Chapter 88

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One by one, the group of bandits left with a new purpose for their lives. Promising Seth that they will not harm anyone ever again and use what he has told them to improve their lives for good. His words were like enlightenment to them.

Although some still kept their old ways and wanted to harm them, others held them back, convincing those who refused the path of redemption to see their sinful ways. Regardless, they finally left without anyone dying or getting hurt, much to everyone's surprise.

Even Billy, who was silent the whole time, was astonished by what he had done: "You..." finally speaking up for the first time, "How did you do that?" He was completely stunned, unable to grasp his friend's ability to easily convert other people because of his sheer charisma alone.

But Seth only looked at him in confusion and said, "I just..." Looking at the rest of his friends who were anticipating an answer, he then awkwardly smiled, "I just told them what's on my mind, that's all," saying it with a sheepish response that earned a lot of skeptical expressions.

Genno shook his head. "It wasn't that," he stated with seriousness. "The way you said those words with a strong emotional state of mind, it was almost as if you were giving a heartfelt sermon,he said, remaining fixated on the boy as he folded his arms with deep thought. "Though it is more subtle than a religious preacher, that much is certain."

Morgan, who was observing the events unfold, decided to say, in her opinion, "He is right," nodding her head, "When you became angry, some form of magic I can't pinpoint was radiating from within you," caressing her own chin in ponder, "but even when you said those words, the magic intensified when you delivered your message with great conviction," making her look at him more intently. "It isn't magic, but it felt like one; it's strange to describe," the woman said.

But he remained clueless, unable to figure out what they were talking about, for he only let his anger and emotional outburst take over. "All I did was unleash my own feelings and speak from the heart," sounding unsure of their claims, "I don't even understand what you are referring to," admitting in genuine honesty as he tried to comprehend what he did.

Hearing enough of this, Billy, with his forced attitude, simply sighed. "Whatever," he said, beginning to not care about this weird event. "Let's just get going already," he demanded, catching everyone's attention to continue their pursuit in heading to the village.

However, the stoic teen frowned as he glanced at the sky, noticing the descended sun being far beyond the horizon; he was displeased by how late it had become. He then looked at the remaining daylight, estimating the time before they depart through the woods. "The day is setting," Genno concluded, turning his focus towards his comrades. "We're going to camp here for the night," he added.

"Oh!" Seth exclaimed, delighted to rest after a long walk, "I guess we were camping here for the night," saying it with a lighthearted tone, "hopefully the monsters don't come around here while we sleep," not wanting to imagine another problem in their hands after what happened.

Genno raised his eyebrows as he smiled at this. "With us around, I don't think there is anything to worry about," he said with reassurance before placing his large leather backpack down the ground without much effort. "I packed the necessary supplies and equipment that we need to set up a temporary campsite," he mentioned. "This place seems safe enough and quiet," pulling out tent tools such as large blankets and pillows. "Sleeping in tents is better than sleeping in the wild open," he concluded.

"May I assist?" Morgan requested as she approached the Japanese boy, "I have knowledge in setting a few things," explaining herself, to which the said boy complied, "Please allow me to help you in preparing the tents." Her offer was accepted as she got down on her knees, joining him in gathering everything they needed for the night.

While they worked together, Seth stood without much else to do, watching them prepare the stuff as he simply watched before finally saying, "Aren't you worried they might be back?" I asked the two, resulting in Genno responding to this inquiry.

"They won't be a problem to deal with."

Confused by this, he was about to ask before feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder, "Huh?" Turning around, what stood before him was regretful Billy, who didn't dare to make eye contact with him. This reaction was most unlike that of his friend, who did not yell or boastfully flaunt around.

"Can we talk in private?" The blond teen asked, nervously shifting his body with a hint of discomfort, "There is something important we should discuss." His voice is different, lacking its usual confidence and filled with somberness and insecurities. "Please?" This shocked Seth, as he had never heard him say please before.

Taking a quick glance from behind, who was currently occupied with something else, he decided to nod in agreement, finding no harm in doing so. "Okay," he said as Billy then led him to a lone tree not far from their sight before standing on the grass with the blond doing the same.

"What is it that you want?" Seth inquired, worried about what his friend might tell him as he anxiously awaited his reply. The blond teen was hesitating to tell him, "You know I won't tell anyone, right?" I informed him, hoping it would ease his worries.

Finally, Billy made a quick nod and asked, "Do you think I'm a bad person?" Billy questioned him with hesitation, causing the other one to frown in sadness. "Am I no better than those bandits?" After experiencing a short moment of silence, the fourteen-year-old could only sigh in response.

"What brought this on?" The black-haired boy wondered, concerned for his friend,"It was them, wasn't it?" Feeling responsible, "and me to?" He could have easily refused or avoided them, but he decided to approach them to compromise for the sake of preventing the unnecessary bloodshed. "Am I responsible for this?" It pained his heart to see him like this, but he chose not to show it.

Instead, Billy simply clenched his hands and gritted his teeth. "Why are you always like this?" He suddenly accused, "Your too merciful towards these low lives," raising his hands and wildly gesturing them around, "Why do you do that?" His accusing and desperate eyes stared at him, searching for answers.

Gazing back, Seth can only hold his breath in anxiety. "Billy"

But the blond shook his head. "They killed my parents, Seth!" Billy yelled in pain, "THEY KILLED AND THEN RAPED MY MOTHER BEFORE MY OWN EYES!" Answer him with intense fury and despair, "You think I should have compassion for these scoundrels?"

Without waiting for a reply, "you were an outlaw," Seth mentioned in an attempt to ease his rage, "haven't you killed people to?" The fourteen-year-old boy asked, "They are no different from you, criminals who hurt innocent people," reminding him of the truth he knows all too well.

With that being said, Billy finally snapped, "UNLIKE THEM, I HAVE LINES I DO NOT CROSS!" He angrily declared, throwing his hardened fist on nearby tree as pieces of wood flew, he said, "THEY ON THE OTHER HAND, STOLE, RAPED, MURDER, AND KIDNAPPED PEOPLE!"

Silence loomed in the air. He breathed heavily in a desperate attempt to regain his composure as he glared at his friend and asked, "Have you forgotten what they have done to me and you?" His voice sounded weary and exhausted: "Guan Yu died from those monsters," closing his eyes in despair; "everyone loses something important," opening his eyes to reveal the pain inside; "those people took everything away from me, from all of us," lowering his voice with grievance.

He understood it all; he experienced the same thing as well. But what separates everyone else is God's gift, which is love and mercy. "I shared the same sentiment when I saw those bandits who were planning to do horrible things at us, but..." he said, taking a slight pause before continuing, "I have faith in also thinking that they can change themselves through redeeming their own lives," making Billy look at him with disbelief and bafflement.

"Everyone is capable of change if they try; you need only believe that, just as you did by becoming more of a friend than someone who constantly bullies others," Seth advised. "My old pastor once said that everyone deserves a chance at redemption no matter how dark their deeds were or what evil they have committed before," recalling the memory of his father, "for the only person that determines their fate is themselves through their own actions, no one else."

Crossing his hands over his own heart, he said, "We shouldn't hate our enemies; instead, we must learn to forgive and pity them for their foolishness and ignorance, for hate breeds more of the same while love gives more of itself and bears fruit in doing so," reciting new words of wisdom the pastor had told him long ago: "Hate is easy; it is a fleeting passion that fades and dies, but love is patient, enduring through all things," proclaiming this with pure kindness.

But Billy scoffed as a look of sadness filled his eyes. "Even if those words were true, why should I care?" Asking in anguish, "What if I don't want to forgive them? What if I don't want to?" The blond teen is emotionally conflicted, unable to decide to move forward. "Does that make me less of a person?" Averting his gaze, he looked up at the sunset sky. "Does that mean I will forever be a bad person who hates others?"

Taking a step back, Seth doesn't know how to respond to this question: "You are not a bad person, Billy," answering as sincerely as possible. "I don't think so because, despite what you may seem," he said, smiling softly, "you are still a good person at heart, a friend that I know who wants the best for us," putting his hand on the other teen's shoulder as he looked back. "That's what makes you special."

His heart was moved by this; he could feel warmth spreading throughout his body, filling his broken and cold heart with renewed hope and joy. Suddenly, there was a wet drop running down from his cheeks as he cried in bliss, embracing the kind boy tightly.

Shock came over him, surprised by his own action, before breaking down in tears, crying freely as he allowed himself to be vulnerable in front of another person. "Thank you, Seth," he gratefully appreciated his friend for accepting him as he was. "Thank you," he repeated himself before finally letting go and wiping off his tears. "I love you as a brother," he confessed. "I don't know what I'd do without you or anyone in the group after losing Guan Yu."

"I miss him," Seth said in a painful tone, "his death is like a large part of myself that was taken away," admitting it, "but in a way, he is still alive in a manner of speaking," showing his sad but happy expression, "in our hearts and memories, especially those whom have made mark in our lives, live on in our souls, never to be truly gone." Putting his hand on his own chest once more, he slowly closed his eyes.

Billy nodded, smiling sadly at this: "It still hurts, the emptiness of losing the ones we love, the loss of innocence," sighing dejectedly, "everything is fucking painful," stating in forlorn, "especially when nothing goes right for me," trying to hide his remorse.

Noticing that, Seth comforted him: "We all have our hardships and grief, but as Morgan said, we were all on this together," giving his own beaming smile, "were all we have, and it's better than having nothing at all; that much is certain," he optimistically explained.

It was then that Billy was given a firm pat on the back: "Hey man, your speaking like that old geezer again!" Chuckling and playfully jesting to Seth, who then blushed in embarrassment, "I can see that guy is a good influence on you," noting the positive effect the man had on the both of them.

"Thanks, brother," he humorously winked while making a thumbs-up gesture.

To that, the blond boy lightly punched his buddy in the shoulder as a friendly gesture and said, "Come on! Their probably wondering what the hell they were doing!" Putting his arm over his friend's neck and leading him back to the place where the tents are being prepared, he said, "If they don't suspect nothing, then it will be a miracle!"

Watching this unfold, Seth, who was exhausted from everything, couldn't help but laugh in joy and say, "Miracle! You are always my best friend!" She said in a teasing voice, "If Guan Yu sees you right now, I think he will be proud of you, knowing that you will always be my brother!" The lightened mood was then spread to his friend.

Causing Billy to laugh as well, "Likewise!" Responded in a similar way: "I can always count on you!" Smiling brightly without holding back, "If old man sees us being this cheerful, he will definitely call us dumbasses and then lecture us!"

Laughter continued between them, and their smiles were filled with strong and unbreakable friendship between each other—the kind of bond that cannot be severed even by the gods—as they traversed through the woods with new-found hope for the future ahead.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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