Chapter 31

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A beautiful morning, that is what Guan Yu thought after having woken up and headed outside of their temporary home as he continued practicing swinging his guando in the open field, which consisted of mostly tall grass along with trees here and there surrounding the cottage from a distance.

He took a deep breath, relaxing his mind and body in order to concentrate on his swings, allowing the weapon to effortlessly spin and cut through the air. It was an elegant sight to behold, one that is considered art in itself as the warrior is capable of doing such motions with ease.

Birds flew in the atmosphere with flapping wings, chirping sounds emitted from their beaks as they sang a melody in their beautiful song. The wind blew across his face and hair, rustling through the grass around him, sending a peaceful experience to the man who enjoyed it to the fullest.

All of that combined made the perfect scenery for Guan Yu; the atmosphere was clean and pure, untainted by impure souls who would tarnish such a wonderful place with their filthy hands. It was heaven itself, and he enjoyed every second of it.

Being focused on his swings, the Green Dragon Crescent Blade kept rotating in continuous circles as he struck imaginary opponents over and over again. Sweat dripped down his temple, though he was not bothered by it. The routine was the most important thing for him to achieve perfection and control over.

Although the warrior was grateful to have his weapons intact after what happened last night, it made him wonder when the blade will break soon if he doesn't find a blacksmith to repair it. What he wielded is rather old and has been used by him for a long period of time since he received it.

Now that I see some cracks on it, it is only a matter of time before the blade falls apart due to its age and the damage it sustains. I haven't been able to find a suitable blacksmith to fix his problem. Thus, he is forced to wait until that time comes.

Regardless, he is happy that the children are safe and sound from those monsters, as well as their superhuman strength and speed in taking them down with their powerful attacks. It was rather frightening to see something else that wasn't human for the first time in his life.

For all of his life, Guan Yu has fought specifically human combatants rather than something that came from stories. He isn't even certain what those creatures were or what purpose they served. It was strange to witness a monstrosity rampaging through the forest in a fit of malevolence and murderous intent.

Even still, the old warrior is relieved that they are all alive; that is all that matters in any dangerous situation they land themselves in. As long as everyone survives unscathed without a scratch on their bodies, then that is fine. However, it doesn't mean one shouldn't try to improve for the better.

"Is my weapon only meant for destruction and death?" He asked himself while still swinging his weapon in circular motions. A question that has long lingered inside his mind for the longest of time is, "Or is it just a tool to protect those that are precious to me?" Saying it out loud without much effort, "Then what is my weapon's purpose?" He wondered what the meaning of his blade was.

Weapons are meant to kill. Truthful enough, they are used in combat just to destroy their enemies—a simple conclusion that everyone can come to. But the question is, are they really made to kill or protect those dear to them? Does it have to be so finite?

Does it always have to be a tool of destruction? Where aren't any alternative options? Is it wrong to think it might be the latter? Many people might argue it to be the former, a tool made to kill their foes. But a good man wouldn't use it for simply killing their enemies.

No, he's better than that.

As he continued practicing his swings, his mind wandered through many memories of his past. A time before, he was a military general serving under his lord, Liu Bei, who was virtuous and just ruler of their province with a habit of avenging their fallen friends.

Baring his teeth with frustration, he asked, "Am I no longer capable of protecting anyone with these hands?" He asked while staring down at his palms, which once protected many people. The people he used to care for and swore to defend till his final breath

Age has affected his ability to fight on the battlefield. But this did not deter him, for he still remains a mighty general in his army. Guan Yu will continue fighting to protect those around him. And what is more importantly, his weapon as well.

"My guando has served me well," he said, stopping himself as he stood straight with his precious weapon at hand. "No matter how much I have to kill, there is always reason behind it," remembering the people he killed in the past with a clear vision.

Looking up at his damaged blade, his grip on it tightened. "It is all for their sake," he said, clenching the pole with determination in his heart. "That is how it has always been since I was a young man," determined to finish what he started, "if it means using violence when the need arises," the man admitted to himself.

Suddenly, the warrior hears footsteps coming from behind, causing him to turn around without much thought to it. "Billy, your awake," his voice acknowledges the teen's presence. The young cowboy then stared at him with his usual glare before giving a curt nod of confirmation.

"Of course I have," Billy answered with folded arms. "You need to be alert all the time when you are in unknown territory." His statement sounded like suspicion, which confused the warrior a bit from his attitude. "And besides, I was curious to know where you were away," being honest with his words.

Chuckle escaped from the elderly man's lips, smiling slightly at this question that was asked by him: "I was practicing my swings," revealing his reason for leaving so early in the morning: "A warrior mustn't be afraid to do what they have to do," and responding with a firm voice that showed no hesitation in his tone.

Laughing in amusement at his response, "Yeah, sure," nonchalantly waving his hand, "that reminds me," out of nowhere, he pulled a knife from his pants and asked, "Can you train me in the ways of the sword, old timer?" His abrupt question caused a raised brow from the elder general.

It certainly wasn't what the warrior expected to hear: "You wish to be trained?" Guan Yu had never thought of this boy requesting a teacher from him. The offer itself was quite strange to hear. "Hmmm..." Humming to himself with consideration of Billy's request, "For what reason would you do that?" He had to ask to confirm it.

The cowboy scratched the back of his head in sign of irritation and embarrassment. "Well, the truth is, after my only weapon was destroyed, I suppose you can say I need to learn fighting in close quarters since the firearms here are outdated in this world," he explained with a huff. "You get it, don't you?" Looking at him as if seeking his approval.

Nodding slowly from his words, he finally understood the reason, "Yes, I do," realizing the real reason for why the teen is asking this, "although your frame and muscles are not fit for holding a sword, which will take a few years for you to properly learn and master," and answering honestly while thinking about how long it will take him to complete such training.

Hearing this frown, the blond said, "Damn, you gotta be kidding me," gripping the knife tighter in frustration, "then what do you suggest I use?" Questioning the elderly general's suggestion on how he should fight without a gun to rely on.

Considering his words carefully, he came to the decision of what is best for the boy: "Bow would suit you perfectly," seeing how he possesses skill in using a gun as bow is similar to it; "that is, if you are willing to practice and learn with discipline," his response made the teen grumble in disappointment.

"What about my knife?" Holding it up and pointing at him as if it were a sword, he said, "I can use it in melee and stab my opponents," stating his reason for wanting to use a blade when confronting his enemies at close quarters. The old general then shook his head and sighed.

"It isn't suitable against opponents who hold a bigger weapon and reach," the veteran said firmly without breaking eye contact with Billy, "but a bow and arrow can be your advantage if used correctly," elaborating further on why he chose that particular option, "however, there is another option that I believe will benefit you the most," adding this for extra measure.

Billy then raised his eyebrow at his words, "And what would that be?" The blond asked in curiosity what the old man had to say, awaiting his reply, "Come on, spill it already. What's this option you want me to do?" He pressed on further.

Sighing once again from his impatience, "spear" bluntly stated the warrior's second choice of weapon, "if you wish to fight close range, a spear will suffice," explaining why that specific option was chosen instead of a sword, mace, and so on.

"A spear?"

The young cowboy almost choked from shock hearing that word, "Are you fucking serious?" He exclaimed in disbelief at his choice, "What kind of weapon is that?" Asking a question that has many forms and variations, "How is that supposed to be more efficient than a damn sword?" The teen inquired for clarification of why the warrior suggested him with that boring melee weapon.

Sadly smiling from the response, "it is easy, simple, and efficient," Guan Yu answered simply as if it were obvious from the start: "spears have a longer reach than any weapon, don't require much skill to use, and their usefulness is undeniable," listing all of the benefits that it possesses, "that is why it is a perfect choice for you to choose for," finishing his explanation.

Though Billy was still disappointed at this, he nonetheless agreed to take on this challenge. "Fine, but it better be worth my time," he gave in to the man's persuasion. "I want to learn everything about using a spear," the cowboy declared as his determination showed.

Nodding happily from the acceptance, "I'm glad," Guan Yu expressed his relief from the teen's willingness to take on this training, "however, first we will focus on that weapon your holding," motioning at the knife this teen is holding firmly.

raising an eyebrow or two, "I thought you didn't want me to use this?" He says, in confusion about why he wants to use the knife after having heard everything, "So what's the point of wasting my time learning to use it?" Billy demanded it with impatience.

Shaking his head, the warrior then explained the reason for it: "It is true that knives or daggers are nearly useless in the battlefield; any weapon is still viable if used with great precision and timing," stating that weapons can be useful for anyone regardless of the circumstances, "hence why I am going to train you in using one." The reason was revealed to the boy.

Pausing for a moment to process this information, it finally clicked with him: "So, in other words, you want me to learn how to use a knife, as it is better than having nothing at all." Summarizing what was said to him, "Alright then," taking a battle stance, the boy then pointed his blade at him as the sun shone upon them.

Thrilled to know that the teen will cooperate with his teaching, "Good, let's begin," the warrior gripped his guando as he got in position, holding it like a spear. "Now then, do not hold back," he declared while his confidence showed through.

"Fine by me," smirking arrogantly while preparing himself to charge at him, "get ready because I will show you how much I've improved since last night," claiming with boldness that caused the general to chuckle, amused by the boy's determination to learn new skills.

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