Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Saturday April 8th


Another day, the weather was holding, not a change, people tired and shaken. The owl and that thing, whatever it was, the first real unexpected and unexplained violence at Each Ranch. The only evidence, some feathers on the ground. A little blood. What had happened and what did it mean?


Sam and the Lance called a meeting right after breakfast. As people hung out in the breakfast area they got up to address everyone.

“We are not sure what that was last night. We have been out and searching a good part of the night. We have prayed, as I am sure many of you have. We are going to be working all over the ranch today. One of the things we received in addition to what we showed you. Each of us is a, for want of a better word, a Brother, we are able to administer sacraments, to give blessings and to sanctify things. My men and I will be going about the ranch in just a bit and sanctifying the grounds. We ask that unless you have an emergency, please let us work. If you need us, wait until we stop and wave you to us.”

“Daniel Brown, Moses Moon, if we could have a word with you before you go.”

People began to leave the area to start the work day. Daniel and Moses joined Sam and his men.

“Thank you for coming up. We talked things over and would like to offer each of you a sport as one of my five sub-commanders. As we explained you would be part of the Lance, we are the ones charged with the missions. Each of us will need five people to answer to us.” Holding his hand up, Sam continued. “Please take at least the morning to talk with those affected by this. We do need your answer by Monday.”

“Thank you, I will go talk with my family directly.” Answered Daniel Brown as he turned and walked away.

Moses looked at the team, “May I ask why me and not Francis? Sam smiled and nodded.

“You may ask, and depending on what you decide about our offer, I may answer that question. Until I know if you will join as an officer, or one of the troops, I am afraid I can not discuss why Mr. Eldritch is being offered troop not officer.”

“Thank you, Mr MacLachlan, may I talk it over with him before I decide?”

“Of course you can Mr. Moon. If Mr. Eldritch wishes to ask us why not him, he can come to me and ask. But I will not tell him about our decision about you any more than I am telling you about him.”

“I understand sir.” Said Moses as he turned to go.

The Lance went to the barn and began the rites to bless the grounds.

They worked until just before lunch and took a break, Sam went off to talk with Jessica. “Miss Jessica, if I may have a moment of your time?”

“Of course, how may I help?”

“Miss Jessica, would you come to the house please, I wish a private word.”

Jessica tilted her head clearly thinking, then nodded and started towards the main building, leaving Sam to follow. When they got to the building she paused to one side of the door turning partly towards Sam. He reached past her and opened the door. “You know where the study is?” Jessica nodded and entered, heading to the study. Sam shook his head looking upwards and followed. Jessica moved to the sitting area and took a seat on the couch. Sam took a seat in the chair to one side. Sam began, “Miss Jessica, I would like to thank you for bring the fine folks you did, and for talking to Mr. Walsh for me. He seems like a fine man and your speaking for him was kindly.”

“Why thank you Mr. MacLachlan. It was my pleasure to aid you and Mr. Walsh. We do need our farms to prosper if we are to survive. But you did not need to bring me here to say thank you, I am sure.”

“That is truth, I do not wish to pry, but I would ask a question or two to settle my mind.”

Jessica smiled, “What would that be Mr. MacLachlan?”

“I noticed you brought none of your family’ Would you tell me your reason?”

Jessica sighed, “Are you worried, even with our oaths, if you can trust me?”

“I would be a poor leader if I did not worry about who to trust and who to keep closer watch on.”

“I mean no harm to any here Mr MacLachlan.”

“But what of your family, when your parents, your grandmother and 2 siblings stay behind, I must ask why?”

“I know of none of them who wish ill upon myself, who joined you, though those who stayed.” Jessica paused, sighed. “Mr MacLachlan, they have reasons to stay behind. May I leave it at that?”

“Miss Jessica, your father ran a tight farm. He had some fine crops. I would think having him could add to the welfare of the farmers and the refuge.”

“I am afraid my Father will be most unwilling to come. My Mother’s Mother; my Grandmother York, does not care much for,” Jessica looked down, she shifted slightly in her seat. Another sigh, looking Sam in the eye she spoke quietly “Pony soldiers.” Jessica shook her head, “my mother, she is not fond of soldiers, but it is for her mother’s sake. So those who stay behind, they stay for Grandmother York.”

“Thank you, Miss Jessica, that is a relief.” Sam rubbed his chin, “Miss Jessica, I wonder if I could recruit you for our mutual benefit. You heard me talk about my unit, and you know we all must be followers of Yeshua. You and I know not how many are not followers of Him. Would you, with your knowledge of your people, be willing to aid in setting up a group, a unit let’s say to support our units, to aid in defense as well as working the farms and aiding in building?”

“Why Mr. MacLachlan, I think I may be able to help you with that.” Jessica gave a big smile.

“Thank you, Miss Jessica, thank you. If there are those who believe In Yeshua, and would work well with our unit, would you let me know?”

“Of course I will.” Jessica smiled.

“Miss Jessica, as we will be working closer, if it please you, you may use Mr. Sam.”

“Why thank you Mr. Sam.”

They got up and Sam walked her outside, she heading to the camp, and Sam heading to join the men in blessing the grounds.

When he caught up to his men Sam pulled Tom back a bit. “If you really plan to give Alex a rough go, don’t talk to old man DaDann, go talk with Miss DaDann directly.”

“Oh” replied Tom.

“Mrs. York does not like pony soldiers.”

Sam sped up to catch Bull and Alex.

“Bull my brother, do you think you could get a large barrel, one of the old wagon barrels and fill it with water? I think we need to prepare some Holy water.”

Bull gave a grin, “Sure thing brother” then turned and headed to the barn.

The others continued their work, by supper they had blessed the buildings and the camp area as well as the areas encompassed by the camp area, the stable, the barn, the main and bunk houses. They washed up and went to supper. Bull informed them that he had filled and blessed the large (50 gal) barrel. Everyone had a filling supper, though the stew was getting repetitive. That evening Daniel and Mary Brown, with their two oldest daughters, Dorcus and Martha entertained in the dining area of clean up. Daniel on his harmonica and Mary on the dulcimer while Mary and her daughters sang. When they ran down a bit, Jessica, Casey and Gittan started singing some Irish folk songs, Gittan on a fiddle and Jessica with the bodhran.

After, the night settling in so did those not on guard.

While the small pack of dogs, those from the ranch and those brought by the refugees seemed restless they stayed in the area and did not sound any alarms.

April 9th

The start of Holy Week

Palm Sunday

The weather still seemed to be waiting. The world holding it’s breath. No breeze to stir the trees, the warmth while still comfortable was far closer to summer than the just ended winter. Made Sam wonder if an earlier than normal crop could have gone in, freezing over night being common in May. Sam went into his brother study to get his sermon notes and bible. He stopped short in the doorway, staring at Gideon’s desk. It was covered, he could hardly see the top it was so covered in Palm fronds.

Sam was dumbfounded, getting fronds was hard enough in normal times. “Guide, do you know where these came from?”

“Yes Sam”

Sam sighed. “Guide.”

A slightly smug “Yes Sam.”

“Who put these fronds on Gideon’s desk?”

“I am afraid you do not know them, their names would mean nothing to you Sam.”

Sam sighed, “I would ask if they were from God, but I think you would tell me all things are from him.”


“Guide, are these a gift to celebrate Palm Sunday, and is this gift given in the Name of the Most High.”

“Yes Sam, you are correct” That small sound in the background was not clapping, no, why would someone clap?

 “Thank you Guide, this is an answer to prayers.” That sound could not be someone clapping faster.

Sam went to the dining area to join everyone for breakfast. When the meal was complete and the dishes were cleaned Sam asked to have the children and a few of the younger youths follow him to the main building, telling everyone else they would be back for services in a few moments. They all settled into their seats and about ten minutes later, the ones in the back began to poke the ones in front of them to look, until everyone was looking towards the main house and the parade of children and youths, each with several palm fronds The youngest riding behind on a donkey. As they came the oldest, the ones in front began to lay the fronds on the ground, when they ran out they moved to the side to let the next ones come forward, until the ground from building to dining area and through the middle to the makeshift lectern had a rug of fronds, the donkey walking on them to the front, Sam helped the child, Sam (Samson) Webber down from the donkey and he ran to his parents for a smiling hug.

Sam then took his place at the lectern, “Thus did Yeshua enter Jerusalem one thousand nine hundred and twenty two years ago. Thus did he begin Holy Week, the final 6 days of his life” started Sam beginning his sermon and the celebration of the sabbath. When they finished the church service everyone picked up the fronds, to save and display until next year, for blessing and luck. After that they would be returned to Sam to be made into the ashes for next year’s Ash Wednesday.

The people took a day of rest, doing only the minimum of work for taking care of the animals and each other. That afternoon the kids played the people relaxed.

Tom found Jessica and asked her to step off to the side. “Miss Jessica, I am not here for myself” he began.

“Oh, I wonder why we are here then.” She looked around.

“He does not know I am here now, but Miss Jessica, while we know, some in your family do not like those in his profession. It is an honorable profession and my brother, not by blood, but my brother, he is an honorable man. He wishes to know if you would be willing to have him court you.”

“I am not sure I know who you mean, Mr Schultz.” Jessica demurred.

“My brother can be, well, quiet about his feelings, but surely you know that he, Alex Chalmers has feeling for you.”

“So, you are his man, his broker?” she smiled.

“He asked me himself, this Thursday past.” Tom puffed his chest just a bit.

Jessica blinked quickly, a short inhale, “I see. When would you have my answer Sir?’

While I would have it now, it is custom for a few days. Mayhap after Resurrection Sunday?

Jessica smiling, glanced down, then back into Tom’s eyes. “I think I can give you an answer before then, but not this day.” She turned and walked back to the camp, her skirt swirling happily.

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