Chapter 21 Friday April 7

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Chapter 21

Friday Afternoon

The Lance, except for Alex who had not returned yet, met over the midday meal. They talked about how the day had been going and the issue of people needing proof. It was decided that they would have a general meeting after dinner to explain the Lance, the quest and to offer proof.

Bull would have an issue his gifts were not immediate and seeable. Tom could do an animal show. Alex could light the show and heal any minor health issues. Sam would have a shooting range set up and borrow weapons from the people. When they finished eating, they brought the dishes back and went back to their jobs. The afternoon went much the same as the morning had gone.

Later that afternoon, Alex with the three hands came back with the wagon and several bodies. Fortunately, none of them new. The Lance all broke from the jobs they had been doing and joined the men at the wagon. After a brief discussion the wagon was brought to the family graveyard. The men of the Lance marked off an area next to the graveyard and began to consecrate the ground. After they opened a large hole, wrapped the bodies in cloth and placed them within. While they were doing this word was passed around the ranch in case any wanted to come say goodbye. A short service was held and people went to join in supper and the company of people to help offset the horrors and fears that were besetting so many. During the meal it was announced that the Lance wanted everyone to meet them outside the area of the tents and buildings.

After the meal and the basic clean-up, everyone met with the Lance and Sam’s family. Gideon started things off. “Hello everyone, I am Gideon MacLachlan, this is my sister, Ruth and her husband Euan Pollok. I am the owner and they are my partners in Each Ranch. Everyone here has suffered a lot these last 17 days. I am not sure how we keep going under the weight of everything, but with God’s Grace we will keep going. I want to welcome you all here. When Sam told me what his quest is, we, all of us here were happy to open the ranch for people to come into what safety we can offer and to support the creation of a refuge in any way we can. I am sure you want to hear more from my brother so I will get out of his way.”

Sam stepped forward. “We all had a rough time on the 21st. We lost people, we had visions. Everyone had a different vision. We all had something called a system forced on us. Everything reduced to numbers. We all received some points to change ourselves and we have proof that God exists! We also have proof that his enemy, exists also. We learned that there are other, other, beings that have called themselves Gods in the past and they are here now. It is enough to make us mad. Hatter mad. Now I need to make it even stranger, some of us were given more than others. I, myself, am one of those. I got more of these points than most. I was told that I needed to gather a group around me, and they a group around them. I was told to go into the mountains, and I would find allies. Well, I took my friends and we went.” Sam continued talking. Telling a tale of the adventures in the mountains. Of the Searching for survivors. That he had been charged to bring people to a place of refuge. By now the sun was down, the fire in the kitchen and torches used for lighting. “I know all this sounds like I have gone mad. So let me offer proof, Alex, please.”

Alex stepped forward He looked out at the people standing listening, in the dark, just some torches, scared, looking for hope. Alex muttered a phrase far to low for people to hear, the area around himself began to glow, Alex raised his head, looking towards the stars raising his hands, the light grew, in area, in brightness. The crowd now standing in what would pass for a slightly overcast day. Except the light just, just ended about 5 feet past the area the group stood in. The people looked around wide eyed, Sam called, “Mr Lieb, would you tell how Mr. Chalmers helped you out at your place?” Wilhelm told how he had been gut shot, was holding on with all he could and how Alex saved him, healed him.

Sam stepped back up, “I am sure you have seen the one man here I have to look up to,” he waved Bull up and as he came over, Sam made a point of looking up at his 6, 8” friend. “And I do mean look up. Bull, can you show what skill you were gifted?”

“I am not so long winded as the boss and not able to show off like my brother,” pointing to Alex. I am a smith. But I put the Lord’s blessing into weapons,” Bull pulled out an axe, the head seemed to have a glow all it’s own. He began to spin the weapon and a circle of fire formed trailing behind the head of the axe. “Some of the things we have fought need a bit more than just honest steel.” Bull stopped the axe and the flame went out a couple of second later.

“Now Tom here, it is a little hard to prove what he does.” Said Sam

Tom came forward. “I communicate with animals. Sometimes they share what they see, or hear, maybe even smell.” He sighed, “Would two of you come up and hold a blanket for me, I need to not be able to see folks.” Two men came forward and lifted a blanket, they held it so that Tom could not see the people. Kiazer walked over near the side of the blanket near the people. If someone would step forward and hold an item waist high please?”

A person stepped forward. Stopped and pulled out his pistol.

“Sgt. Moon, Kiazer does not like you holding a gun, even if it is pointed at the ground.” Moses chuckled and holstered his pistol.

Several more people came forward, if they were someone he knew Tom gave their name and what they carried, if not he would identify male of female and if adult or not. Then he would say what they carried. After a half a dozen people they agreed he had proved he could tell what Kiazer saw.

Sam came back. “My first gift is very much for combat. I know that Mr. Fisher has shown he can make a weapon burn and glow. That means I need to do something different. Mr. Sammon, do you have any of your tools on you?”

Gale Sammon looked at Sam, “What tool you need Mr MacLachlan?”

“Any that you can lay hand to quickly, please.”

Gale turned to one of the youths, about 9 years old, “Would you fetch me my tool tray?”

The youth ran off towards the barn. He came back a few minutes later carrying a small tray of tools. Gale pulled out a large hand file and offered it to Sam. “Will this do, Sir?”

Sam smiled “Thank you Mr. Sammon, now, would one of the children bring me a piece of the kindling?” Several of the children took off for the kindling pile and brought him three pieces. He took the first piece, held up the file, muttering. He lowered the file and began to shave pieces off the wood, the file acting like a knife, cutting into the wood. Sam turned and offered the file and kindling to Gale, who found when he took the file, it was, just a plain wood file. He looked at Sam one eyebrow raised, “There is no edge on this.”

Sam smiled, “I can only change what I am using, it does not stay changed when I hand it off.” Sam looked over at Alfred and Ernst Ulmer, the father and son who brought the field piece with them. “Would one of you loan me your pistol?” He asked.

They looked at each other a moment, Ernst stepped forward and handed Sam his Colt 1903. Sam looking impressed by the young man having such a weapon smiled, “Mr. Ulmer, does this pistol have a round in the chamber/”

Ernst nodded, “Always keep one in the chamber Da always says. The safety is on too.”

“Thank you, will you mind if I fire it, once?”

Ernst shrugged, “Isn’t that why you want to borrow it?”

Sam smiled, “Just wanted to check, bullets may get scarce soon.” He reached over and Ernst handed him the weapon. Sam walked over to where they had set a short range, his back to the crowd so they could all see the target. Sam again muttering quietly and pointed the pistol, a 32acp downrange at the paper target they had scrounged up. He pulled the trigger and everyone saw 5 holes appear in the paper, like he had shot a round of buckshot. Not something you could do with that type and caliber of weapon. The brass that came out of the pistol was a standard brass casing. Sam safed the weapon and handed it back to Ernst. “One more folks,” Sam pointed to the two children and asked them “Could I have the kindling please?” They hurried over and offered him the kindling. Sam took the larger piece and asked Francis to come over. When he got there Sam gestured to the two pieces of kindling. ”Please take one and hold it to one side.” Francis took the piece from Sam and held it out. Sam smiled and took the other piece from the child still holding it. He said thank you to the children and asked them to stand there for a moment. Sam took the stick he held, and then as he struck the kindling held by Francis, Sam’s stick burst into flame. The strike broke the kindling held by Francis and set it on fire, the stick in Sam’s hand was not burning, nor did it show signs of having been on fire. The crowd looked on gaping.

Sam gave the stick back to the child, who swung it around a couple of times and gave Sam a look, that look that say’s what you do with the other one.

Sam smiled at the child and then the group. “Those who are part of the Lance, when they swear the oath, they get a gift. We don’t choose our gifts; the Lord gives them to us. We become his soldiers. We will be inviting people who are interested in joining and we feel will be a good fit to join the Lance. Some we will ask to be the home front, the militia. Others, an Army marches on it’s stomach, we and all of you will need food. We will ask you to be farmers, to take care of the animals, to teach the children. We have reason to believe these times of trouble are here until the final coming. Things will be hard. We need to pull together and support ourselves and our allies. Everyone, go talk with your loved ones, your friends, pray and be ready.” Sam turned and started to walk away from the crowd, Alex dismissed hiss light. A huge owl, white as fresh spun wool came stooping out of the night sky. One of the owls wings nearly hit Bull in the head, knocked his hat flying as he ducked. An unearthly scream came from behind Bull as he went to a knee turning. The owl locked it’s talons around a, what was that? Scaled, almost lizard like tail, feathered wings. Not scaled, armored, like the dwarves wore, scale I think they call it, all went through Sams mind as the owl and creature vanished into the night. Whie the crowd grabbed children and each other, some scattered and other pulled weapons looking out into the dark. Preparing to defend those who could not defend themselves.

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Nov 16, 2023 18:08

All I can say is excellent demonstration.

Nov 17, 2023 03:54 by B3ast

Thank you my brother. I am sorry we did not get to talk of your world building today. Maybe soon.