Chapter 57

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Billy yelled as he got up from his bed, sweat rolling down his face from the horrific nightmare he had, and his heart was racing with fear. At first, it began with seeing through the eyes of his possessed body and witnessing the struggles of his best friend being put into sick games by a powerful demon that goes by the name of Asmodeus.

He couldn't say or do anything; he just watched the events unfold as that bitch bent reality into whatever he wanted while torturing his companion. For that reason alone, Billy had no control whatsoever, even when it showed him what the demon was capable of.

It fucking sickens him to see the bastard torturing Seth. For all the nerd's faults, he never wanted to kill or break him. The kid deserved a lot better, but the reality is that life doesn't always give him what he wants or needs. He had learned that the hard way.

Adjusting himself to sit on the edge of his own bed, staring down at the ground with a show of regret over his face, "I never would believe you..." Having seen everything, he felt horrible about having to treat Seth like a punching bag. The dream itself gave him insight into what his possessed body had done for the past hours or more: "I should've placed my trust when you had the guts to save my back there."

They were friends, even though he was conflicted at the time. But just by how the once-called loser fought through obstacles when such terrible situation was difficult for a fourteen-year-old teen, Billy respected him for that, knowing his long-time pal would do the same for anyone he considers friends.

A smile crept on his lips. "I was stupid to throw our friendship away just because of my own doubts and fears," reflecting back at how much of an asshole he was back then. Everything is so clear now: "You were going far and wide to save a person who bullied you without expecting a thank you," and for that, he is ashamed of his own actions.

Perhaps he was the loser, the worst friend there ever was in existence. Sure, he never outright intended to bully the poor nerd. The blonde kid merely saw Seth as a nuisance—someone who stood in his way to the top. All his life, Billy desired to not have others look down upon him.

Wanting to be the best there is, where no kid in the block would be foolish enough to mock his greatness, for Billy the Kid, failure is not an option. Without these traits, he felt vulnerable and exposed to the harsh world that will never welcome him for being who he is: "Even though you tried your hardest to befriend me, I simply pushed you away over and over with my conflicting doubts," realizing the true depth of his own sins.

Extending his hands, he opened them while turning around towards his own face, staring at his palms with contemplative expression, "But you did save my life despite all the things I have done to you." The memory of seeing through the demon's eyes the little nerd risking his own life just to save him: "I have to speak with him," standing up from his own bed in determination

Feeling sore from his aching muscles, Billy had to massage his forehead to describe how it felt like many days or weeks had passed since the incident. "I need to get out of here and check up on him," he said, preparing to head onto the door leading out of his bedroom.

As he walked to the door leading out of this room, he took notice at the corner of his eyes, where a mirror was hanging on the wall. "What the fuck...?" Blinking in confusion, he quickly turned his whole body to face the reflective surface to see that what he saw was indeed him; he had completely recovered and healed with no cuts or scars all over his body.

"How...?" Slowly approaching it, he was flabbergasted to see there were no wounds left of him whatsoever. "Did he do this?" There were times his friend was capable of things that left him awestruck or impressed. Though this time he can't tell of how his friend pulled it off without even having knowledge of using magic, "perhaps it was the old hag?" Referring to Morgan as 'old hag'.

Closing his eyes in concentration, he hadn't seen any of his recent memories in the place where she was present. Seth, on the other hand, was there with him, speaking to the asshole possessing his body. So either it was his friend who did this magic or, at worst, the demon itself.

Hopefully, it is not the latter, because if such a case were true, then the nerd must have made a deal with the prince of lust. He wouldn't imagine this because not only is it something beyond Seth, it is also out of character for someone who has devoted themselves to God. "Please be okay, you lucky nerd," he said, opening his eyes in worry.

Deciding to ignore these thoughts, he shook his head sideways and said, "I need to go now." Turning around, he continued his approach to the door and made his way through. Before he reached the door knob, however, it opened, revealing the old geezer himself without his beloved weapon in hand.

"Your...!" Guan Yu was at a loss for words when he saw the recovered blond boy. "Your wounds...their—" He couldn't finish the sentence when he was cut off by the hurried teen, who seemed to be in a hurry to get out of the house and find his friend.

"Out of the way!" Demanding for him to move out of the way, "I need to find Seth, so let me pass, old man!" He stepped forward towards the man with stubbornness, causing the elderly man to place his hands on the boy's shoulders to halt the rushing teen.

The blond teen frowned in response; agitated by this, he said, "What is it? I don't have all day!" Questioning what his mentor is trying to do and finding it bothersome, he says, "Get out of the way already!" Annoyed by the obstruction, he attempted to walk around Guan Yu, but he was stopped yet again by him.

"Listen to yourself!" The old warrior voiced out in frustration, "Calm down and think about the situation here! Can't you see your own emotions are making you act irrationally?" Explaining in the most understandable way he can, "listen to what you are saying and thinking. Why are you so eager to leave right now?" referring to his own words with emotion.

Of course, Billy hates things like this, which is exactly the reason why he wants to avoid the old man altogether, but he knew the old man was telling the truth in one way or another: "Fine." Relaxing his breathing, he stepped back a few meters from each other, saying, "Sorry, but I'm just worried about him," looking away, ashamed of his actions.

A few seconds of awkward silence between them as the air around them tensed, before finally, the man sighs in relief that he has successfully averted potential conflict from happening. "Its good to see you miraculously healed and up again." Smiling at this development, he nods in show of respect.

"Whatever," whispering to himself in uncertainty, "but why are we even talking about this? Isn't Seth more important in this moment?" Pointing out to the old man if he was stating the obvious, which in reality it was, "we should be there finding him now," getting back on track with what he initially planned to do.

Guan Yu stroked his beard in thinking of how he should go about this situation. "After my back was mysteriously healed, I had the opportunity to look over him in the house and never managed to find his whereabouts," he explained to the boy of his current findings. "However, the only exceptions were Morgan's room," he said in a curious tone.

"Do you think he is in there? You know...with that old hag?" Folding his arms in anticipation, he then said, "Those two are more than acquaintances, but what else do we know about her?" In Billy's perspective, that woman and his friend are somewhat close in many different ways.

Stopping what he was doing, he raised his eyebrows at this peculiar question: "Her door was locked," answering Billy's question, "the sorceress hasn't come out of her own room yet," stating what he has witnessed the entire time since the event took place, "though I can sense her presence within the room," inferring from the aura.

Blinking in surprise, the teen shook his head in slight irritation. "Break the damn door then!" Loudly ordering him with certainty in his voice, "Or use some of that strength you have. Can't you do something as simple as that?"

Guan Yu said in response, "If I did that, it is disrespectful towards her privacy," arguing over what they should do in this case, "perhaps she is still resting, hence why Lady Morgan hasn't spoken my calls; as far as I know, the woman is currently asleep as we speak," suggesting letting the sorceress sleep.

Narrowing his eyes in displeasure, the blonde grumbled in response, "Fine! If that is what you think, then let's go find him outside together!" Suggesting using a different approach to searching for Seth, "at least that way we are able to search for him on the outside, and perhaps we'll run into him when we do."

At that very instant, Guan Yu nodded in the idea, "Very well, wait for me downstairs while I head to my bedroom; I have to get my weapon first encase we encounter dangerous creatures along the way," spanning around to make his way into the hallway where his own bedroom is, "I won't take long, so feel free to do anything to make yourself occupied," reminding Billy that he is free to explore.

Watching him go, the rebellious teen sighed in relief; finally, he could do as he pleased without anyone being able to interfere with him. "Sorry, old geezer, but I am going to do things on my own accord," he said in lower volume to the point the elder couldn't hear it.

Seeing how the old warrior was out of sight, he decided to head down stairs while taking the man's earlier words of controlling his emotions: "Calm down, Billy, calm down." Mumbling in order to soothe his anger and stress. When he reached down below, he noticed the near-silent atmosphere: "For once, its quiet around here," remarking how different it is around without them running their mouths.

Stopping in the middle of the room, he used his sleeve to wipe out the sweat falling down on his face. "Dammit! Why am I so nervous about this??"Loudly questioned himself before lowering his raised arm on his sides, "Just relax yourself," telling himself to stay focused on the main objective, "Seth's fine; he's always been fine since the moment we came here," reassuring himself with positive thoughts.

There is no chance in hell the nerd is dead; he had seen Seth fight and endure against the monsters that Asmodeus had thrown at him. "I'm going to beat the shit out of that guy," he vows if he ever has the chance of seeing this demon again, "and that is a promise," having to witness what he did to his best friend.

He cannot lie now that Billy has respect for his once conflicted and hated comrade. Seth is a fighter, the fiercest one he has ever encountered. Never would he have guessed the nerd to be the strongest person he had the opportunity to do what was needed to get the task done—"a weakling who has grown strong," a small smirk appeared on his lips at the thought of it.

Adjusting the brim of his hat, he resumed his objective of getting outside of this house and getting back to Seth. "Hmph, it looks like he is useful after all," he murmured under his breath as the blond made his way to the door. "I guess it's a good thing he is on my side and not against me."

Grasping the door handle after reaching the exit, he gently twisted it and opened the entrance to see the sunlight momentarily blind him, causing him to close his eyes and say, "Bright as ever, huh?" He commented in response to the weather and scenery, "He couldn't have gotten far," attempting to reopen them, but due to the glare, Billy was unable to open his eyes to fully adjust to the light.

Slowly adapting to the harsh light, he squinted them while the windy breeze brushed over him, indicating what a fresh morning it is today. "Perfect time to get some stuff done, especially how there is nobody out," he murmured in his own amusement at seeing absolutely nobody except the birds.

Their chirping is quite lovely to listen to, and the calming air feels natural. It would be a good time to relax if the circumstances were different. Now, he is back on his feet with a goal in mind. It is to find his lost friend; "it's time to repay you for saving me." The image of Asmodeus's manipulations and actions flashed through his mind, but he easily dismissed it after remembering what he needed to do at this present moment.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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