Chapter 84

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"It wasn't your fault," Genno stepped in to comfort the depressed boy. "What transpired earlier is not in your hands but rather the people responsible for it," he said in an assuring manner to reassure him that it wasn't his own doing that led to everything.

Seth knew, but his heart was severally broken when learning of Guan Yu's death: "He... died? How is that possible?" He can't believe it, despite how much he wants to, for it to be a cruel lie. "What...happened?" Wondering what really transpired during his time out cold.

There is hesitation; he can tell the stoic teen wasn't keen to share the news. Being reluctant on delivering the message of what had happened but decided to tell anyway, "Your old man dueled with one of Dark Lord's minions and he lost unfortunately," which is also the reason why the other boy had become enraged, "just to protect everyone else in exchange for his life," stating this cold, hard, bitter truth with bittersweet expression.

Dead—he couldn't even say goodbye to the one that helped them become better than they were previously. It's so disheartening to believe a powerful warrior can be bested by a lesser foe. The worst part is not having to see Guan Yu at least once more to say farewell to his old mentor and father figure.

"It hurts..." Dropping on his knees, he let go of his cross and tightly held both hands together at the chest where his heart is, feeling its pains as it beats inside his ribcage. "I just don't want to think he's dead; it feels all of a sudden and scary," expressing the fear and uncertainty of how he can cope with such a painful truth.

Sadness and despair consumed Seth; this was all too sudden for him; he couldn't wrap his head around the idea that the old, wise, and powerful general who fought many wars was defeated in a mere battle. It was almost unbelievable, but not fantasy.

Genno sighed regretfully in seeing this sad sight, "Don't lose hope in times like this; you're not the only one who has lost someone," trying to motivate him, "In time, you will grow and become stronger, becoming the person who Guan Yu wishes you to become," reassuring the young man as he himself learned it through his own father.

"Crying is a good sign," regardless of how emotional and embarrassing it looks. The stoic teen admits the positive effects it has: "Crying is good because it tells others how much you have lost," realizing its value through many losses in his life.

"Thank you..." Grateful for the words of encouragement, he then asked, "What will happen now?" Seth wondered, unable to find his motivation for going through this journey and the task they all agreed upon, "Am I going to live with you, despite his passing?"

Looking down contemplatively, Genno hadn't given much thought to what to do after the tragic events: "I have not given it much consideration, but hearing off The Dark Lord's reason for sending a deadly assassin such as her," humming with thoughts of what he should do, "I know a way to reach him," detailing the information regarding it, "if you know where he currently resides," wondering if their location was known.

Staring at him in bewilderment, he nodded in this newfound revelation: "King Midas told us they reside in a whirling pool at the northern east of this land, where large oceans are said to exist there," having not forgotten about such an important memory.

"I see," he said, crossing his arms, "then we can go there with the boat," smiling for once in a while. "A small village with a dock exists south of here; we will travel to that place with a borrowed vessel," suggesting the idea, to which the boy can agree: "it will arrive in a couple of days, so we shouldn't dawdle for too long," referring to the trip ahead.

Grabbing his beloved crucifix, he then stood up and asked, "How long will it take us to reach there by foot?" Asked the determined Seth, hoping the distance between here and their destination would not take forever, for he wants to get this over with and complete their destiny.

Thinking for a moment, Genno then shook his head. "Day," he simply answered, "why are you eager? We can do this anytime, you know," pointing out the possibility of delaying the plan a little further, "there is no time to rush unless I'm missing something," and questioning his friend's desperate attempt at achieving their goal.

Sighing in relief, Seth had appreciated the consideration but nonetheless explained the reason:Well, "it's kind of hard to explain," clenching his fists in worry, "I kind of want to finish all of this," emphasizing it with his shaky fingers. "It's scary, and I'm scared of doing something like this, but I want all the fighting to stop," exclaiming with determination, "if that makes sense."

This earned a nod from him: "I understand, but there are other matters that need to be settled; aside from getting rid of The Dark Lord, in which case we must prepare to defend ourselves in case of anything," advising him of the danger that awaits along the road, "who knows what lies within our path, but all I know is that we shouldn't blindly charge into battle unprepared," telling him this warning as a reminder.

Seth listened to what he had to say, but that doesn't mean he hasn't prepared for something like that, which is the very reason why he and the rest were summoned after all: "they have weakness," awkwardly smiling with confidence, causing Genno to raise his brows in anticipation.

"They do? Enlighten me."

Sighing to himself, he answered, "Well, uh, apparently they are vulnerable to blunt force trauma, and repeatedly hitting the same spot would result in cracks that can disable them, which then leave their skin exposed for burning or slicing," elaborating on it in greater detail as it appears.

"That's not a lot of info, Seth, but that's helpful for what we might encounter in the future," revealing a nod of approval, "but as I have to mention, the crimson knights are immortal and bloodthirsty warriors who have fought years or centuries as what the rumors have told the common folk," explaining the terrifying truth of their adversary, "but now is not the time to worry about that, isn't it?"

Gulping nervously, he had heard of their claims, and if that is the case, then how will they ever win? "We're going to die, aren't we?" Losing his nerve a little, "a lot of people on the board are going to die." Sadness welled within his heart, thinking about how many casualties they're going to get during this.

"I don't have high hopes, but that's unlikely; they're the only ordinary sailors who trade goods and weapons," he said, glancing around the vast emptiness of this dark forest. "However, the captain won't hesitate to take the chance of agreeing with my request," he said softly.

"Alright..." There is nothing else to do; he can't simply stand idly and let the world burn for eternity. He must act now and stop this madness happening throughout the land. "Okay...okay," catching his breath, Seth regained his composure with his chin raised up in confidence. "We travel tomorrow?"

Genno nodded. "In the morning, we start packing our items and food before making our way to the nearest village where the sea is," he said, explaining what needs to be done as Seth acknowledged it with a thumbs up. "Is there something else you let on?" Prying on the other possible reasons for ending the dark lord

"Well..." Seth nervously looked down. "Aside from the dying part, do we have to kill them?" Referring to the minions and the evil magician responsible for sending so many deaths, "can't we reason with those people?" I am hoping that perhaps they can talk it out before it ends in more unnecessary bloodshed.

Not answering back, Genno glanced at him with stern eyes and asked, "Have you listened and heard what they had done? These crimson knights have killed and pillaged for centuries," stating in a grim tone, "it is clear their beyond being reasonable at this point," adamant on refusing Seth's suggestion, "it is easier if you imagine they are not humans, which makes the whole self-defense part more convenient for the soul."

"But it still doesn't make it right," the boy insisted in a heartbroken manner, "their sentient! They were able to decipher words and comprehend what they had done! Can't we make them atone for their actions in another way, just not killing them?" Asked Seth hopefully, "Why is everything resorting to violence? Why is it always death and ruin for everybody?" Exhaustively looking for alternatives means avoiding it altogether.

Sighing regrettably, "violence is the nature of mankind and the world at large," responding with eyes closed and opening back with eyes staring, "so long as conflict remains in the heart of every human and nonhuman alike, there will always be an endless cycle of conflict and violence," noting this important observation.

"This is reality, Seth; this is our reality and the nature of everything around us. Conflict will always occur somewhere in every region due to humanity itself, and the only solution is to accept that no one can't be reasoned or saved no matter how much you try," continuing to explain the cruel, cold, and harsh reality that every being lives in, "think about your options for a while and determine what is important to you: love or revenge, friendship or vengeance, freedom or bondage, war or peace," analyzing the difficult choice that is laid out to him in front of him, "which one will you choose and why?"

Everything became silent. Seth pondered for a minute with thoughts filling in his brain: "I don't know," honestly replying back in uncertainty, "I just can't think straight at this point." He was confused with conflicted feelings in his mind, unsure what to do.

"I know it is hard, but that is what makes you a human and will shape you into something extraordinary." With that being said, Genno walked past him, leaving Seth to his own devices with nothing left but himself and the stars shining in the sky.

He stared up at the night, imagining the clouds above covering the moonlight with cold wind blowing into his hair. "Is this the world we live in, mighty God?" He thought with remorse as he could not reconcile how terrible a place they live, "full of cruelty and ignorance, death and suffering, agony and sorrow; what did we do to deserve such a fate that is inevitable for all living things?" he lamented the cruel reality of everything in front of him.

"Is this your will? The reason why everything is filled with sin and  hate Questioning with uncertainty while gripping his cross tightly, "Why can't you make it disappear? Aren't you God? Omnipotent and Omnibenevolent, who created everything?" Wishing the problems around him could solve themselves magically.

Nothing he gets in return except silence from the night as he continues staring at the darkness of the sky with his cross gleaming upon the moon. "Why?" His throat feels dry. "Why does everything have to be this way?" Tears welled in his eyes, letting them loose with his arms falling down.

He falls down onto his back, still staring high at the space as he sobbed in his lonely heartbreak. "I know you care for us, and I have faith in your love and compassion for everyone, but why?" Staring back at his precious cross, "Why didn't you save him?" Wanting to know the reason for God's apparent lack of action in doing something more than pray and hope, "were you even listening to my prayers when I needed you the most?" Still no answer.

"Do you even care about the things I say?" Continuing with question after question, "Why can't you just show us a miracle? Most of all, are you there?" Seth's last question hangs in the air with no response to be given as he continues to cry: "Do you even love me?"

The silent air of this forest was unnerving, but not because of how quiet the woods were around him but because of the eerie atmosphere of being alone, grieving not only the special person he lost but also the world at large, "silent again," already expecting the lack of an answer in reply but nonetheless wishing he'd receive something at the very least: "You're still not talking, are you?"

Why is he even bothering at this point? God hasn't answered his prayers in all his life, so why bother asking anymore when all it will amount to is nothing? Simply put, it is a coping mechanism for him to ask something that won't even be answered: "You haven't for a very long time now, so I wonder why I'm still holding on to you," sighing sadly in despair, "What's the point of talking to someone who can't answer?"

Rolling over the side, he stared at his beloved holy cross, "except for this," a sole gift from the old pastor after his passing. "Is this all I have left of him?" He started remembering the days of spending time with the priest while reading the Bible: "God's parting gifts for all those who needed him most; is this the reason?" The memories flashed before him from his time at the church.

Slowly, his eyelids began to shut down, feeling heavy as sleep was slowly taking hold of him. "While I can't hear or see you, I know you are there somewhere," a sad smile crept upon his lips, "as despite how far your light is, I'll always walk towards it." And the boy finally closed his eyes with the last words he'll say to the being in the heavens: "Even if the world starts to reject you, I'll still hold onto you for what it is worth, because I love you."

Out of nowhere, manifested human hand suddenly touched his head, softly caressing his hair as the sleeping Seth smiled happily, feeling the presence of someone comforting him. He can't tell who or what it is, but he doesn't care anymore at this point.

He felt no longer alone in this lonely night.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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