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A black void of nothingness surrounded Seth as he floated in the emptiness of space without light or stars in sight. He laid his back on nothing, feeling the coldness of wherever he was. Sighing in deep relief that the nightmare is finally over, the teen can only smile at what has transpired.

"Is this death?"

He said it out loud, wondering if this was his afterlife. It feels nice to not worry about anything anymore, where he could finally relax after the events he faced. If this is what death is, then he would rather enjoy it for once entirely than live in a world filled with nothing but pain and misery.

Was it worth defeating the evil master who ruled over the crimson knights? Probably, but his friends, on the other hand, had died because of this. They fought and sacrificed everything to end the terror that has plagued the land itself.

And now they're gone, reduced to only this shell of a boy who can't do anything more than live through the memories of everything. The friends that Seth met along the way will carry their souls with him to the grave, no matter what it takes.

"It hurts," sadness creeped into his voice as he embraced his legs in a sitting position. "All of the moments I spend with them are gone," his heart ached painfully at the fact that something was twisting in his heart that could not be repaired.

Crying to himself, he does nothing but weep, not being able to do anything besides lament. There's no reason to keep thinking anymore when his destiny has already been fulfilled. He finished his assigned mission, and now that that is over, what else is there for him?

Then a twinkle of light caught Seth's attention; it shone brightly in the empty space like a star far from this strange place. "What...?" Intrigued by the anomaly, he stretched out his hand towards it, despite how far the light was from him.

Suddenly, it grew rapidly, growing brighter than before, forcing him to shield his eyes for a brief moment until the bright light adjusted itself for him to properly look without any difficulty. "Who are you?" Mixed emotions overwhelm him in shock at what he is witnessing.

A mysterious robbed entity made out of holy fluorescence with a halo above its head emanates powerful radiance that continues to expand across the endless darkness all around. The holiness then spoke in a melodious baritone and booming soft male voice, being occupied by other voices in different languages and tones.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

Seth's heart beat heavily for who he was speaking to; his mind was going in circles trying to comprehend what was happening. "You really..." For the longest time of his life, he had waited for God's response, hoping for the Almighty to return and make everything okay again.

God spoke in a fatherly tone, "Yes, it is I, Seth. The One and True God" He assured, "and I have heard your prayers ever since the day you took up the cross in my name." It was soothing to the point that it made the boy feel calm and reassured of who he was talking to.

"Then what is this?" Looking around him, the teenager questioned this unusual appearance: "Am I dead? Where am I exactly?" Question after question, Seth wants to ask all of them as he continues looking around his surroundings for some hint.

The almighty entity hummed in wonder before gently answering the boy's queries: "This is the realm where all concepts are nonexistent. A place that is outside of your home world," mysteriously, this puzzled Seth about what God was implying.

"In other words, it is outside the boundaries of everything as you know it. Time, space, and reality itself do not exist here or in reality," he explained briefly. "Only in here can we speak in private," God added, calming the boy's bewilderment.

Silence returned afterwards with Seth and his God. The teenager learned that not everything is as simple as it seems, and it isn't always the case that everything goes the way he expects. "I don't understand. Why have you done things, terrible things in the Old Testament?" He asked out of the blue, more concerned about the questionable things God had done than about himself.

The heavenly father then responded, its voices shared a mix of sorrow, grief, and acceptance: "All truths and falsehoods exist in one reality to another," his tone is solemn yet regal, "infinite events and choices are carried out as we speak," the Creator elaborated in telling Seth, "but most importantly, it is what my children perceive me as of their own choosing."

Stunned by this newfound information, he couldn't help but wonder what other events could've happened if he had chosen to do things differently. It is an unknown part of existence that everything that can and cannot happen exists on different planes of reality.

There are so many possible scenarios of how things will be different. It is unsettling how he can only speculate and imagine what may have been. Could it have been better or worse? That's what made this even more unbearable for the boy to handle. "Then my friends..." If there is a different reality where they are all alive and happy, what should this Seth do?

The Heavenly Father sighed with a heart filled with empathy and warmth, "A world where your friends are alive is true." Speaking through multiple voices, God told Seth of his heart desire, "But do you realize what it means if you were to do this?" His voice is filled with sorrow.

A single tear rolled down from his eye. The boy knew of the consequences and responsibility if he were to travel to a different universe where all of this didn't happen. "Even if the choices I made in my reality were correct or wrong, is it fair for me to change the result to get a better one?" He wanted to do it to make everyone live instead of dying.

To start over, but...is it the right thing to do? "Was everything predestined by you?" He wonder how much power God truly holds over everything. Maybe this was something beyond his understanding or not; however, that doesn't mean he will sit quietly and watch.

"I had given the concept of free will and decision-making for all, regardless of their nature," he explained in great detail, "freedom is important, as are the consequences for their actions." The creator held firm to his belief that "you are either free to leave or embrace whatever destiny has befallen on you," a serious voice filled with insightful knowledge.

Taken aback by how complicated things truly are, he listened and tried to understand, "I..." His heart beat at a slow pace, finding the right ways to say, "I accept the things they are," finally picking this life over being selfish enough to get things from other versions of himself, "because I can move on and learn to discover new possibilities in making myself better than before."

God mirthfully chuckled in good-humored laughter, "You are indeed special, my child." His words seemed to ring true and meaningful: "Not everyone can let go of their fears, regrets, and burdens. For humanity is filled with imperfection and sinners who need my guidance in learning the truth," expressing his will in helping those who seek salvation.

Thinking through this, Seth slowly smiled. To hear such words of praise from God fills him with happiness and joy from within. "Thank you," he says, grateful for having an audience with the most important figure in his life. "Thank you." Moving towards him, he embraced the master of creation as he wrapped his arms around the father's torso.

"All of those who helped you in your journey have done their part. Even if it means sacrificing their lives, they accepted their fate willingly," the father said with pride in his tone, "with your words speaking of my name and the forgiveness you have towards them," returning the hug by wrapping his own arms around him, "has redeemed them of their sins in the eyes of my rule and shall be eternally welcomed into my kingdom."

Sniffling through his nose, the teenager happily wiped away his own tears with a sleeve of God's robe as he moved his head back slightly in order to gaze upon the glorious and majestic manifestation of the father. "So that means..." joy and laughter escaped from his lips.

Now having his answers, he embraced God once more as he cried happily, letting out all the years of pain and torment. The suffering he endured throughout his childhood and the heartbreak of losing those closest to him. He bawled and wailed in the father's presence, basking in comfort.

The Heavenly Father stroked the boy's hair in reassurance, "There there, it is alright to cry. I am here for you and will always be by your side as long as you put your trust in me," consoling Seth through his strong embrace. The tears turned to joy, and the pain became love—a true connection between a child and father.

Time passed, and Seth pulled away from the comforting, looking up to a face filled with bright light. "You were really always there for me." Tearfully smiling at the Almighty, "always guiding me in the right direction whenever I was lost in the dark," he then gazed down for a few seconds and said, "I felt lost for so long until this moment," remembering how miserable he felt.

But all of that is over. While he had suffered a terrible childhood, God accepted him regardless, and meeting him here proves it. The heavenly father had always heard his cries, and Seth would never imagine his always being there with him by his side.

"Go now, my child," gently placing his hands on the boy's face, "it is time for you to wake up and begin anew." His fatherly and loving words flowed through Seth. "Spread my glory and wonders through this world; show them the error of their ways," the father promised, "and lead them down the path of redemption and salvation."

Closing his eyes, he let out a beaming smile and said, "I love you," saying it in the purest of hearts.

"And I love you too. Every single one of you will always be in my thoughts and heart, no matter what." The Almighty lovingly responded with a gentle and comforting tone. "Open your eyes and greet them anew as the day breaks."


"Seth! Seth!"

His eyes opened, slowly and steadily adjusting to the dazzling lights. The person was shouting his name. Was he still in the world of darkness? Or is he back on earth? What about his father? How is he supposed to

But as his vision began to become clear, the kneeling youth looking down on him with a concerned face was injured. Genno said, "You're alive!" Seth's friend said in pure relief, "I thought I lost you!" His voice was shaking when he hugged Seth, pulling him to his feet.

Dazed, confused, and disoriented, Seth was nothingness surprised at finding him alive. "Genno...?" He couldn't believe it; he thought he was dead like everyone else. But to see his friend alive, "How are you?" noticing the fresh wound and bruises all over his friend's body, Seth was stunned at how he was alive to begin with.

"It takes a lot of beating to take me out," Genno smiled before a sharp pain ran through his left leg, causing him to grunt, "We need to get out of here." Placing Seth's arm over his neck, they rose from the ground as they looked around the destroyed place.

The once-throned room is covered in debris and destruction. The dark lord is nowhere in sight; most likely he has already died, but it was uncertain. "How long was I out?" He inquired about how long it had been while still scanning the room.

"I'm not sure, but judging by the rising sun, I guess it's been hours," he mentions at the edge of this place where its walls were completely gone from whatever Seth had done, "just when I got here, you were already out cold," commenting on what had transpired.

Seth saw the crimson skies transitioning to an orange hue as the sun started to rise. "Okay," sighing tiredly, the two of them looked at the sun, his mind filled with new purpose but still unsure of where they would go after all of this had been over before finally saying the question both of them had.

"What now?"

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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