Chapter 96

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Wymar casually approached the invaders with a new set of armor and a weapon in hand, feeling the excitement in his bones of seeing so many armed men ready to march into their deaths. He is overly thrilled to have this dream come true.

It felt like war was about to commence—a delicious feast for the hungry and bloodthirsty warriors that fought in glorious battles. His heart is racing fast with adrenaline pumping through his veins while he prepares his weapon for the incoming confrontation that will occur between enemies and himself.

But once he arrived at a safe distance, he immediately stopped moving with a red spear in hand. "It seems our paths have crossed again," he said, smiling devilishly underneath his helmet as he eyed the familiar faces in front of him, "especially you boy," looking directly at enraged Billy with amusement.

The blond teen was fuming with rage after realizing who the crimson knight was, veins popping all over his head while his blood boiled at mere sight of seeing his face as he unstrapped his musket and held it tightly; "bastard." He quietly growled with hatred in his heart for this monster who had killed Guan Yu.

He deeply wanted his vengeance. Billy was fueled by determination to avenge Guan Yu's death but stopped himself, having better control over his rage than before. Instead of blindfully charging to his doom, he planned on keeping his distance from Wymar to avoid being outmaneuvered once more. "I'll make you pay for what you've done," he said, pointing the loaded gun at him.

Laughter escaped from his lips as he could not believe how pitiful and laughable this child has become, finding everything so humorous in their confrontation. "Why must I, when you can barely even stand a chance against me?" mockingly snorted, "just like what happened in the forest; how utterly pathetic that was." He dismissively waved his hand to further hurt the teen's heart.

In response, he screamed in bloody murder, prepared to charge with a bayonet at the end of his gun, "YOU BASTARD!" Before the boy could run, he was quickly grabbed by Seth around the arms, preventing him from throwing himself to certain death. "LET ME GO!" He struggled to break free from his struggling grip but couldn't even budge or inch forward from this.

"Stop!" Seth tried to calm him down: "Don't let yourself fall for his tricks," praying to God that his words would somehow make Billy reason again: "He wants you to fight him, but he's the one who will win with your anger-clouding judgment," pleading for him to reconsider.

Everyone else had a varied mix of emotions, ranging from shock to confusion about what was transpiring before their eyes. Morgan, however, knew what made Billy become like this. Making her heart ache from having to remember their old friend's death.

While the two boys struggled, Wymar slowly raised his hand to signal all of them to stop and listen to what he had to say: "Everyone!" Grabbing everyone's attention as they looked at the armored warrior, he said, "I'm sure you all came to your deaths, a fool's errand in chasing glory and heroics you seek, but nonetheless, you brave soldiers are willing to risk everything for what you believe in," sincerely complimenting them while hiding the irony in his words.

Out of nowhere, hordes of crimson knights appeared on the far horizon behind their general, marching with weapons in hand for war, eager to participate, "but do not fret!" Spreading his arms wide, he said, "In our honor, we shall fight in equal numbers!" Saying all of this in the formality of having an honorable battle, "for glory!" Raising his spear towards the sky with pride and excitement.

On cue, every crimson knight began to hiss and growl at the intruders, screeching their vile tongues before shouting with a rally of blood, "FOR GLORY!" As their bloodshot eyes dilated with lust and desire to shed blood, they all charged into a maddening craze.

Their movements were frantic, like an uncontrolled storm sweeping across the land, desiring only one thing in particular. A war that they have been missing for quite some time since they exchanged their own humanity for endless bloodshed that they could never satisfy.

"Quickly!" Drawing out his cuttless underneath his pants, Holt ordered the men to arm themselves and prepare for combat: "If we are to survive this day, we must defend ourselves till our last breaths!" Waving around his cutlass while making gestures with it, he said, "Now is not the time to hesitate!" Sparing no further second, he yelled to the heavens themselves.

Those words rallied the sailors into following his commands, pulling out their weapons and aiming at the rushing horde, while the archers and musketeers took position in an orderly fashion with haste, having to find the proper cover while also getting into place.

Closing their eyes for the inevitable, the two boys hear the loud shrieks and shouts as two opposing armies clash with one another. The sounds of clashing steel echo through their ears like an orchestra playing a symphony that makes their hairs rise to their ends.

Screams of dying men followed shortly, and more and more continued while gore filled their senses as men tore one another apart piece by piece, cutting limbs and organs with their own sharpened blades and tearing apart flesh as if it were paper thin.

Broken bones and skulls alike were being shattered into bits as they rolled down to the ground. The stench of blood mixed with feces permeates the air, suffocating them with an iron tanginess that causes their mouths to dry up in disgust.

Dismembered bodies lay lifeless in pools of blood that continuously expand onto the soil, leaving trails of crimson liquid flowing into cracks formed within the ground. Corpses littered the field, some twitching with half of their faces hanging loosely by threads of muscles connected to their decapitated heads, others dead with guts spilling out.

Many of the crimson knights were simply injured and rarely dead, while the humans died one by one like easy prey. Those who still live manage to fight back, but unfortunately, it is not enough for their opponents strength and experience to surpass theirs.

Instinctively letting go of Billy, he opened his eyes, seeing nothing but death all around and mutilated corpses scattered all around as if they were animal carcasses after being eaten alive by predators. But he could only watch and do nothing to save these poor souls, powerless to stand against them.

His heart raced violently, feeling disgust, horror, and remorse for everything that happened before him. He can't take this anymore; the screams of the dying and injured, along with the smell of blood matter that hung in the air, were too much for his weak spirit to see it all.

Fumblingly, fearfully, he lowered himself down with his legs, covering both of his ears from the overwhelming noise. "Make it stop. Please make it stop." He repeatedly pleaded for this nightmare, as not even the smell of rotten carcasses could be compared to what he had witnessed.

Its all too much for him to watch countless people die all around without even doing anything about it. He wished he wasn't born a coward who could not face such things, yet all he could do was watch everything unfold while people kept on killing each other in brutal ways.

War, they said, is a horrific thing to exist. He can't imagine how humans are so fine with this sort of thing; it's terrifying and saddening to see anyone waste their lives for some reason he can't comprehend. Death is the final destination everyone must reach, whether they want it or not.

Tears streamed down from his eyes. Eyes shut tightly while he hoped this would soon end with him not having to see anymore. "God, please help me." I was begging for this suffering to be over while Billy went to him in hopes of getting themselves together in this horrific moment.

"Come on, man!" Holding his brother's shoulders, he shook them with all he had. "We have to get up! Guan Yu wouldn't want us to be stuck in a place like this!" Noticing how shaken up he is, Billy continued in his pursuit of helping him, "Shit, you having a panic attack? Look at me, buddy!"

Just as things got worse, Morgan, with Genno on her side, appeared before them and said, "We don't have time!" Her urgency caused the two to snap out of their minds while she helped Seth get up. "While they are distracted, let's go!" Begging them to come without question

Before Seth could ask why, he was quickly grabbed by the wrist as she sprint through the battlefield in a hurry, dodging through bodies and fighting soldiers, while Billy and Genno followed suit, not willingly to stand behind and lose sight of the woman who is saving them from imminent death.

Morgan did not stop running, taking a glance here and there to see some of the crew fighting against the knights while others were dead on the floor. It hurts her heart to have to sacrifice the captain and his crew for the sake of protecting her boys.

No one paid attention to them because of the spell she cast, making them invisible for the time being. However, the witch herself knew facing these dreaded knights was futile in the end. Despite being a magician, their armor was being protected by any form of magic.

In her lie, she used Holt and his men to be nothing more than distractions. Morgan acknowledged this was evil thing she had done, but the most she can do right now is keep Seth and the others safe during this perilous event. Hopefully, they will be able to slay the dark lord for all the trouble that monster has caused.

She isn't a bad person, but she was forced to use these means, her conscience eating her up for abandoning the remaining survivors in favor of saving three young ones from dying. It is unfair for them; she felt pity for Captain Holt, who treated her differently.

If things were different, then maybe she would have fallen in love with him or become friends with him. But it was too late, and circumstances were cruel towards their destiny, thus ending any potential relationship before it could even bloom. Billy had a hard time catching up with her speed, while the rest were doing just fine.

When they finally exited the battlefield in safe distance, she stopped to catch breath of what happened. "I'm sorry." Apologizing to herself for her decisions as she wiped away stray tears from her cheeks, she said, "This was for the best," reassuring her morals of doing what needed to be done.

Genno nodded. "You did what you have to do," responding to the woman with empathy for what she had to choose in order to keep others alive. "Turning us invisible was a good idea despite the price it requires." His praise caused her to look at him with appreciation in her eyes.

Billy scratched his blond hair in frustration, "so that what happened," finding the reason why they were not noticed by the many screaming fighters battling at each other. And yet, he still has another question to ask: "What about Captain Holt and the crew?" He wonder their well-being.

Turning her gaze towards the blond kid, "they stayed behind to distract enemy forces for us," she answered straightforwardly without beating around bush. "What I said about helping them was just a lie to allow ourselves to get close to their base," she told him the truth of her intentions.

Causing Seth to break away from her hold as he took a step back, "you...used them," shocked in hearing this, he couldn't believe what he had heard coming out of her mouth, "why...why would you do that?" In a hurtful tone of betrayal at what he saw was cold-hearted decision.

She sorrowfully looked at him and said, "It was the only way to get us closer to their main fortress without getting seriously hurt or killed in the process," explaining her reasoning calmly while Billy and Genno didn't argue with her as they understood her reasons. "I hope you can understand why I did that," she said, silently begging for him to forgive her.

At first, he felt disgust for doing what she had done, but he saw in her eyes the pain and regret of making a questionable plan to do so. But even with all of that, Seth couldn't believe one of the people he looked up would lie to him about her true intentions.

So he ran with many emotions having already built up ever since they were attacked as tears spilled out of his eyes again; he wasn't going to stand there and hear any excuses from her, unable to believe she would be capable of doing something like that. Her lying was like a broken trust between him and her just how she break the trust of those men who took them in as their own.

They called out to him, hoping he would listen. But all Seth heard was betrayal, confusion, and many negative feelings in his heart that clouded his judgment on her behalf. This isn't fair; none of this is fair to him. Why is God being like this?

Most of all, how could he live with the fact that he had to witness war firsthand?

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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