Chapter 35

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The group sat on their selected chairs in the kitchen, where sandwiches comprised of tuna and lettuce were placed on their respective plates in front of them at the wooden table, served together with glasses containing fresh water in them. Everyone was thrilled to finally eat after a long and exhausting day.

Morgan smiled at their curious expressions, knowing full well how hungry they must have felt from whatever journey they went through to come here. "Now then, why don't we all eat?" The witch suggested in a joyful manner, "I believe it is a good time to dig in, don't you agree?" She asked for their input on the situation.

"Finally!" The blond-haired boy exclaimed in delight, finally having something to eat for once. "It's about time; I thought we were never going to eat anything," he reached for a sandwich on the plate and began eating it eagerly, not aware of his lack of manners.

Frowning in disapproval, the beautiful witch kept quiet while understanding the reason behind his action. It is reasonable for someone who had come all the way into the woods to finally eat something delicious and editable. "Well, it is nice to see that you enjoyed it," she said in an attempt to cover up her dismay. "I hope the taste is to your liking."

Guan Yu then spoke up, "I apologize for his rude behavior, lady Morgan," speaking on behalf of the unruly teen. "We have been through a lot recently," the elderly man explained in hopes of alleviating the tension, "but I thank you for having us stay nonetheless," bowing his head politely for her hospitality.

Chuckling in amusement at this, "Oh, there is no need for any formalities," she smiled happily at the elderly gentleman. "After all, it is not often that I have guests staying inside my cottage," the witch stated her thoughts to the group. "So, please, just relax and enjoy yourselves, as you all deserve this food, as long as it lasts," the sorceress assured them.

In turn, Seth took a bite of his sandwich while leaving his golden crucifix near the plate, causing his eyes to widen in delight at eating actual good food rather than the stuff he finds in the trash or garbage. "It's amazing," he said, savoring every bit of flavor flowing into his mouth while complimenting her cooking skills. "Thank you so much for this." The boy thanked the kindhearted woman for the meal.

The old man smiled in amusement after trying one of his own; "indeed, it tastes splendid." Agreeing with the boy, he gave out a hearty laugh. "Your cooking is also very pleasing to the taste, lady Morgan," praising her skill. "I give you my sincerest gratitude for providing this meal; it is good to have a feast after a long trek in the wilderness," speaking in an appreciative voice.

Billy wasn't as polite as the rest of them, ignoring them completely while only focusing on himself and the food in front of him, eating his breakfast at a rapid pace, showing that he was indeed hungry as well. Yet that didn't stop him from listening to their conversation out of boredom or curiosity.

She blushed heavily from their comments, having also never been praised by someone else before. "Ah, it is nothing really," she said, trying to hide her embarrassment with a smile. "I'm glad everyone is enjoying their meal it," laughing nervously, the sorceress appreciated their words, "but truly, my cooking isn't anything special; it is only average at best."

Seth wanted to say another compliment to make her feel proud of her own skills, but his social anxiety prevented him from doing so once again, and he is forced to sit down, admiring every kind act she did but unable to say something that will make her happier than ever.

As Guan Yu and Morgan conversed with one another about their day, the two teens were busy on their own devices, deep in thought of everything that had happened since last night and their current situation, especially with their relationship with one another. And while Billy doesn't exactly show it outwardly, it is still clear that he does care for him in some capacity.

He knows it because the young cowboy wanted him to be more independent in their previous conversation outside, even though Seth still struggles to meet this expectation. There is still the possibility of Billy actually hating him for being a coward; it is still difficult to get reading on him at times, and he hates it; he has no idea what is going through his head or how he thinks.

Glancing at Billy, he notices how the rebellious boy is only focused on the present rather than the past or future; he is rather jealous of how anybody can live in the moment and not be in constant worry about everything around them, for Seth himself is incapable of doing such a thing.

Continuing his stare, just seeing him makes the boy want to become like Billy: tough and strong, confident in himself and his capabilities, self-motivated and independent, never backed down from any fight regardless of the odds, someone who can easily inspire others around him through their confidence alone.

And yet, he isn't proud, strong, or confident in any of those categories. He is a useless, pathetic, weak, and cowardly person who is always afraid of everything. Nobody should like him for being his only burden to everyone he cares about, despite what his friends think.

They believed in him becoming better and braver than this; Morgan wanted to at least try to succeed at things he himself believes in; and most importantly, his mother wants him to live out his life to the fullest; however, it feels hopeless and hopeless to pursue his goal when there is always failure to guarantee his outcome from mistakes if he isn't careful.

Why is he like this? Why does he have to be different? It is true what they say about him doing and trying better, but his insecurities and anxiety are always one step ahead of him. His mind is always telling him that he is going to fail and disappoint everyone around him, no matter how hard he tries to ignore it.

Even if he tries to believe in God and feels refreshed afterwards, Seth still feels the same about being such a coward who is unable to make change for the better. Maybe he is destined to remain the way he is, or perhaps there is something entirely wrong with him as a person, and it is only now starting to make itself known.

"What?" Billy frowned suspiciously after noticing Seth's long stare. "Do I have something on my face?" The teen questioned in confusion while taking a look at his own appearance, "If you are planning to say yes, you're not funny," speaking in annoyance for the sake of his own dignity.

Widening his eyes in shame, he quickly looked away and apologized, "I'm sorry." The same words that always ticked Billy made him more upset, but not to the degree of lashing out at this moment, not yet anyway. "Oh no, I mean—" He was interrupted by the cowboy's gesture to be quiet.

"Just shut up already," anger was visible in the boy's voice, feeling annoyed once more about being so overly apologetic about everything Seth says or does. "Mind your damn business," reminding him of his place, "I'm trying to have a peaceful breakfast, can't you see that?" Scowling over this interference and his annoying habit

Morgan's eyes quickly switched to the upset teen, narrowing daggers at him in silent gaze, unaware that she didn't like what he said to the terrified boy in a rude tone before returning back to their conversation, having mentally taken notes on the two teens, toxic relationship with each other.

Seth kept his mouth shut, lowering his head in embarrassment of himself and the guilt of upsetting his friend again because of the annoying antics he has and can't control, not wanting to say anything else because he was only focused on enjoying his breakfast rather than starting another fight with each other.

After everything they have been through, he still couldn't understand who Billy truly is or the actual feelings he has for him. It is like the teen is hiding something from him or pretending to be something else; maybe he has misunderstood who he truly is by assuming and misinterpreting his words.

He still doesn't even know what to describe him as. While the gunslinger is still his friend, he isn't completely sure if the annoyed teen also shares the same sentiment. It is difficult to read someone who is nearly always rude or sometimes sarcastic to those who don't understand him completely.

The fact that his friend is so blunt and honest in nature makes him find it both admirable and concerning at the same time, especially when Billy is easily frustrated and violent if someone upsets him, and Seth himself is normally the one to receive the full brunt of it.

Taking a sip of his water, he was ready to start a conversation with him to get a better understanding of the person within by talking. He felt that in order to be a true friend, he must force himself to start a conversation rather than being the victim of their miscommunication problem. It is important to understand one another.

If he keeps being awkward and silent, then how would he get his answer? By not doing anything, it is a bad habit, and he needs to break out of it somehow. To be brave and fearless like his friend is capable of, Seth is going to make a change and not rely on the bad feelings or thoughts that are weighing him down if it's the last thing he'll do.

"Hey Seth," Billy called him out in an unexpected manner, catching the nervous teen off guard as he made eye contact with him. "Pour some of your water into mine, will you?" Asking him for a favor while gesturing with the glass filled with drinks in his hand, "mine is nearly empty; just put some, okay?" Looking at him with an indifferent expression.

Feeling happy for the first time of asking a favor from someone who is known to be very rude to him, Seth smiled in silence at having the young boy actually acknowledge him through normal acts without resorting to violence or remarks that would make him sad to experience them again.

Nodding quietly at him, he took his glass of water and stood up, moving around the kitchen table just to confront the teen, who simply requested the ordinary task of sharing his water. As he approached Billy, he accidentally slipped on his feet and ended up pouring the water onto his face before falling down on the floor, face flat.

"Are you okay?!"

Morgan said as she stood up from her seat, followed by Guan Yu, who had also gotten out of his seat. They then moved to where the boy fell before the two helped him up back into his feet while still gripping the empty glass, checking whether or not he had injuries or bruises on his face and hands from the fall.

"I'm alright," Seth said weakly after being checked.I'm fine, really," smiling at the two who acted like worried parents to their injured son. It felt good to experience this kind of concern from somebody who doesn't think lowly of him, unlike the people back at home.

However, Billy, on the other hand, wasn't okay with this predicament; in fact, he was severely shocked and angry by this little accident. "What the hell?" looking down at his drenched clothes, his face slowly twists into a furious scowl from this action.

Instinctively, the guilty teen slowly approached him with a worried expression. "I'm sorry, I really—" Again, he forgot to never apologize to Billy for whatever has happened between them, for it is one way of making the young cowboy despise him more.

"Fuck you, Seth!"

Grabbing his almost empty glass of water, he stood up and threw the water to his face as an act of revenge: "Your so goddamn fucking annoying, useless, and incapable of doing anything right, even if it is a simple task as putting some water!" The irate teenager's voice echoed throughout the whole room.

Placing a hand on his own face, Seth felt his tears coming out once again while taking a few steps back away from the infuriated boy. "Sorry, I, I..." The young boy murmured in a quivering voice as tears flowed freely down his cheeks, "I didn't mean to apologize; I was..." His heart completely froze when he saw his face.

Pure hatred. That is what Seth saw in those blue eyes of Billy; his emotion was unmistakable as his entire body trembled from fear alone. It looks like he made it worse than he intended to, all because it was his own fault for not being too careful.

Morgan stepped at his side, placing her right arm on Seth's chest in a protective manner while glaring down at Billy in disgust and anger that rivaled his own. "Get the hell out of my house!" She snarled in pure fury as her finger pointed towards the entrance. "Right this instant, you foul-mouthed ingrate!" The woman hissed sharply, refusing to let him do more damage than he already had.

Guan Yu also joined Seth's side, moving near his shoulder with a conflicted look. "Billy..." Guilt, confusion, and shock were what he was currently experiencing. It was truly a rare sight to witness, and he still hasn't come to terms with it. "Let us discuss this further in a calm manner," offered the teen a chance to explain himself.

Hearing the words did nothing to ease the rage that burned inside; moreover, he felt betrayed by having everyone siding against him: "All of you are traitors," venomously responding with such hostility, "fuck this; I don't need anyone or anything in my life." Throwing his glass at the wall, he ran out of the door in frustration, "You all are fucking bastards to me!" The words spoken from Billy's mouth lingered in the air.

Everyone could only watch helplessly as he fled the scene; no one was capable of stopping him, for there was no need. Leaving them with mixed emotions from everything that just transpired in one simple mistake that Seth made. And he is still crying. "I'm so sorry, I really messed up badly," speaking in a broken and soft tone, "he hates me." The poor boy sobbed as the old man and witch looked at him with compassion.

"It isn't your fault," Morgan said gently to the boy while hugging him gently from behind. "This is Billy's fault, not yours," caressing the young boy's hair. "You did nothing wrong; it was he who caused this," the witch told him softly, hoping to cheer him up.

Guan Yu had a different take, he was unable to express his thoughts and opinions on this, for he understands there is a reason for Billy's issues and troubles that life has given him. He may have gone through hardships that made him like this, and perhaps some of his words were harsh but held some truth.

Still, he knows there is still kindness in Billy, for the boy has suffered from anger or trust issues that are most likely caused by trauma. But in the end, what matters is the need for them to rekindle their relationship and become friends once again. A task that is rather difficult in this particular circumstance.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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