Chapter 47

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Standing outside of Billy's bedroom, gripping his crucifix tight, he nervously hovered his fingers on the doorknob with his other hand and said, "Come on, Seth. This is all in the mind; just focus on reality and you will be fine," encouraging himself to confront this issue that's bothering him, "stop being such a coward and just do  it." Frustrated and annoyed by how long it took him to finally muster the courage to open this door.

He is nervous about confronting his friend, as despite how much Seth has forgiven the bully, he is still afraid of the chance that the young cowboy is awake right now. What words will he say, what kind of expression will be plastered on his face, or what will their relationship from here on out be like? All of these questions that run through his mind make him terrified.

Would he be angry again and place all the blame on him? There is a possibility he might do that. Is guilt making him this way, for whenever there is a chance of opening his own mouth just to apologize, Billy would have always started to bully Seth once again.

It's hard; it is almost impossible for him to do anything good for him. "Billy is a good person; I know that. So, why is he like this?" Surely, he already knows the reason. The rebellious teen wanted to toughen him up just so he could become a man.

While he understands it, it is still unnecessary to use those harsh methods to make Seth stronger. Wouldn't it be better to simply be nice than outright do that? For years, the teen had endured endless teasing and mistreatment without anyone helping him.

So what makes Billy any better of a friend when Seth has always encountered this type of person during the time of enduring the hellish cold wasteland of ice and snow in his home world, where everything was grim and filled with loneliness? "What makes him any different than others?" Questioning himself the entire time.

Focusing on the door, his fingers still gripped firmly: "No, I need to do better; we all need to try to become better versions of ourselves," believing that he and Billy both have a chance at changing themselves for good; "Yes, there is nothing wrong with giving it a shot," contemplating the possibility.

No matter what, he is going to help his friend get better from this, even if that means taking a lot of verbal abuse from that person. "I will do it for myself and God." In the end, Seth is the one who offered his friendship to him, not the other way around.

With this newfound determination and hope, he finally turned the door knob around as he pushed it, using his body weight to have the door swing itself while he slowly entered the room, saying, "Good morning, Billy," softly speaking to him with a slight cheeriness in his voice.

The bedroom was spacious, but it was cozy and comfortable, with a bed close to the two windows between it and a closet at the far corner. The walls were made of wood like the rest, along with a chandelier hanging in the middle of his ceiling, and there was a small wooden desk in the corner of the room. There were various pieces of art on the wall, including a painting of a knight on a horse and a portrait of an unknown woman.

As usual, Billy was sleeping soundly on the bed in the very front of this room, snoring loudly like always, "another night passed," sighing with a smile, heading towards the blond's side before looking out at the window, where the heavy rain and thunder continue to persist on the outside, "seems like we were going to have a gloomy day," staring sadly at the scenery before him.

The soft pitter-patter of raindrops against the glass windows filled his ears, along with the quiet ambient sound of his own breathing. For a moment, it felt like the whole world was a million miles away; there was no noise or distractions, just a peaceful moment between him and the atmosphere.

Outside, lightning flashed across the sky before fading into the distance, followed by a low rumble of thunder that seemed to shake the earth. It was a terrifying sight to behold, but it also made him wonder if everything was going to be alright after what they had all been through.

He will never forget the victims of that creature, their agonized faces plastered onto the decaying flesh all around its once rocky surfaces from the terrible cavern they have entered into, forever encased by their deathbed. He will always remember the massacre that such a terrible person inflicted on them.

This is one of the many horrifying scenes he will carry with him, but he is going to keep trying because the Lord will provide him the strength to move forward. "It's all a matter of what we make of it, what is to become of it," he says, speaking quietly to himself, "I want to make something out of this, something that will matter. I want to make a difference in this world." In his mind, "is that too much to ask?"

Slowly, he took a step back from the window as another flash of lightning streaked across the darkened sky. It was only a few inches from the glass, but it was still visible to the eye. His breath hitched in his throat as the vision of mangled and twisted faces flooded his mind before disappearing within the blink of an eye. "Uh...?" Seth whispered, terrified from sudden and invasive thoughts, "What was that?" He said he was unable to understand where that came from.

Reason first came from the lack of sleep in taking care of his friends; there is no doubt in his mind that the images that invaded his brain came from it: "I think...I need to take a break from this," being concerned with his mental health at the moment.

Sleep. He needs to rest. Everything will be fine if he just sleeps. It is killing him, how tired he is, and how it affected him with the use of his thinking and awareness. Maybe it will help you be in a better state of mind for a while after a short nap.

It wouldn't hurt to try sleeping for a few hours; he's sure they will be fine without him, trusting them that they will be all right. After all, they are in their house, a place of sanctuary where no one will dare harm them, "if only he is okay." Nodding to himself with determination, Seth was now prepared to leave the room, for he felt that rest was more important than everything else.

But when he turned and approached the closed door he entered from, Seth stopped in his tracks when he heard his name being called in a hazy manner, coming from his sleeping friend laying comfortably on the bed with a blanket nearly covering his torso and legs.


Rasped voice belonging to Billy, whose eyes were still closed, "Seth..." the call caught his friend off guard as he spun in motion to see him, "Are you there, Seth?" He said with a tired, cracked voice, "I can't see anything in the dark—only voices around me," feeling lost at the moment while barely staying awake.

Already, his heart jumped from hearing his name being called by him as the boy stood frozen from seeing him already awake. "B-billy?" He asked in confusion, surprised to see him already awakened at this time, thinking of possible rational reasons for this cause.

He's probably just sleepwalking, that's all. "Don't worry, everything will be okay," attempting to comfort his friend, "You're not dreaming; I'm here." Seth smiled at him as he approached, "because we are friends, right?" When he got closer, he then noticed something was terribly wrong about Billy; his skin was far more pale than usual, to the point where it was colored gray, and the inflicted scars still persisted from their previous encounter with the monster.

No answer came after reassuring him, making Seth confused by the lack of response he was getting now. "Billy...?" Nervously, he began to lean close to examine his condition, but before Seth could do it, his friend's eyes snapped wide open in a sudden violent reaction, with pupils dilated as if he were high on something.

Gasping in horror from the sudden action, his friend then opened his mouth as he released a projectile of bloody vomit straight into the boy's face, burning his eyes with a stinging sensation that caused Seth to scream in painful agony, "AAAAAAHHHHH!" Scratching his eyes while staggering backward

Unearthly laughter emerged from his sick and injured friend, which Seth is now panicking from being blinded and disoriented as Billy formed into a twisted, pale grin before his entire upper torso stood upright, his once blue pupils now completely white, spelling insanity from his eyes.

His heart pounded furiously as blood pumped faster through his veins; he could feel them pulsing with each beat after wiping the vomit from his eyes with a sleeve. "Oh, God!" Seth cried out in realization, "Your...your..." Trying to process this but couldn't, "possessed!" The truth that set in his heart as a demon entered his friend's body

Billy's head calmly turned 360 degrees with unnatural smoothness as it ended with sinister, hollow laughter of pure maddening chaos itself before facing towards him, "Seth...?" Mockingly in a playful manner while keeping a twisted smirk on his face, "Why is Seth so scared? Is there a problem, Seth?" The possessed Billy inquired with deceptive innocence in his voice.

Legs shook like jello while hands quivered. Seth knew this was deeply wrong. "My God..." Knowing full well how his friend is completely taken over by an entity, "it can't be..." Expressing his denial, "Get out of him!" He yelled in rage, "GET OUT OF HIM NOW!" Demanding that the abomination leave him.

His arms twist and turn as the possessed boy lets out a short, cackle; the forearms were in reverse with bones broken and dislocated while his eyes still fixated on him. "Oh, Seth, Seth, Seth!" Shaking his head at him, he said, "You still don't understand the situation you are in, do you?" Stretching his muscles before they became limber, he said, "After all this time, you still don't understand. You still don't understand what the fate of you and your friends is, do you?" Smiling and grunting with insane madness

Never in his life had he ever dealt with demonic possession; this is his first time, so Seth didn't know what to do. "A is a real demon..." Finally accepting the reality of this as fear is seen on his face, "It's really a demon." The knowledge that these unholy monsters exist after all.

A raspy cackling emitted from the thing inhabiting Billy's body: "Now that is a smart boy, you finally realize who I am." The words echoed throughout the room as they grew louder. The thing's mouth widened until it was more akin to a gaping hole that stretched across its cheeks. "So very smart and so very afraid, aren't you?" It's tone mocking Seth: "Why don't you come closer, Seth?" The grin distorted with every syllable that was uttered: "Why don't you use your cross and cast me out?" His voice reaching a higher pitch as he tried to provoke him, "DO IT, SETH! CAST ME OUT! SHOW ME WHO'S IN CONTROL!"

What is this thing trying to accomplish? Nearly every possessed person would try to deceive by not being exorcised, but whatever this demon is trying to do, it appears to be the opposite. This is very conflicting and confusing for him to deal with. "What are you planning, demon? What is this all for?" He asked with suspicion, ready to use his weapon to exorcise the spirit.

Instead of a clever response, this perilous demon possessing his friend simply didn't give a response, only his eyes squinting from being unable to process his words. Though his next words changed his view as the Billy-Monster burst into maniacal laughter, the sounds echoing in Seth's head spread across the room.

Seth's eyes widen in disbelief at how any of this is humorous. "What is so funny?" Unable to comprehend its sense of humor, "This is not a laughing matter; it is not!" The demonic laugh only intensified even further, making him more angrier. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!" He yelled, enraged that it was only mocking him.

"Because I'm not here to kill or harm any of you," the answer was clear to him. As Seth became flabbergasted by the bluntness of its response, "I'm here to have a civilized conversation with you," the monstrosity's face suddenly morphed into an even more horrifying visage: "So please, do come to me and talk with your humbleness in such dreadful day and night; let us discuss what your God and this world are made of, shall we?" Gesturing at him, the empty sockets of his white eyes appeared to stare right through the terrified child.

Breathing in and out to control his own fear, he asks, "What's stopping me from using my crucifix?" Mentioning the divine weapon in his right hand, "If you're here to do nothing but waste my time, then I guess I'll have to exorcise you right here and now," he displayed bravery while taking one step closer to his possessed friend.

Amusement spawned on the entity's face. "I am unlike my brothers; this isn't my usual possession, for I simply wish to converse with you," a sweet honeyed voice expressed. "I will not hurt you, dear boy. Not physically nor mentally," Seth's expression softened from the demon's words, "not now anyways," foreboding words coming from the demon's mouth, "I shall be a good host until we are done having a chat, so come forth, child," beckoning at him to come.

Conflicted at these unexpected events, Seth had always expected these demons to fight desperately to keep their possessed host, but this peculiar demon is...weird. "Then tell me your name," trying to sound brave even though he is extremely terrified, "the son of God demands it," ordering for its name.

The face momentously switched into a painful look after hearing the phrase, "Ah, ah, ah!" Wagging its index finger from left to right in disapproval, "let's keep this cordial," its tone patronizing even though he nonetheless still has to speak in truth because of God, "you may call me Asmodeus, The Prince of Lust, one of the seven princes of hell," introducing itself to the shocked boy.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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