Chapter 13

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Finally exiting outside of the castle through a couple of doors due to how huge the place is, Seth and Cinder were able to make out the beauty and splendor of the entire landscape after they had walked down long stone steps that lead into a bridge underneath the said castle, taking in the scenery before them while the silver-armored knights patrolled in small groups of three to five members along with their own mounts that carried supplies, weapons, and other necessities required for their expeditions.

Although some of them had noticed them or even glanced at the children, they nonetheless looked away, not knowing who they were to begin with, as Seth and Cinder continued observing their left and right to see towns connecting to the very front of them from their roads.

Which in itself is a vast city of such enormous size that one could easily spend days exploring without finding an end, filled with a variety of houses and buildings in Renaissance architecture made mostly of wood, stones, or other materials constructed and intermingled together alongside various sizes ranging anywhere from single-story houses to multi-story buildings towering high above their heads.

"Come on!"

She suddenly grabbed his hand, surprising him with the unexpected gesture, but before he could even protest, the princess dragged Seth forward along their path as they walked down the bridge leading them to the city. "I always wanted to travel outside of this place!" Excitement filled her voice with enthusiasm as she ran through the patrolling guards moving about.

Glancing at her expression, he noticed how excited and thrilled she is about this opportunity, which brought a warm smile to his lips. "Yeah, I'm pretty much the same too," he admitted to his agreement while following by her side, sharing the same sentiment in this matter as it is their first time ever being in another place or world altogether.

He found it strange that nobody who is a knight working under the king has ever stopped them. Seth should have expected confronting or stopping them because, according to what type of father her father is, the man is likely an overprotective but well-intentioned person who is overseeing the entire city of the empire while believing what's best for his daughter.

As they entered the main streets of this place, where many citizens are bustling around shopping and doing everyday tasks, With them dressed in different styles of clothing that fit their status, be it lower or upper class in society, While some appear to be adventurers of sorts, wearing a mixture of different garments with their weaponry displayed openly in public for the onlookers to see,

Among these common people were children playing tag, chasing after each other, and other activities they enjoy in their spare time despite some running errands for their parents or older siblings alike, along with the elderly enjoying the sun and breeze by sitting around and talking amongst themselves.

Looking around again, he begins to believe this is both a common and imperial district because of the diversity of the residents. I have come across many individuals who are wealthy as well as common folks, but some who wore what looked like to be rags as clothing while also bearing signs of poverty that are clearly visible in the open.

"This is so awesome!" She pumped her fist in the air once again. "All those years of staying inside my home made me forget what the outside world looked like!" Running through the crowd and waving her arms frantically toward them, being careful not to bump into anyone by accident, "the fresh air, people talking, and the sound of horses galloping nearby!" Cinder spun around like an excited child, discovering everything around her for the very first time.

Smiling softly to himself, the young boy followed after her while feeling nervous about the judging stares given to them by passerby's that spotted the both of them wandering through the market place, "C-cinder," whispering under his breath anxiously; Seth didn't know how long he would last being around others for long periods of time before getting anxiety attacks, "your making a scene," wanting to keep low profile as much as possible.

Yet her antics have drawn more attention to them, much to Seth's discomfort. "Stop drawing unnecessary attention," he said, tugging lightly on her right sleeve, feeling more self-conscious than usual as it's been years since being in civilization, especially in a very busy place like this.

His always been an introvert due to the isolation and trauma he has gone through since a young age, so socializing with people is a lot harder than it looks for him, even if he tries his hardest in doing so.

Cinder grinned sheepishly at her friend while scratching her cheek with her index finger, "Sorry about that," apologizing before clearing her throat awkwardly as she continued in a lowered volume, "it's just that I'm used to being in seclusion for awhile that I tend to get a little excited when I get to see something new."

Seth couldn't help but chuckle at her response, feeling somewhat refreshing after seeing how cheerful she is towards everything that happens around her, even though he is shy when it comes to being with hyperactive people. "Don't worry, it is fine." He assured her with a weak smile while glancing towards the side before nervously looking forward once again.

"So, uh, where exactly are you planning to go?" The boy then asked, unsure of what to do in this situation as they continue to walk through the busy streets, still not understanding why he even went with her in the first place, "And how come no one had recognize you?" He was curious why not a single guard or soldier stopped them, despite her being royalty.

Her answer was simple: "Most of them don't know I'm their king's daughter," giggling in response when explaining herself towards him, "It's a good thing that they didn't!" Happily answering back in a cheerful manner, "I want to explore and enjoy myself for once in my life without worrying about being stuck in that place!" Cinder cheered with enthusiasm.

Walking at her side, there were many thoughts running through his mind, especially with the new environment they were in and the world he had never seen before in his own two eyes.

At first, after being summoned, he had almost shared the same sentiment with the cowboy, believing that they were being pranked or at least played some sort of trick, but soon realized this isn't what it seems to be as he was faced with the reality that this place and people are indeed real.

When everyone is dressed in the appropriate era of the 16th century, Seth understands that he is not living in modern times but rather in a different time entirely. "I never thought I would see something like this," he says under a quiet tone of voice without realizing it.

She managed to hear it anyway and agreed wholeheartedly. "Neither have I," the girl replied back, "but hey, it doesn't matter anymore since we are both here, right?" Chuckling in amusement with her own joke as Seth found it amusing as well, laughing alongside her.

Warmth grew from within him for being accepted and acknowledged by someone in his life. Aside from his adopted father, he had been treated unfairly by the people around him due to his strange personality and status of being nothing more than a street urchin, but the fact that Cinder is willing enough to befriend him despite everything that has happened up until this point brings peace of mind for once since his childhood.

"Thank you..." Happiness bubbled within him, feeling delighted for having someone who understands him from within and out, "for accepting me despite me being an abnormal person." His gratitude was sincere as he stared back at her with appreciation. "It's been lonely for me throughout the years before meeting you," the young boy added shyly, a blush forming on his cheeks.

She immediately stopped, causing him to also do the same. "Your..." Her eyes widen in shock, unable to look away from what she is seeing. "Are you...alright?" Cinder spoke in a hesitant tone while swallowing nervously, causing a confused look from him.

"Huh...?" Noticing the tears flowing down from his own face, he touched them only for them to fall through his fingertips. "Oh, ah!" Quickly wiping them off with a sleeve, Seth apologized profusely for being weirdo again, "sorry for being overly sensitive and acting stupid." He felt ashamed for being an emotional wreck and crying randomly like some kind of idiot who just saw a kitten for the very first time.

Reassurance filled Cinder's words when she approached him, wiping his falling tears with her own palms gently. "It's alright, Seth..." The way she spoke was full of understanding of how hard his life must have been for him. Even though she didn't fully know him nor understand how he became the person she is right now, what mattered to her the most was showing sympathy and compassion towards another human being in need of comfort. "Everyone has their own struggles in life; that's what my mother said to me before she died," she continued while smiling kindly at him.

A frown then formed upon her lips as she remembered the past: "She fell ill one day and died without warning." Recalling painful memories as her hands tightened themselves while gritting her teeth. "My father never really got over her passing but still manages to move on, hoping she rests peacefully with our ancestors," she finished quietly.

Forgetting the topic of his own life, he felt sympathy for her more than himself: "I'm sorry for your loss." It hurt him greatly because, as both of them have suffered in the past, the young boy knew that there isn't anything he can do except be there for her to comfort and support her whenever she needs it.

Because that's what friends are for.

Their tearful moment was interrupted by a loud man shouting from his shop to alert possible customers, standing behind a wooden counter with various fruits displayed upon the shelves and stands, "Fresh and delicious!" His voice resounded loud through the area, which still didn't draw anyone's attention except the two children staring at him.

The man wore typical farmer clothing consisting of brown pants, a dirty white shirt, and a black leather apron, along with a straw hat to protect against sunlight shining down upon them. "Fruit!"Get your fruit!" He called out once more, hoping to catch anyone's attention.

She made her way towards the stand, with Seth slowly following behind, not sure why his friend wanted to check it out. Despite lacking any money to purchase from the man, the princess still gazed at the fruits curiously with an interest in trying one.

Noticing the two kids, his long black mustache and beard shook along with him as the man gave them a toothy grin, "Little ones, do you want to try one?" He pointed toward the items and said, "We've got apples, peaches, bananas, and oranges!" Picking up pieces from shelves to show off for the two children.

"Its free?" The princess asked eagerly while leaning in closer with widened eyes, filled with anticipation, "Is it really...?" Excitement rang in her voice as the man's response was a frown from his wrinkled forehead, saying in a denied manner, "Of course not, little girl," and speaking bluntly at her, "This is a business after all, not some charity place."

Seth wanted to say something but couldn't; his own anxiety about communicating with others he doesn't know or trust has prevented him from speaking freely unless forced to. All he can do now is silently stare down with a defeated expression plastered upon his features.

Cinder was albeit saddened by the news. She always gets free stuff from servants in the castle, but out here everything costs money. Everyone back home is always generous in giving allowances and gifts, but this time it's different. "Awww..." Hanging her head down in disappointment at herself, she says, "I'm sorry to bother you, sir," apologizing to the man with a slight bow.

Seeing these kids leaving and having no customers visiting his small shop, he decided to make an exception. "Hold on," the man spoke, which caught both their attentions as Seth and Cinder glanced back at him. "The two of you can pick only one fruit," he said, pausing before continuing onward. "In exchange, I want the two of you to spread the word about my shop," he said, offering propositions while wearing a welcoming smile at them.

It seemed like a good deal to her and Seth too, so he nodded along with her decision, "Yay!" The girl cheered happily as she examined them closely until she came across a yellow citrus piece hanging from a branch. "What is this called?" Holding it gently with her right hand.

The merchant answered in a quick reply, "That there is a lemon." His description was straightforward as he responded with a neutral voice, "a yellow citrus fruit that has a sour taste to it," mentioning in a bored tone of voice while still giving her a small smile regardless.

Nodding in understanding, she turned toward her companion, who had yet to pick the fruit. "Which one do you want to get, Seth?" Asked as she tried sniffing it briefly with her nose, smelling its aroma before grimacing due to its strong scent, causing Seth to chuckle quietly, finding it funny to see his friend's reaction while examining other fruits carefully until he picked an orange for himself.

The man watched with a blank expression, not showing much emotion as he observed these two young ones make a choice of which piece of fruit to choose for the first time. "Two for free!" He declared proudly before slapping the table twice, "Free! Free!" Announcing in an enthusiastic voice, "Now that's what I call a great deal!" Excitement filled his body language, spreading his arms wide open in hopes of attracting others towards his product.

Hearing the word free and seeing two children munching down on fruits, some of the bystanders became intrigued by what the merchant was promoting while approaching them with interest: "Did you say free?" A random woman questioned me, standing beside the counter while glancing at the fruits on display.

"Yes! I give out only one free fruit as a sample."The merchant grinned widely at his customer when more people began gathering around him, curious as they stared intently at what he was selling at this hour. "So who wants to try one?" His question caused several others to raise their hands in hopes of being chosen.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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