Chapter 89

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Night has finally befallen them as the campfire cackled wildly at its surroundings, illuminating the darkness with warm colors of bright red and yellow. Everyone was already asleep in their comfortable tents around it, their fatigue from today's journey clearly evident as they snored loudly.

Except Seth who was too bothered by the future ahead of him despite how much Morgan had tried to convinced him to become more hopeful and optimistic for their goal. Although she is always kind and loving, he wonders to himself if he is capable of being focused when their journey is at hand.

Listening to the faint chirps of crickets echoing in the distance, he decided to get out of his small tent and stand up with a yawn. His back cracked and popped as he stretched his muscles from all the tension he gained from being all cooped up.

The air was refreshing, smelling the aroma of nature, even the sight of a few owls and birds flying from above the skies to nearby trees. He felt tranquil in the peace he was in, despite still being somewhat worried about what would transpire in their future.

Still holding his crucifix, he stared at the other occupied tents, which were filled with his friends sleeping soundly without disturbance. It made him grateful to have people who cared about him despite their flaws and pasts, which made them the way they are now.

Although he himself wondered why he was awake, aside from the anxiety plaguing his mind, Should've he been too tired, and yet—Suddenly walking to the campfire that continued to burn itself, he then sat down beside it, taking his time to stare at the fire with captivation.

The embers glowed a golden-yellow and orange color, casting a reddish-orange hue against the forest floor and greenery. He simply watched as the flames crackled and danced in the wind, swaying and bending, glowing brightly in their entirety.

Looking closely at the fire, he saw many different things within. He sees life, he sees death, and he sees sorrow and joy. He also sees hope and despair; he sees the good and the evil; everything is there within the flickering flame. And it all started with a spark.

As God was the fire, his creation was the fuel that drove it; the universe itself and everything within it are a result of the Divine. Comparing them to the energy itself, everything within the physical plane is like a star, born from the essence of the One True Creator.

Nostalgia overcame him, not the good kind. "Why am I not afraid anymore?" Being literally born from hell, he held long trauma against being burned alive, but now seeing this flickering flame, it feels comforting to say the least: "Isn't this ironic?" He was engulfed by the comforting heat and ashes.

Though the campfire provided him with warmth, it could not fill the void within his own soul. Which is the guilt of losing those he loved most in his life? It pains him deeply to accept the reality that not only Guan Yu is gone, but his wise words will never return again.

Placing his legs closer to himself, he hugged them in an attempt to calm himself down. Resting his head between his arms, he took a deep breath and exhaled, letting out a long and heavy sigh of frustration. His emotions were in turmoil the moment he started to think of horrible things.

It is almost impossible for him to express his true emotions, for they are complex to explain. "But that's part of life, right?" Just like the flame, his eyes were like the fuel. He saw many different things, but they were also burning to ashes. "There are so many things to process, and it's all happening too quickly for me to keep up," he sighs again, getting tired of talking to himself.

"Who are you talking to?"

A familiar voice abruptly disturbed the ambience, catching the boy by surprise as he looked at his own side, seeing no one other than Genno sitting down with a cup in his hands. "Oh..." He immediately relaxed, realizing that the voice came from his friend. "I thought it was..." pausing before awkwardly smiling. "Nothing, it's nothing," Seth said, feeling embarrassed of himself as the Japanese boy raised an eyebrow.

"You were clearly talking to yourself," he continued, finding it strange, but not before long. He averted his gaze to the campfire and said, "You really like fire, don't you?" He curiously noted, observing every detail of his shocked friend upon hearing this question.

In which the boy's expression slowly shifted to a soft one, "yeah..." His response was rather monotone, but that's to be expected when being reminded of something in the past before changing the subject by staring at the cup and asking, "What's in your hands?" Asking to divert attention.

"It's herbal tea," Genno replied, taking a sip and enjoying the taste before offering the cup to his companion. "Give it a try; you might find it useful for calming you down," he recommended, to which the boy then hesitated. "It's fine; you won't get addicted to it," he said in assurance.

Taking the metal cup into his own two hands, he then stared at its contents with skepticism, his mind covered in worrying thoughts in regards to consuming random tea. "Are you sure this isn't poisonous?" Questioning the validity of this liquid before his friend calmly chuckled.

"Why would I want to poison you?" He tilted his head in bewilderment, "You aren't my enemy," stating his words with deadpan seriousness as Seth blankly blinked. "Drink it and see if you're still alive by tomorrow," he casually said to him with a hint of humor behind it.

Following suit, Seth gave a hesitant glance before shrugging his shoulders and finally sipping the content of the metal cup, drinking and tasting the strong flavor of herbs. "Gah!" Spitting it out away from the stoic teen, a look of disgust was written all over his face as he turned to him. "It tastes awful!" Told the boy.

Genno frowned at hearing this: "I didn't expect you to be such a picky drinker," replying to the fourteen-year-old boy, "Its good for your health, you know?" He admonished his comrade for refusing to finish his medicinal beverage.

But Seth politely replied after wiping his mouth with a sleeve: "I'm sorry, but it tastes bitter for my liking," he said as he gave it back to the teen. "I hoped I wasn't rude for doing that." I apologize for spitting out the drink in disrespectful display.

But he chuckled, finding amusement in his friend's action. "I understand if you don't like it," he said, accepting the metal cup as he drank the whole remaining liquid in one big gulp. "At the very least, you were being honest in your opinion," Genno finished, placing the said cup down on the ground. "Now, is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Talk...?" Seth was unsure of finding a way to make their conversation interesting.Um, "let's start with the village we were visiting," he said, hoping to improve the atmosphere around them just to prevent any boredom or awkwardness. "There must be a lot of people in there; do you think they'll like us?" Asked in curiosity.

Raising his brows in surprise, "There are, but they mostly keep themselves and are unlikely to approach you unless you engage with them first," the stoic teen answered. "From what I know, the village itself is comprised of nice people, and there isn't much to do other than trade or sail to the seas," and his friend was surprised by it.

"So it's mainly a trading and fishing town?" Seth asked, wanting to get a better understanding of it, "It seems quite nice to live in," a smile spreading on both sides. "Maybe after our journey is finally over, we should live there," he enthusiastically expressed.

"You like peaceful towns?" He inquired, sounding intrigued by the idea, "You do strike me as someone who likes peace," tilting his head slightly to the left with inquiring eyes. "I wonder if that is why you are always a kind person," his own words reflected upon himself.

Kindness—that is what his friends keep telling him. It's too kind, isn't it? Does that make him weak for being kind to others, or does that make him stronger for standing up for those who are not able to? Seth didn't know, and he knew it was inevitable for him to make choices.

Sighing in acceptance, "I am," nodding his head in full conformation, "I believe I am kind because it is God's teaching for me to be kind, to love others equally," he said, "don't you think the same?" Asked the curious boy, looking at Genno in anticipation.

Genno then awkwardly looked away. "I'm more focused in eliminating mental suffering than worrying too much about others," he replied. "Being kind and generous is the only way to earn respect, but doing something good for others does not necessarily mean it will end well," adding more of his point as he glanced at him. "That is what I learned after spending time with all of you."

Hearing that, Seth put on a puzzled expression, "eliminating mental suffering?" He repeated his words, as he wasn't completely familiar with the way of speaking he used, "How does that work exactly?" Cocking his head to the side, he displayed a sense of child-like curiosity.

"It is the main goal of achieving enlightenment, or Nirvana, in our religion. Aside from doing good deeds, mediation, and focusing our minds," he clarified, "one of its key teachings is the Four Noble Truths," starting from the beginning to make him understand.

This caught the boy's interest: "Four Noble Truths?" Raising his eyebrows, Seth grew even more curious to learn more about his friend's beliefs: "What are the four noble truths?" The black-haired boy wondered if his fellow follower was willing to oblige and tell him.

"The first noble truth is that life is suffering," he said before looking away to focus on the cackling fire as he continued on. "The second noble truth is that there is a cause for suffering, and the third noble truth is that there is a cessation for suffering; lastly, the fourth noble truth is the eightfold path." His words became louder with every sentence. "In other words, suffering is caused by desire, and we can end it by following the path I mentioned previously," he spoke before turning back to Seth.

"Desire is what drives us to act, to think, and to experience," stating with his voice becoming calmer than before, "thus it also brings forth attachment, fear, and jealousy," elaborating further, "through these concepts, we realize how the nature of life itself is bound by suffering."

"I'm sorry, Genno, but I don't understand what you're trying to tell me." Seth admitted honestly, not entirely understanding his words, feeling stupid despite clearly seeing his friend wasn't disappointed in the slightest, "It's just that."

Genno sighed, "Too difficult or complex? Different religions have different ways of interpreting these concepts, and Buddhism is no exception," he answered in a very straightforward and concise manner, "or is it something I am missing?" Wondering before a sudden realization hit him, "perhaps I should rephrase it in a more simple way?"

"No, no, no," waving his hands to deny the offer, "it's alright; I guess it's hard to follow your train of thought considering the complexity of it all," he accepted before lowing his hands down, giving an apologetic smile as he scratched the back of his own neck. "I do understand it, but I think I need some time to digest everything you told me," he assured with an honest response.

Then suddenly, a very light and silent giggle escaped from the lips of Genno as he began to chuckle and laugh in amusement. "I suppose I was too overwhelming with my explanations," he said with a wide smile that resembled the sun in its radiance. "How about we talk about your religion? Despite having spoken about our beliefs before, there is still stuff we have yet to share with one another," he suggested.

He wasn't wrong; Seth acknowledged this fact and said, "Sure!" Saying in delight, as there is still much more to get from studying each other's religions and getting to know one another's beliefs better. It is also beneficial for both of them since they feel some similarities in what they believe in.

Unbeknownst to them, Billy was silently awake, listening through the gap in his tent, having been awakened by their conversation as curiosity got the better of him. Although he had an urge to interrupt their little conversation, he chose not to and decided to continue eavesdropping to pass time.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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