Chapter 4

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March 21, 1922

8pm Each Ranch Main House

Sitting around the supper table, oil lamps and candles for lighting and a fire in the fireplace to ward off the evening chill, everyone heard the reports of the day. Alex and the two riders, Ian and Frazier gave their report. “We found the train derailed on the curve down just north of Victor. Looked like it was going too fast for the turn and the engine and coal car just went over, took the next couple of cars with it. Could not find the engineer or fireman. We did find signs the passengers went back to Victor.”

Frazier spoke up, “Followed the rails into what is left of the town. Place is a smoldering ruin.”

Ian gave a shudder, “the worst is we couldn’t find anyone. At least not alive.”

Frazier took over, “just body parts.”

Alex shook his head, “Looks like wolves got to em. Sabhailt” his emotions bringing out his Scottish ”Dh’ith, h-uile duine” Everyone at the table was shaken and pale.

Gideon asked, “ye be sur? All O’ em? Eaten?” The  three men nodded.

Alex replied “Nay tha wust thin. Tha tracks wer no right. T’wer to big. Big nough ta be a mathan, a grizzly. But they nay run in packs and none travl on two feet.”

Ian picked up, “the tracks were just wrong, long like a man’s, but with pads and claws. The stride was too great and the depth, they has to weigh as much as a mustang.”

Sam shaking his head, “I know you hunt, but you’r sur, haf a ton? N cross tween man an wolf?

Toothpick stood and stepped back shaking his head. “I must go” he almost whispered.

As he turned from the table James followed and asked, “what has you so spooked, Toothpick?”

As Ian said to Sam and the table “I know I twas spooked bu I tell you, Gd’s truth.”

Toothpick said, “I must bring word to the elders. The omitaa-dainah, they are here.”

“Who are the omitaa-dainah?” asked James.

“Dogmen, great evil”.

James looked around, “what can your elders do?”

Shaking his head Toothpick replied “Nothing, except warn the people.” As he walked out the door.

James stepped over close to Sam, leaning in he softly said, “Toothpick says it was werewolves.”

Shocked Sam looked around. “Brothers, let us pray for those that died, and the Lord’s protection for all those still here. When this time started, we had visions, all of us. We were told the creatures of legend return; Toothpick said it sounds like werewolves.”

In shock the table grew silent and then joined together in “Our Father and Hail Mary”. The meal over, people having lost their appetites, the table was cleared, and people broke up into groups, cleaning or huddling together talking. Sam called Alex over and he and his companions stepped out onto the porch. “What do you think about Toothpick calling this the work of werewolves” asked Sam.

“He’s a good injin” replied Bull.

“Never seen him so shaken,” said Alex.

The men looked around and then Sam said “Alex, no easy way to say this, you still my man? Even with the end of the world?”

“Where else would I be then with my brothers in arms?”

“Would you swear oath on that?” Sam almost whispered. 

Alex looked at the others “aye if they have I will.”

“Let’s head to the barn” Sam said while taking a chaw off his tobacco. When they got to the barn, they all moved inside and sent the hand there to the bunkhouse. Tair whickered from his stall and Sam went over, stroked the forehead and down his neck, then gave his steed an apple. “Rest, not goin out t’night’”

Looking around all the men were taking a moment to settle the horses. Sam stepped to the middle and waited; head bowed in prayer. When the men rejoined him, he said to Alex “Our day was not so hard as yours. We did however have a bit of an adventure ourselves, Guide would you please show yourself?”  As the heavenly messenger appeared Sam continued. “When all this started I gained a guide, a title and investiture into the Pope’s Order. I was invested as a Knight in the Supreme Order of Christ. A warrior cleric and the title of champion. Earlier today they took an oath to be my companions. Will you now take the same?”

Alex looked around, looked at the angel “Guide?”

“Samuel asked me if I would use that name as he feels Hevakhemel to be a”, looking at Sam one raised eyebrow, “mouthful, and hard to say.”

 Looking from Guide to Sam Alex sighed, “I said I would take the oath, guess it’s time.” His screen came up and startled Alex.

 “Just read it said Sam”.

Alex recited “I, Alex Bartholomew Chalmers, Do swear and avow to be a true disciple of Yeshua, to be shield to the weak, sword against the adversary, almsman to the needy, and to give all Glory to YHWH, forsaking all other deities. I swear this in the name of Yeshua”.

 As Alex finished Sam saw a scroll on his status screen and read “I, Samuel Peter MacLachlan, do swear and avow as a follower of Yeshua and in his name, to lead you, support you, and be your brother in these times of apocalypse, and into the next world”. As Sam finished the status screens of each man changed and notifications began to show up. Sam read “Congratulations on your new companion, you still have one opening to fill in the lance.”

Bull, Tom and Gunner read “Congratulations on a new companion in arms, your lance still has room for one more companion.”

Alex read “Alex Bartholomew Chalmers “Congratulations you have been invested by YHWH as a warrior cleric: +2 points Piety access to clerical miracles and rituals” the next read You have received Power Investiture (2) +2 IQ,” Finally “Congratulations on achieving the rank of Sergeant in the Supreme Order of Christ: +2 reaction to allies of YHWH, -3 reaction to allies of the adversary” Congratulations as a Sergeant of the Order and Companion of the Champion you are granted : +3 HT, +1 Dex, you are  granted the following knowledge, Lend Vitality, Lend Energy, Minor Heal, Light, and Continual Light. Your lance has room for one more companion.”

“My God, that’s a lot to take in.”

Alex was interrupted by Guide, “you have a quest, “Head west to the Big Creek, at the headwaters, Big Creak Lake you must go and find the cave on the far west shore. There you will find allies in these end times.”

Guide continued “You must leave in the morning, bring your mounts as far as you may, your dogs will be of aid also.”

Sam asked Guide “Can you give us any other advice?”

Guide answered, “some but yours is the quest, you must seek what you need. I may not give it freely.”

Tom asks, “How do we kill werewolves?”

“Use wolfs bane, silver, blessed weapons, and fire.” Answered Guide.

Bull questioned, “Can I do that for everyone, and we still leave on time?

The answer came “No more than one weapon per person, you will be tired in the morning.”

Bull “I better start now.”

Sam answered “My weapons will be fine.

Bull took a weapon from each of the others, Saber, Bowie, Arkansas toothpick, and his own axe and headed to his forge.  The others followed. The lance joined together, and Bull pulled out his bible, They began a service and consecrated the forge and tools within. Gunner lit the forge, and Bull began to work the weapons. Layering on a coat of blessed silver and sharpening them all, Gunner asked to work with Bull as they worked his Arkansas toothpick and managed to add create fire to the blade.

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