Chapter 44

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To call himself just a man is gross understatement, for if he truly understood what his own potential is in his body are capable of accomplishing or even what he can become in the future; the sheer possibilities in growth will leave someone in awe and wonder from such thought.

Guan Yu however, his no ordinary man but the god of war; legendary fighter who has been bestowed with experience in having fought many battles and survived them through sheer willpower or endurance in defeating his enemies to prove claim of being powerful warrior.

These skills, acquired through years of training, discipline and hard work have granted him a physical prowess and battle savvy that few can match for all of his years against fighting those who wish in seeking harm against him or his goals. He had never experienced one who can take him in surprise, though he admittedly would be lying if he said that he did not find his current situation a bit bothersome, even slightly troubling at most.

Dodging the attack in time, Moona have completely missed in punching his new victim at the stomach; surprising himself at this change of outcome. He may be swift but that doesn't mean he his capable of being surprised and irritated at this unexpected conclusion.

Stopping his feet on the ground few couple of meters away, the rabbit man then grinned in excitement from the failed attempt to kill the old man, turning around with eyes gleaming in anticipation of having never seen anyone in reacting his attacks, let alone the supersonic speed whenever he sprints.

"ooohhhh," wonder and awe appeared on the monster's face, "this is getting quite interesting," commenting in the way this man has responded in combat, "no one had ever react my attacks, I have to admit," cracking his fingers in sickening display, "such feat is almost a miracle to witness," speaking out from his heart.

Seth stood with Billy in his arms, still like statue as he watched the two stared at each other down, completely unmoving but there was something ominous and terrible brewing within his own chest, like a boiling sensation that could burst forth at any time.

Taking battle stance, Guan Yu points his beloved guando at the direction of where the fast moving entity is standing on; sweating from the incredible pressure of the battle itself. Knowing one wrong move can outright kill him within instant. A thought he cannot imagine of leaving these defenseless children and woman at the hands of sadistic monster.

"You appear anxious, friend," Moona spoke in nonchalant, "there is no need for you to be," seeing the tension in Guan Yu's shoulders, "I intend to bring you to swift death," licking his lips in hunger of the man's death, "not to cause you to be bedridden for the rest of your life," assuring him a painless fight, "but because I have intention with them," staring menacingly at the terrified Seth.

Hearing this dangerous proclamation, the warrior wasted no words of continuing this conversation as he charged at this abomination with both hands of his weapon, quickly predicting the next action of his inhuman opponent in combat. But for the so called monster, he only smirked with no fear in this aggressive attack, laughing in glee while the warrior starts to swings his weapon down from above.

However, what Moona didn't expect was the strike isn't intended for him but the ground beneath him; resulting large splash of blood blinding his eyes much to the surprise of the monster himself, "you?!" Cursing in realization on how his trick is played against him.

Using this moment of distraction between him and the blinded opponent, Guan Yu immediately released a loud sigh from his mouth before bringing his weapon at his left side; intending to let out horizontal swing that should easily eviscerate a person's upper torso with one go.

Panic and confusion was running in the creature's mind; embarrassed in letting his own pride of holding himself back to fight in more fun way, "you shouldn't have done that!" Roared with enraged snarl, bringing up his fist and then extending it towards the man's heart.

Instinctively sensing the threat before it arrived, forcing the robbed warrior to adjust his horizontal swing in cleaving off the monster's incoming arm instead; while narrowly avoiding the destructive fist intended for him to get brutally killed through the heart.

Eyes widening in pure disbelief of seeing his own extended arm meant of tearing the man's heart was now cleaved apart like butter as the force of the attack had pushed him back. Both the shock and injury itself had momentarily stunned Moona who stumbled on his feet.

"What is this...?" Staring down at his right shoulder, the whole arm has completely cut off with dark red liquid leaking from the stump of what was once there; he grunted in anger at this mistake he made for himself, " is this possible?!" Anger was present on his face, "I am completely fooled by feint that is used in chess," clenching his teeth in annoyance at such turn of events, "your going to die in brutal death," hissing in a threatening tone to the elderly man.

Bringing his weapon down in one swoop, blood splattered across the ground of where he once stood, its blade now clean of the creature's liquid substance altogether with him now staring down at the decapitated arm on its ground in front of him, "do you have enough?" Narrowing his eyes at his opponent, "or will you keep on coming?" Taking a step forward, "which is it?" His voice deepens with grim intentions.

While Seth stared at the battle, he prays for the outcome of this fight; sending his prayers to god of siding their protector against the one who is attacking. For he believe god himself is watching this fight, even if his faith has waned for some time.

Regardless, he holds no doubts in having their safety guaranteed if the man wins, "don't lose," saying under his breath in low volume, "I pray that you won't..." Wishing for Guan Yu to win in this fight so they can peacefully go home without any of them dying.

Moona had never felt this humiliated ever since he allowed the devil in his heart, removing his humanity just so he could become what he wanted; unstoppable force who is committed in his whole life of producing magnificent material objects, dream he achieved by selling his soul.

Now this dream is shattered into pieces because of this very man; strangers who dared to intrude in his domain and make a fool of him, not keen of accepting such humiliation from others. The desire for revenge had once again began to well inside him, burning like embers that have long died down.

A malicious scowl etched into his features, hissing in feral manner as all logic and reason slowly disappear within his mind; replaced by violent urge in ripping the old man limb by limb, "eat you..." Veins appeared in his forehead, "kill...slaughter you..." Drool dripping from the side of his mouth, "I'M GOING TO EAT YOU!" Shouting at the top of his lungs, he crawled in all three at the floor.

Breathing carefully, Guan Yu closed his eyes to subdue all bothersome thoughts running within his brain, "empty my mind," focusing on the sounds of his own nostrils and mouth, "allow the wind to flow through me," opening them back where tranquility of this moment is now overflowing throughout his body.

No fear or apprehension whatsoever is shown on the veteran fighter's face, just the calm expression pouring out as he glares at the abomination preparing itself to rush towards him, the sight of this thing acting very insanely would drive normal man in fear of what will happen if they even attempted in challenging it.

However, he is far from being a normal person or weak minded man; for he is a warrior who has experienced all kind of tribulations that will put someone through utter despair or defeat. No matter what kind of enemy stands before him, be it man or inhuman, it will all fall before him from his blade.

Seeing this mockery, the monster pounced like an animal towards his prey, moving towards the man in blur while revealing his sharp teeth to tear his flesh with his jaws. This desire of revenge had completely overtook everything in him, desiring nothing but carnage of having its thirst quenched by the spilled blood of those that hurt him.

Moving so fast if it was the wind itself; Guan Yu allows his mind and body to make the choice for him in how to respond to the attack that's heading to him, allowing the entire movement to unfold with its unpredictable momentum and agility, turning his blade diagonally in slicing the creature to half.

Like a pendulum, the monster's upper torso is separated from the rest of his lower body before halting from the cold, motionless ground, "huh?" a pool of blood leaked by his own chest, "how is this possib–" The being couldn't say anything else when the warrior finally sliced his neck off.

Removing his head from the corpse, Guan Yu watched the decapitated part of the creature's body collapse with a loud thud; "its over," looking at the head with an intense gaze, "for all your speed and pride, you still lack the experience in fighting someone who has fought in actual battles," saying this with unwavering conviction of his word.

No longer a threat, the old man sighed in relief as he then glanced over to where his friends is, "Seth," he called out with smile, "its over," reassuring him the fight is finally over, making the boy expressed in tears of joy upon being free from this terrifying nightmare, "we can go home now," switching his attention back to the unconsciousness woman.

Approaching her, he lifted Morgan up and carried the witch in his arms just like what Seth is doing, "come on," telling the boy of them to depart from this hellish place, "let's return home and rest our weary bones," speaking softly to the teen.

Nodding in agreement, no words were further exchanged as they walked back to where they entered; its tunnel same like always while Seth was relieved in having this nightmare finally over. It was scary enough of seeing the thing responsible for brutally murdering all those people and animals alike.

But in the end, it is now dead; defeated at the hands of this heroic warrior who saved them. He wouldn't want to imagine if his the only one standing against the creature; having to hold its attention at all cost, he shuddered of how risky that would be in itself.

Because Seth himself isn't fighter at all; he does not possess the courage in defending himself against something like that, regardless of what weapons or things that are used for self-defense. Still, he promised to the father figure in learning the ways of using peaceful options so he does not have to resort into having to hurt someone.

His not like them, he wants peace and nothing else. Nothing but to live and be happy with his friends; this is what matters more to him than anything in this very world. And he knows this ambition will come true after all of this is over when the dark lord is defeated.

So he kept his head high, ready to face whatever comes their way and if not, Seth will try to be brave and strong person that will surpass expectations. Determination and faith is what he have right now, faith that things will be alright once they make it outside.

Because God has answered his prayers and he can only hope that this will never be the last. For he needs guidance from his benevolence; the light that will save all from the darkness, for this is what he believed in. Thus, he shall never stop praying for betterment of his future and others.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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