Chapter 78

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Sitting on a red, comfortable couch near the fireplace was Genno, whose blank face was staring directly at the woman he saved earlier, patiently waiting for her to say something first before resorting to speaking up himself, as he isn't the type to like talking with others if he has to.

Along with staying in a cozy and well-kept cavern with lined beds at one end, There were also several candles and lanterns littered around, casting the room in a warm, yellow glow. The walls and floors themselves were made of rock, as expected with a cave, but he had clearly put in the effort to make the place homely.

On the walls hung numerous collected weapons. And there were a number of books scattered around, all on varying subjects. There was even what appeared to be a small kitchen, complete with pots and pans, cutlery, and plates. Everything a person might need to survive

At the far corner is a set of stairs leading up with their claustrophobic walls covered in a couple of torches to light the dark passageway, presumably leading to the surface, which is somewhat curious since the entrance to the hideout was surrounded by a huge forest.

However, what she was more concerned about was the long and awkward stare Morgan was getting from him as sweat slowly trickled down from her forehead. The weird tension between them was quite unnerving, to the point where she had to walk for a brief moment to lay Seth down on one of the many unoccupied beds before sighing tiredly.

Turning to face him and walking forward to where the couch is located, "I want to thank you for saving us on our behalf," she started by giving her gratitude, "without you, who knows what will become of us?" She rubbed her own arm nervously.

However, instead of receiving any verbal response or physical reaction from the boy, he simply shrugged nonchalantly. "No need; I was only doing what I am supposed to do," Genno said without much regard. "It is what normal people are supposed to do: help each other regardless of anything else." The words came out with a bored undertone.

Relief and joy swelled in her chest when she realized that their savior isn't a bad person so far. "You are a good person," Morgan said with a smile while also taking the time to study his appearance, resulting in his shifting uncomfortably. "Even if it is simply out of promise or beliefs, it is what action matters the most," showing her admiration for him.

The boy raised his eyebrow at this, not really sure of how to respond to her statement, but he decided to let it slide and move on. "Action speaks louder than words," he whispered mostly to himself, "and yet they still mean nothing to most people." Muttering softly at this way of thinking.

Ignoring his small and odd comment, the woman then sat on the other couch at his left, saying, "The fireplace reminds me of my home," placing her spear on her lap, "where the warmth and flame would soothe me from the cold and the horrors outside." Eyes lighting up at the nostalgia that flooded through her, "where there is always peaceful and beautiful scenery," she said fondly.

With a slow and steady exhale, "why leave your home then?" He already knows the answer but nonetheless is curious to hear her own perspective on the incident: "I'm pretty certain there is a good reason to do so," suspecting a personal reason.

"To help my friends," she wasted no beat in answering, "is there someone you deeply care about aside from family?" Curious to know if he has others besides them, "someone important to you that shaped the way you are today?" Frowning at the memory of Guan Yu, "someone who had once saved you?"

For a brief moment, he froze on these questions. Genno felt it was difficult to answer them as he truly has no one but his father, a parent who was murdered in front of his eyes since he was a younger child. "No one in particular," he lied while maintaining a calm expression. "Why must it be a concern for you?" Not bothering to change the subject while expressing some annoyance in his tone.

Giggling at the question, "It is that..." Trailing off with a somber mood, "we need people to remind us of what it is we are fighting for," her voice breaking slightly, "in times of despair and hopelessness, those important to us are what make us strong and determined," elaborating for him what she truly thinks of those words.

In all honesty, he cared less of others aside from doing the right thing; it is what some of his religion's lessons are and his father's teachings altogether: "I have no interest in making friends," bluntly rejecting her proposal as he raised his hand when he saw the witch getting ready to reply back, "I have lost everything to become what I am now." There was clear anger in his tone but sadness too.

Concern was on her face, surprised but having accustomed to losing people; "I agree with you, losing Guan Yu so suddenly was shocking for everyone." Momentarily looking at her shoulder, she sees Billy sitting in a dark corner, unmoving and simply hugging his musket. "Even Billy," quiet sniffling could be heard from him before she sighed and returned her gaze at Genno, "is devastated by the man's passing."

"This is what happens when we form friendship," sighing heavily at this depressing choice, "if it weren't for him, neither of you will feel like this," sympathy could be seen on his face, "that old man appears to be more than just a warrior; he was also the heart of your group," observing Billy carefully, seeing the blond boy still hugging the weapon tightly, "am I wrong?" Turning his attention to her.

She paused, taking every word he said and examining it before she finally replied, "But I hadn't regretted meeting and creating memorable memories with him." A smile appeared on her face. "Guan Yu gave us a new perspective on what it means to be brave, to be courageous in facing our fears and standing strong against the odds," having enough willpower to continue forward even if there are so many difficulties they will face.

Tilting his head in confusion, he asks, "How so?" I am still unable to understand her reasons for thinking of Guan Yu in such a way. But nevertheless, he found her dedication to her cause admirable; "if only things were different, the man would still be alive," stating the truth bitterly.

Morgan simply shook her head, "People should talk with each other every day," looking at the boy in the eyes, "even if it is small talk," recalling the encouraging words and moments between them, "otherwise, our hearts will grow dark and sullen," frowning sadly at this, "it makes us grateful for being alive," which is more reason to make friends and keep them close.

Hearing interesting words that left her mouth, he felt uncertainty and doubt about his own issues in making friends. Although Genno has experienced isolation after his father's death and then throughout the remaining life he has now, it is true that he is struggling to form bonds with other people.

Looking down at his right hand, he slowly turned it to his open palm, thoughts racing through his mind as he realized that perhaps this woman is right in the long run. And yet, his preference for being alone drives him to continue staying away from others. "Maybe that's true." Slowly, he brought it up to where his heart was as he clutched it tightly.

Does he still have the heart to open up to others? This is the first time someone has urged him to do so; no one has tried to do this in years, and it left him baffled at his own conclusion. The boy doesn't know what he should do.

Deciding to ask the person herself, he looked up to see her watching him with an inquisitive expression. "Are there others like me?" I wonder if he is the only one suffering from this extreme loneliness. It would be nice to know that there is someone like him who shares a similar problem.

"Alone?" Bewildered at the question, she understood what he meant and nodded her head before smile appeared on her lips, "probably more than there are stars in the sky," laughing lightly before adding, "there is always someone who shares a similar or different problem as yours; it is part of being human and its nature."

Closing his eyes, he sat back on his chair and began to consider everything. "I sometimes wonder..." His voice was low and soft. "Am I destined to be alone?" Is he fated to remain distant from the rest of humanity, or is there a chance to make amends? It is tough for him to make a decision, especially the choice between moving on or keeping still.

Seeing him like this, she could only stare for a long moment before glancing back at Seth's resting body. "Every man, woman, and child must battle with issues at some point in their lives," Morgan stated as she turned back to Genno with a stern expression, "and in that path, they are faced with the harsh reality of what it means to be alive," recounting the many encounters she has gone through.

Eyes fluttered open to reveal steel-brown-colored orbs. "What is yours?" He asked with curiosity, preparing to learn how she overcame her own, "What was it that kept you going despite being hurt by someone or something?" How exactly she deals with her problems is something he is eager to know.

"I used to be friends with everyone in the village," a sad smile adorned her face. "Until that day came," her eyes closed as a lone tear rolled down her cheek. "When the dark lord came, the reputation of magicians became negative." The grief in her voice is quite evident. "I used to be treated like family in the village, where everyone is respected and appreciated by the commoners," she shared her experience with him, "but one by one, they believed in the false rumors, and eventually, I was kicked out with no where to go before I found a good spot to make home," concluding her story.

Blinking in astonishment at what she just said, it left him speechless that others would do that to her. "I didn't expect a small and peaceful community would do such a thing," he said, finding it difficult as, despite how rarely he visited them, they were nonetheless nice to him whenever he needed to buy something from them. "And how do you feel after they betrayed you?"

She awkwardly laughed at his blunt question: "I was hurt and saddened when I revisited the village with my companions; I held long, deep hatred for everyone who betrayed me," eyes glinting with a hint of pain, "but after seeing them die by the hands of those undead horrors, I..." A sudden memory of seeing Finnegan's body flashed before her eyes: "I learned how my hate was misplaced for them." Sighing in regret.

Sensing there was more to this, he crossed his arms and inquired further, "And do you still hate them, right? I suppose it is reasonable to assume after everything they did to you," his tone skeptical of her answer as it is so common nowadays for people to hold a grudge over anything, "which I find hard to believe considering the circumstances they were thrown into," wanting to hear the truth about this woman.

The answer came with certainty, getting a clue in what he meant by, "I realize that hate leads to nothing but ruin and destruction." Because of what she saw in the past, she understood how pointless it is to waste energy and life holding on to the feeling of hate; "it is useless to do so," especially when she realizes that the dead cannot be brought back by simply wishing them to be alive again.

Her words were a shock to him: "Really?" He asked in disbelief, "I would assume you feel delighted in seeing them get what they deserve," not trying to be harsh or outright malevolent but seemingly unconvinced about her honest viewpoint.

Nodding her head, "of course," knowing full well he might not completely understand due to his age, "and yes, I do feel they deserve what they were coming for as it was satisfying to see, but it is wrong and unfair for everyone who got killed in that tragedy," giving the reason of how she came to learn of this, "because of that, I never let myself fall to the temptation of revenge again," smiling as she saw her own progress in forgiving the deceased villagers.

"That settles our conversation." Getting up from his couch, he then yawned and stretched his neck. "You should sleep; there are still many beds at the corner to use." Pointing to where the lined-up beds are, "Make yourself at home, Morgan," he turned and began walking to where the set of stairs are.


Stopping midway to his designation, "what?" Not bothering to turn around while waiting for her to finish her sentence, wanting to already get up on the rooftop and enjoy a breath of fresh air with his thoughts alone, his own form of get-away paradise.

"Take care of yourself."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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