to saddle Tairenach. He turned the other horses out to pasture for the day, checked his equipment whistled for the dogs and headed out towards his brother, Gideon's, ranch. As he followed the trail the sounds of the woods were different. There seemed to be more movement. Obviously, the change was to more than just humans.

Tair (Tairenach) seemed more alert, his step higher, his ears forward, almost like just before they rode into battle. Trusting in Tair, Sam drew the M1903 carbine and chambered a round. Rounding a bend in the trail Sam spotted a large, spring thin grizzly ripping into the carcass. The grizzly spotting horse and rider stood on his rear legs and let loose a thundering roar. Tair shied in an uncharacteristic manner, but knee pressure steadied him down, as the bear dropped to all 4s and began to charge Sam brought his rifle up and fired. worked the bolt and fired again, his dogs came in from the flanks and went for the hamstrings of the bear. It wheeled on them. Sam used the distraction to aim and fire once more killing the grizzly. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Sam stroked Tair's neck to quiet the horse. Looking around the area seemed safe, Sam dismounted and using his lariat, tied the body to the saddle, with, Tair doing the hauling they dragged the bear to the side of the trail. Remembering what his guardian angel told him about system animals, Sam cut open the chest. Inside he found the crystal, almost black, a low level. Sam put it in his pouch. Shaking his head Sam thought, have to get Bull to come take care of the carcass.

The rest of his ride was quiet. His brother-in-law Euan Pollok met him by the gates, fully kitted out. 

"Sam" said Euan, "Thank God your here. It's bad Sam, we lost Gran Dorcus, Eli and Achsah to the rapture. Out of the hands and the house servants we lost 4 of the men and 2 of the women. But Sam that is not the worst, all the children under 13 have risen."

Growing pale, Sam closed his eyes and lowered his head in a brief prayer. Calmer, Sam took mental stock, they still had 8 hands and the 2 women at the house. The family was down to his brother Gideon, his sister Ruth, her husband Euan and himself.

"What has been done?" asked Sam.

"Gideon has sent two of hands out to check the stock, and two more sent off to Stevensville."

As they Arrived at the main house Sam and Euan dismounted and grabbed Gideon and Ruth in a big hug as they all took comfort from one another in their loss. As they broke the hug Sam asked, "What happened down here?" Gideon and Euan Took turns telling how the ranch was awakened to the sounds and peals of thunder, the story continued in a much briefer form then what Sam had been through. Sam then said "I woke a bit before that, but twas much the same, Save the Lord seems to have more plans for me, named me his champion. I will go into all that over dinner" Sam raised his hand as the three began to protest. For now I have to go talk to Bull", said Sam, "I killed a grizzly on the way here, don't want to waste the meat or hide. then need get Tair over to the stables." Sam took the reins and walked over towards the smithy while the dogs went to join the small pack kept by the ranch. 

As he approached Harald "The Bull" Fisher came out and clasped him around the shoulders. The men stood quietly for a handful of seconds then the two large men broke apart, clasping forearms. "Brother" they said together. "I need a favor" Sam said and gave him a brief run down on what had happened to him and where he left the carcasses. As Bull hooked up the wagon and headed out Sam took Tair to the stables to care for him.

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