Chapter 85

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Sighing tiredly, he stood in front of the door with a nervous display. Seth isn't really keen on seeing Billy face-to-face at this time of the night, especially after everything that happened. Since they are sharing one room altogether, he hoped that his best friend wasn't too hateful towards him for sparing her life.

He desperately wanted to go inside the cozy cavern and take a long nap so they could go traveling again, but at the same time, being near the presence with hatred in his heart scares him more than facing a vicious bear or a pack of wolves.

Seth hesitated with his left hand moving towards the doorknob, finding it extremely difficult to just open it and head straight to bed; his muscles don't seem to work with fear of facing his angry friend. Maybe Billy's already asleep, but that didn't ease his worries; if anything, it made him worry more about him.

The worst thing he fears, aside from horrific monsters and demons, are his own friends who are either disappointed or angry at him. He can't fathom how to handle such harsh criticism or denial of their friendship altogether when they find him completely useless to the group in general.

"I...have to do this," he said, clenching his crucifix tightly. "God, give me strength." Praying for a bit of courage to enter the den of the angry bear, he twisted the doorknob and opened it without another thought, expecting the angry blond to be sitting at the corner.

Instead, Billy was nowhere to be found except for Morgan, who is still asleep on her red couch, who surprised Genno sitting at the edge of his own bed, staring curiously at Seth, who entered without being noticed by the two. "You came," said the Japanese boy, blankly looking in his direction.

"Hi..." Answering back, he closed the door behind him and stood awkwardly, "I was, um, star gazing," making up an excuse for his late arrival, "so there was a lot of cool stuff to see tonight," acting dumb as usual, "but ah, enough of that, where's Billy?" He was glancing around for his friend but couldn't find him anywhere.

Genno tilted in response, "His?"He went to the rooftop," he said without much emotion behind it. "You wanted to see him?" I asked the boy, wanting to know what his purpose was for bringing this request, even though part of him already knew why.

Seth slowly looked at his own side, avoiding looking directly. "I wanted to see how he was doing," he said, telling half-truth as there was another reason. His gaze then shifted towards him. "Is there a problem?" Asking as he felt a bit uneasy under that intense stare.

"No, I don't, but I assumed you should keep your distance," he plainly advised of this, "Billy wish to be left alone for the moment, so I doubt he will be coming back to this room unless the morning comes," detailing the reason for his absence, "but regardless, I believe you should rest for tomorrow; we were going to leave early for our destination," reminding Seth of what needs to be done.

Quietly nodding in agreement, "Oh, okay, then...good night, Genno," he then headed for his own bed and settled down to sleep, closing his eyes immediately as the cackle of the fireplace became the only sound echoing within their sanctuary.

Genno stared at him, watching closely for a few minutes before he decisively stood up and went to sit at the edge of Seth's bed, his eyes still focused on the sleeping boy, simply squinting in suspicion of whether he was asleep or not. "You're not good at hiding, you know," he said, breaking the silence, which made him open his eyes in shock. "I know you want to speak to him, and that's perfectly fine, but you also need to put priority on yourself first," reasoned the stoic teen.

"I'm upset with myself." Finally admitting it to him, he wasn't happy with his own choices, and seeing it play back over and over in his head, "was it right to show mercy to the one who attacked us?" He begged to be given an answer: "She was responsible for Guan Yu's death, and I made it all for nothing when I spared her life," guilt wracking in his mind that he might've made a horrible mistake.

Long silence filled the air as they both stared at each other for a few minutes before Genno answered in honesty, "You said it yourself; revenge and hate can't bring the people you loved back," reminding Seth of the lesson he taught, "Now it is time for you to live by those words and show them to others," telling the importance of them in such crucial times of difficulty.

Widening his eyes in surprise, "Your saying...I should stick to my beliefs?" He queried the boy, who nodded in return, ", I...I don't know," looking away to ponder the words given by his friend as he wasn't sure what to think of anymore.

"Don't be afraid of sticking by what you believed in," giving him advice to which Seth listened carefully. "There's nothing wrong with being different from others, for it is what makes every individual unique and different from the rest," he said calmly in voice. "Do what you think is best and never stray from that path, for it is through conviction that determines the difference between a good man and an evil one," declaring what Seth should do as what is right.

Believe what he thinks is right. How does that work exactly? But if what Genno said is true, then...would it be alright to also believe in himself? Is it correct to think that way? He isn't sure of what to believe at this point, for he is utterly confused.

However, it is true what he said. For being unique and special is what makes everyone human; that is what God's greatest creation is after all: the ability to create life and decide what becomes of their destinies, "your right," Meekly admitted his defeat as the other one smiled triumphantly.

"Difference is a beautiful thing and is what makes humanity so unique, but do not allow this to become a weakness or a weapon in which the enemy may use against you," cautioning Seth of the consequences it will cause, "conformity and assimilation is something that the foolish often mistake as unity."

"Okay..." Understanding the words he received, "thanks..." Unable to find more to say other than show gratitude, "But what should I do now? I'm still worried about him and our friendship," the boy expressed his concerns towards the situation, "how will everything play out with this and that? Is it possible for him to even forgive me?" There were so many things to consider, as Genno then gave him a simple answer.

"It is possible; forgiveness is part of human nature and therefore is an essential key in overcoming any obstacle; it is best to wait and let the time pass rather than forcing it out of him," suggesting the latter option as a solution, in which Seth quickly accepted the idea that "being patient and waiting for him to come to his senses is the most ideal method for resolving it," good and sound advice he had given.

Smiling with relief, "you really remind me of Guan Yu," he chuckled softly at the memory of the elderly warrior, "with all this talk and his life lessons," which earned a snort in return from the other, "hey, he was like a father to us, you know!" Saying in humorous disapproval to lighten up the mood between them.

"He sounds like a very good man," Genno quietly responded. "Anyway, go to sleep; we have a day ahead of us," ordering the teen to close his eyes and rest. "If you have more questions, save them for tomorrow." As he quickly stood up, he felt his left wrist suddenly being grabbed.

Seth then answered, "Can you talk to Billy?" He quickly asked for his favor: "Can you please do that for me? I want him to be okay with everything that's happening," practically begging with a look of desperation, "just um, talk to him about anything really," trying to not sound suspicious with his reasoning as it seems.

Raising an eyebrow, he smiled and agreed to the task even though he was slightly confused by this strange request. "Sure," he said, giving his word as his wrist was finally let go. "Take care of yourself," he said, turning around and heading for his bed. "And good night," he said, bidding farewell for the night.

"Good night." Seth then rolled over the side and faced away from the person, laying on his right side as his eyes closed, finally allowing himself to go into slumber with all worries eased away from his mind while the long-haired teen moved up the stairs to meet him.

As he took the stairs, his mind was all over the place; he knew the American was extremely angry at the moment, but the reasons for it were not clear enough for him to understand. Surely there are other reasons beside Guan Yu's death and blame towards his closest companion.

He always believes there is some deeper meaning behind a person's problem, like some underlying issue that could have been contributing to Billy's current emotional state, and although he is curious about it, he also knows that it is not his place to interfere when it is personal.

But for the sake of Seth's request, he had no choice but to comply and assist in helping resolve the issue in their friendship as he continued walking up, not bothered by the long set of stairs he contributed to setting up. He always has a powerful grip and strength.

Useful for getting wood and other materials without tools for his hands, he was strong enough to do all the things needed for his survival, such as creating tools he needed for crafting or repairing or just simply using them to climb trees, which he is naturally inclined to do.

And even hunting animals; although he doesn't outright kill them for sport but for food, he does so while showing respect for the kills he makes. His beloved father was vegan, but he and his mother weren't. Nonetheless, his religion taught them to show honor to all living beings.

Finally reaching up the hilltop, he opened the door and closed it behind. Seeing Billy staring at the starry horizon alone in the cold with his shaking fist, he asked, "Do you mind if I join?" He politely asked, to which the blonde turned and angrily stared at him.

"Get out!" Billy yelled, enraged by everything that had happened, "I wish to be alone!" The boy then turned around, not paying any attention to the stoic that stood a couple of distance behind him. "Get out of here and leave me alone!" Repeating the same words, he said with more ferocity, "Aren't you deaf? I said—"

"Your grieving," Genno interrupted as he narrowed his eyes. "Is it truly so hard to realize that?" He questioned him, "That the only reason you're doing this is because you have this notion that it's only you who suffered loss, despite the fact that there are others who also do," elaborating his assumption.

Billy showed a glimpse of regret and realization before rage filled his mind. "Stop saying that, like, I don't know that already!" He cried back in defiance, "I know that very well, and the worst part is that I have to share it with the likes of you." The blond then looked down with a quiet tone, "Why am I not able to move on from this?"

Having heard his last sentence loud and clear, Genno didn't back down as he took a step forward. "Because you are hurt and confused; because this is the first time in your life you have ever lost anyone close to you, and you do not know how to process these feelings properly," he said with a serious expression.

Swiftly turning around, "How do you know I lost? Huh?!" Shouting at the top of his lungs, "I have lost so many people already and yet," tears welling up in his eyes, "they didn't feel as important as him," a look of sorrow written across his face, "I lost so many allies before; I never felt sadness over them but that man..." An image of Guan Yu appeared in his mind, "showed me what compassion is."

"So if Seth died in his place, then it wouldn't make any difference?" Narrowing his eyes, he continued this line of questioning, "he wouldn't have mattered in your life?"

Billy faltered with shock. "Of course, I..." Feeling ashamed, "I would care!" Bringing his trembling hand to his heart, he said, "His my best friend!" Staring down at his feet, he said, "I know he still meant more to me than anyone else ever will," revealing truthfully with a frown.

But Genno only shook his head in disbelief, turning around in preparation to leave. "Then why must you hurt him more than yourself?" Resulting in the frowned boy being taken back by his words, "allowing your anger and sorrow to take control of your actions is not something a friend would do."

Then he left, leaving Billy in his own dismay and confusion.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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