Chapter 30

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Carrying the asleep Seth around his back and behind the knees as they entered back into the cottage, the warm atmosphere greeted them once again with its inviting aura that envelops their senses upon entering her home, while the boy's friends are still fast asleep in their spots, unbothered by their presence.

She stood in the open with a smile, seeing how everyone was still relaxed while having a pleasant slumber that would last till morning. It was a nostalgic sight to behold since she had never seen anyone sleep together in peace after having lived in an isolated place for quite some time.

But now she has more people living with her than herself. Feeling a different form of emotion that Morgan has rarely experienced for a very long time. It is not a bad feeling, no. The exact opposite of that It is a wonderful feeling to have someone share this loneliness with her.

A faint smile grew on her lips, reminiscing about the time when she was a little girl who was more open to others and lived with close priority for people, unlike herself nowadays. To be truthful, being a witch or magician is something entirely different.

With all this power and knowledge, there is always a price to pay for having it. That's what magic is all about. There is always a trade-off when it comes to it. For every career or path a person goes down, there are always consequences, regardless of karma.

Because in this world, good and evil are like two sides of a coin that balance each other. Wherever they go, there will always be another who opposes that very idea. Not all things are meant to be understood, and not all people are perfect or perfect themselves.

That's why Morgan learned a valuable lesson from everything she had experienced in her life. To live and let live, not everything is meant to be fixed or controlled. And with that answer, there is no choice but to let the world flow in a natural way that is far more chaotic than peaceful.

Sighing exhaustively, she took one more glance at the teen's face; his sleeping expression and exhaustion show how much stress he had gone through during the perilous journey of what was handed to him. The poor thing must've gone through so much to get to this point.

Just by looking at him, she reminded herself of having a different life than what she has now, thinking of her own childhood and the people she once loved along with the life she had. Having a child of her own to raise would be a blessing that could only happen to her.

However, what is done is done. Nothing can change what happened in her past, nor can it be rewritten from where she stands now. But, even so, she will make the most of what she has in this life rather than contemplating what has gone by.

There are more important things to focus on than fantasy, which will likely never come true. That is, if one chooses to take action against the reality that exists. Besides, being pessimistic is no good either, which is why it is important to learn the difference between that and reality.

Anyway, there are still things to do other than dwell on bothersome thoughts. Which is bringing the boy to his room upstairs as she calmly walked through the living room while trying not to make as much noise as possible, lest she disrupt their sleep.

While she walked towards the stairs, Morgan noticed how peaceful and quiet it was outside at night. She felt like a night owl who stays up late at night and goes out just to see the world as it is. In a sense, it gave her the inner peace of knowing this fact.

Reaching the set of stairs leading up to the second floor, she carefully climbed with her free hand gripping the rail and using her foot to step onto the first stair before doing the same action several more times until she finally reached the top while carrying Seth, sighing in relief from all that hard work.

Her gaze traveled to the small hall as it led straight ahead, while her house is very simple in design, meaning it was made of wood with furniture in each room. However, the lights that illuminate her halls are still functional, providing a sufficient light source for her to use in times where it gets too dark.

Finally reaching the door at the far end of this short hallway after taking a walk again, she opened it with one hand as she entered before closing it shut from behind, seeing the new bedroom that will belong to the boy for as long as he stays here.

The brick walls were painted white, while the floors were made of smooth wood that echoed every footstep as she stepped through the room. The bed was made of pure white sheets with pillows and a duvet, while the desk and chairs were black and made of iron.

There was also a closet that was located at the far end of the wall, with a small window to view the outside of her property. Along with a bathroom that connects to the bedroom for privacy. The room looked cozy and clean, perfect for someone like Seth to reside in, along with a chandelier at the ceiling.

Morgan went to the said bed and then lowered him down on the comfortable mattress as he still remained asleep throughout his whole ordeal, gently placing him under the blanket before tucking him in while brushing his black hair with her fingers, smiling with affection for the child as she withdraws her hand.

The woman stared down at the young boy with a caring look, seeing him as if he were her son, but the feeling was quite different than that, for she couldn't put words on it, but it felt like a connection of sorts that was unknown to her. Regardless, she knows this feeling is a positive one that will help him grow into a wonderful person.

Smiling, she gently kissed his forehead. "Good night," her voice whispered with sincerity before moving away, turning around, and heading towards the exit. Taking one last glance back at him, she said, "Sleep well, Seth." She quietly left the room.

Closing  the door behind her with a sigh, looking up with deep thought after everything that had transpired within a single day. The events that led to this were all quite sudden to deal with, but she is glad to meet someone like Seth in person.

Especially his friends, because of how lonely it has been since she lived alone in this little home of hers for years on end, which is why it was surprising to have people visit her despite being in a dangerous area that is surrounded by bandits, or worse, monsters and the undead.

But at least she isn't alone anymore for the time being, hence why she rescued them and joined their adventuring party in their task of slaying that evil magician. Morgan had heard news about their revival from the main city of this land.

And judging by their strange attire, there is no doubt that these are the heroes that were summoned. She hoped the three wouldn't mind having her company on their journey. If it is one thing she will assist with, it will be knowledge of performing magic against their enemies.

Proudly smiling to herself, "I better rest and prepare breakfast for everyone in the morning," speaking to no one in particular, "my ingredients aren't endless; I have to stock up soon," talking to herself while more than ready to head downstairs.

"I wouldn't say the same for you, miss."

Billy's sudden voice startled her, making her whip around and stare at the young cowboy with wide-eyed eyes. "You were here the whole time?" She asked in surprise, not having heard him follow them behind without sensing the boy's presence.

Leaning on the wall with folded arms, he smirked at this question while lowering his head to face down on the floor, his hat nearly covering half of his face, including the eyes. "Yep, I was already fast awake the moment you two came back," he said in a matter-of-fact tone that made Morgan frown at that response.

Scowling at him as if she were his mother, "care to explain your intentions in sneaking around like some scurrying rat?" She questioned the young teen with an annoyed tone, demanding answers to his actions before she lost her patience. "Because I would like to know what you were planning," her eyes narrowed at him in growing annoyance.

Grunting in amusement from her response while still not looking at her, he shrugged nonchalantly: "I was only wanted to know what you were doing with that idiot," admitting his reason for being a nosy, "plus I don't trust you," giving additional explanation that he had doubts regarding her character.

Getting her answer, she frowned at his lack of trust. "You don't trust me because I am a witch?" Morgan inquired about his motives for doubting her, "Because if so, I understand," and while she doesn't like it, she cannot blame him for not trusting a witch like her.

Raise of brow, his attention turned towards her; eyes gazed directly at Morgan's purple ones. "You should understand by now why I don't trust you," he told her with a slight hint of aggression. "Not only are you capable of doing things that a normal person shouldn't be doing, but you're also still complete stranger to me," the teen listed his reasons for being wary.

Taken aback by his accusation, she could only listen with patience. "I know," she replied while understanding his reason for distrusting her, "but it wasn't nice of you doing that," referring to his eavesdropping, "especially to a lady such as myself," acting offended by this ordeal.

Causing him to snort humorously by her comment, he retreats away from the wall as he straightens himself up, saying, "Don't take this as a sign that I hate you," still looking down at the floor. "Just don't expect me to let my guard down around you, that is all," Billy warned her of his thoughts, "We are not exactly friends, as far as I can tell."

Humming in agreement with his statement, "So be it," the woman agreed on his terms, "though I hope someday that will change in the future," wishing that she would get along with everyone regardless of their different views on each other.

Silence came between them as neither of them spoke for several seconds. It was awkward yet peaceful for the both of them. "Anyway, I'll be going," he said, turning around back to where he went. "Just promise me to keep that nerd alive, Capriche?" He said this while beginning to walk away.

Leaving her dumbfounded by this event, the witch didn't bother to stop him from leaving. "Very well," seeing there is no reason to argue with a stubborn brat like Billy, who holds grudges for strangers he has never met in his life, "I'll keep your friend alive for our sake," accepting his request with a smile.

As she said those words, the cowboy didn't stop nor leave another comment while he left to her own devices, but unbeknownst to the witch, he was also smiling in relief that they managed to resolve their conflict of interests as peacefully as possible without resorting to argument or violence over it.

When he finally left, Morgan was left with a reflection of what happened between her and Billy before shrugging it off completely. "That was interesting," she muttered to herself with a sigh, finding her discussion with that rascally teen also amusing and rather humorous.

"That child needed to learn some manners," wondering how a parent failed to teach their child to show respect to others, especially kind strangers who saved his life. "Hopefully the others will be better to deal with than him," she commented to herself while shaking her head.

Turning to her left of where there is a door that she had previously entered and exited from, "but Seth is a good boy," she said proudly with a smile, "he needs time in adjusting to the people around him," continuing her monologue, "and when he goes through that, he will become the greatest man ever known in Spheroidal," the witch added while envisioning his future self.

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