Chapter 49

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Blinking his eyes, he was suddenly in a new environment he had never seen before, but he could tell it was eerily more wary and familiar than anywhere he had been. This is all too quick and sudden; Seth doesn't understand exactly where he is, but the mere glance around his surroundings brings back flashbacks of his home world.

Abandoned building, familiarity, strangeness, and empty space in between. The boy found himself in what appeared to be some kind of mansion of some kind, where debris and scattered broken furniture of antique designs lay on the ground and on the wall, with each one of them appearing to be coated with years of dust and dirt.

Couches, tables, chairs, cabinets, and the like, he recognized. The strangest part is that he saw few similar objects as those in his old home. The refrigerator is one of them, which tells him that he is back in his own world. But how could that be? Did Asmodeus send him to some weird dimension instead?

Shaking his head, he doesn't believe it because something is off with the atmosphere; something is not right within these walls, something unexplained in itself as the boy proceeded forward, crossing the rubbish waste and onto the front door ahead of him.

"If this is really earth, then I need to see the outside," he said under his breath, needing to confirm his suspicion before going on with the agreement that this isn't all a dream, "and besides, this isn't right. None of this is real; everything feels surreal to me," she added on top of it.

Carefully placing the hand on the door knob, he twisted it around, slowly opening it to reveal another room. "Is anyone there?" Cautiously calling out as he peeked through, "Please, if anyone is there, yourselves," he spoke with courage in his heart.

But Seth received silence as he entered through the creaky doorway, seeing another spacious living room with old pictures hanging on the wall along with shelves filled with various vases, decaying flowerpots, and other decorative items. "How can this be possible?" Whispering in disbelief.

There were windows shining through it, telling him there was the outdoors, but when he opened the door, it led him to another room.No, "this isn't right," not a dream, definitely not a dream, "this can't be a dream." His frustration is growing even more after stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

Leaning his back on the door, he carefully observed his current situation. "Then what now?" Having not forgotten the conversation with the demon, he remembered to find the right room so Seth could finish this game of his, "the right room," repeating the words over and over to help his memory, "right room, right room, right room."

Immediately, he scoured the entire area in hopes of finding it, displaying another space with trash and such—nothing interesting to note. However, there are two doors, one on his left and one on his right. "Which one should I take?" The boy asked himself, trying to decide which path he would take.

He decided to choose the one at his right first as Seth approached and pressed his palm on the doorknob again, twisting it around until it clicked, "Hello?" Entering a different room with a hallway, "If there is someone here, show yourself," she said before the door slammed shut by itself after entering inside, prompting Seth to jump in surprise.

Shaken up by the action, he almost screamed before noticing a naked old man sitting at the far corner of this room, similar to the previous ones he entered and exited before. But his attention was strictly focused on this sobbing stranger, who was clearly facing towards the wall.

Fear of uncertainty entered his heart. The man was malnourished and unusually still; anyone who isn't walking shows at least some sign of movement, but this person doesn't. It is eerily creepy to say the least of this encounter he should have expected when the demon told of captured souls.

Even with his better judgement, Seth should head back or sneak around to find a different door; knowing himself, he isn't the type of person who will leave helpless individuals to their own devices. It wouldn't feel right if he did, so ignoring his better judgment, he cautiously approached him from behind.

Taking careful steps while doing so, "sir?" He asked as calmly as possible while holding his crucifix in the dominant hand, "Are you lost?" Starting up a conversation in hopes of getting the man's attention without trying to be awkward or threatening, "You don't have to be scared, okay?" Breathing in and out, "Just trust me, we'll get out of here together," Assuring this distraught stranger

When he finally made himself known, the mysterious old man, who is shirtless at this moment, immediately stopped his loud crying, causing the black-haired teen to freeze in his spot in anticipation of the worst in this situation.

Time itself seems to slow down; every second, every moment, every moment—they all meant so much in this intense situation that the boy found himself in. Sweat formed on his face when the silent old man began to twitch inhumanely, seeing the blur in his movements.

This isn't normal; the sight of it brought absolute terror to Seth's body and soul when the elderly started to turn around with the horrendous slowness. Even when it fully faces him, the man's entire body is silhouetted or blurred because of its fast twitching.

"H-hello?" Seth nervously asked as he took a step back, "M-my n-n-name is Seth, and I'm trying to get out of here," speaking with cracking voice, "and if you are also trying to escape, then I recommend we work together." In a desperate attempt to avoid a dangerous confrontation, "we can help each other in escaping?" Suggesting an alliance with this spastic individual.

As someone who has survived in the streets and seen drug addicts or crazy people, a normal human wouldn't be capable of moving their body at such a fast pace, but this person is. Unnaturally and bizarrely, it makes the teen doubt that this person isn't human at all but something else.

"I'm sorry, but if you want me to go, then I will." Starting to walk away, he refused to take any chances of what would happen next. "B-bye, sir. I hope you do well," hastily heading back to where the door is, only to be stopped after hearing the man's cry of help from behind.

"Heeeelp...mee..." The old man begged for Seth's assistance with a strained voice, "Help me, pleaase." Stuttering the words out with a distorted face of what appears to be a skeleton underneath, "Please save me," his pleas filled the entire hallway while the boy felt torn about what to do.

How can he help? There isn't any food around; he doesn't know at the moment. But maybe there is one. If he could find anything in the nearby rooms, "okay, I'm going to help you," he answered as he turned around to face him. "We should stick close together; we'll find a way out of this," reassuring him while keeping his distance.

Silence fell on the boy's words as the naked old man with a blurry body and face stared intently at him, not even saying anything at all. "Let's get out of this place together," Seth smiled as he gestured for him to follow along, bringing some hope and positivity to this dire situation.

"Noooo...." The man suddenly rejected the help in the most heartbreaking tone Seth has heard in his entire life: "We were..." Unable to fill in the right words, the man then sprinted towards him at accelerated speed, reaching him before placing his hands on the teen's neck and raising him up into the air.


His repetitious whispers carried so much emotion behind them, sounding so despondent and miserable while he continued to choke Seth with the most inhumane strength, grasping his windpipe as the boy struggled to breathe from such a sudden, unexpected attack.

He can't breath! The old man's hands are squeezing the life out of his throat as he desperately attempts to remove them, scratching and pulling his hands to no avail, causing his vision to become hazy. The lack of oxygen is starting to take a toll on his body.

"We will all die over...over...over... over..."

Drowning—the feeling of suffocating in the ocean itself—is what he feels at this moment. As his life was slipping away, he used the last of his remaining strength to raise the golden crucifix in hopes of doing something at least, extending his arm towards the assailant's face.

As he did that, the divine weapon glowed in its holy radiance, surprising him with what was to come. The stranger then dropped him, allowing Seth to gasp for air and catch his breath while his attacker had rapidly stopped its twitching and returned to his normal state.

Crawling backwards to get away from him, he can finally get a glimpse of the lost soul's true appearance: a bearded white-haired elderly male with short blue pants and scandalous brown eyes—the perfect appearance of a homeless person in his world.

Then he smiled when white-colored flames began to emerge from its body, covering the entire silhouette with purifying light before harmlessly exploding into nothingness, leaving no trace of the person whatsoever, freezing the shocked Seth on the ground as his eyes were still fixated on where the man used to be.

Just when he continued staring, the recognizable perfume entered the area. Widening his eyes at its presence alone, he stood up and looked around with expectation, already aware of who it was. "Muriel?" Asking for the sign of his guardian mother.

"Dear..." A comforting gentle voice entered his ears: "You absolved his sins and suffering." A proud tone could be heard as her sweet voice echoed through the hallway. "The tortured soul has been finally released from his eternal agony; he can now find their peace." The warmhearted message was transmitted.

Soul? Realization hit him hard as he understood her words, "tortured soul..." Seth repeated before the question popped in his mind, "This must be the souls Asmodeus was talking about!" Saying in horror of his actions, "Forgive me for my ignorance," bowing his head in shame, "I didn't know..." Expressing guilt for intending to leave that old man out of his own safety

Muriel, sensing his self-pity, consoled him by comforting him with her words, "Forgive yourself, my child," reassuring him as she attempted to comfort him, "In a situation like this, anyone would share the same reaction and doubt their morals," forgiving her adopted son, "but you saved that poor man, Seth. You gave him absolution by granting him freedom," expressing the truth, "now you must continue," and urging him to go further.

Staring down at his shoes, he nonetheless felt scared for them and also for himself of seeing otherworldly spirits and creatures. "I'm terrified, mother," I confessed to her while shaking. "These things are so scary. They are terrifying and will do whatever it takes to kill me or eat my flesh; what's stopping them from doing that?" Admitting the truth of what he thinks.

"I don't think I can do it," his hands turning into fists from the stress. "I want to be strong, but I'm not. I'm just a weak person who can't fight back; how am I supposed to get through this?" Asking her with a trembling voice, "Where should I go?" Desperate question for guidance from the voice itself.

Sensing his dilemma, the angelic mother responded in his time of need, "Never lose faith in yourself and to God," advising him with advice, "for in darkness is light, and in evil is good," sharing her wisdom with him, "Be brave, my son, for you will not be alone as the Lord is with you in spirit," finishing the discussion in which he became reassured by her words.

Despite the situation, Seth can overcome them; it might be challenging and terrifying, but he knows he will make through. "Thank you," his heart eased at this moment. "Your really my guardian angel," smiling sadly at her. "I love you, mom," showing his affection for the support he is getting from her. "Will you show me the way to find the right room in finishing this game?" I said to her in request for his aid in this frightening task.

"I shall," she answered as her soothing voice reached him, "do not be afraid, dear," telling him with encouragement, "follow the smell." The perfume mysteriously vanished within moments before it moved to his left, "the path to your salvation lies beyond," encouraging him to move forward, "you will get through. Have faith and courage; the light is within you," inspiring him in this darkest hour, "for God will always love you in his arms; always remember that." Her gentle presence disappeared after finalizing the conversation with inspirational words.

Raising his head up, he closed his eyes and sighed with relief; the tension has been lifted from his shoulders for a brief moment of time, "even though I walked through the darkest valley," speaking with renewed confidence as he looked down at his cross with opened eyes, "I fear no evil because you are with me."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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