Chapter 94

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Lightning flashed across the cloudy sky while rain poured down harshly, darkening the heavens above that could be seen from afar. The wind blew around in different directions, changing its course repeatedly as the storm began to start its course.

The currents rapidly push against their ship, rocking it back and forth while also creating a sound that was similar to that of a whale cry in a never-ending screech. It continued for moments until thunder roared from above before the gale increased in speed and power.

It was all of a sudden, much to everyone's surprise, "move aside, lad!" Holt ordered him to step away from the wheel. "I'll handle this!" He exclaimed as the sailor complied without second thought, allowing his captain to take over with experienced hands and quick eyes: "Wake everyone up, arm yourself with a weapon, and hold onto something!" He shouted an order for the crew to gather their equipment while also opening one of the drawers of the captain's cabin with one hand as he continued to hold the wheel.

Morgan, Seth, and Genno watched closely as this commotion happened. None of them have experience handling something this powerful, so instead, they chose to trust the experienced captain, who took on his responsibility as their leader.

Everyone was having a hard time walking through the rough and violent waves, being thrown against the wall, to the floor, or onto each other, but none of that matters when there was another violent lurch, causing Seth to stumble down with a painful cry, "Ahh!" Loudly winced from his injury, covering the area in pain.

Her eyes widen after seeing him fall, but unfortunately, she didn't react in time. "Take my hand!" She extended her arm to reach his hand as she tried pulling him up. "Quickly now!" Panic was setting in as the situation grew even worse. Objects were being thrown across the room, hitting random sailors along with falling overboard the large windows.

Grabbing her hand tightly, he was lifted up to the ground with a terrified look. "We have to do something!" He begged, almost on the verge of tearing up where the storm continues to intensify by the minute, "Everyone is going to get seriously hurt or killed!" Urgency was in his words as they observed the damage this chaotic disaster is causing.

But Genno was standing normally, unaffected by the chaos around him because of his mastery of holding himself together by gripping onto something and saying, "Use your magic," suddenly bringing up his suggestion that made her eyes widen in realization.

Without second thought, she cast a spell with the sentence alone: "taolfa yats su teL." Speaking it out loud, every person on board suddenly was able to move and walk normally despite the turmoil happening around them. Their minds were becoming more stable with every second passing, but there was still a problem they faced that needed solving. "I made everyone accustomed to the waves and how they function by manipulating the gravity around our bodies, so that means they are more stable than before," she informed both the children with a quick glance of her eyes.

Even captain Holt was surprised when he was able to stand properly again, whistling by the result of magic. "That is incredible sorcery, milady," he started his sentence with admiration in his voice but nonetheless continued, "It is a good thing I don't have to worry about everyone too much; thank you for doing that; we owe you greatly," looking back at her for a moment before returning his focus to steering the ship.

She smiled on the compliment. "My pleasure, captain," Morgan said in appreciation for her efforts that have paid off in protecting the lives of these men. "With me around, we are going to make sure all will get through safely." Her reassuring and confident tone had put Seth's heart at ease, knowing that someone as experienced as her should be trusted.

He laughed as his men continued moving around to prepare themselves for what would come: "After this, I'm going to repay you, Miss Witch," giving her the promise of his words in exchange for her deed, "Now, get going!" Holt gestured to get alone, "Check on Billy and make sure to not go outside!" saying command for her to take action.

Taking the hint, she grabbed Seth's hand and said, "Stay close to me; we must find Billy," keeping him by her side as she turned to Genno, "you to, come with us," glancing at him as well, "stay close," instructing him to follow as well in this perilous moment.

And so, the trio began to maneuver their way downstairs as they avoided stepping on broken glass or fallen debris. Their hearts were beating like drums when another powerful lurch shook the ship, but thanks to her spell, they were unaffected by the sudden change of gravity in this boat.

The winds grew louder and more violent to the point it became unbearable for one's ears to listen to; their eardrums felt like they were bursting any second, as if someone were yelling into them repeatedly, but that wasn't enough to slow anyone down at this time.

Every man on this ship was doing their best to prepare themselves for what would happen after or during this powerful storm. Most were grabbing weapons and guns; others were checking on every part of the ship to see if there was any damage or leaks.

Few who were brave enough stepped outside the tower just to experience violent rain and strong winds that shortened their visibility. But with Morgan's magic and their experience in this sort of thing, it made their job easier in checking for any damages on their exterior ship.

While this was going on, Morgan continued holding Seth's hand in tight grip, refusing to let go when he wanted to aid his fellow comrades who were injured due to this chaos. She didn't want to let him out of sight, afraid of losing him in this sort of weather, and honestly, she feels responsible for keeping him alive until they reach their designation.

Passing several floors, Seth noticed a couple of injured sailors kneeling or lying on the floor, some of whom had bruises, cuts, bleeding noses, head injuries, etc., but also some who were unfortunate enough to receive severe and critical wounds such as broken bones and unconsciousness.

"We can't leave them!" He urged us to help these people, the ones who allowed them to board their ship without any second thoughts: "They helped us; let us help them!" But his words fell to deaf ears when she ignored his cries for help as she dragged him across the place.

Unafraid, he spoke once more, "There are people hurt here," pointing at the people who were grunting in agony as the ones who are uninjured are currently helping them. "We need to—" She quickly silenced him with an angry shout after they reached the right floor.

"SHUT IT!" Her yell pierced through his heart, breaking him apart and making the boy feel so betrayed by this reaction. "WE CAN'T WASTE ANYMORE TIME!" The coldness and frustration in her words made Seth flinch backward in a frightful fashion while also holding his cross in a protective manner despite being held by his own hand. "DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW DIFFICULT THIS IS!? WE ARE STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF A STORM AND YOU THINK WE CAN HELP EVERYONE IN THIS CONDITION?!?"Her loud words hurt him, which caused a small tear to drop.

Morgan stopped when she saw him terrified and sad at the same time. It broke her heart into pieces for her to do this, having allowed her frustration to take hold of her. "Seth..." Regretful expression appearing across her face: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that; I didn't mean to hurt you; I'm just..." Apologized while staring down on the floor in pain.

Even Genno was surprised by this but nonetheless kept silent, not wanting to be involved in this sort of thing. In the meantime, Seth managed to collect himself while calming down after she apologized to him, realizing how selfish he sounded.

"I should be the one to apologize," he said while the storm continues to grow intense. "I wasn't thinking straight," feeling guilty for making her mad. "I just wanted to help them, but I wasn't thinking of our priorities first," feeling ashamed of his impulsive decision for other people's lives than their own.

Smiling sadly, she knelt down with her knees touching the ground, placing both of her hands at his cheeks. "You are a kind and sweet boy," she said, finally understanding his reason behind it. "And it's good that you want to help, even if it is difficult." She gave him a kiss on the forehead to cheer him up. "But for now, we have to focus on ourselves as everyone else is doing their best. Do you understand?"

He nodded, agreeing with her, even though it still hurts to agree with her. "Okay..." Sadness was still in his voice while sniffing a little before wiping away a few remaining tears. "Let's go." Leaning in forward to give her a hug before reluctantly backing away to grab her hand once more in an attempt to reconcile their friendship.

At last, the three of them walked through an open-space hallway filled with awakened sailors getting out of bed or visiting others to wake them up from this sudden change of events. Others were still asleep before they were awoken by their colleague or friend.

Nonetheless, the situation was a mess, and everyone was panicking over the news of their predicament. They needed to do something for their sake, and that is to ensure their ship won't sink into the sea while also enduring these massive waves and currents striking the only vessel they are on.

This long and spacious corridor is filled with doors on each side to allow sailors and passengers to navigate through it easily. The paint peels off of the walls, and the wooden floor creaks loudly as they tread the hall. There was also a staircase far ahead that led down to lower or higher floors.

Each door has a name assigned to the person who became a member or guest of their ship. "This is long," Seth commented on their journey through the hall. "I wonder where Billy is staying?" I wonder if Billy might be sleeping or awake during this time of night.

His question was soon answered when a door on their left suddenly opened with a loud thud as it hit onto nearby wall, revealing Billy, who was huffing and puffing with shock in his eyes. "What the fuck is going on?" Cursing out loud in confusion after being awoken by the violent movement of the ship

Morgan quickly went to explain, "We were in a terrible situation right now," she pointed out the obvious, "We were currently experiencing a storm," answering his query in hopes of avoiding further questioning on this matter, "We were asking you to come with us because the captain told us to check on you," explaining the situation to the boy in advance.

Billy widened his eyes in horror. "You got to be—" Suddenly, his head became dizzy. "What...?" Even with the spell helping them avoid the changes of gravity, they were exposed to the nausea that affected everyone on this ship. "Why...are we..." Looking at his friends, he noticed they were showing signs of being in a disoriented state.

Even Genno was affected as he held his own head and said, "We were being sucked into a whirlpool," figuring out what was causing their movement to spiral downwards into the sea. "We need to—" He fell immediately, overwhelmed by its effects.

"Genno!" Seth cried in surprise, only to then have Billy fall on his back.No, "no, no!" Fear gripped his heart when he turned to Morgan; her desperate face reflected what he was feeling as she answered in ominous words at this terrifying moment.

"There is nothing we can do," she said, clutching her mouth in a futile attempt to keep her stomach from emptying its contents. She then barfed onto the floor near Billy's feet before finally falling to her side, letting go of his hand in the process.

Leaving being the only one left, he tried to hold onto not falling into unconsciousness from the increasing nausea building up inside of him. "Oh God..." Feeling his consciousness leaving his body before it ultimately hit the floor with his back, he said, "Please, someone," Seeing his vision slowly become black.

The last thing he saw or heard was demonic laughter in the form of a male voice laughing maniacally, mocking him for being weak and pathetic, as Seth can only scream in terror and horror before the mysterious voice finally took hold in him.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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