Chapter 6

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Angrily stomping his feet on the floor as he walked, Billy felt humiliated for actually complying with Guan Yu instead of outright shooting them in the face—a gesture he never had thought twice about, but seeing how things were going to turn out for him, he knew that his efforts would've been pointless if he did pull it off.

Stupid girl for pissing him and guy who he barely knows along with that stupid nerd that wants to become some sort of saint, but probably some nutjob who is part of this deliberate set up that he is currently in. Shaking his head of all these annoying thoughts plaguing his mind, Billy grumbled while leaning himself against the wall.

Instinctively retracting the revolver from his waist and staring down at his own gun, his expression changed to somber, with quiet murmurs emitting from him. He placed his thumb on the hammer of his pistol and flicked it down, chambering the bullet back into the cylinder to set the hammer back in position.

Holding the gun in his right hand, he raised it and aimed at the painting across the wall. The revolver was light but smooth to hold. His index finger was on the trigger but hadn't been squeezed yet; he still held it without the intent of shooting. His hand lowered with a depressed sigh.

"I want to shoot somebody now." The boy murmured quietly, resting his back against the wall, "Is this what I have become?" A question that he wondered from, placing his gun back where he belongs, had the desire to release his frustration and anger over shooting something at least.

This is his way of life; he is always killing and fighting on the frontier to get riches, to seek out treasure, and to find the next adventure that will give him excitement and thrill, but not once has he ever found true happiness. The bloodshed and gunslinging are what define who he is; they are what make him happy.

Yet, what does he have left? Now that everything is in place, he doesn't know how he got himself into it, and no matter how much he denies this being real, there is a growing sense of clarity that everything here isn't some prank but actually real life. where the only thing he has now is his wits.

Sensing an incoming presence heading in his direction, he sighed before glancing to his left to see a silver-armored man without a helmet, allowing Billy to see the person's facial features. He is a young man with fair skin and brown eyes. His orange hair was short and parted to the left, but it was long enough to cover his forehead. He has a strong jawline and a well-defined nose.

"A kid?" The young man asked, his sword hanging at his side, "You're certainly an odd person judging by your clothes." His eyes shifted to Billy's unusual clothing. "Who are you and what business are you doing here?" Inquired cautiously.

Not giving much care to whatever this man is asking him, it's better to tell him everything than for him to go back and forth of their bickering. "The name is Billy; I got summoned here by an old hag who goes by the name Ada." The answer brought this knight into a look of surprise.

"Your one of the heroes that she had summoned," he stared intently. "I'm shocked; I never thought she would be able to pull it off," he said, scratching his head with a confused expression. "My name is Titus," extending his arm to shake Billy's hand, in which the latter hesitated for a moment before finally accepting it.

The guy seems like a decent person to talk with, considering how polite he is unlike the others, plus it feels good to be in the company of a fellow person as it has been awhile since Billy actually talked to someone. "So what is this about?" Asking him as he retreated his hand.

Titus raised his eyebrow at this peculiar question, shrugging as he spoke. "I was patrolling until I saw you standing here," he mentioned nonchalantly, "just making sure everything is in order around these parts, so what are you doing?" This time, the question is reflected towards Billy.

"Me?" The outlaw pointed himself out, "Just taking a breather, been trying to keep myself sane from this weird shit after I landed myself in this situation," not even lying in the slightest. "You have no clue how much I want to blow my head from what is happening," he joked grimly with a fake smile.

Nodding with understanding, "You are not wrong about that," Titus agreed while recalling his time being sent by his mentor into this predicament. "Back then, I had a different life than this," he casually said, leaning back at the boy's side. "My parents were farmers until I was forced to become a knight to serve under the empire." The regret was audible.

"Forced? You were forced into being recruited?" His tone indicated curiosity, not at all expecting of him being pressured to become part of their military. "And I thought the king was being self-righteous in his claim of being a benevolent ruler," he snorted mockingly.

"No, no," Titus denied it, waving his hands at this misunderstanding. "It wasn't forced, but a choice I picked up," he explained calmly. "My peaceful everyday ritual came to an end when the monstrosities of the dark lord arrived just to pillage my home," his eyes dulled in remembrance of his past. "They murdered my family and my friends and burned down everything in my village while being mauled to death," horrific recounts that shook him to the core.

Flinching at this gruesome detail, Billy can feel how painful it is to lose someone they care about, to have everything taken away and left with nothing but revenge, the feeling of being powerless in protecting their loved ones. He knows what that is like; he himself experienced it when his prostitute mom died from drunken bastards.

"That is where I learned to hate those creatures," the young knight's tone was cold and harsh. "I would never forgive them for what they have done, and I had sworn my life to protect the innocent from the everlasting despair and oppression of these beasts," he solemnly concluded. "What about you? What's your reasoning for fighting?"

Whistling in contemplation, he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders before answering, "Me?"Why am I fighting?" Repeating his words with a blank expression, "Simple, its the thrill of finding glory and coin in being an outlaw," and honestly proclaiming his answer, "Back home, I rob wealthy people that deserved it, shoot guns, and duel at folk in the town," he smugly grinned.

"You are an outlaw?" Disgruntling of his words, the knight could not believe what he had heard: "Being duty as knight, it is my obligation to arrest you for your crimes and send you to justice for your transgressions." Titus slowly reached to his hilt, "but..." Hesitating his actions as he let his hand turn limp, he said, "It is not my place to judge, for the laws aren't that aren't in this land," sighing in disappointment.

A small chuckle was exhaled out from Billy: "So you ain't going to apprehend me?" Laughter echoed his tone: "That's good then; I always get bounty hunters chasing after me, and being caught by the sheriff is something I'd rather avoid." Being free like the wind is what he aspires to, to live as he wishes while others do not tell him otherwise.

"From the looks of you, I have no reason to apprehend you at all, especially after learning you have no ill intents towards this city or its people," feeling more convinced after coming to the conclusion, "May I ask your age?" His gaze at him said, "You seem too young to have this type of lifestyle, but I'm also not certain how it is for people in your land," inquiring a hint of skepticism and curiosity.

Folding his arms with a smirk, "trust me, where I lived is a brutal place in the west," proudly explaining to him, "one who is capable of surviving in that type of environment isn't exactly the type of person you would easily trust or approach when anyone can backstab to gain an advantage," he informed the young knight at his side.

Nodding in understanding, "I see, there is much to learn from your culture," Titus gleefully declared, "hey, I can help you find a room to stay for the night." His offer was accepted without hesitation when Billy simply smiled with gratitude.

"Much oblige, partner," he said, tipping his hat at him before following his new-found acquaintance, walking side by side if there were like friends having a simple conversation, enjoying each other's company while on their way somewhere else.

It feels a lot better when he gets someone with equal footing as him, unlike that old man, stupid girl, or religious nerd who isn't that bad but still doesn't compare to the chill, relaxed, and laid-back guy named Titus, who has a similar backstory of losing a fellow loved one like him.

They made their way through the large hallways, which seemed to be endless with many turns and twists. Despite not getting lost from each other, the outlaw and knight simply conversed between each other while being directed by the palace guards who happened to pass by as they continued chatting about their personal or others interests.

The hallway they were in was spacious and dimly lit by the torches lining the walls on either side. The stone walls were gray, and the ceiling was arched with several glass windows that allowed the moonlight to filter through. There were doors on each side, but there didn't appear to be any signage or numbers that would indicate which room was which.

Although this pleasant moment was abruptly interrupted when a mere glance at his right shoulder noticed the outside world, he saw a vast medieval city that was as huge as the Heartland that the king had described to be. Influencing him to walk to a nearby window.

"Billy?" Ignoring the voice that called him, he opened the window with the appreciation given to him. "Hey, are you even listening to me?" This time, the person attempted to snap him out of his daze, but he was too allured by the shell shock impression his mind received.

Being so high above the ground, it is no wonder how they manage to see the entirety of this colossal city from a bird's-eye view. There are vast amounts of buildings that aren't modern in his time, causing him to almost breakdown in realization that this is in fact the real deal.

"I'm really..." He cannot believe it; there are still doubts about it, but he is truly in a different world, as the loud ambience from the outside was the final nail in the coffin for him. Everything from medieval architecture to bizarre clothes and the castle itself is so surreal that he would never imagine it to be true, but now it is all reality for him to accept, "in a fucking hellhole."

"Excuse me?" Not too pleased at being ignored, Titus lightly tapped his shoulder and said, "I am speaking to you," wanting to get his attention, but it fell on deaf ears. "Would you kindly respond to me?" This time, the knight scowled in impatience, shaking Billy's body to grab his attention.

The blond-haired cowboy managed to break his focus and ask, "Is this for real?" He asked with wide eyes, facing back at his own shoulder, "I'm so fucked; I don't think I can ever survive in this kind of environment." His fingers were twitching. "Everything is just so goddamn real, it's making me crazy!" Frantically feeling his own chest from the rising heartbeat.

It is too much for him to handle, way too much for Billy to take in; he might as well collapse on his own two feet from having a panic attack. The adrenaline coursing through his veins and the sensation of the hot, cold breeze caressing his skin—everything is telling him this is real; this is all very real.

"What's wrong?!" Titus shouted, worried about the boy when his eyes expressed confusion and concern, "Did something happen that you're not telling me?" Growing concerned about his condition, not understanding what is causing him to act like this.

"Holy shit, holy shit, this is too real to be a joke; I have to calm down." Billy's heavy breaths turned into a silent gasp for air. "Breathe in, breathe out, okay, just gotta relax and take in the scenery," calming himself down by inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. "I'm really in a different world." He whispered faintly, finally accepting the king's words.

Titus expression switched to understanding, getting the answer after the cowboy said his last sentence, "Take it easy," patting his back in an attempt to comfort the troubled teen, "It's a lot to take in for the first time. I understand your struggle," attempting to reassure the boy by his presence.

"I don't think... I can keep standing for the rest of the day; I just needed a good long nap to process everything." Nodding to himself, Billy sighed in exhaustion, "Just take me to my room already."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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