Chapter 98

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Morgan continued dragging herself along the floor as the pain of the injury continued to numb her senses. She can no longer think clearly when using her magic after having to forcibly remove the blade from her stomach, causing more problems than she anticipated.

Despite this notion, she crawled with all her strength in hopes of finding the boy she considered to be like a son to her precious family, whom she wanted to protect no matter what. Although, at this point, everything she can do is use her spear as a crutch to support her in getting back up.

Slowly, her steps echoed along the walls of the hallway as she dragged her right leg, groaning in agony while glancing everywhere, searching for the familiar figure of Seth. Morgan felt her consciousness slipping as she desperately attempted to maintain her wits. "Seth, wait for me," she pleaded in quiet whispers, hoping to locate him in time.

Breathing heavily, she limped forward through another hallway leading to a staircase with two paths: left and right, both equally uninviting to say the least, "watch over me," begging for the divines to give her strength enough to endure this ordeal.

Mustering up whatever courage was left inside her, she made the decision to take the left path since this one looks more appealing than the other, which is gloomy and dark. Upon ascending, the sight of numerous paintings caught her attention, depicting some important events in history, such as wars, victories, and peaceful periods of the past.

However, this isn't what she's searching for, but she nevertheless kept her attention for some time before heading upwards as Morgan sighed in relief at finally hearing a familiar sobbing sound coming from somewhere. Inwardly, she smiles since this means the boy is unharmed, but in the meantime,

Finally reaching her destination, where there is another set of hallways, this time with wooden doors on each side with stone pillars holding them, "Seth!" She exclaimed in joy at seeing him safe, which was a lie, but nonetheless relieved that he wasn't hurt in any shape or form.

Hidden between the tall pillars was a terrified and crying child sitting in the far corner with his hands wrapped around his legs, his head facing down, which he didn't dare lift. Like this, the poor teen looked so defenseless and fragile that the witch couldn't help but frown seeing him in this.

"Seth..." Moving towards him with the best of her ability, she almost reached him before the wound in her stomach gave in, forcing herself to drop herself in front of him, face flat, as a loud thud caught the attention of the boy, who quickly raised his head in surprise.

"M-Morgan?!" Standing up with his right hand still holding the beloved cross, he moved to her side and knelt down with his knees, softly turning her body around to properly see each other's faces. "Are you—" He didn't finish his question when his eyes widen in distraught.

A fresh and visible stab wound was seen, penetrating through her belly and staining the cloth of her dress in crimson red. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Realization dawned on him of what he had to see: "You can't!" Seth's own heart ached seeing someone he cared for, like a mother figure, bleeding to death in his arms.

Able to see his face again, she let out a bloody cough before smiling affectionately to the person who had changed her life. "Its good to see you safe," the woman said as her strength slowly faded away. "I am happy that you are alright." Reaching to touch his cheek with her finger tips, she rubbed his face gently in order to soothe his worries.

But it didn't work.

"You can't leave me! You can't leave me, Morgan!" Tears came falling from his eyes, spilling onto her hand and cheeks. "I can't lose you too," he stutters in every word he utters, struggling to comprehend what is happening to her as a feeling of dread overcame him.

Since he had lost everything that he cherishes, Seth felt truly afraid once more. Afraid of losing everything that matters to him—everything that he had come to after Guan Yu died. He thought this would never happen; he believed none of this could happen after arriving here.

And yet, he is proven wrong. Now, the same fear that gripped him when Guan Yu was killed, and the very same fear that plagued him in his life, has returned with more power than ever before. It was this fear of losing a person who is close to his heart that broke him down.

Seeing the one he cared about dying in front of him, Morgan smiled weakly at seeing the boy in this state. It seems he cares deeply for her, something that the witch had always wished for in having someone who would genuinely appreciate her.

But for now, her time is running out, and she believes the only hope of finishing up her job is to put faith in him to keep moving forward. "I know you'll make it," the witch murmured lovingly, wiping away a few stray tears that lingered on his eyelids.

"N-n-not without you." Seth whimpered like a child, desperately trying to convince her to keep living. He knew too well what death entails, and it's not pleasant for anyone, especially for those he loves. "You promised that we were going to survive this!" The boy cried, "That's why you can't die!"

Expecting for her to respond back, the teen only found a pained, half-hearted smile on her face while staring deeply into his eyes. "I lied," he stated bluntly, which only brought more pain to his heart. "At first, I really thought we would live through this, but seeing how it's ended up now," she let out another series of bloody coughs. "There's no use denying it."

Looking at her, his whole body trembled at hearing another lie again, but it doesn't matter anymore. "Please don't!" Begging desperately to not die, "there must be someway!" The boy shouted loudly in an attempt to find one of the options left that she didn't take.

Morgan simply continued gently caressing his cheeks with her fingers. "If there's one thing I regret," she said calmly, "it is that I don't have more time with you." Even though her time is ending, she had a memorable time spending her moments with the friends she made.

He felt his whole world crumble before him. "Stop it!" Not wanting to accept that this is how it ends for her, he couldn't bear the thought of it being the truth: "We can find a way to fix this!" Desperately trying to grasp at any final thread of life left for her, he needs her.

Why is God doing this to him? Why is the Lord himself punishing him like this? It isn't fair! Nothing is fair! "You—" Before he could continue anymore, she shushed him after placing her finger over his mouth, smiling lovingly at him as if she knew what he was going to say.

"Defeat the Dark Lord," Morgan instructed before slowly closing her eyes. "Take up the cross with you," she breathed out her last words before letting go of all her strength. "For you are our only hope," she breathed in and exhaled deeply. "I will always believe in you, Seth." Finishing her sentence, the light within her eyes dimmed entirely.

Staring at her unmoving face, he watched in horror as the life from her body faded away when her eyelids slowly closed together, signaling the end of her life. "Morgan...?" Tapping lightly on her face, the boy shook her violently, yet the woman failed to wake up.


Dropping his only crucifix, he grabbed his own hair before violently scratching it, screaming maddeningly at the top of his lungs for the loss of this dear person, "You can't be dead!" She must be just unconscious; that is the only reasonable response to this!

A voice then spoke from behind. "Shes dead, child," he heard Asmodeus say as Seth slowly turned around in shock to see him standing there with a cruel and mocking grin plastered on his face. "Just as the rest of your friends are dead too," a dark figure in the shape of a silhouette tall man with long hair, horns, and glowing red eyes stared evilly at the sadden boy. "Is that just sad?" mocking the kid with a tone of cruel amusement.

This information was all too much for the poor teenager. "Wha-what?" He spoke in disbelief, "Your lying!" Not believing whatever this demon is saying, "You're just tricking me again!" The boy snarled viciously at him, having not forgotten their previous encounter.

However, Asmodeus simply widened his eyes with a big grin, sending the memories of what had transpired for Billy, Genno, and Morgan, showing the moments of their battle against Rose and being defeated before the unexpected victory over a bloodthirsty immortal assassin at the cost of their lives.

Seth let out a massive screech of agony in learning of their demise; he instantly began to shed tears from his eyes, remembering how the three risked their lives for his sake; they were killed for him. His mind immediately flashed back to when Guan Yu sacrificed himself in a duel so they could survive for another day.

The friends he made, the people he treasured as his family—their deaths had all been for nothing. He couldn't save them. He was unable to do anything except sit idly by while the people around him did the work for him.


The demon laughed at seeing the boy suffer a mental breakdown, watching in glee as Seth dug his nails at his own scalp while screaming in intense pain and suffering from what had happened. It's as if the very fabric of his sanity was torn apart.

Everything he went through and everything he achieved had all been meaningless. Turning around to where Morgan lay, he stumbled at her dead body before sitting on top of her and saying, "MORGAN!" His voice reverberated throughout the area, echoing through the hallways.

Asmodeus found everything ever so satisfying: "It's the pain of losing people dear to you; it's the same thing you've endured in the pits of hell!" Laughing at having to watch this miserable child writhe in anguish, "Oh, how delicious is your torment? It gives me life!"


Hearing the evil laughter of the demon only added more fuel to the fire within the boy. He decidedly placed his hands on her shoulders and continued to violently shake her until she opened her eyes. But after having done it multiple times, her dress lowered down to her stomach.

Revealing her breasts.

He froze at the sight. The need to be comforted by anything was beginning to take a toll on him, as any form of reason or morals had already gone out the window the moment that demon showed him the truth. Letting his primal desire for any sort of wanting to be feel at ease had taken over.

Placing his own fingers on his forehead, he slowly drags them down, creating fresh cuts from his nails until red liquid slowly leaked out of them as his mouth twitched, thinking how he was not being embraced by the only person who was dead. "Everything is cold," he murmured in a low voice.

Dropping his arms down, he continued staring at her sleeping face and exposed breasts, finding all of this arousing, "Everything." The overwhelming pain and anguish, "is cold," he repeated himself, bringing his own hand over her cheek.

Then the darkness sets in, and the only thing he can hear aside from silence is Asmodeus never-ending laughter reverberating throughout the place, finding all of this entertaining and enjoyable to behold. All Seth could do was to be comforted by her body.

Closing his eyes, he wondered if being sent into this world had all been worth it.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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