Chapter 99

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Dragging Morgan's naked corpse with his left hand while the other holding the crucifix, Seth coldly walked through the hall as the only clothing he wore was his brown colored boxers, but even then, the broken youth had all his spirit and determination already sucked out of him.

The only thing he can hear is the demon's constant mockery of having to continuously hear its laughter; cruel and demeaning is the only thing he can describe, but he never bothered to say anything or respond to the torment he is experiencing.

With his back slouched down, he paid no heed to what would happen to him, for there was nothing else in his empty heart but to finish the job. Seth wants all of this to be over, and there isn't anything beyond that at this point, for sadness consumes him entirely.

While walking, his perception around him was slightly warped, as if the entire place he was in was swaying left and right in a nauseous manner. Perhaps it is because he is exhausted from life itself, but despite how much he wants to die and give up,

He can't break a promise from a friend; they all died just for him to have the opportunity to bring down the one responsible for everything. But at the same time, he felt disgusted with himself for what he had done with Morgan's body.

She was his mother, and he betrayed her by using her corpse to relieve himself of the extreme pain he was enduring. There is nothing else he can do but blame himself, for not only having failed his friends but also having committed heinous sin.

As tears streamed down his face once more, he asked himself, "Why would God allow this?" Saying in distraught, the boy could not understand why the creator allowed this to happen: "What did I do wrong?" Wondering, "What did I do to deserve this?" I am struggling to find any rational thought.

It's not fair; life is never fair. And here he is, still worshiping a God who never came into his life, but because of his faith, he always tried to do what was right and to do what was good. to follow God's teachings and ways, but what he received was always the opposite of what he expected.

Instead of salvation and peace, there was only destruction, hatred, and tragedy that keep haunting him to this very day. "God, please tell me," Seth muttered in prayer, "was this all a mistake?" continuously asking for a response, but to no avail.

So he let out a scream, a primal howl of fury, disappointment, and pain from having to witness such a fate upon himself and his friends, who died for his sake. They were his friends—the people who accepted and loved him. Not only that, the crew who brought them were only used as a distraction.

The sins weighed him down, and all of his anger, depression, and sorrow became even greater. So much so that the boy felt as if he could collapse in despair at any moment, "I wish I stayed back on earth," regretting ever setting foot upon this world.

Reaching the set of steps going up, Seth looked at where he would lead him, showing a large metal, black door that appeared to have broken chains latched onto it. meant to keep anyone from opening or entering. Taking one step forward, he started climbing and carefully making his way towards the top, with Morgan's corpse being dragged alongside him.

The boy can feel it; this is where the final boss is, as many would say, "agh!" Accidentally tripping on one of the steps, he fell on his front; pain swiftly rushed through his whole body as he groaned in response before grunting in irritation.

Without giving a second thought, he slowly moved on as he got up to his feet and climbed the remaining steps until finally reaching the top and saying, "I'm here," sighing tiredly that he had arrived from the long set of stairs. Though the fact that he is truly alone with all his friends already killed and committing heinous sin of playing with her dead body will always remain a scar in his mind.

Standing on top of the very steps themselves, he stared at the large entrance. Seth could see light passing through its cracks. Then suddenly, the enormous, black door opened by itself, allowing him to enter without having to touch it in the first place.

The interior of the room itself is like a gothic cathedral, with a dark, dreary, cold atmosphere as the place is illuminated with candlelight and torches. The walls are made of dark marble, with intricate carvings of demons and monsters adorning the surfaces. The floor is made of solid obsidian, making the space seem even more sinister and forbidding.

At the center of the room is the dark lord himself. Sitting on his throne as the master smirked at him, "At long last you finally came," the imposing figure spread out his arms in a welcoming gesture. "I applaud your efforts in getting here," he said, his booming and cold voice filled with arrogance and superiority.

Despite all this grandiose show, he can only stare at the very man who ruined his life: "Come, come now." The Dark Lord beckoned him to come closer: "Have you not grown tired of this chase?" He sounded like he was genuinely concerned for the boy.

All his senses disappeared as all the focus was entirely on the monster. Frozen in his spot, he continued to look at him with a cold and expressionless look, unable to say nor move because of the dozens of emotions he was feeling inside that made the boy feel overwhelmed by what was currently happening.

There is no sense of fear or worry about what he is going to do. Nor does Seth even have the desire to do anything, except to have one goal in mind, which is avenging the friends that have died for him and those who have suffered at the hands of this monster.

Amusement played in the Dark Lord's lips as he crossed his legs. "Tell me, what do you plan to achieve by killing me?" asking the poor child with great curiosity, "We both know you are no match for me, boy," chuckling upon knowing the outcome.

But Seth was undeterred when his entire spirit and body shook with immense sorrow and rage; he felt the anger surge through him like a tide, rising higher and higher with every heartbeat. He could barely contain the urge to lash out in violence, to make the man in front of him pay for what he had done.

"Hm..." Caressing his own chin, he said, "Your anger is directed at me," tilting his head in confusion about what is causing the boy to do this. Yet he finds everything quite hilarious: "And it's all for what? "Asked, "Is it for your friends? Those pitiful ants that followed you Or was it King Midas? The fat and greedy ruler who only cares for what he believes in?" He snorted with disgust upon mentioning him.

Shaking his head in disapproval, "What a waste of effort; they are useless and incompetent," the master said in pure revulsion. "I see them as nothing but weaklings who seek power to feel like they have importance in this world," he grunted in dissatisfaction.

"Then humor me," the dark lord gestured at Seth to answer his question, "How will you stop me for being weak child that can't stand up against my might?" Challenging the teen with what he has planned, "No one has ever stopped me, and you won't be an exception."

Screaming in in bloody murder, Seth swiftly dropping the corpse before rushing towards the master with a raised crucifix. Anger, madness, and sorrow were all what he felt. He wanted to make the monster pay for everything he had done.

"Interesting," watching the enraged child, he waited in a brief moment before the boy was close enough to bring down his divine weapon in hopes of stabbing his skull. "Tch, futile," the crucifix then stopped within near inches of the hood.

Baring his gritting teeth with anger and tears, Seth was furious and confused about how the crucifix was not able to kill him—the supposed weapon that helped him thick and thin against all sorts of monsters he was forced to face against.

No matter how much he tried, the teen was only pushed away by an invisible force, bringing him up in the air before dropping onto the floor as a loud and slow clap was heard coming from The Dark Lord, "congratulations for surviving this long," complimenting his enemy in doing so while sounding sarcastic.

Coughing and choking, Seth took a moment to recuperate his stamina before attempting to get back to his feet. "DIEEEE!" Sprinting madly at him, he replayed the action before being pushed back again by an invisible force, landing on the same spot.


Seth got up and attacked.


Rising up from the floor, he continued his assault.


With a bloody nose and a few broken bones, he tried to finish off the person who had caused him so much grief in this world but failed once more.


Having had enough of this, he rose up and pointed his crucifix at the dark lord, "Huh...?" No sign of pain or discomfort can be seen or heard from the evil master himself, showing no damage taken by the holy weapon itself. "WHAT IS THIS?" Seth's voice echoed through the spacious place.

"What is what?" Asked, not knowing what the boy was referring to as he stood up from his throne before casually approaching him, "That you can't harm me with your weapon?" Smirking devilishly underneath his helmet, "I know everything about you, boy," grabbing Seth's cross, "and this is your hope," slowly crushing it into pieces.

"GET OFF! GET OFF!!!" Desperately, he used both of his hands to free himself from the strong grip of the dark lord. "Leave me alone, yo  monster!"She screamed at him for letting go of his only weapon that had been with him ever since he was adopted.

Chuckle escaped from his lips. "Child of God." The Dark Lord's voice became grim: "My power far exceeds your own; your only hope was never being here in the first place." Then he destroyed the cross, with pieces scattering in different directions as the master threw the broken weapon away.

Seeing his only hope shattered, the boy collapsed onto his knees with his fists banged on the ground. "ITS NOT FAIR!" Bellowing in utmost rage when not only had he lost the people he loved but also the cross that had been with him ever since, "AHHH!" Raising his head in the sky, he cried bitterly.

Not because of what happened to him and his friends, but rather because of the life he had lived: "WHY CANT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!?" Yelling in hysteria towards God for putting him through all this pain and suffering, "THERE'S NOTHING LEFT FOR ME!" Seth didn't even care about keeping his sanity in check anymore.

Taking a step back, the dark lord watched with both interest and amusement and asked, "Is this all you have? I expected the king to send his best warriors instead of his pathetic pawns," he snickered. "All you did was play chess but failed to think about the outcomes beforehand." The man laughed wickedly at him.

Twitching his eyes at how everything he has experienced since being brought into this world was only a game to the evil mastermind He had never considered being forced into this nightmare. But all of this doesn't matter anymore; there is nothing else to do but accept his defeat.

Seth lowered his head to the ground, not saying a word, for he understood what must be done in this situation—not by running away and living. But by standing his ground and dying, he said, "Kill me," in an emotionless tone of voice.

It's done; there was no epic fight between hero and villain. It was not action-packed combat; there was no confrontation between the two, and there was no high-stakes adventure to be saved. He was only doomed at the start by facing him.

"I'm glad you see things my way." Nodding his head in acknowledgement, he raised his hand towards the teen's head, moving slowly until suddenly he stopped. "What?" an otherworldly smell wafted into the air. It smelled like perfume that was invading all his senses.


Immediately, he was being pushed backward by something far more powerful than he imagined. Even when he tried to cast some spells to manipulate reality and space around him, he even went so far as to go into the past, but nothing seemed to take effect as he continued to be pulled backwards.

A gentle voice so regretful, saddened, and concerned whispered in Seth's ears. "Pray," Muriel pleaded to her one and only son, "pray my son, pray, and plead for salvation." She spoke with conviction that caused him to be snapped out of his despair.

"M-Muriel?!" A ray of hope and light entered his spirit. "Are you really here?" He was tearing up at this point, already having lost the will to fight after what happened to him and the friends that gave their lives for his sake in defeating the dark lord.

"My son," his mother warmly responded back, "do not let doubt and sorrow consume you when your friends are cheering on you at the other side," speaking to him in the gentlest voice, "they will never abandon you in your time of need, and we all know how strong you truly are."

Then he remembered Guan Yu's words of encouragement: The man believed in his potential and what he was capable of doing when given the opportunity, "but I have committed many sins!" Not only that, he was also planning to kill someone despite knowing how wrong it felt, although he had no choice when reasoning couldn't work with the evil master in front of him.

"We all have forgiven you. Humans make mistakes in the face of the Lord, but in order to save and protect someone, you must gather up and continue the path of your salvation." Her gentle words pierced straight through his soul. "Do now, or else you are condemning those who died for you to fail in vain."

There are still so many questions, but knowing there is no time, he nodded in acceptance. Seth realized that all he has been doing is letting himself be manipulated and toyed with by his enemies. This time, he will not let it happen anymore.

Exhausted beyond repair but full of confidence, he rose his head and stared directly at the person who not only killed his friends and ruined the life he has but was also about to murder him. "You are not my enemy," he said, watching the monster desperately try to move forward. "And neither do I hate you," Seth declared with mercy growing in his heart.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he opened them and started prayer, placing his right hand on the forehead, chest, and shoulders before holding his hands together, "in the name of the Father," focusing his energy around his palms, "the Son," a spiritual aura started to envelop his hands and body, "and the Holy Spirit."

Putting all the trust in his willpower and faith while casting away any doubt, Seth's entire body was beginning to have a faint glow of holiness around it as spiritual flames slowly appeared. "Forgive me, for I have sinned, but also forgive us of our trespasses." His body started to float in midair, and an outline of sacred light enveloped around the boy.

The Dark Lord struggled to resist: "Wait! Listen to me!" Feeling the fire appearing all over his body, he begged, trying to convince him to stop what he was doing, "I can resurrect your friends! We can work together and prevent anymore deaths!" Desperately hoping that would be enough to make him reconsider.

But he moved onward with his words, "Through the help of thy father in heaven, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." A beam of light exploded in radiance as he raised his hands above his head; it blinded everything in the throne room when the awesome power itself completely burned the evildoer into ashes.


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