Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

March 31st

Late Afternoon Each Ranch


It was late afternoon when the three wagons and a rider came to Each Ranch. Jessica had brought some possible recruits to join either the ranch or Sam’s Lance. Gideon and Sam both came over to welcome the new arrivals. The main house was getting full and the bunk house was full at this point so the newcomers were going to make due for now either in the loft of the barns or in tents.

Jessica introduced Sam and Gideon to the newcomers, none of whom were completely new to them. The Dowling family: Corporal Shay a young US Army veteran, his MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) rifleman and a farmer. Imogen his younger sister, upset over her suitors claim of witchcraft by Sam’s lance as a reason to stay away from them. Widow Nessa Hayes, his other sister, a new widow whose husband had been taken up on the 21st. The Walsh family, Casey and Gittan with the wee ones, Sachihiro, Raakel, Nadir and Wade, they are a farming family. The Sammon family, Gale, his wife Lana, they were young newlyweds, he a local builder. The rider with them PFC (Private First Class) Eamon Nolan late of the US Cavalry. He had retired here after the great war to marry Vada O’Toole, taken up on the 21st. While the newcomers were being settled Alex came over to tell Sam that Wilhelm Lieb seemed to have finally turned the corner and should survive.

Gideon ordered an outdoor kitchen to be set up, even though it was still early in the season for such to feed the multitude that were gathering at his ranch. Gideon and Sam then retired to the main house to pray on how they would care for everyone in the months ahead.

That evening the members & refugees at Each Ranch held a prayer for those who had been lost and thanks for the chance to be with one another and asking for blessings as they went forward into the times of trouble ahead. Everyone then had a hearty stew with fresh bread. The evening passed with no issues and was blessedly mild for this time of year.


April 1st

It must be April Fool’s Day

After the mildest night of the year the day dawned bright and sunny, the air still, and even the normal morning sounds of the animals all but missing. The ranchers got up and began breakfast for everybody and taking care of the stock. Sam and his men began to talk with the refugees, those the ranchers had brought, that Jessica had brought, and the Liebs. They explained about the place they were setting up in the mountains by Big Creek Lake, that they would have allies that would be joining them and the work that would need to go into the area.

Sam spent some extra time talking to the veterans, Shay and Eamon, as well as Wilhelm who it turned out served in the Second Samoan Civil war with the USMC. While all were willing to be part of the defense, none were looking to be part of Sam’s unit.

After finishing talking with the veterans Sam and his men met with Gideon, Ruth and Euan to discuss what to do not just about worship the next day, Sunday, but the following Sunday, Palm Sunday, and the week following, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Resurrection Sunday (Easter). It was discussed that with Father Hugh accusing Sam and his men of witchcraft and asking them to leave the church going to St Joseph’s was not a good idea. The Methodist Church was the other option, or worship here on the ranch. It was decided that for this year it would be safer to host the celebration at the ranch. They agreed that Bull, Tom, and Euan would travel to talk with Pastor John Dawsen about if his church would open to anyone from the ranch who wanted to go to a church for the Holy Days. Sam then retired to his brother’s office to prepare for services the next day. At least his brother still had his grandfather’s copy of the bible. The old man a rebel through and through, not only moving the family to America but buying a bible in the face of the church’s disapproval.

As he sat in the study/office he kept the window open taking advantage of the extra warm day for early spring. He enjoyed listening to the sounds of the children who had come in, it was grand to have children around again. The warmth outside allowing for such practical jokes as dousing one another with water and the play and jokes of April fool’s day helping to lighten the spirits of not just the children but the adults. But it was time to buckle down and work. Sam thought “Guide”

The response “Yes” came immediately.

“Guide, I need you to guide me in how to please God and use this Sunday and the next two to convey his message to the people here. Will you help me please and Glorify the Lord?”

“Sam, you ask me to do the primary duty of angels, I will aid you.” The two began to plan the worship for the coming weeks. Starting the next day with Jeremiah 31 KJV Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake,

After Sam was prepared for the next day he went looking for Jessica to discuss the people she had brought and how many where as she followers of the old way. He found there are five. They agreed that they would continue to attend the worship services for the coming weeks.

“Now Miss Jessica, I must ask, for these five that Ladies Dananna and Bridgit. Do I give the correct titles?” Jessica nodded. “For the five they have sent us what do they seek in return?”

“Mr Samuel, I have not heard from them directly, I only know one of The Folk, you do remember the tales, yes?”

Sam tilted his head and said “Assume I don’t.”

Jessica closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and opening her eyes began. “To avoid their attention we call them The Folk. The full naming would be people of the fairy mound, or Irish, daoine sí.” Jessica looked with an eyebrow raised.

Sam looked thoughtful, “Mo sheanair, sorry, Grandpa, told stories, but he told of daoine sìth. I think to know what else may have changed with the splitting of our peoples you should continue.”

The one sent, was like an elf, but no simple elf, nay a servant of the Tuatha Dé Danann, mayhap even Danu herself.” Said Jessica

Sam shook his head. “We have folklore in Scottland, but she and hers went to Ireland. The stories say she has no great love for my God.”

Jessica gave a gentle smile. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It is true she has no love of him, but her enemies are also his, and he never hurt her people, only converted them to his when he could.”

Sam smiled. “Miss Jessica what did this servant want, why do you Need to be with us?”

“Mr. Sam, I do not know. I think you should ask that of her.”

“Miss Jessica, I have not the time to go searching throughout the valley to find one that hides so well almost none believe she exists”

“I could seek her and ask hee meet with you on the morrow.”

Sam shook his head. “Not on the day of the Lord.”

“Then I shall seek for her to meet Monday?”

Sam agreed and they went out to join everyone for the evening meal.

After the meal Sam met with Euan, Bull and Tom about how things went with Pastor Dawsen. They told him that Pastor Dawsen had heard of the charge of witchcraft but it was from Astrid Meier. The healing Alex did of Wastl Meier. He did say he would be willing to come out Sunday afternoon to minister to any in need.


April 2nd

The Fifth Sunday of Lent

The Second Sunday of this end of times


The ranch celebrated the sabbath with morning worship, a mid-day meal and as few chores as could be done. True to his word Pastor Dawsen came out to minister to those in need.

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Nov 3, 2023 12:17

Nice work. I get a sense of the clam before the storm. Like the villagers noticing the water level is dropping before the tidal wave hits.   The only, hopefully constructive, criticism I can offer is that you seem to have a lot if characters rolling around. It may be hard to coral them without more individual distinction.   That being said I am enjoying the story and looking forward to the next installment. Keep up the good work.

Nov 3, 2023 15:31 by B3ast

Thank you Brother Zen. As I said on phone I am working on a dramatas personae. will try to have that up in a day or so. I am glad the feeling I wanted is coming through, though It is more the villager noticing that the animals have noticed something and no idea what.