Chapter 92

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The sailing ship calmly floated in the water, while the waves gently rocked against the hull of the ship. A breeze of fresh air blew across the deck, passing through the rigging and filling the sails. The wind also brought a cool sensation and the smell of salt from the ocean, making it refreshing for everyone on board.

When the night fully settled in, there was nothing else more to add than how everything here felt calmly peaceful compared to what was outside. Even Billy felt more comfortable than he anticipated as he walked around the place.

Although there weren't a lot of sailors due to most of them resting, especially after they worked hard and long, On the other hand, Morgan decided to leave them to find both Genno and the captain, which leaves only themselves.

Standing at the railing with Billy on his side, Seth found himself staring out into the distance, looking at the vast ocean that seemingly stretched as far as his eyes could see. It was really something else to behold. Neither had ever seen such a sight before.

"What do you think of Spheroidal?" The blond asked suddenly, starting a conversation in hopes of passing the time, "It feels weird actually living in a fantasy world," saying it honestly, "not only that, its crazy how their monsters and magicians like Morgan," he added with amusement, "who knew?" He exclaimed out loud while also admiring the scenery before them.

Thinking deeply, his friend was right on that assumption. Everything feels like a surreal dream, being in a different world that is beyond reality altogether, but this isn't otherworldly for him, though. "Not really," shrugging indifferently, "this stuff kind of sort happens in my world," the teen casually revealed his inquiry.

Eyes widening in shock, Billy was flabbergasted at what he was hearing: "Wait, what?! You mean shit like this exists in your world!?" His interest in learning this piece of information greatly intensified. "Tell me, what are they like!" He asked excitedly.

A bead of sweat dripped down the side of the boy's brow.Well, "remember the time I told you that I didn't want to talk about it?" Mentioning the time they talked about each other's origins, "it isn't a nice place to live in," he answered bluntly before gazing back into the sea again. "Things aren't pleasant for me," he softly murmured under his breath.

Taken back, he was flabbergasted by this: "Oh, how bad is it?" It can't be that awful, right? Because Billy knows his birthplace, where outlaws are a common sight to behold, aside from the standard country filled with guns and powder, anything related to the supernatural is a myth or folktale. "C'mon, don't be afraid to tell me," he encouraged him to spill more beans.

Suddenly, Seth found himself chuckling sadly at that. "Trust me, it isn't something to talk about," he assured the youngster that his homeworld isn't worth discussing. "If there is one thing you should know, it's a terrible place to live in," the only thing that came out of his friend's response was a disappointing sigh.

"Enlighten me."

Seeing there was no point in trying to stop him, he decided to tell what he could: "Where do I begin?" Holding his chin in contemplation as he carefully gathered his words, "My home is a very depressing place full of broken families, abusive parents, a terrible economy, selfish people, and cold people," stating in a serious tone, "but that isn't the worst part," he finished.

With curiosity getting to him, "Whats the worst part?" Eager to know more about the life of his friend, he himself wasn't surprised by this; it is rather common in his world. "It doesn't seem too bad; I had that crap everywhere, and they aren't the worst ones either," he claimed, though he admitted that it isn't good to have around.

"Never ending cold and snow," the former replied immediately, "an eternal winter that forever consumes everyone in an ice coffin," he explained with gloominess in his eyes, "there is not one place that is green nor alive in that barren earth," describing it more in detail.

Those words stunned Billy: "How did your planet become an ice hell?" Shivering a little from the image of endless frost that will freeze anyone solid, "And how were you able to survive living there for god sake?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Scratching the side of his cheek with his index finger, he sheepishly replied, "Global cooling caused it." That answer didn't satisfy his companion's curiosity; "and we all became adapted to the cold after years of exposure," he revealed, revealing humanity's endurance.

Whistling in disbelief, "damn..." Unable to describe his disbelief in Seth's survival, "Your world is literally ice age all year round!" He exclaimed in astonishment, "It must've been hard for your people to survive in such an environment," he pointed out, clearly fascinated by this fact, "but what the fuck is global cooling supposed to be?" He was confused by the term he was provided.

He was stunned by this, but because of where Billy came from, it started to make sense before finally revealing the details to him: "It was caused by human intervention, leading to the eruption of Krakatoa and Mount Tambora, the darkening of the sky, and other unknown phenomena that resulted in a volcanic winter lasting for several decades. This devastating event had a profound impact on life, causing the world to enter an Ice Age."

Processing this, "Okay, so it was the rich assholes that did this?" Scoffing in annoyance, "I should've known," muttering with disgust before gazing back at the calm seas, "I always fucking despise those fat sons of bitches with their money and wealth that only harm others for their own benefit," swearing while glaring into the moon.

Frowning on this, "You hate them? We shouldn't hate anyone," correcting his friend's belief that being negative towards others is no good; "if we all learned to understand others, then we wouldn't hate one another," encouraging him to see the good in people; "nobody is perfect, and nobody should be treated like trash," he lectured, hoping his message would reach him.

Releasing a huff of air, "sometimes I wonder if you've been hit in the head a couple of times," not believing Seth's optimism at all, for he knows deep down that life ain't so black and white, "some people just like being pricks, no matter how many times you preach to them. They will still be the same bastards," he asserted, pointing out the truth of reality.

Contemplating the issue, the dark-haired boy was saddened by this realization, but he didn't show it as he brought his divine crucifix to where his heart is. "God's one and only son told us to love our enemies and save them from their sins. He taught us to treat others kindly and spread his word to others," reminding his friend of the Christian god's teachings.

Annoyed by the preaching, Billy groaned at having to hear this all over again: "Enough with the lovely and holy messages, okay?" Glaring at him for his insistent belief in religion, "do you know how many people abuse those words, brainwashing their kids and families to use them for profit or gain?" I was unable to bear it.

Lowering his head a little while staring at the endless sea, he said, "We all have different ways to see and interpret life around us. But in the end, it is the choice given by God to decide whether or not that path is what should be chosen for themselves," revealing his thoughts to Billy, who still disagreed.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever floats your boat."

Seth sighed, feeling his faith being questioned; he wasn't bothered by this. "Well, there are lots of good and evil in people," but at the same time, he knows better. "People are capable of great evil, but they are also capable of incredible goodness," he mentioned while maintaining his optimistic attitude. "It is why by following him, we are given purpose to become better."

The blond teen went silent for a while, gazing down in melancholy. "Good and evil is bullshit," facing away from the boy, "it is all about the survival of the fittest," he expressed on this take. "All we do is do whatever we can to survive, and in order to survive, you have to do whatever it takes to survive," he declared with utmost conviction in his own words.

"Men are still capable of doing good or evil," but Seth didn't lose hope. "If God is nothing but an illusion, then who created mankind and the universe?" Posing a question that no mortal being can answer, "How would they be capable of creating existence if there is nothing in the beginning? Is that not what scientists, philosophers, and physicists concluded?"

Wincing slightly by that, "You got to be kidding me. I don't know any of this stuff; all I know is that there might be a supreme creator, but whose to say he is kind and benevolent," he told Seth, telling him what he believes: "maybe he abandoned us because of our flaws and weaknesses, or maybe he created us to have us suffer. It is hard to tell when it comes to god, but what matters is the life we have now," drawing the conclusion of reality.

Once again, Seth went silent, staring down in sadness. "Life is mysterious; sometimes it will bring pain, sadness, and suffering upon us, but at the same time, it also brings joy, happiness, and comfort in our lives," but he took a deep breath as he gathered courage to speak up. "We worship the Lord because it teaches us how to cope with adversities that will come our way," he confidently said.

"You really believe God will lead you through darkness and despair?" Billy's voice started becoming more annoyed by these shenanigans. "I watched you face Asmodeus with only your cross, but he never came to grab you to safety; instead, simply stay in his heaven with silence," his expression turned stern. "That shows how incompetent and lazy your God is."

Feeling hurt, the boy didn't waver. "You are right in that regard; my God might be cruel or lazy, but it doesn't make him any less than worthy of respect," he admitted, but nonetheless found more reason to keep holding his faith. "But he also taught us hope in a world filled with despair, and he is there for us in times of trouble, the light that guides us in the dark," he added, defending his beliefs with sincerity.

Raising his crucifix up at the starry sky while looking at it lovely, he said, "To me, he is always there, watching over me as his beloved child, showing signs that he still cares," smiling widely and happily as he imagined the scenario in his mind. "I know he is there because without his existence, I wouldn't be alive in the first place," a melancholic said with slight sadness.

As Billy listened quietly to his words, he had mixed emotions about Seth's argument. A part of him wanted to believe that God exists, but at the same time, he wasn't sure since he was religious. However, his eyes were focused on his friend's divine item.

Glowing radiance with its light as the cowboy wondered with skepticism, "Perhaps you are right," doubt still lingering within his soul, but he managed to find some faith within, "either way, we have our own choices, and it is up to us what should happen next," finally relenting.

Seth nodded, lowering his dominant arm as he turned around to face his friend. "I love you," the boy suddenly blurted out, and the blonde was taken back by this. "You are like a brother to me, someone that was looking out for me even though you hurt me." Tears fell from his eyes as he expressed his true feelings.

Looking down at the ground, unable to look directly at his friend, he said, "I did hurt you, didn't I?" Regret of the times in abusing Seth made him realize how terrible his actions were. "Even though I began to care for you as a person rather than a rival, I had a tendency of using you as a punching bag due to my anger problems," his right fist clenched in pure regret.

Suddenly, he brought his fist and struck his own cheek with enough force to have his nose bleed. "Because of me," shocking the black-haired boy, "you were hurt physically and mentally, but not only that, you nearly killed yourself! And for what?" He shouted in anguish for the pain he inflicted as he raised his fist once again, ready to strike another blow.

But it didn't happen when Seth grabbed it with his two hands and held it in comfort. "That is enough," he said, softly murmuring in low volume. "Stop hurting yourself; it doesn't fix anything," he advised while holding his grip. "I shall always forgive you, just as God shows mercy every time man sins," tearfully letting his eyes shed as well. "You are my friend! Brother! Family whom I will never leave behind," he proclaimed proudly with a loving smile.

Billy finally let his anguish of guilt out, screaming painfully as he embraced his supposed brother, "I'm sorry for everything I did to you!" His whole body trembled when the emotional wave crashed onto him. "I was a weakling, an arrogant bully who doesn't appreciate the kindness that was given by you!" express his regrets by crying.

"I forgive you, brother."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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