Chapter 4

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Placing his weapon at the wall, Guan Yu lowered himself to his level; the warrior extended his hand towards the boy in offer to take it, "it takes courage to face the problems that afflict you, to face the enemy of which you are terrified to fight. Do not cower from them, for that is what makes us stronger, to acknowledge our fears and fight them until the very end," his soothing voice sounded reassuring enough that Seth shyly look at him.

"You are more than capable of doing so, and I believe in you," his voice grew soft while still presenting his hand to him. Although, the elderly man waited patiently for Seth to accept his gesture, the boy could only nod in acceptance to his words while being hesitate to accept it.

Sighing, he sat down between the child and his guandao, wearing softened stoic expression but compassionate and understanding of the boy's inner struggles, "life is not easy, and there will be obstacles that will try to stop us from achieving our dreams. There will be hardships that are thrown onto our paths, but we aren't born for no reason," the words were spoken earnestly as Seth listened with curious ears.

"There is meaning of our lives, a reason in why we are born, whether we know it or not," Guan Yu's gaze looked back at him with smile, "what about you, child. Is there a reason you were born?" He asked, causing him to flinch from the sudden question.

Blinking multiple times, his unsure of what to say as he felt comfortable by this old man's presence and kindness; reminding himself that this person is like the pastor albeit stronger and larger build, "I don't know," he muttered softly under his breath.

The warrior nodded his head, "then you must discover what that reason is," standing up, he grabbed his weapon before turning his attention to the golden crucifix laying on the floor; walking towards it, he bend down and picked it up, cleaning the dust of the cross, he spun in motion and extended the object towards him, "it is clear this means something for you," mentioning to the item while wearing a gentle expression.

Seth eyed him before his attention is set towards the cross, his lips pressed together before timidly standing up and reaching towards it. Taking it into his hands, he focused on the source that comforted him and kept him safe throughout his life.

Guan Yu then smiled kindly at him, eyes filled with pride of the child who was able to stood up despite his troubles, "come, the king awaits," patting his left shoulder affectionately like proud father who encouraged his son to do his best.

He looked up with admiration to him, nodding in agreement that he is ready to face the challenge alongside this man as his face blushed of being treated compassionately without having to be forced in hearing their verbal abuse, "t-thank you," the boy's words flowed naturally from his mouth without fear or hesitation.

He simply responded with a gentle pat on his head, "you're welcome," a fatherly grin spread across his lips before he begin walking back, causing the boy to also walk at his side; duo venture through the hallway with barely any tension in the air.

This is unusual for someone like him because he always felt anxiety whenever occupying with someone he hadn't met, let alone Guan Yu who he just started speaking with in few minutes of their conversation. Although, it is a lot better for him to converse with someone who appears friendly than the people he met back in his own world.

Gripping the holy cross in his right hand, Seth felt ease of having someone answered him during his time of prayer, the desire of wanting to go back home was ignored when he realize that if he was truly meant for this, then whatever happens in the end is destiny being set upon by the lord himself.

"Are you religious?" The elderly warrior asked, curious of the crucifix that he held between his hands, "the appearance of that object you are carrying has meaning to it," He mentioned while glancing at the cross with intrigued, he wasn't wrong of course.

Wearing blank expression, the boy realized the question before replying an answer of his own, "yes, I am," the emotionless voice came out rather monotone, but he isn't really one to show strong emotions or reactions after having nervous breakdown, "my cross was given to me as parting gift after kind old priest took me in before he died from old age," admitting the truth of his faith.

Gently stroking his well kept beard, Guan Yu closed his eyes with solemn smile, "it seems that you have found good man that had taken care of you. Be fortunate of being taken cared by one, very fortunate indeed," his eyes reopened from this, "cherish the memory of his life, for it is an blessing to have that happen to you."

"Cherish...?" Seth wanted to but so many bad things had happened in his life that it is barely worth the time to even try, atleast not anymore, "I can't, I'm sorry. Not anymore," it doesn't matter how much he wants to do so, he just can't do it, "because...well..." Feeling nervous of telling his entire story, he is still unsure of whether this man is trustworthy, "I just can't."

Understanding what he is feeling, the warrior nodded the boy's rejection of this question, "I see, and the meaning of the cross?" Repeating the same inquiry, he wondered if it is something that ties to the boy, "what is the significance of this object to you?"

The crucifix has so much to it that it is too vast to explain to someone that he hardly knew. It is principal symbol for many diverse groups who followed God's teachings, many use this artifact and believe that it is a representation of their beliefs, "the cross represents many things," Seth explained while gripping it, "but to me, its my source of comfort and connection to God," he concluded the reason why his always keeping this treasure close.

Pausing for a brief second, Guan Yu faced him with curious look, "God?" Intrigued at the mention of deity that this boy mentioned, "and who is this God you speak of?" He asks, causing the boy to halt in his step as confusion crept over his facial features, "does this deity have name?"

As warrior who had battled many foes with diverse beliefs and backgrounds, he had studied Taoism after the Yellow Turban Rebellion begin its expansion; but his never the type of man that is keen of practicing religion for too long, his person of action and rationality while respecting the tenets of people's ideologies.

Seth frowned from this, "uh, well..." scratching the back of his head, the boy looked down from awkwardness, "many believers have different interpretation of him as the priest told me but...I guess..." his eyes scanned at the old man as his mouth opened and close, "God entity that...has many names and are said to be responsible for creating everything that made existence as," a sheepish expression of embarrassment formed.

"Hmm, what is this God of yours is known for?" Questioning more of this religious belief that the child has, "there are many that are worshiped and deified, many gods, that is what I learn across my battles," he looked up towards the ceiling before gazing back to him, "are his lessons beneficial for you?"

The boy blinked owlishly in response, thinking whether to explain further before reluctantly agreeing, "y-yeah, he's...always been there for me and everyone else..." his voice cracked from the growing anxieties in his heart, the fact that his opening himself to this person , "but his never there to answer me in times of need...he is so distant and I don't know how to reach out to him," his fingers curled tightly around the cross, the idea of eternally praying is not helping him at all.

Nod then came from Guan Yu, "they work in mysterious ways," the older man calmly said while not being offensive to his religious beliefs, "perhaps the God you believe in is only taking the time to prepare you for the trials that he is certain for you to overcome," his gentle eyes stared at Seth's, "wouldn't that make sense? Of your resilience and strength that you are capable of?"

Clutching the crucifix that is a symbol of his faith, the boy pondered deeply of this man's words, "what if my purpose in life is to suffer? What if there is no reason for me to exist?" Words that come out from him sound melancholy in tone, "I don't want this, I don't want to live life like that," Seth's hands began shake.

"Child..." Placing his hand on Seth's shoulder, he gazed him with compassionate expression, "that is the same as denying that you are capable of doing anything good, you will always be hurt, but you have the strength to fight for your goals and ambitions, no matter how small, will never go away," speaking tenderly and fondly to him, "do not forget that you have reason to keep fighting for," the elderly warrior chuckled amusedly to his own statement.

His eyes widened, looking down in deep thought as Guan Yu let go of his hand as they continued walking back to their destination, "but I don't have reason to continue being alive other than surviving," Seth said depressingly, "everything that was given to me was either taken or destroyed, it's hard for me to keep believing when I'm hurt all the time," he murmured quietly, holding back his tears.

Breath of composure exhaled through his nose, "that isn't true," the old man spoke gently, "you believe in some deity, that is something worth fighting for in your life," realization hit him of the words that he didn't know the meaning of, "think of it like an flame within the heart of passion that will lead you towards your goal of becoming stronger," laughed lightly from this.

Smile grew on Seth's lips, "thank you, Mr. Guan," his words of appreciation and sincerity from this conversation they just had, staring at his hand in which is tightly gripping the crucifix that he been keeping, finding the needed hope to not abandon it and his faith of God.

What the man had said to him is true, there is reason for him to continue fighting aside from his own survival; so he will keep holding on until the day comes where he can finally find his purpose of living and the relationship with God. The boy's spirit slowly rose, gradually understood what it is that he must do, his face was now filled with a faint hope and determination in doing so.

In silence, they traveled back through the long hallways until they reached the entrance of the throne room; before Seth could open the doors, he glanced at the man with hesitant expression, "I'm still..." Despite how much he felt of wanting to introduce himself; the nagging anxiety of socializing with others is what stopped him, "not ready."

Patting him on the shoulder, Guan Yu smiled down at the child, "you will be fine," he assured him, "I'll be right next to you," the warrior's voice sounded calm and reassuring to Seth's worries, making the poor boy feel alot better knowing someone is here for him.

Seth nodded, taking in a deep breath and releasing it. He gripped the handles of the massive, engraved wooden double doors of the throne room; entering to see King Midas and the blue shirt kid conversing about something related to the situation before noticing their presence.

"Ah, you arrived," the king said with relief, gesturing them to come closer, "are you going to introduce yourself now?" Directly asking the boy of who he is, patiently waiting for answer while Billy was giving scowling expression towards the person that ran away like coward.

"Uhh..." The anxiousness welled up within Seth again, but he was able to quell it for a bit, "m-m-my name is Seth," his stuttering speech showed signs of nervousness that he tried to control, "it's nice to meet you, King Midass..." He mentally cursed himself for saying his name incorrectly.

Instead of being insulted or angered by the misrepresented words, King Midas merely chuckled from the hilarious mistake that this boy made with his name, "Midass?" He repeated amusingly with humored look, "where did that come from?" A slight smirk stretched across his wrinkled face.

Billy simply sighed, rolling his eyes from the ridiculous scene he was witnessing, seeing everything a waste of time but held his mouth shut, not wanting to make this any worst for there is else other things he have in mind that is more worth his attention than this idiot.

Panicking, he hastily replied, "um, s-sorry," trying to brush it off before noticing a ten year old girl wearing sleeved blue dress running towards their direction from behind, "uh-um...someone is" Seth couldn't finish his sentence when the little girl passed his side and moved towards the king, lunging on Midas with wide arms as they embraced.


Her delighted voice rang with pure joy, embracing him with an adorable hug as she rubbed her cheek against his stomach, "you promise that your going to get me more dolls to play with?" She happily said, tilting her head with a charming smile.

Gently pushing her away, King Midas then took her hand and walked towards them before stopping in few meters, "this is my daughter, Cinder," smiling warmly at her, "say hi to them princess," he introduced her to the trio, to which she obliged and greeted everyone with kind hospitality.

"Hi everyone!" Waving her hands to them, her innocent blue eyes studied Guan Yu with amazed wonder, "are you a giant mister?" She asked excitedly to the large man who bent down to her level, "because you are really tall to be human!"

Chuckle escaped from the warrior's lips, "please to meet you little one," patting her head gently, "my name is Guan Yu, but you may call me old man instead," his hand retreated back, causing the girl to giggle happily, her eyes then shined in fascination over the two.

Billy, aggravated of wasting more time while Seth on the other hand, was still nervous in meeting someone else again, especially when it comes to the king's daughter as he doesn't know what to say without being rude or weirdo that is being perceived by people.

"Hey, what is your guys name?" Cinder happily pointed out, circling around the two and expecting their attire in interest, "what is this?" She mentions to the pistol holstered at Billy's waist, her finger tapped it softly, making him flinch.

Moving away, Billy furiously yelled at her, "don't touch it! It isn't toy!" Gritting his teeth angrily with displeased look, his patience is growing thin of her behavior, "bother someone else with your annoying antics," turning away from her with folded arms.

She pouted, "you meanie!" The princess insulted before moving on to Seth who is turned nervous in pure horror, "hey, about you? What's your name?" Asked curiously, causing him to freeze entirely, unable to utter any words whatsoever.

His lips trembled, sweat trickling down his cheeks while awkwardly rubbing the back of his head, "w-w-well, uh, um, errr," the boy struggle to even give straight answer while blinking repeatedly, "S-s-s-s," once again, he was interrupted by her.

"Ohhhh, what is that...?" Cinder's eyes was focused on the golden cross that he is holding, "can I—" As her hand was close to snatch it, Seth instinctively moved backward, hiding his cross away from her sight by protecting it defensively.


Shaking his head, he quickly composed himself until he corrected his actions, "sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm sorry," bowing down as a sign of his apology, hoping the girl wasn't hurt by his actions as she glance at him, Cinder smiled brightly before answering, "its okay, I forgive you!" The princess gleefully proclaimed.

Looking straight at them, Midas decided to address the situation of their discussion, "let us resume where we have last spoke, shall we?" His regal and polite tone caught their attention, "please have eyes on me, all of you," indicating for each to listen.

"Because what I am going to say will be important for you to hear when the fate of our land lies within the strength of the heroes we have summoned," he declared as serious expression on his face.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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