Chapter 53

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Seth carefully spun in motion, expecting to see another strange place that he has to deal with once more, something he is getting used to dealing with.

But Seth never expected to be in an environment comprised of nothing but darkness all around him, where not a single sight of furniture or person can be seen nor sound other than his own breathing could be heard in this enigma. "What...what is this place?" He whispered under his breath, confused by what he was seeing.

Despite everything covered with darkness, he can still see his own arms and legs, including his cross. "Shouldn't I be blind in this level of pitch black?" Mentally asking the obvious question as he turns his head left and right in observation of such a notion.

Knowing he wouldn't get his answer if he remained standing idly, Seth walked aimlessly in the abyss, wondering what he should do next with his legs moving forward, ignoring how his body begged to sleep from the whole ordeal of walking through these weird environments.

There is neither a single source of light nor warmth; everything that surrounds him is complete darkness. It is enough to drive anyone insane if they stay here for too long. "Is anyone there?" Shouting at the top of his lungs in hopes of getting anyone's intention

He shouldn't do this, especially when Seth has encountered many monsters throughout this dimension. But seeing how empty and lifeless this place is, it is better to meet someone or something in this accursed place. Even if they are hostile to begin with.

"You wish to speak with me?"

The mysterious, booming voice of an elderly man reverberated throughout the darkness, causing the young teen to flinch as he stood still from where he was. The boy doesn't know where the voice is coming from, and the echoes around him make it difficult to pinpoint exactly where the person is.

"H-hello?!" He nervously shouted back in response, unsure of who he was dealing with: "My name is Seth, and—" The chuckling of that ominous voice cut him off before he could finish, making Seth gulp in hesitation and anxiety over this conversation.

"I already know who you are," the voice stated in a cryptic tone, "a sniveling, sad loser who is transported into a fantasy world filled with knights, dragons, and magic." The sarcasm in his words was clear in Seth's ears, "but you are curious to ask how you can save your best friend? Correct?" He asked rhetorically.

"Yes!" The boy answered back frantically with an excited grin, "YES! That's correct!" Feeling relieved of meeting someone who knows what's going on despite how surprised he is to have this voice know everything about him, "Can you tell me how I can bring him back? Please, sir!!" Seth begged loudly and desperately.

Silence has filled the void; not a single word came from the voice. Making him worry if his questions or requests haven't been heard, "Are you there? Can you hear me?" Calling out to him, hoping the person who is speaking can respond back.

Then creepy laughter emerged from the mysterious voice, loud and echoing through the blank space they were in. "I know that you are desperate, but what makes you think I will tell you the truth?" Amusement in his voice was noticeable from his tone. "Do you think I am kind-hearted and who cares about you? No, that is not the case. I am selfish and manipulative, deceiving people into believing in my lies and secrets," he explained to him with no concern for the words he used.

"Is there anything I can offer in exchange?" Seth suggested before he paused for a moment, realizing there is nothing of worth to provide for this stranger, "All I wanted is to have this nightmare over," exhausted from the situation he is in.

"Then perish and forget all about it; return back home to your world. Do not return here," the voice told him firmly without compromise. "I'm aware you wanted to go home, yes?" He inquired curiously, "You want to escape from this reality filled with magic and monsters? Just return back to the normal world, and I assure you that this will all become just a bad dream," convincing him that staying in a sphere will only result in futility.

"Going....home?" Eyes widening from this realization, "What about my friends? Guan Yu, Morgan, Billy, and everyone else, what will happen to them when I'm gone?" Asking these questions that needed to be known, not wanting to leave them behind by their loneliness.

"Why should it be your concern, Seth?" The voice questioned clearly, "If you truly want to help your friends, then you should abandon this fantasy world of Spheroidal, returning back to Earth, where everything is normal. Why are you so eager to help them?" Reasoning to him in the most direct way possible, "do not sacrifice your happiness for others; the sooner you realize that, the better it will be," urging him to not risk his life in pursuing their goals.

The boy doesn't know what to say back, struggling to find the right words to refute the statements, "But if I don't help them, then everyone will—"

"Die," mirthfully cutting him off with his words, "they will perish and be forgotten in the history books for everyone to forget, becoming nothing but an unfortunate incident in the tales of Spheroidal's past," the voice exclaimed, "and in time, the memory of your friends will disappear as well. Everything will be gone," telling him grim reality that will become true once he returns to where he originally belongs.


Home—is earth truly where he wants to go back? Compared to that place, spheroidal and planet Earth aren't so much different. At least this world seems better than where he came from. But this isn't his real home, isn't it? He belongs to that place, the birthplace to which he must return someday.

This isn't the life he desires.

And yet, he made companions, unlike the homeworld Seth came from. even with all the struggles, traumatizing experiences, and being tasked with defeating powerful, evil wizards. He made friends who gave him their time and company; he didn't make anyone suffer with him.

So it shouldn't be right to leave them for his own sake after they have shown him something other than how to survive. Which is friendship with other human beings, bonds he hasn't experienced for years and have lost ever since his adopted father died.

"I refuse your offer," Seth responded with regret in his voice. "I would love to go back, but after meeting everyone who has shown me kindness and friendship, I cannot abandon them by leaving without a trace after everything they have done for me," answering with firm resolve to stand beside them through thick and thin, even if it costs his life.

Then silence grew in the air, a tension that was palpable to him. His mind raced with many thoughts, most of them negative in what would transpire: "Uhh..." Nervously calling out to the unknown person, "Are you still there?" The boy hoped for some form of answer.

"Fool..." The voice growled at him angrily, "You are an utter fool," his tone becoming harsher. "Sacrificing your own life for the sake of others is meaningless! How idiotic can you be?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs in disbelief at Seth's decision.

"I was just being—"


The loud, commanding shout made him instantly shut his mouth. All Seth could do was anxiously stand where he was, unable to do anything else against this angry voice. This person really knows how to make his presence known in the most intimidating ways.

"Look at you," the voice laughed bitterly, "a spineless worm who can be easily controlled by others. You don't deserve the freedom you were given," criticizing him for being a coward; "your pitiful existence is the reason why I despise mankind." It grew louder and louder in each sentence; "it sickens me to the core," the words echoing through the darkness.

The boy bit his lips, knowing how true everything he said was: "But I'm trying to change that, to be someone that can actually—" He wanted to give himself an excuse, to at least defend himself from this onslaught of words, but he couldn't, as Seth was then interrupted once more.

"You are nothing more than a lowly insect who relies on others for survival," the voice scoffed at him, "someone who abandons others for your own sake," mocking the very decision of Seth choosing to remain in this dangerous realm, "you will never amount to anything, not even in the slightest."

That was the last straw for him as he dropped his knees onto the ground, letting go of his cross prior to crying quietly while holding his head with both hands. "Stop..." Trying to block out the remarks, feeling overwhelmed by those cruel words, "please stop. Just leave me alone." Stammering from his heavy tears

"Someone like you is worthless," the voice declared with complete disregard for Seth's feelings, "always like an insignificant ant that will be forgotten in the annals of time. Your accomplishments will not even be remembered in a hundred years," deriding him for his incompetence and weakness, "can't you see, boy? This is what you truly are!"

"SHUT UP!" Seth screamed as loud as he could, tired of hearing this voice spitting venom in him: "JUST SHUT UP AND STOP TALKING TO ME!" Desperately wishing for this to end, not wanting to continue suffering through this agony.

It was then followed by the sounds of demonic giggling, and after a few seconds, that same person spoke, "That is the Seth I know!" Delighted by what transpired, "you show emotions besides fear! Wonderful!" Praise him with false sincerity.

He felt his vulnerability exposed; the trauma he had suppressed for years and the anger that he never dared to show before were all revealed. Seth realized how easily he fell apart despite everything he tried to put up for appearance's sake.

Fear has always been with him, ever since he was thrown into a cruel world and forced to rely on his instincts to run away rather than solve his problems head-on. There are many times that he has wondered why he always remains the same.

Was it because of God? The main motivator for his surviving for this long? Was it a blessing in disguise, despite his own mortality being at risk from all of this? He doesn't know the answer to that, but he sure does find it unfair for him to endure this life he has.

"God..." Calling out the omnipotent being with a sad whimper, "Why can't I ever do things correctly?" He sobbed with self-hatred and disgust in himself, "Everything that happens to me is always my fault." He said with clear disdain for his own uselessness, "Even if I do the best I can, it'll all turn out the same way," crying silently for mercy and forgiveness.

"Ha! God?!" The voice once again, sarcastically questioning his belief in a higher deity, asked, "How can a child believe in the all-mighty who doesn't care about their plight? If this entity you are worshiping truly cares about you, then why does he allow you to suffer through countless misfortunes??"Continuously tormenting him with insults and mockery towards the religion.

Grabbing his crucifix, he held it with both of his hands in a praying gesture near his own face. "Please help me. Help me. Help me!" Crying hysterically and begging for divine intervention from God. No matter what he said or did, Seth will never receive any attention from the heavens.

Is he doing something wrong? Does he not have enough faith to be worth God's attention? The terrified boy couldn't understand why the Lord wouldn't answer his calls; it made him feel utterly insignificant, like this spiteful voice said.

"So I'll ask once again..."

A powerful, evil presence suddenly appeared in front of him, causing his head to slowly look in shock at what he was about to encounter as tears still continuously fell down his cheeks. Standing a couple of meters away from him is an old man with abnormal features.

"Will you accept my deal?"

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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