Chapter 6

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March 23, 1922

Day two of the quest

7:00, cold enough to see your breath but not quite freezing, a small blessing for the lance. The sky is getting lighter, full sunrise still half an hour away. The men started to stir, coffee and breakfast starting to cook. Tents being struck, the general grumbles of a small semi military group starting their day. Breaking their fast with coffee, hardtack, pork, and yet more beans Bull asked, “anything new on the quest?”

“Not as such, but I had a dream before waking this mornin” replied Sam.

The men all looked questioningly. Sam continued, “another angel, looked a lot like Guide sat down and put its hand on my head. Gave me the worst headache I have ever had.”

 “You too?” interrupted Tom.

“I did, what notifications did you get?” asked Sam.

“Universal Communication” answered Tom.

Alex and James started, “what?” “How?”

Raising his hand to quiet them Sam questioned “That all?”

Tom nodded “You?”

Sam, “Universal Communication and learn language. 3 second cast time to communicate and 30 minutes to learn the language to basic understanding.”

The other three looked shocked, whistling or shaking their heads. “Guess they won’t be from around here.” Commented Tom

Finishing the meal, they also finished breaking camp. Sam, “remember, our quest says to explore and find our allies on the west side of the lake. Our shortest route is to head northwest following the shore.” They formed in a staggered line with 10’ spacing, Alex in the lead close to the shoreline, Bull next closer to the to the wood line. Next Tom close to the shore watching the pack horse, Sam closer to the woods with Gunner tag end. Each had his mount with him while the dogs ranged freely.  They moved slowly around the lake watching their surroundings and staying ready. After moving about a mile the forest came right to the bank of the lake forming a marsh which reached back into the trees. The men moved farther west, closer to the cliffs and closing ranks to 5’ interval, continued through the woods.

Alex signaled for them to hold as they exited as they exited the woods. “Close up.” He waited as the lance formed up around him still keeping a watch. “Anyone else notice the lack of big game or predators? Not even fresh tracks by the lake.”

Bull, “The woods do seem quiet so far.”

Tom, ”The dogs have not alerted on anything, and not ranging quite as far out.”

“Stay alert, weapons free, mind your targets, lets not shot ourselves or whoever our allies are.” Ordered Sam. “Open up to 10’ intervals again.”

The lance, Sam’s Lance, started forward again.

Mean while

 Troich: Dwarves

Agot looked over her band, they are a well-seasoned team she thought to herself. 3 heavies, armored with shield and mace or axe. 4 light, leather, bows, small shield and mace or axe. 1 rune-caster and another priestess besides herself. This world did not seem to align well with the tales of old. The old Midgard gate opened in the mountains, but there was no sign of the great sea. When they climbed to the crest just west there were more and higher mountains. To the east they could see a largeish lake. The old legends said the peak and the mountains were found east and the Gate of Kongsberg looked out over the Great Sea to the west. There should also have been a human settlement on the coast below the Gates. The King and his advisers, feeling worried, now did not even know if this is the legendary land of Midgard. They sent her band and three others to the cardinal directions, orders to travel a single day and return. Agot had Dan, Snorre, and Mats, her three heaves in a triangle to the front. Vera and Geir, two of her lights to her left, north flank, while Jorun and Terje the other two lights had her right, south flank. Frans her rune-caster was close support behind the heavies. Frode, priest of Tyr (War) and herself, priestess of Buri (The First God, prehistory) had the rear. Having seen Odin’s raven which had been flying above dive down and to the left they kept a closer watch in that direction. Frans activated his rune of detect enemy on his war staff. It was a minor comfort, but the range was limited to less than a bow shot, a normal bow shot. The band had gone some five kilometers, still a good kilometer from the lake, when Frans called out “Foe north” the band began to reform to open battle line the heavies in line in the center the lights slightly behind and flanking while she and Frode moved to flank Frans. The line still not set a creature, a brindle charged from the woods on the north pouncing on Geir and bearing him to the ground. The beast almost looked like a Breyttdyr (change beast) save for it’s smaller size and charging on two legs not four. It was also past the last quarter but days from the new moon almost as far from the full moon as possible and daytime. Geir dropping his bow as he fell pulled his knife and tried to roll to his back. Vera turned and pulled the arrow nocked on her bow but the closeness of the fight prevented a clean shot. With her left flank exposed Agot ordered “Jorun to the left, shields advance.” Jorun began to sprint to the left and the shield wall to head towards the woods when the beast swinging it’s wickedly clawed hand, howled. The howl immediately was joined by several other voices from the woods.

Blood beginning to spurt from his left shoulder Geir screamed and stabbed with his knife into the exposed belly of the beast, amazed when the blessed weapon barely pierced the fur.

Two more of the small breyttdyr, one black as coal the other with black and tan markings, charged out of the woods and Vera released at the one closest, the black and tan. Her shot flying true hit the creature in face, a critical to the eye. The creature dropped.

“Shields at the double” called Agot.

As Vera pulled and readied another arrow, the shield wall began a quicker advance readying to attack. Frans readied a healing rune on his breast plate, Jorun and Terje anchored the flanks bows half pulled, Frode began a chant to bless the band with Penetrating attack (On hit ignore first 2 points of damage resistance (DR)).

Agot began a chant for Protection (+1 DR to all members of the band).

The beast for surely it was no breyttdyr lunged savaging Geir’s throat and silencing his cry.

Another of the beasts broke cover, a brown, and charged from the wood, Vera released her arrow striking the black beast in mid charge. The arrow logged in the fur but seemed to do no damage.

Frans healing went off but rebounded, Geir was past healing. 

Agot and Frode’s blessings took effect. Jorun released and his arrow striking the black in the front shoulder, but it did not slow the beast, Terje’s arrow missed as the brown dodged. The brindle, Geir’s blood dripping from it’s jaws charged the shield wall, Vera slung her bow and prepared her hand axe and small shield.

Frans began readying the earth rune on his war staff (a versatile rune which could raise a wall or throw a projectile at the enemy).

The middle and right side of the shield wall attacked the brown, Snorre’s mace striking the right (arm/leg?) but seemed to do nothing Mats’s axe bit into the left shoulder, drawing blood but not slowing the beast. The brown’s swing striking Snorre’s shield, and he was driven back a step.

The flanks switched out to melee weapons and Frode and Agot began a second blessing.

The brindle reached the shield wall raising on two legs, its 7’ height towering over Dan’s own 6’ and struck down aiming for Dan’s head. Only Dan’s desperate block with his shield keeping him from being struck down.

Vera charged the brindle’s exposed rear striking the front arm/leg. She drew blood but the creature seemed not to notice.

Jorun having switched weapons stepped in and stabbed the brindle with his silvered sword.

The black beast having rounded the shield wall attacked Terje driving her back. The battle continued with the desperate defense of the shield wall holding the beasts though at the cost of terrible wounds taken.

The rune-caster and priests healing and blessing keeping everyone alive but the battle becoming more desperate.

Agot looking for a way to win a victory was stymied, the weapons hurt the beast but other than that first arrow none had been seriously harmed, unlike her own band.

Terje on her right was the next to fall, fighting alone against the black beast with only the aid of priestly blessings, her arm severed by a bite and shaking of the beast head.  

Her dying scream caused Mats to withdraw and turn to cover the flank.

Using runes and blessings the band began to fall back. Two of her heavies fighting one on one with a beast each and her last heavy and two lights actually managing to cause damage to brindle, the only one that seemed to be having trouble.

The combined attacks from three dwarves, two with blessed weapons keeping a complete overrun of the line from occurring.

Agot, reaching deep began a chant to Buri, calling for his aid.




The hunters, a mixed troop of Cherokee, Blackfeet, and flat heads, moved nearly silently, following the tracks from Victory. The enemy, the omitaa-dainah. Only Toothpick having brought them the news gave them a chance.  The elders had been lucky to have the white ash, a gift from the Cherokee and not found in this area. The sweat (cleansing ritual) and the blessing of warriors and weapons lending killing strength to the troop. They had been traveling on the track for almost 20 hours straight. While they were starting to tire the tracks were becoming fresher. This lent an extra surge of energy to the warriors. As they moved through the woods the sound of a white man’s rifle came from ahead of them.


Sam’s Lance

Continuing their search, the lance followed the shoreline, staying alert. They had gone about two miles, the beauty of the mountains, the lake and forest not able to fully dull the sense of foreboding. The dogs never far, always in sight and often closer. The horses on alert. They could see up ahead where a small valley rose to the west by south. A howl, deeper, more sinister sounding rose from the valley, answered immediately by others. Louder, the evil sending shivers and fear through the men and animals of the lance. Sam called rallying the mean, “Ready arms. Tom, hold the horses and keep the dogs to hand. Everyone else forward. Alex, point, Bull right, I’m left Gunner rear. Try to only kill the bad guys. Let’s move” the dismounted lance moved forward at the double. Starting up the valley the sight amazed them. There, a group out of history, axes, maces, swords, shields and armor, not just breast plates but armor fighting against monsters, wolves standing on two legs attacking the men. Driving them back. Two already down as they watched the slow fighting retreat. The range was about 125 yards not good for firing into a melee. “Advance, ready arms” called Sam. His men formed into a line at the quickstep heading up the valley. The beasts and the people fighting them unaware of their approach. The axe man on the right flank, fighting solo against one of the beasts took a blow to his head dropping him in place. In seeming answer, a hailstorm, a biblical fiery hail falling from a clear blue sky. The hail striking the beasts and causing a howl as the beasts fell back creating a space between the combatants.


The fighting becoming desperate Frans activated his strongest rune, draining his fatigue and even doing damage to himself, fire from the sky began to fall on the beasts. The black on the right striking Mats on his helm causing him to fall in place. The beasts roaring fell back from the shield wall. Agot’s prayer chant reaching it height and a wall of force rose between her band and the beasts.



The men seemed to have done something forcing the beasts back, Sam judged the range to now be 25 yards. “Halt, Kneel, Ready arms, aim, fire!” the bark of four 30.06 rifles firing at once was like thunder. The closest, black beast fell, the brown staggered back. “Advance, pick your targets and fire at will.” The lance stood and began walking forward, each man pausing to fire a round. The beasts turned on the lance and paused assessing which of the forces to engage. From the woods stepped a larger grey beast, it threw it’s head back and roared, the force of it’s voice echoing like the first volley did.

Lakeside: The Horses

Tom was having some trouble with the animals, Dearg his dog, Lair his horse and Sam’s Tair being calm while the other 4 horses and 4 dogs were nervous and only staying close by Tom’s use of the power investiture. He could understand with the bonding he was doing with Dearg and Lair their calmness, but Tair was acting strange again, twice in two days now. Tair was actually helping to keep the horses close. Over at the valley his brothers had gone up there came the sounds of rifle fire. Tair ears up and forward turned and stared at the valley. Moments later the rifles were answered by a roar that would put a grizzly to shame. Tair charged in the direction of the valley as Tom futility tried to call him back.


The warrior troop moving through the woods heard the growls and screams, then came the sound of rifles, the lead signaled to speed up just as a thunderous roar answered the rifle fire. The warriors began to rush, praying to the spirits they would be in time.


A crack, almost like thunder, who was praying to Thor? One of the beasts fell and another staggered, the band rallied seeing a strangely outfitted group of four. Where was their armor, what were those weapons they carried? Almost gnomish in look. But the smell when they fired. Agot called for the line to reform. Then the roar from the woods, a beast a great grey a head taller than any they had been fighting. A sense of power coming out of it.


 The alpha’s roar steadied the pack members. It’s power rolling over them and giving them unity, they roared back. The brindle pulling the arrow from it’s eye and trying to stand, the healing not bringing him anywhere back to full. The black, her injuries bad but not mortal standing and joining the packs response to this fierce prey.


Seeing the black beast stand, throwing back its head in an answering roar to the grey, Sam ordered “Alex, Gunner fire on the black, Bull with me prepare to receive charge.” Alex and Gunner pointed their 30.06’s and fired at the black, the force of the impact backing it up a step and bringing a whine, Sam and Bull slung their rifles and pulled their sabers and pistols. The black dropped to all fours and charged.


The flanking force of men engaging and distracting the black beast Agot commanded “Prepare to send the beasts back to Hel’s cold arms.”


The grey beast began to stalk across the field towards the wall of force holding them from their original prey.

The brown and brindle beasts beat on the wall of force, failing to breach the barrier. The black and tan, on its feet still seemed disoriented.


Alex and Gunner focused on the black beast as it charged both getting off a shot, the beast shrugging off the effects. Sam and Bull over 500 lbs of muscle and bone moved to intercept and attacking with sabers were knocked out of the way as the beast leapt on Gunner driving him to the ground.


The warriors nearing the tree line took a quick look at the battle, Wyome signaled two warriors to attack the black and tan, two to go aid the whites with the black and the other 5 to attack with him the rear of the omitaa-dainah pack. His two warriors fell on the dazed black and tan, their tomahawks coated by the oil from ash from the blessed fire burning the white ash and blessed by Unetlanvhti as were all the weapons and warriors, made quick work felling the beast. The four charging to the aid of the unknown men with the strange armor and maces and axes flanked the brown and the brindle, hamstringing the brown and exchanging blows with the brindle. He and Tokuk attacked the rear of the great grey, their axes driving deep and driving the omitaa-dainah into a fit of rage. The two warriors racing to aid the whites slowed a bit in shock.


The dwarves seeing another lightly armed and armored group of humans race from the woods and fall on the rear of the beasts surged forward attacking even as one, the black broke contact and went for the group with the gnomish weapons.


The black beast charging them Gunner and Alex fired, the beast seemed to barely feel the bullets. Bull stepped in and swung his saber at the rear leg, a hamstring for sure, I swung at the head trying to distract and block the charge, but the beast shouldered us aside landing on Gunner driving him to his back, it’s jaws savagely locking on the join of shoulder and neck. We stopped shocked as.

Sam's mount

Tair charged up the valley, his rider was in trouble. The black beast was charging almost as fast as he was but was much closer. It drove his rider to the side and brought down the smaller human who was more comfortable on foot than riding. The black beast was attacking HIS herd, rearing up Tair brought both his iron shod front hooves down on the black beast’s back.


The huge grey finding his pack surrounded, outnumbered greatly and the hated smell of the white ash on the newest enemy turned in rage striking Tokuk, driving his claws through the armor and deep into his stomach. Disaster the healer needing the healing. The alpha retreated into the woods. Falling back deeper and using his power to blend into the shadows. His pack, that had feasted so well, though they had lost four to the defenders of the settlement, now was down to just himself. Time to lick his wounds and rebuild.

The ending

The mixed forces surrounding and outnumbering the beasts managed to make quick work having the aid of the beast’s bane on so many weapons. Even so many bore wounds from the beasts. Sam seeing Gunner badly wounded, “Alex you have healing can you help?” As Alex knelt to aid his brother in arms Sam looked to Bull, “Fall back and call Tom forward,” then turning to the warriors he gave thanks for the aid while stroking Tair’s neck as the stallion stood near him.

The battle over the dwarves and Indian warriors found themselves unable to converse and keeping an eye on each other began to aid the wounded and gather the fallen.

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Oct 10, 2023 21:06

Very well done. Good small unit action. The most powerful was not the ones you expected.   I look forward to seeing more.

Oct 12, 2023 01:17 by B3ast

The last to commit reserves gives an advantage, surprise attack from the rear, and fighting with better knowledge and correct weapons all make a big difference. Chapter 7 will help explain why the Indian warriors were not the weakest in the battle.