Chapter 66

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He waited for his weapon as he sat patiently on the stool, watching Samuel do his job in forging the product that he ordered from him. It is interesting to watch a blacksmith create a musket from raw materials, but it is rather boring after a few hours have passed while the sun is setting in the west.

They haven't had lunch yet, and it's already late afternoon. His stomach was rumbling with hunger as the blond teen grew more anxious about having to eat. But he stayed in silence and tried not to distract the man from finishing the weapon that he had asked for in advance.

Clenching his empty belly with a sigh, he returned his gaze back to Samuel, who was nearly done with the process; he managed to mold the iron ingots into the shape of a barrel and frame, which was a very long and exhausting task for the poor blacksmith.

After shaping the material into the desired form, he started to use some of the leftover iron scraps to craft the rest of the parts for the gun, including the lock, the firing mechanism, the trigger, and the bayonet attachment, before combining all the pieces together by using the forge to melt them down and reforming them into something entirely new.

The blacksmith had spent hours carefully constructing the gun to perfection; he took his time to make sure that everything was properly aligned and that all the components functioned properly. The resulting product is something of beauty in the boy's eyes.

Once the construction of the gun was complete, the man approached him with the long gun and said, "Here she is," holding it with his two hands, "musket as you requested." The blacksmith handed him the object, which Billy gratefully accepted.

Billy wasted no time in inspecting his brand new weapon; the smoothness of the metal and the flawlessness of the woodwork are more than satisfactory for him to use, especially when there is a bayonet attachment fixed below the muzzle.

"Holy shit," marveled in seeing the perfect handiwork of Samuel, "this is incredible," giving him his praise, "thank you," bowing his head down in gratitude, "really, thanks for doing this," expressing his appreciation for doing what he paid for.

Touched by his words, Samuel chuckled wholeheartedly at this response: "It's yours, free of charge kiddo," patting the blond teen on the shoulder before walking towards a table with various materials placed on it. "I also forgot to mention," grabbing two sets of bandoliers used to hold cartridges of ammunition. "Here, let me put this on you," he then strapped the belts over the boy's shoulder and chest.

Allowing Billy to attach the bandoliers around him, the man helped by putting his arms through the loops to make the straps snug around his torso, finally settling down. "Thanks," he said, grinning while having a bandolier that can hold his rounds. "These will be useful," glancing at the ammo cases.

"Now that we're done, is there anything else you need from me?" The blacksmith asked with sincerity in his voice, "If not, I advise you to return to your friends before they start to worry about your absence," warning him that his absence will likely lead to more problems for the kid.

Sighing, "I know," the blond-haired kid mumbled under his breath. "There is also one more thing I need to ask before I go," revealing his intentions as he glanced down at the musket on his hand. "I know that I said that I wanted a musket, and it was a musket, but how do I use it?" An awkward smile appeared on his face. "I have fired guns before, but this type of weapon is something I haven't used in all my life."

"Ah," smiling at this, "it isn't too complex to use." Samuel reassured him, "basically, you pull the trigger, which releases the hammer that hits the flintlock mechanism, igniting the gunpowder in the pan. Then, the powder explodes and sends the bullet down the barrel into the target," detailing the process of using the musket in short and simple steps.

Understanding his instruction, "sounds similar to the ones I used before," Billy replied in a confident manner, "but how do I load it?" The important question that the teen must know in order to be prepared for future combat if he encounters dangerous foes in his journey

This prompted the man to gesture for him to sit at the previous stool. "Allow me to teach you how to load a musket," he said. "Sit back and let me explain what I meant by loading," commanding the boy to sit down. "Now, I will show you how to prepare and fire it," beginning his demonstration.

Nodding in confirmation, he handed over his musket to his teacher. "First, I will bring the gun up in reasonable parallel and I will open the pan," Samuel carefully did as he explained to the teen. "Afterwards, I will take out the paper cartridge and then bite to open it." He then proceeded to pull out the paper filled with gunpowder.

"Then I pour the portion of the powder into the pan and cast the musket down so I can put the rest of it down the barrel." Biting off the bullet, the man did as he described for the boy after doing this whole ordeal: "Next, I take out the ramrod." Picking it up below its barrel, he once again cast the gun down and rammed it inside very tightly for a couple of seconds. "Once I made sure that it was secure, I returned the ramrod to its original spot and then brought it up," placing the rod back where it belonged.

"So this is what I do with the musket now. Bring my left hand on the side of the lock. I will cock the hammer from half to full." Putting his index finger on the hammer, he pulled it backwards and released it as it made a clicking sound. "Next, I raise my left hand to cover the right one and point towards the target before aiming at it; afterward, I squeeze the trigger." Samuel finished his lecture as he fired a shot through his musket, the noise from the gunfire echoing across the entire workshop.

Applauding with respect and amazement, "Darn, you sure do know how to shoot," Billy was impressed by this new weapon. "Thanks for teaching me all this," he said, grateful that the blacksmith went the extra mile to instruct him on how to use the gun. "I could have probably figured it out by myself, but this was really helpful."

Nodding in approval, "Your welcome, kid," the man chuckled before handing it over to him as the boy placed the strap around himself. "Just be careful when using it in the rain; as long as the powder isn't wet, everything should be fine," he reminded him that exposure to water is not recommended. "Oh, also make sure that you clean it thoroughly whenever you're not using it."

Smirking at the warning, he nodded in acknowledgment, "Don't worry, I won't ruin it," assuring that the weapon is in good care, "I may be young, but I ain't stupid in handling a weapon like this," speaking honestly while looking at his firearm, "I'll see you around, partner," extending his hand out for a handshake.

Accepting the hand, the man shook it firmly, "You as well, kid," releasing it afterwards, "Take good care of yourself and stay safe out there," bidding farewell to him with a friendly wave of goodbye, "Come back if you need good repair or are buying more stuff!" He waved him off with a kind smile as he watched him leave.

Exiting the building, Billy grinned in triumph as he adjusted the bandoliers, "finally a weapon I can put to good use," his heart beating in excitement to test his new musket. "Well, guess I should head back to others and tell em' what I was doing," the boy said, turning around to look back where he went.

Walking back to the direction he had left earlier, he then noticed the twilight sky looming over the land: "It looks like I was gone for quite a while," noticing how late it is in the evening, "hope they're not mad at me," feeling guilty about leaving them behind for his own selfish reasons.

Although everything now is quiet and peaceful, barely anyone has moved about since they were returning to their homes, all except for him, who still kept on wandering across the main road in search of his friends, who are likely still inside the shop.

The wind was blowing in a calm and cool manner, with little clouds covering the sky as dusk settled in and light gradually dimming on the horizon, signaling that it was time for the night to take over the world and for the stars to illuminate the world.

A couple of birds still sang their songs even in this late hour as the trees surrounding this village swayed peacefully in the breeze as if dancing to the melody. The temperature was also becoming colder, much to his displeasure, since he does not have warm clothes to protect him from the chilling air.

Continuing his way back to the alchemist's store, he allowed himself to flow through the environment as the sounds of nature filled his ears: the chirping of the birds, the rustling of the leaves, the creaking of the branches, and the howling of the winds.

Reaching his destination, he steps forward to the door before reaching the knob. "If they are still there, I'm going to explain myself," he muttered in determination of this prolonged problem he will have to solve by himself in speaking to them.

But before he turned the knob, the door opened itself, revealing a surprised Guan Yu and Morgan with Seth still on the elderly man's back. "There you were," she said first. "We thought you were still in the store." Her expression is one of concern at this unexpected change.

His eyes widening at the sudden appearance of the duo, he stared at them and said, "Hey, there guys," awkwardly greeting them back as Guan Yu widened his brows after noticing something new. "Sorry about the long wait; I was shopping," Billy tried to make an excuse for what he was doing.

"That would explain with your gear," he said, looking at the bandages and strapped muskets dangling around the boy's torso. "You mustn't have a story for getting all of these," he said, smiling at him for his own curiosity in asking the child what he had gotten while they were away.

Morgan, however, wasn't too keen on this topic. "Now boys, we should focus on heading into the tavern," she said, passing them to walk in the streets. "It's getting cold, and the kind woman has shown us where we can spend the night," she stated, urging them to follow her before disappearing from sight.

The two followed where she had gone, walking in silence before Billy decided to ask in regards to Seth's condition, "How did it go?" He quietly inquired, not knowing what to say and worried if his friend would be alright since his own departure to the blacksmith.

"The curious woman had checked him for any wounds or diseases whatsoever, and to our relief, Seth doesn't have any," he responded with a solemn gaze. "She only suggested that he might've fainted from exhaustion and overworking himself for the past few days, telling us to put him in a comfortable place and let him rest for now," giving a report of the unconscious child.

A wave of relief washed over the blond teenager. "Good to hear," he said, glad that his companion is unharmed and is well enough to survive another day. "How long did it take?" I wonder how long the alchemist examined her so-called patient.

"Several hours," Guan Yu sighed at this revelation. "We were done the moment you appeared in front of us," the elderly man raised a brow as he added more. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that you had an adventure of your own," a gaze of amusement came from him.

Biting his lower lip, he blushed heavily from this accusation: "Yeah, well, I might or might not," scratching his cheeks in embarrassment while his blue eyes wandered from one place to the next, "but I got a cool new weapon for free!" Beaming with a smile on his face.

Holding out the musket in front of the elder man, Billy bragged of his accomplishment in getting this fine gun: "pretty neat, huh, a free weapon from someone called Samuel," flashing the musket to the warrior as if he wanted to show it to others, "he showed me how to use this girl!" Whistling at the sheer beauty of the firearm

Taking a moment to inspect the weapon, he said, "Yes, it is quite fascinating indeed," nodding in agreement at the boy's description. "He sure knows how to make something that I will admire," he complimented of the blacksmith's handiwork. "Keep it with you and learn to use it wisely," encouraging the teen to use this firearm for good deeds.

Grinning at the praise, Billy secured the gun on the strap. "I will," he said, "don't worry about that old timer," bringing back the old man's remark, "I am capable of anything as long as my willpower is strong enough," boasting in arrogance, but it is not surprising coming from someone like him.

Closing his eyes, he smiled before chuckling from the child's remarks. "I expect good results from you, young one," he then focused his attention back on the child. "I will see more of that once we reach the battlefield," expecting more of the boy's true strength, "or maybe this weapon will be used against us," he said lightly with humor.

"Not if I use it against them first," the teen responded proudly.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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