Chapter 80

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The two exchanged information about each other in a prolonged discussion. While it is true that they have different views on the matter of what they believe, both are willing to share and learn about their respective beliefs, which allows them to build a bridge between them by communicating in a civilized manner.

They also spent their time comparing their lives and what they faced growing up, revealing various things along the way. The coldness of their environment didn't stop the duo from enjoying this conversation for a couple hours more.

At the same time, Seth is somewhat relieved to meet another teenager who understands how it feels to have loneliness, as it was him who opened up to his companion. He never realized how similar but different their upbringings were until they'd finished recounting everything.

Listening to the tale and experiences of his new-found friend made Seth sympathize with the boy. It must have been terrible to lose a father who was murdered in front of his own eyes by a vile fox spirit, while he himself had to suffer being thrust into a world of abruptness and harshness.

As they continued on and on, the sun finally peaked over the horizon, bathing the mountainside in bright, warm colors that reflected the sky itself, causing the birds themselves to begin singing their morning songs as they flew through the air.

Purring contentedly as the orange light washed over him, he let his body stretch and his mouth open wide in a long yawn. "Oh, morning already?" Bewildered as he rubbed his eyes in order to shake off his sluggishness, he said, "Hey Genno, you—"

Stopping mid-sentence, he notices how, despite the blank look his friend is showing, Seth can tell the way the boy's eyes are slightly glossy and unfocused, almost as if he were falling asleep. "Genno!" Calling out his name, he knows falling asleep in this position is a dangerous thing to do.

Especially when they are sitting at the edge of this cliff.

Flattering his eyes, he said, "Ah, I apologize." Adjusting himself, he stood up with a tired smile. "I am feeling sleepy today," he said, glancing down at Seth before letting out a yawn. "Well, I'm going to bed." As he said those words, he turned and headed to where the door was.

A large boulder with a wooden door attached is the entrance of his hideout, where he then stopped and looked over his shoulder. "It is nice speaking with you, Seth; perhaps she was right about getting to know others," he softly told his companion with the fondest tone in his voice.

And with that, he entered the door and closed it. Leaving Seth to process those last words, "she?" Puzzled at this mystery statement of what exactly he meant by this before shaking his head to snap out of it, he said, "He is probably talking about Morgan," shrugging his shoulders with a smile of his own.

Looking at the rising sun, he hadn't forgotten a quote that Genno has said to him in regards to God or Gods themselves: "But if I..." Frowning in sad display, he would feel like his life had fallen apart if the almighty father was actually a malevolent entity.

If that were the case, then... "I don't know" was the only answer he had, too conflicted about this entire dilemma. Let alone how he has been questioning his faith in God for a long time with what is happening around the world and his life altogether.

Seth just can't understand him; he can't fathom the reasons why. There were things God had done that seemed questionable in the Old Testament, and yet, rather than killing his enemies outright, couldn't he show mercy instead?

Sure, he heard that God had done that before, but... can't being that claim to be omnipotent simply use non-lethal means like teleporting them elsewhere or changing their enemies to be good—anything that doesn't resort to killing and genocide?

Maybe it's all not true; some are like poetry; others are justified; and some are exaggerated. Either way, this is his own interpretation of everything he has read and heard. But despite all of this, God is all he has and more than what he is.

To hold something in the world without meaning or purpose, men needed a reason to live or a goal to pursue. And in his case, the hope of lunging himself to a higher being that genuinely cares for him gives Seth strength and motivation to go on.

And even if God were truly evil, then why wouldn't this entity simply enforce only evil laws or whatever he is capable of doing? It doesn't make sense when, in the New Testament, the Holy Father's loving and merciful nature is manifested even more fully after sending his one and only son.

Either way, it is a theological problem that many still argue about to this day. He knows that not all believers in God are the same; each is unique with their own interpretation of the scriptures. While there are extremist groups who interpret it literally, some even go so far as to interpret the Bible as an allegory or metaphor.

Sighing tiredly, he was ready to get out of here. "I'm too tired of thinking about this," he mumbled under his breath while scratching his hair before slowly getting to his feet and stretching his stiff muscles, feeling refreshed before he decided to head back.

But as he turned to where the boulder was, a family of four woodpeckers suddenly emerged from the nearest pine tree and swiftly passed through him at his sides, causing him to be off guard as he lost his balance. He accidentally stumbled forward as his hold on the crucifix lessened, allowing the wind to carry it and drop the object down from the long height of this mountain.

With his face now on the grass, he used his hands to propel himself off the ground. After taking a minute to breathe, "I was so close..." If he had fallen on his back after turning around, death would have surely happened, as his fall to the ground would have been unpleasant.

Blinking owlishly, he shifted his attention to the flock of woodpeckers who continued their flight until they were eventually gone; "they almost killed me," finding it morbidly humorous how his life would've been ended by a mere animal of all things.

It was fortunate that this wasn't the case, although with such a realization dawning on him, he noticed the absence of an object within his dominant hand: "my crucifix!" Fear struck in his heart, his eyes widening when he realized what had become of his precious gift.

Rushing to the edge of the cliff, he desperately searched for the symbol of his religion but to no avail; "then that means it is down there," looking down in hopeless despair at the very steep ravine with treetops covering the majority of the landscape.

Unable to simply shrug this off, he couldn't bring himself to abandon his only source of comfort and weapon after all he went through. "I need to find it," he said in a determined voice, for he must recover that relic before it gets stolen by someone or buried underneath dirt and gravel.

Heading back to the entrance, he opened the wooden door and walked down the stairway leading to their new home. Meanwhile, the worry of permanently losing his precious thing will be more than enough for the boy to stay awake in search of the missing item.

On the other hand, he doesn't like how claustrophobic it is within these walls, but he can put aside this minor issue and say, "Maybe Guan Yu is back." If this is the case, it will greatly help him locate his prized possession and get back in safe hands.

Still, just having it out there in the open without being held or close to him feels wrong. It is like a limb being cut off, but it is his own fault for losing it in the first place. Not wanting to be vulnerable anymore, he was confident enough to ask his friends for help.

Whether they consider it serious or not is up to them. As long as one person is willing to assist him, then that is fine with Seth; it doesn't have to be everyone to support him. "When I find it, I promise to never let it out of my sight again." Once he finds it, the boy will protect it with his life.

Walking down the stairway, he felt his stomach growl in hunger as it rumbled loudly in protest, "I didn't eat anything yesterday or today." Now that he remembers this, it only makes it even more painful, but luckily, the aroma of food from downstairs is what greeted his nostrils.

Reaching the floor, he was greeted by the group; Morgan and Genno were eating orange soup in a wooden bowl, using a spoon to scoop out the liquid contents, while Billy was simply sitting in the dark corner, silently eating with barely any expression at all.

So far, there is no Guan Yu at sight, and this began to worry him more. But it is best to ask where his whereabouts are, as Seth has to prioritize his relic first. "Uh, hey," Making himself known as he approached, the two were casually sitting on their respective beds.

Morgan swiftly turned in his direction, her eyes full of mirth and tears falling down her cheeks from the corners as she cheered happily, "I didn't expect you to wake up!" Wiping the flowing liquid with her arm, she walked up to him before giving the boy a hug and saying, "I've missed you," speaking with gentleness in her tone.

In this display of affection, Seth can only blush in embarrassment at this, "um," scratching the back of his neck sheepishly to avert his gaze, "yeah...sorry," apologizing again for his own recklessness while still trying to figure out how to respond to this.

Letting go, "it's fine," assured him as she smiled warmly. "How are you feeling?" She asked with a concerned expression, "Are you sick or cold?" She continued inquiring with genuine concern; it warmed his heart to have someone this compassionate.

"Um, I'm fine," assuring her before getting straight to the point, "can you help me with something?" Seth asked uncertainly, praying that his request wouldn't be denied; after all, it is his responsibility to not misplace his property in the first place.

She happily tilted her head and hummed in thought, "Help you with, sweetie?" Curious about what her friend needs, she asks, "How can I be of assistance?" Adding in her eagerness to help was a relief and made his anxiety diminish at the sight of someone this kind to him.

Taking a deep breath, "you see, I don't want to burden anyone with this," he started as gave an embarrassed look, "but I lost my crucifix after it fell on the edge of a cliff," cringing when he realized how childish and irresponsible he sounded.

Her eyes widen in disbelief. "You were on a cliff?" Finding it odd that he was there in the first place, he asked, "Are you insane?" She unintentionally yelled while expressing her annoyance towards the boy, "Seth! You can't be serious that you climb there to—"

Waving his hands frantically, "No, no! Wait, I can—"Before he could respond, Billy placed his bowl on the floor and stood up to walk towards them, grabbing their attention when the blond American finally reached their conversation.

"I will find it."

Everyone except Genno felt their view of the cowboy had completely changed, turning to see soulless blue eyes stare at them with an indifferent tone, not showing much other than pain and darkness beneath those said eyes that only Morgan could understand.

"You will? Well, I—" Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Billy swiftly turned and exited the home, leaving them in silence as they all wondered what to make of this situation. "Billy...?" Confused about what to make of this, he turned to her.

"What was that about?" He asked, wondering why the westerner said nothing else or seemed to say nothing of importance that could warrant this reaction: "He different." His friend was loud and hot-headed, so seeing such a sudden change was disconcerting.

Regret filled her face; she can't outright tell him the truth, for Morgan doesn't wish to break the poor boy's heart; they have already suffered enough. "How about you eat first?" Quickly changing topic, she grabbed him by the shoulder to lead him away from the exit. "You must be hungry."

"Uh, okay," Seth said, not understanding what was happening. "What are we having for lunch?" Looking over a small circle, wooden table in the kitchen with a variety of fruits in abundance, she says, "Because I don't think I can take another apple." Feeling uncertain about consuming so much sweetness.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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