Chapter 40

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Entering their cottage, the first thing they did was discuss what to do next while Seth sat on the couch with Billy's hat still in his arms, holding it close to his chest as if it were the only memory he had of his fallen friend, hoping to reunite with him once more. Tears stream down from his closed eyes and onto the blue fabric of the hat, praying to the Lord that everything will turn out okay.

The others, however, were in a different kitchen, discussing privately what to do in this troubling situation as they talked hour after hour, trying to figure out what to do with their missing comrade. Though they should've brought the boy with them in this troubling conversation, it is better for him to mourn than make things worse for his own state of being.

"We should still try to find him," the veteran suggested in a low voice after letting their weapons lean near the door frame while sitting in the kitchen table as he faced towards her in serious gaze, who was also sitting in the opposite direction. "Whoever or whatever is out there responsible for kidnapping him, it is best not to leave them to their own devices." His tone grew sterner upon speaking those words, "I could not imagine the horrors the creature or man is going to commit with him," picturing what evil they are planning to accomplish.

She frowned in response, shaking her head before sighing tiredly, "That's not what I meant," expressing her concerns over Seth's emotional well-being, "he has already suffered so much, and I care little of what happens to that boy who had hurt him," truthfully stating what she thinks of him, "I believe it is for the best for us to admit his death." Unexpected answer that shock him to the core.

"Why would you say such a terrible thing?" Asked the old man in disbelief, "He is just a child," exclaiming in pure disappointment, "How can you not sympathize with everything that has happened?" The question caught her off guard, forcing her to reconsider what she was saying.

Morgan did not mean to upset him with her words, but rather, her genuine distaste for Billy's actions in hurting Seth has become the source of revenge against him. Although she truly regrets expressing it like this, the words had already slipped her tongue. "I apologize," she said, speaking to him in a soft tone. "I know you cared for him, but do you not realize his hurting Seth as well?" Making it clear of the harm he caused upon him, "What about all those possible bruises and scars he endured? Don't you think it is better if we just let it be?"

Guan Yu expressed a sorrowful look, knowing the cruel actions this young teen had committed since the king elected them to stop The Dark Lord, but even with this knowledge, he knows Billy has suffered before and is a simply misguided boy who needs guidance and help. "I understand what you're saying, but still..." He paused for a moment, thinking of what to say: "his Seth's friend." His latter answer caused her to stop in her train of thoughts: "and we should always care for those who are closest to us," sounding wiser than most of the people he knew in his long life.

Her shocked face turns into a conflicted one, unsure of what to say from this new perspective she has received: "It's not that simple," speaking with a weak voice, "everything he's done, the way he talks, acts, and everything," describing her feelings, "I know having him with us will bring Seth more pain," believing Billy will continue to hurt him, "that boy is a danger to us, and he should not be around him at all," coming up with her conclusion.

But her words seemed to not convince the old man, only strengthening his belief in the teen boy's goodness. "Seth trusts him," he firmly stated, "if he saw a side in Billy that the rest of us don't, then the child wouldn't be friends with Billy in the first place," a good counter-argument that caused her to immediately close her mouth. "It is better to find him, for Seth is in pain at loss," emphasizing how badly his mental health is becoming.

Staring back at the man for a few minutes, her expression turned blank in hearing such reasonable responses, unable to find a flaw in his statement nor in the logic of it as her throat felt dry from having to talk back. Seeing this difficult conversation to handle, "it's just—" she hesitated before speaking in defeat, "I can't see why he wants to save Billy so much when it causes him pain," revealing her honest opinion of him, which still persisted in her hatred and distrust.

Silence flung upon them, their gazes locked in place until he exhaled through his nose, eyes shut in concentration, too focused on finding a solution that would resolve this situation they're in, before finally, his answer came through: "Do you have someone that you care for?" Starting a new conversation in an unexpected manner and taking her aback, "like family?" His eyes still closed. "Someone you trust, someone who you will do anything for, even sacrifice yourself for their sake?"

Hearing his question sparked memories in her head, forcing her eyes to widen from the personal reminder, "Yes, but..." Her lips quiver in hesitancy. "It was a long time ago, and I wish not to talk about it," revealing the past she hasn't talked about. "Why must you bring up this subject?" Raising her voice in an angry tone

To prevent the escalation from going worse, he reopened his eyes to express himself once more: "This is exactly why," revealing his knowledge of her secret, "because you once loved and still do," an answer that leaves her stunned; "nearly every man and woman have someone special to them," smiling warmly to her, "whether it be a friend, lover, or even a pet," being certain in his beliefs; "and they are willing to do anything to protect them from harm's way," the same answer that leaves her speechless.

Morgan's breath hitched in realization, speechless by what she's learned from his explanation, "I...have..." Looking away in shame, she doesn't want him to see her this way, especially vulnerable. "Someone who I consider to be my child," her words were not the same after what she's been told. "Though she is already gone from past circumstances," her tone sounded melancholic and regretful.

Nodding sympathy, he continued his sentences: "Just like your child, Billy is a person who matters to Seth," acknowledging how similar their situations ar "even though he may hurt him physically, the child knows in his heart there is good within that rebellious child," strongly believing his words while the woman looked in silence, processing the information she's received; "so, Seth studied his harsh friend, learning to read him, studying and understanding Billy's behavior," getting up from the chair with hands gripping the edge of the table; "and you see, it is one of the ways Seth has grown."

"Grown?" Her eyes squinted in disbelief. "By bullying him?" Morgan could not believe what she was hearing: "Your saying that the reason Seth has changed is because he befriended Billy, a child who had hurt him from the start?" Her voice gradually increased in volume. "How does that make sense?" Unable to comprehend this bizarre concept in improvement

"I do not tolerate nor believe what Billy does is anyway justified, for he is far from being perfect child," Guan Yu said honestly, "but the growth of a person can be influenced by good or bad; both can lead to their downfall, or in some cases, ascend into overcoming obstacles and becoming stronger from what they learn," providing a good analogy of the situation.

Listening to him explain the details, Morgan slowly understood the process of their friendship and Seth's changes. "I suppose it makes sense; however, is it benefiting Seth in any way from Billy's constant abuse?" She inquired, wishing to get a detailed answer from the man.

A sudden smile came onto his face: "Yes, he has," confirming her query; "it is not always has to be positive reinforcement, of course," understanding the difficulties that had occurred from the time they spent together; "but because of their bond, Seth became braver than ever," revealing the traits he has gained from the hardship; "through many trials and errors, he learns that he must overcome his fears to make change happen."

Although she still disagrees with this view on it, Morgan can't help agreeing with Guan Yu's perspective on their relationship: "Was he this brave before meeting him?" She asked another question to satisfy her curiosity, wanting to know more.

He shook his head, "far from it, in fact," answering her interest, "his a troubled boy that has many issues to deal with; I am sure of it," aware the child is still facing his inner turmoil but has improved prior to coming here, "and yet, he had the strength to carry himself to saving his lost friend even though the boy's past wouldn't have done something this courageous before," the final nail in the coffin of proving his point.

Morgan doesn't want to admit it, but the veteran's words are valid enough to make her rethink her perspective of their relationship; perhaps it is a mistake to doubt it for an abusive one, for the two seem to have a complex bond that involves pain and understanding with each other. Maybe there is something good between them despite all the damage that was inflicted upon one another.

"Fine," she sighed in a defeated tone, "you made your point, but if he gets hurt one more time because of him," making it clear to the old man, "I won't hesitate to defend Seth by any means necessary, understand?" Promising him that if Billy pushes him over the edge, she will intervene.

Though the old warrior did not respond, he simply stared back at her with an amused look before chuckling, "Very well, lady Morgan," happy to know she is now willingly to contribute their rescue, "if it is what you desire, I will hold on to my end of the bargain," agreeing to her terms in this compromise.

"Now then," Guan Yu said with a calming smile, "what do you suggest for finding his lost friend?" Questioning her about how they should go about this, "for I'm afraid that I ran out of options already," knowing well enough that she is the only person who can find the child in a snap of a finger,

Morgan was silent, deep in thoughts of the plan they're going to do. "If there is still a possibility of him being held captive somewhere in the forest we entered," the witch then revealed her assumption: "I will have to perform another ritual involving using any object or item he once held and owned," saying she will use another spell of hers to track him down.

"Then the hat would suffice?" He asked, having it with them after they found it in the middle of the woods at night, "That alone can help us locate his friend without any difficulty." I wondered if this is what she was referring to, causing her to nod in confirmation.

"It is," she answered, "are we ready to search for him?" Said the witch while Guan Yu gave a firm nod, "Good to hear." Her reply was brief as she stood up with another sentence, "Hopefully, this wouldn't be too much hassle once we finished this rescue mission," commenting on the task they were going to do.

His smile remained as he also stood up from his seat before the two walked towards the door, where their weapons were calmly placed near it, with the witch grabbing her spear and the old warrior taking his guandao with one hand. Armed with their tools, Morgan and Guan Yu exited the kitchen without much further argument.

Once they entered the living room again, the two could see the sobbing black-haired teen still remained in the middle of his couch, hugging the hat tightly like a toy bear as they approached him where the fireplace was, sitting next to opposite sides of the boy's shoulder.

"Sweetie," she kindly called out, placing a hand on his back to get his attention. "We found a way to rescue him." Her words immediately caught the attention of the young teen, stopping his sniffles and turning his head around, looking up at the woman with bloodshot eyes.

"R-really?!" The volume of his voice increased. "You can really find him!"Oh, please, tell me you're not kidding!!"He was filled with great excitement upon hearing this, eager to finally save his lost friend. "Then what are we waiting for?" He stands up from the couch while wiping his tears with the back of his hand and says, "Let's go find him!" Still holding the hat in his left hand.

Guan Yu stood up, placing his hand on Seth's shoulder, while looking down at him with the look of a proud parent. "His coming back to use," he said, smiling in assurance. "Be thrilled to know we were going to get him back." His answer brought hope to the boy.

Looking up at his father figure, he closed his tearful eyes and gave a beaming smile filled with gratitude for his support and encouragement, "Thank you, thank you!" He repeated his words before wrapping his arms around the old man's stomach: "Thank you so much!"

Seeing him like this made her realize just how important Billy is to him; for all the pain this unruly blond teen had inflicted on Seth, their relationship still holds a bond of friendship that neither of them is capable of denying. "We should get going," Morgan said in a determined tone while she stood up as well. "Billy has been waiting long enough," approaching the door of their house. "Time is in the essence."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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