Chapter 42

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After having long trek through the morning woods of this fine day with the fog mysteriously not having appeared in this time as the lively ambience still persisted even when they have walked all the way to the deepest part of this forest, it is nonetheless a peaceful trip that had been taken by the trio themselves.

They stood in front of suspicious cavern connected to single mountain at this small glade within the very woods, where the sun's rays still managed to reach this part of the forest; illuminating the light from above. Even when they have arrived at their destination, they must proceed with caution for there is guarantee of what could be lurking within this dark cave itself.

The outside of the cavern looks to be natural and untouched by any human intervention. Its rocky structure appears to be very sturdy and durable, with several ridges and bumps covering the surface. There are a few mosses and vines growing on the rocks, but it doesn't seem to be interfering with the entrance to the cave.

Morgan was far beyond the group, being the guide to their quest in saving their long lost friend; "this is where the individual who have kidnapped Billy," saying in serious tone of voice before pointing the tip of her spear at the entrance of the cave itself, "but for all we know, something might be there that will not hesitate to kill us than be reasoned," warned the witch in what lies ahead of them.

Seth and Guan Yu understood the message, being cautious in what to expect during the process of searching inside of this cave for any hope in getting the rebellious blond kid back to their group; a shared view between the two that will not allow them to become too arrogant when venturing into unknown territory belonging to person responsible for kidnapping Billy.

With the boy still being carried in piggy back, the elderly green robbed man nodded with look of understanding in the gravity at this important situation, "then we must not haste once we enter this cavern," speaking the obvious in what they should after entering the said cave.

"Very good, now watch your surroundings once we entered. Who knows what lies inside of this place," instructing them for last time, "all I know is that he is alive," providing good news to Seth that gave him relief in heart, "but it is uncertain what exactly has taken him captive in there," revealing her lack of knowledge for this said person or possible creature.

The rest agreed with her as she began to lead them inside; revealing blue lit tunnel within this very cave, where its space was large enough for groups of less than twenty men to move around in here. A thought to be a decent place for camping and resting before continuing to the next destination, but in this context, it is only place to be wary of and prepared for anything that comes their way.

Complete silence like the night they were searching for Billy, however this time; they can hear their own footsteps and breathing echoing throughout passageway where ever they go. Aside from their own sounds, there is no other indication of the presence of anyone or thing in this place, besides the few bats that flew overhead and occasional squeaks from some rats scurrying around.

As they continued venturing, Seth was in deep thought while gripping his crucifix harder than before; his expression showing signs of nervousness while his head rests over the man's left shoulder; "Guan Yu?" Called out, breaking the old warrior's train of thoughts.

"Yes, young one?" He asked, keeping his gaze forward where the witch still remained ahead of them, "what troubles you in this hour?" Guan Yu asked in tone of curiosity, "tell me child, what is it that plagues your mind?" Wondering what was on the teen's mind that wanted his attention.

He contemplated a bit, looking down at the floor for no reason other than to think; before he made a decision, Seth raised his head again to tell the elderly warrior what's on his mind, "I want to ask something, but it might be too personal to discuss it," admitting that it is probably better to remain silent, but something deep within his heart wants to bring it out in open, "so, can I ask you of it?" Hesitant in pursuing the topic further.

Hearing his worries, the veteran warrior found it intriguing to talk once more; conversation after conversation, interesting to know how this young boy is going through from his perspective. But for him, the important factor is not whether or not his willing to divulge in something so important that involves the life of another, "you don't need my permission, young one," he comforted the boy, "whatever you want to ask is completely fine, regardless of how sensitive it is," letting Seth know he will never judge.

"Its...well..." Looking away from him for moment, "I don't know if I can defend myself from someone or something," saying in tone of sadness and fear, "I mean, I know I'm going against monsters and bad people, but killing them?" Bringing out his viewpoint, "I don't want to kill or hurt anything," stating in manner that sounds like he's refusing to kill at all.

Ahead of them, the witch was listening to every word that left from his mouth; curious to know how he truly feels of committing acts that would put him in danger. However, she is unable to criticize his behavior for it is perfectly rational for someone as young and innocent as him to avoid being violent towards one another.

"Killing," Guan Yu sighed from the concept of it, "not a single soul on our own worlds will be able to live without seeing or experiencing it one way or another," he began his words of knowledge to the boy, "whether it's animals, people or even beings that aren't human," adding more to the description of all forms of life, "all has the right to survive as long it is sake for self-defense or greater cause," explaining his point of view.

Horror from the very notion of slaughter, "self-defense or greater cause," Seth pondered at this, "but still...I just don't want to be responsible for the deaths of others," speaking his thoughts while a tear slipped from his eyes, "even if it's monsters or people who commit terrible deeds, I-I'm afraid of taking a life," sniffing at such emotion.

Shaking his head in disappointment and sympathy, "death is a natural part of life, young one," he then gave a long exhale as they walked further deeper inside of this blue tunnel, "animal kill to survive, whether for food or territory; human beings are no different," recounting the basic aspects of all life, "we are no different, so I can understand your views on avoiding ending another life, but as I have said before," saying with more details at this take, "you have the right to defend yourself, your friends, and those who need your help."

His heart begin to ache, unable to bear the thought of doing this, "a-are y-you s-saying that I-I should kill to defend myself?" The boy's voice cracked as he struggled to comprehend, "because that's not what I am," denying to believe what he's been told, "I just don't—"

"No, child, that isn't what I want from you," The man reassured him before he can continue, "what I meant is to simply use it in self-defense to protect yourself or your allies from certain doom if such thing arises," answering him in hopes of clearing his mind, "but it is always wiser to first show mercy and compassion to your enemies than outright ending their lives out of personal vengeance," still repeating the same thing but more clear, "that's what makes you better than those who seek destruction or retribution for the sake of it."

Seth closed his eyes, installing all the information being given to him to heart. He thought for a moment, absorbing it that he's learned so far. The boy eventually nodded, finding solace in what he's been told; "then it is possible not to hurt anyone?" He asked, wanting more clarification.

"It depends on the situation," The warrior answered him, "for everyone has different moral, issues and beliefs; thus, not everyone thinks the same way as you do," continuing the discussion in all seriousness, "in that sense, you can't expect everyone to change, even in dire situations but violence is sometimes necessary if all peaceful options have failed," he explained this further while the witch still listened intently.

It make sense for Seth to understand of how different people have different takes and viewpoints. His belief that people shouldn't be violent to anyone but knowing human nature, it is bound to happen due to numerous factors in which none of them are perfect.

The path to peace is a difficult and long road for one who desires it. No one is born with it, they must work hard to achieve it through their actions and beliefs, through their words and their actions, through their desires and dreams. For every ambition requires the will of person to make such goal happen.


Her sudden response surprised them, resulting Guan Yu to stopped in his tracks from the witch's unexpected outburst while Seth looked at her in confusion, wondering what's wrong. Her eyes are wide, filled with disbelief and shock from what lies ahead of them.

"Lady Morgan?" His concerned voice caught her attention, making the woman to turn her head in the man's direction, face filled with horror that made him question what was causing such emotion, "is something the matter?" He moved closer to her while the boy was still on his back.

Then they both saw what she had seen, terrifying display at the sight of horrible scenery that they wished to have stepped into. For all the horrors they had witnessed, none could have prepared them for this where everything is painted filled of death and decay.

Before them, the walls of this place are filled with horrific sight of rotten flesh, puss, and blood as if someone had bathed the entire end of this passage in gory crimson. The smell is overpowering, nearly overwhelming to the point of passing out. They felt sick to their stomachs, gagging in disgust from this macabre image that they couldn't comprehend how such nightmare can occur in this lifetime.

Most notably, the decaying faces were intact all around but still recognizable enough to tell apart who or what they once were. It is bizarre, unnerving, and absolutely disgusting to look at, seeing many humans who are in all ages regardless if they are old or young.

Even animals and other unfortunate beasts were seen in this pile of corpses; flies and other insects were feasting on the carcasses of the dead. Its faces were completely motionless with their lifeless eyes staring straight at the group. The sight was almost impossible to describe in words for it is disgusting and terrible beyond belief.

It is if whoever or whatever had done this, two possible reasons are either scaring off invaders or using this twisted play as form of hobby, "Seth," Guan Yu slowly turned his own head to him, looking at the terrified boy's face, "how are you feeling?" No child should experience something this horrific and unhinge, especially one who has suffered enough.

Gulping nervously, he nodded slowly, "Its horrible," blurting out without hesitation, "but I...have gotten used to things like this back in my home," his reply might sound surprising at first, but it made sense after a short period of time, "just let me stand on my own feet now," he plead with the remaining strength he has.

Guan Yu wanted to ask but knowing this unfortunate turn of events, he complied nonetheless; kneeling down with both of his legs as the boy removed himself from the elderly man's back, allowing Seth to finally stand on the ground and approached to the woman's side.

They watched him in curiosity when he knelt down and placed his cross at the ground near him before beginning prayer that neither of them has clue in what he is doing at moment like this for them, its bizarre way of doing gesture that they cannot figure it out what its really meant for.

"God of Immeasurable Mercies," he spoke in low tone of voice while shutting his eyes with both hands clasped together, "the departed souls of these men, women, children and animals whose remains are brought forth to this cursed place have suffered from horrible fate, "the two glanced at him, having a better understanding of what he is doing in this time.

"Let their souls find peace in the afterlife," Seth went on, "bless their final resting place that they can be free from what they witnessed," a small tear fell from his right eye, "to all of them, accept this plea in hopes that they may forgive our trespassing into their eternal slumber," he prayed for the deceased that lied in front of their eyes, "make them accept your loving embrace so they may find peace within themselves once again," finishing his prayer.

Guan Yu and Morgan had contemplated what kind of deity this boy is deeply devoted to for it must be this important of him to pray for hope of this being heard, something she was to keen of learning as the woman faced the black haired teen, "prayer, a common thing I have seen from those who are deeply devote to their deity," she complimented his faith, "what kind of deity you worship?" Interested in the choice of religion.

Grabbing his crucifix that had stayed with his side almost throughout his life, he exhaled a breath of sorrow from the images of dead bodies and blood that soaked this gruesome site, turning his head to her direction with forced smile, "God," answer he provided to the question, "he is known by many names to many different people around the world with differing opinions but to me," putting the crucifix to his heart, "his my only source of hope and light," expressing his devotion to the almighty.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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