Chapter 70

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Everyone in this rented room was asleep, their eyes closed, and their bodies were sprawled on their chosen bed with soft breathing echoing in the wooden walls. Despite sleeping on separate beds with the group sharing the same room, the night air was somewhat warm enough for them to stay comfortable. Even Morgan, whose sleep is plagued by nightmares, is surprisingly at peace right now.

She moaned as she turned to the left side of her body, facing away from the wall, while trying her best to sleep even though her mind simply refused to do so. The magician woke up with sweat covering her forehead; she found it hard to breathe, and her lungs felt like they were suffocating in her.

Gulping for air, Morgan tried to calm herself down as her eyes opened, seeing only the room itself and her companions sleeping soundly on their respective beds, the calmly relaxing long rest and quiet atmosphere surrounding the place that speaks of comfort.

Adjusting herself to sit on the edge of her own bed, she sighed tiredly in having to get used to being in the place she is currently hated, for staying any longer than here is bad for her mental state; the witch wanted nothing more than to leave, though it appears she can't do so.

The room is rectangular and roughly twenty by thirty feet wide, with several windows that bring in a dim, moonlight glow; the wooden floors creak whenever they step on them. A fireplace is located on one wall, surrounded by a few wooden chairs and a table. There is a closet as well as a bookshelf that contains various books on a variety of topics. The decor of the room consists mostly of furniture and rugs.

Everything in here is nice and plain, although she isn't focused on the details of their resting place because, despite the comforting words her friends are saying to her, it is not the words that help her in any way, but rather action; actions speak louder than words, especially to those who have experienced betrayal before.

Nonetheless, she closed her eyes for a moment, head facing down at her own feet, while recalling all the good memories that Morgan had during her early years in this village before the reputation of magicians was ruined forever. The happy days that she experienced were all shattered due to the Crimson Knight's arrival and the war that followed.

She and her kin are forced to endure rumors that aren't true, and she remembers that the villagers she once befriended are now looking at her with fear or distrust. Even though her kind isn't responsible for the actions of the knights or their dark lord,

It isn't fair when mass hysteria sets in due to the casualties caused by crazed madmen who decided to wage war on innocent civilians, spreading fear of his awesome magic, which resulted in others also fearing anyone who performed or practiced magic.

She shouldn't hate them for their stupidity, but it is still their fault for how dumb they are. Man's inability to use common sense and only look at what others are saying without proper evidence is really annoying; they have forgotten to investigate the truth, making assumptions and using hearsay as facts.

This is why, after she was cast out of this traitor community, she once even called friends or perhaps family, having to spend most of her life being a hermit and holding a strong hatred for this peculiar place. No single person had ever defended her.

But as she gazed around the room, her newfound friends were asleep on their beds, with this sight giving her some level of hope in regards to trusting people again, especially humans altogether. While she once doubted ever believing there was good or common sense in these savages,

Morgan was completely wrong when it came to her life, including the very timid boy she considers to have a special place in her heart, "Seth." Eyes gazing at him, she stood up and quietly went over to him, sitting at the edge of his bed with a smile.

"You're the most beautiful thing that happened to me," she whispered tenderly, running a finger along his cheek. Her touch was like a feather, a soft caress. "Not only had you saved my life, but you had also given me the greatest gift of all time: the hope of being accepted among others."

His sleeping face was a cute sight to behold, making her giggle upon seeing it. "I don't know how to say this, but...I like you more than just a friend," she confessed, confessing her feelings as her smile brightened more. "You're the sweetest boy I have met in my entire life, Seth."

Few seconds past, and still, Seth didn't respond to this, but somehow she wasn't sad or upset with it because of his still unconsciousness after everything that happened: "Be good and don't stray away from the light you always held into your grasp," glancing at his crucifix still being held within his own fingers.

Just by the look of it, she was always curious about its presence emanating from such an artifact. She was mysteriously able to feel some nostalgia for it, but the witch couldn't process or remember clearly what it represented other than being a magical weapon.

Her focus was like shifting between different places inside her mind as the sensation disappeared shortly afterward. "So strange, what was that?" She thought before her attention was caught by the object itself, "It must be from him, but how does he wield it...? It is so...familiar...but distant," continuing her internal investigation of this relic.

But not everything good lasts long when Billy appears behind her out of nowhere and says, "Psst, whatcha doing?" Low whisper asking her of what the magician is trying to accomplish, "Don't you think he has enough shit to deal with than to be sweet talked by some old hag while he is still asleep?" Soft chuckling follows after his remark.

She almost jumped if it weren't for his voice. "Be more respectful, you insufferable child," the witch said with a firm voice. "His health and safety are something to be concerned about," frowning at the blond kid's lack of respect in this serious situation they are in.

Rolling his eyes, Billy found it hard to be serious when her tone is almost childlike. "Whoa, sorry, my lady," he replied with sarcasm before sitting next to her at his friend's bed. "So, hey, why are you really awake than being in your little bed? You're having some kind of nightmare, aren't you?" He asked in an almost teasing tone.

Looking at him for a second, Morgan answered, "Of course I was having one, but it does not bother me as much anymore when his around," smiling in seeing his sleeping form, "but you shouldn't worry about me; Seth is more important in regards to—"

He swiftly cut her off in mid-sentence, "Everyone in this room is important." Serious in this discussion, Billy then exclaimed further, "We are in this together whether you like it or not." Sternly looking at her with worried eyes, he said, "Don't treat yourself as baggage; you are valuable to us all, so don't downgrade your self-worth to some shitty bitch who only cares about herself or the guy in front of you."

Seeing him act like this had made her widened in surprise. Her mouth opened in awe while she stared at the teen, wondering if he was a completely different person. "You actually care, don't you?" She said to him, "I am amazed you are capable of doing such a thing," grinning slightly from ear to ear in this new discovery.

Chuckling, he smiled. "I can be reasonable if I have to be," Billy responded nonchalantly before checking out Seth's crucifix. "It's pretty impressive that he still holds on to it even though he's already asleep," the blond said in a curious tone. "Most people who are like me wouldn't even care less about some religious artifact," concluding this observation of his.

She can tell he is sincere with those words, "Is that so?" Morgan asked, a bit confused in his behavior, "Do you know what it means or refers to in your own understanding of what religion is?" I was intrigued by Billy's insight regarding what Seth believes in.

Taking a deep breath, eyes fixed on her before nodding in response to this, "ah, crap," scratching his head in an irritated look, "it is a complex and controversial belief in itself, but in simpler terms, the omnipotent God who created everything is a loving and forgiving one unless we commit something evil and hurt other people intentionally for fun, and then that's when he gets really pissed off."

A sudden awkward silence filled the space between them. For a minute, Morgan didn't understand how such a belief could even exist. "Why do you consider this to be true?" She questioned him, curious about Billy's opinion on this matter: "How can man know the existence of a creator?" I am intrigued by this possible belief.

Billy's expression was blank as he tried to figure out an answer to that. "Well, it depends on perspective really," he paused briefly, considering what else might be important. "Anyways, this isn't important; what is more important is taking care of youself," he said in a hush.

The woman sighed before nodding her head with a smile, "Your right, thank you for telling me this," kindly responding in a grateful manner towards him. "But may I ask one more question?" Inquire to have his attention back.

Nodding in compliance with this request, "Ask away," the cowboy happily allowed her to proceed with this conversation, "I am all ears," expressing that he is ready to hear whatever she has in store for him as he is currently bored at the moment.

"Do you think they'll ever accept me again?"

Oh boy, he has to choose his words carefully. One mistake or slip, and he might ruin the mood for good. Thinking through this carefully, Billy finally figured out what he wanted to say: "Look, Morgan, did you listen to what the old geezer has said? Just focus on the current moment or whatever it is that you gotta do," he patted her shoulder gently. "You are never alone, remember? We got your back," showing his support for her.

Morgan felt tears beginning to form in her eyes at his kind words; she couldn't hold them back. The waterfalls ran freely down her cheeks. Her once despised companion is now speaking such words with kindness: "You are just like Seth," sniffling sadly. She wiped her tears away while still managing to maintain her composure.

His eyes widen in horror. "What, me like Seth?" Flabbergasted at even comparing himself to someone he bullied, he said, "I'm never as kind and good as he is, please don't compare me to him," refusing to admit being similar to the one he had hurt.

"But both of you are friends," she said simply, her smile never faltering for even a second. "You share a common friendship despite everything; he will still be there for you even after everything you two have been through, and because of his influence, you have become kinder to yourself," softly explaining her conclusion.

Stunned by these words, he tried to figure out a response but only ended up mumbling incoherently for awhile until he gave up on it: "Okay, fine," shrugging his own shoulders in acceptance, "but still, I can never be as kind as him," denying the similarities between himself and Seth.

Sighing disappointingly, "Your quite stubborn in proving that point," the witch mumbled under her breath with an annoyed look on her face before shaking it, "but you do have a heart of gold. "As she said this, her own arms suddenly embraced him unexpectedly, catching him off guard.

Blushing heavily, it has been a long time since he felt the touch of a woman, let alone being hugged by one other than his own biological mother or girlfriend he once had. But nonetheless, the young gunslinger knows he shouldn't act inappropriately, for they are only good friends after all. "I think we should continue talking tomorrow instead of tonight," he suggested with a hesitant tone while looking at his friend, who is still laying peacefully in his own bed.

Seeing the point in his take, Morgan released him from the embrace and slowly stood up from the bed. "Good night then," she said while heading back towards her own, "thanks for everything," graciously giving him thanks in regard to the earlier interaction between them.

Then screams outside of their room suddenly became known, waking everyone up, even Guan Yuo, whose eyes flashed open in hearing such commotion occurring nearby. Quickly getting up from his bed, the elderly warrior turned to the window as a frown spawned on his face.

"What the hell is going on?" Billy confusedly asked as he approached where his mentor was looking, heading to the window to take a peek at what was happening. "Holy shit..." Almost frozen from the sight, he didn't expect to have invasion in a place like this.

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