Chapter 81

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"It's a beautiful night."

Rose happily looks up at the starry night sky with a knife in hand; her devilish grin speaks of utter excitement. The immortal twelve-year-old assassin is in high spirits; the thrill of the hunt and the prospect of the chase bring a gleeful tune to her melody.

It has been centuries since she exchanged her soul with a mysterious man for greater power and sweet revenge after her precious grandma and home were burned to ashes for being associated with witchcraft. Rose has killed those men and women, forever realizing how amazing it was to see their blood splatter on the ground.

And now, being a longtime assassin for hire, Wymar was kind enough to take the offer in being his personal sidekick for promise of hunting down stronger opponents. She hoped the crimson knight was right about these summoned heroes, which is their awesome prowess.

"This is so going to be great!" Cheerfully dancing under the moonlit, twirling her beloved knife while singing to herself, "I'll kill them all; chop them into pieces!" Happy at the prospects of fighting mighty opponents who can match her speed and skills altogether.

Just like the rest of those ancient knights, she has grown bored of easily killing unarmed and unskilled people on a daily basis. They are all so weak and easy to kill that it became so tiring to repeat this never-ending cycle of taking out her target.

Which is why Wymar's generosity in sending an infamous serial killer like herself is a blessing in itself. She gets to test herself in the art of war, combat, and killing other living beings, which can put up challenges. She had heard that they were supposed to be powerful fighters in their respected worlds.

"Gutting them will be fun," she said, snickering with malice behind her words as the bloodthirsty child looked toward the direction of her next prey. "Time to meet your destiny~!" Singing aloud, she danced through the field of forest with grace, her body swaying with every step before rushing forward in an instant.

In mere seconds, she made it to where a campfire was blazing in the middle of the place. With the crackling noises of burning wood filling the air and providing warmth on this chilly night, This scene before her made Rose giggle in amusement.

Two men, likely simple travelers, were peacefully resting around their bonfire. One of them, a skinny blonde with glasses and a stubble beard, was lying against his backpack and looking up at the sky while listening to the other one, who had long hair and wore an expensive coat, talk about their recent adventures.

Both unaware of their soon-to-be executioner approaching, they chattered happily amongst themselves in bliss, only to feel the presence of an uncanny serial killer. Their faces contorted with horror when the immortal child grinned manically in their direction, her red eyes burning with twisted bloodlust.

"Hello?" The one with long hair bravely called out in a nervous voice, clearly not having a good feeling about this encounter, "You lost?" He cautiously observed every move of Rose while waiting for any action from her part. "We can find your parents if that is what you are asking."

Brandishing her knife, she tilted her head in curiosity at his remark and pointed at herself, "Me?" Pausing for dramatic effect before smirking wickedly, "I am not lost! I'm perfectly fine. I just wanted to play with you guys," she said, waving her weapon around with glee.

Their faces turned pale in horror, gulping on their own dry saliva when they saw the weapon. "Look, kid, put that down," the man with long hair nervously told. He motioned for the other guy to calm down and not draw attention towards him. "We'll just leave if you want us to, okay? So please, lower that knife." His voice cracked when he spoke those words.

"Hm..." Putting the knife down at her side, "sure," she casually accepted this request as if it were normal to comply with such things. "But it isn't fun when there is no killing to have," the assassin lamented. Despite her boredom with killing unarmed people, she nonetheless still enjoys doing it.

"What? Look, we can—"

The long-haired man abruptly ended when his hands were suddenly chopped off at incredible speeds, splashing blood across the grassy surface. His eyes widened with fear when he saw her brandishing her bloody weapon once more. Her features revealed how sickeningly euphoric she looked as she stood just in front of him.

Shock was quickly replaced by terror when he felt the pain immediately the moment his brain realized his decapitated hands: "AAAAAAHHH!" Screaming painfully and futilely grasping at the stumps to stop bleeding, he knelt at the ground, his knees acting as support to prevent him from collapsing altogether.

Rose only watched as the man experienced tremendous agony and the excruciating pain of missing both hands; his wailing of howls was music to her ears, and she said, "It was funny how you screamed earlier," finding it amusing how people always scream whenever she does her job.

Her sadism only worsened when the other person, who was already taking out the flintlock pistol from the backpack, rapidly turned it to face directly at the murderer; his terrified and vengeful eyes were visibly shown through the flames of the burning fire.

Most civilized people would refrain from having to kill another human being, especially children. But when one's life is at stake, desperate times call for desperate measures, as men would do anything to survive, even if that meant ending a young girl who brutally mutilated their traveling partner.

Seeing this, she merely laughed at this display: "a flintlock? You know how inaccurate they are." Smiling innocently while tilting head to the side with eyes wide, "What do you intend to do with that?" Her demeanor changed from serious to a more curious one.

Having killed so many people, firearms are one common thing to experience now. But they don't realize how terrible of an aim they are, especially when holding guns with a single barrel; not to mention, they don't have the accuracy and range of muskets, which she had learned from experience dealing with musketeers.

He angrily gritted his teeth, unable to comprehend how she could remain calm even though he had his pistol aimed at her. This girl, no, monster, isn't human. The fact that she is still standing there, staring at him with that mirthful expression, shows it all: "Die monster!" Pulling the trigger, the gunshot echoed through the quiet night.

To his dismay, Rose held the bullet in the shape of a tiny black ball using only her two finger tips, catching him off guard while remaining focused on what had become of her opponent. "Is this all you can do?" Disappointment rang in her voice as she then crushed it with her fingers alone.

Dropping the firearm, he fell on his ass before raising his surrendering hands to her and saying, "Let me go! I promise that I won't tell anyone about this!" Begging desperately in vain, "Just let me go, and I will do what you want me to do. Just don't kill me!" He pleaded like an injured animal, trying to appeal to his attacker.

Such pathetic behavior was pitiful for someone like her, as she casually approached him before stopping, looking down at his cowering display. She can't help but feel saddened at this, having witnessed so many of her victims wanting mercy from her. "None of you ever fight back," she lamented disappointingly.

They don't stand a chance against her; Rose has lived for centuries fighting, and nearly all her opponents are always the same. When they were about to be defeated, all of them wanted a second chance in life rather than dying because their lives were worth more than the one who took them from them. "People always beg for their lives," she stated bitterly.

It began to be annoying as she continued looking at him; his face was covered in tears, sweat, and dirt from the ground, but most of all, he was crying uncontrollably as he continued begging for his life. A life that Rose will never give anyone because they were already taken away the moment they met her.

While she felt sympathetic, Rose was annoyed by this repeating pattern. It is always the same and never different; mercy will never be given, for it was never an option to begin with, something this man failed to learn during this very encounter.

Sticking out the tip of her blade, she carefully inserted the metal end into his left ear before stabbing it hard and fast into his eardrum, which caused the terrified man to spasm violently from the overwhelming sensation of hearing being ripped away along with some part of his skull being ruptured. "You're the third person this week who begged me like that," she remarked sarcastically as she shook her head in dismay.

Her words hit hard when his pleading eyes narrowed into shock. He reached to the wounded ear while wincing in agony and said, "PLEASE! DON'T!" He shouted helplessly at his tormentor, hoping there was some kindness left in her dark soul that would allow him to live another day.

With one hand still at her hips and the other holding the blade that had just stabbed the man's eardrum, Rose stared at her victim with eyes as long as silence stretched between the two individuals. Neither said anything during this time while her shaken victim was visibly sweating profusely in fear, simply watching each other for the duration of ten long seconds before the serial killer finally spoke.


Swiftly, she sliced his neck in a horizontal line, decapitating him instantly and sending the head rolling across the ground as his body collapsed on top of itself while splashing blood into the grassy terrain, "their always like that," pouting in annoyance at having to go through this every day.

Yawning tiredly, she stretched her arms before shaking her head to get rid of her drowsiness. "I'm so sleepy." Feeling her eyelids starting to become heavy, the little serial killer glanced around to observe her surroundings for possible danger. "Now where am I going to sleep?" She rubbed her eyes lazily as she contemplated.

"Oh, silly me!" Having forgotten something important, she turned around to see the man's other friend, who was desperately crawling away from the campsite, his stumps dripping with blood as he crawled into the darkness while groaning in pain.

Singing in a cutesy manner, Rose skipped to her next prey as she cheerfully pranced with a knife in hand, "La la la la!" The immoral assassin giggled happily while continuing to humming an innocent tune while following after the survivor, who was not so far away from where she was.

"The Order Gods..." He weakly prayed to divine figures to save him from this monster: "Save me, help me, have mercy on my soul. Please, I don't want to die," he said, speaking in a muffled voice while being oblivious that Rose had caught up to his crawl. "I can't die here!" Just when he shouted at the top of his lungs, he felt a powerful stomp on his back, resulting in him screaming painfully from feeling his own spine breaking into pieces.

"Oops," Rose sheepishly apologized, putting a finger to her lips. "Sorry about that! But that was really funny how you screamed just now!" Chuckling at his misfortune before noticing that she felt the man's own broken spine with her foot, she asked, "Oh wow, did I actually break it?" Crouching to inspect him further, the assassin gently touched his back with her knife.

Squirming in intense discomfort, he clenched his teeth as the last of his hope quickly diminished when she found him. "You won't get away with this," he said, speaking through the pain despite his front being on the ground, "why are you doing this to us?" Asking in fear and curiosity.

A brief moment of silence lingered before the sadistic immortal girl responded by continuing with her foot on his injured back, "Because!" She answered with mirth in her voice as she gave a mischievous smile, "It is!" Sending a powerful stomp, the man let out a tearful scream, "Fun!" With one last kick to his back, her victim's intestines rapidly escaped from his mouth.

Taking her foot off the dying corpse, the girl kneeled down at the side with her elbows touching her knees and her hands holding her own cheeks, staring in amazement at the escaped innards having left his body through the mouth as the poor man gurgled from his slow, gruesome death. "Gross, but cool!" Blushing excitedly at seeing something so amazing in her life.

But this speculator show briefly ended when she saw the man finally fall to the ground. Her joyful smile turned sour when she realized it was already over. "How boring," Rose said in disappointment. "I hoped he lasted longer; at least give me something better than this," she sighed tiredly as the little killer got to her feet while placing her knife in her pocket before her smile returned.

"Yahoo! Time to resume my hunting!"

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