Chapter 74

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They threaded carefully through the dark forest, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger or suspicious activity. The air was tense as they moved quickly yet quietly, trying their best not to make any noise that might alert others of their location while the distance screams and smell of decay still lingers from the village.

Where despite how far they have gotten, the place still gives that sickening feeling that everything will soon change at any moment. Being in a forest is like a calm before storm itself, making one anxious with fear of something happening. A unsettling experience that has been constant during their trek ever since they go farther from the now destroyed community.

Guan Yu was the furthest of the group, following just behind Billy as he held guando tightly; the weight of Seth on his back was like feather in comparison to the earlier days of having to carrying loads of goods and boxes that weighed even heavier than his own weapon.

Sadly smiling to himself, he closed his remaining eye momentarily as the terrific images played his mind of the gruesome deaths he had grown so accustomed of being a veteran warrior, especially when it came to the demise in so many people from the village they had once stayed in.

Nonetheless, it still is uncomfortable of seeing that happen regardless how used he was to this kind of thing; it brought back memories of being soldier that slaughtered many soldiers and innocent bystanders alike when was young man, full in himself at wanting to become the greatest warrior to ever lived.

And just by the sight at these innocent people surely brought bad past memories in himself, a time where he wasn't right in the head. He nonetheless hoped that after becoming hermit, Guan Yu wouldn't have to experience this kind of things again.

But how wrong he was for even after being transported to another world that isn't his own, bloodshed and infighting still existed which disappointed him greatly, for his long wish in retirement is simply long gone after being forced to repeat this cycle once more.

Sighing exhaustively, he opened his right eye with look that says his tired of constantly dealing with all of this mess. However, he kept on going for there are people that need his guidance in life and protection. The elderly man himself has to stay strong for their sake.

Trailing just in front of the old warrior, Billy turned his head to the side, focusing on the mentor who was behind him, "what's the matter?" He asked, concernedly. Having heard a sigh of frustration and disappointment in Guan Yu tone that had caused him some alarm.

"It is nothing, young one," he lied through his teeth at the blond teenager, "I simply only had headache, is all," laughing it off while secretly feeling bad in telling him otherwise. Not wanting to burden him with his problems at time like this as they continued moving.

Yet, Billy seemed unconvinced for his instincts tells him to not be gullible but he decided not to pry upon his teacher's own issues. It would be rude to do so, including how vulnerable they are of being in the middle of the woods, where the only source of light is the moon's luminosity.

Deciding not to speak of it, "okay, old man..." He reluctantly replied before proceeding to walk straight ahead, "but if something's up, tell me, alright old timer?" Feeling an obligation in protecting those he considered friends and family who mean the world to him.

A forced smile and nod was what he received for an answer while they ventured onwards to reach safety; believing they will survive this night of chaos and madness without suffering any major injuries or casualties. As long as they don't get ambushed by anything, they should be okay.

But his wishful thinking was interrupted ended when he sensed an incoming projectile heading straight into Morgan's forehead, who was unaware leading them to their demise. With quick thinking, he swiftly ran up to the two and grabbed them with both hands, pulling away into safety at the side just as an rusty sword flew and impacted against the nearest tree trunk.

Stunned by this while being by the man's arms, their eyes widened in disbelief at how lucky they were of getting out of that fatal attack. Had they been too slow or distracted, their heads would have been pierced through like bullet, causing instantaneous death in seconds flat.

Allowing them to adjust their bearings, Morgan and Billy took step forward to give each other space, still in disbelief of unexpected surprise as they searched their surroundings for potential enemies that may lurk nearby, ready to attack.

However, this proved to be a futile effort when strange armored figures made of red color came out in the open, revealing their presence by wielding bladed swords that were used for combat. But what caught everyone's attention is the towering giant.

Wymar stood at his ally's side, around ten foot tall with seemingly large sword. His body was covered in the same armor as the other one, only he is gigantic than his fellow man, "it must be them," eyes moving to each of the member until it focused on Guan Yu, "interesting..." Curiosity peaked of meeting the elderly man in person.

For a general who had slain so many warriors, he can recognize man by their scent of death; including the way they appear as. Excitement grew for his intention wasn't entirely focused on the woman and child but rather, the green robbed warrior.

Ulric intervened, seeing his general's fixation on the human warrior as well, "that one is special," smile crept under his helmet, "I can see it, can you?" The aura of death and war can be seen by the human's right eye, it is both beautiful and wonderful thing to have.

"Listen to me," Wymar announced before taking step back with his greatsword at hand, "we were send by the dark lord to kill the proclaimed heroes who were supposedly summoned by the empire's king," stating the purpose of their mission before shifting gaze towards Guan Yu.

Smirking underneath his own helmet, "and to do that, we are considering to kill all of you," causing everyone except his ally to draw their weapons, prepared for the inevitable fight. He can feel it within their spirits, how they desperately yearn for battle in ending their enemies at single combat.

The blond in peculiar with his musket in both of hands, shouted at them with fury, "then what are waiting for, freak?!" Anger evident in his tone, "come at us and die, like all of you damn monsters should!" His eyes piercing into theirs as he glared angrily at them.

"I like this one," Ulric whistled with amazement, "he has fire in him, don't you agree?" He complimented before gesturing to his superior office, resulting his general to chuckle lightly but the gesture didn't seem to bother him at all, instead he found it humorous.

Ignoring him, "but as man of honor, I am willingly to let the rest of you live in peace," everyone was shocked at this, "but on one condition," raising his index finger to point up at the sky, "you must defeat Ulric in duel," his finger then pointed at Guan Yu, "you, a fellow warrior who wields a fine weapon. Because of this, you have the privilege of battling him," he demanded to which the old man narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

The elderly warrior had known cowards and backstabbers in the battlefield, how they try to bait others to accept the proposition of easy fight just to betray and kill them, leaving their enemies in utter confusion before dying afterwards.

Although, that didn't sound the case here; while there are evil and traitor among the Crimson Knights, many of them seem to be honorable fighters who have their own form of said honor, "how can I believe you?" He questioned, wary of accepting a duel with man in metal suit.

Wymar felt offended by this, "were not all bloodthirsty men, old man," his voice clearly angry as the giant's grip on his weapon tightened, "if that is true, then my offer wouldn't exist," giving valid point on why the elderly man should take him serious.

But even with that being said, "perhaps so," Guan Yu smiled gently of getting his answer, "then I accept his challenge," his companions gazed at him with concern, unsure of letting the elderly warrior to battle their enemy alone at this expense.

"That is bad idea," Morgan protested against the man's decision, "this can be trick to kill us all, we should refuse his offer," refusing to take the risk in possibly getting herself and others killed if they played their enemy's game. They need to work as team and fight together as one, not separate.

"Yeah, this is ridiculous!" Billy agreed as well, "they're obviously doing this for sport, so they can entertain themselves watching us suffer or whatever!" He accused with cold stare towards them, "just let us fight together as team and kick their asses!" Confidently declared this to their faces.

Guan Yu smiled, shaking his head in denial, "if it is for the sake of you, Morgan and Seth then it is fine for me," facing them with confident eyes, "and do not underestimate the power of being old, for I can still have bite," humorously claiming in using what little strength he has.


Billy frowned deeply, conflicted with himself upon seeing his mentor's willingness in sacrificing himself for them. Even Morgan also has the same reaction as she wished to help but there was nothing she can do, the old man chose this.

"Hold him for me," his eye focusing on the surprised Morgan, "I will give everything for your survival," smiling ear to ear, "all of you," whispering at them before she did as told, grabbing Seth with both of hands to hold onto. She cannot comprehend how this elderly man is able to remain calm despite the situation they are in.

Before long, he patted the blond teen's hair, "trust in me," his eye closed momentarily while his hand moved away, "for I will come back in triumph," confidently declaring, "your mentor will live and come back to you," his words spoken with conviction.

Exhaling air from his lungs, "okay, old man," the boy replied with heavy heart, "I believe in ya," weakly smiling back to his friend, "promise to bring back a souvenir for us, alright?" Winking with sly smirk on his face just to lighten the mood.

Returning a smirk, "of course, young one," he happily responded before turning towards their enemy, his expression turned serious as Guan Yu raised his guandao, readying himself for impending battle. There were no further words to exchange before the two walk in the middle between the groups.

Standing opposite of each other, both opponents stared one another down with fierce intensity. Their respective weapons gripped tightly, poised at the ready. Each person was frozen like statue as Ulric was grinning happily like child that was about to eat candy, excited at the prospect of fighting potential human warrior in glorious battle.

"I must know your name first," Ulric with his curved sword resting on his shoulder, "for I need to know the man that I am going to slay today," pointing at him with his free arm. He wished to learn it, in order to use the man's name to proclaim the victory over his corpse, "tell me, now!" Shouting at the top of his lungs, he yearned for this warrior's identity.

The elderly man laughed in response to his opponent's question, "I'm Guan Yu, a god of war from my world," his words left the crimson knight completely dumbstruck, "and I have killed over hundreds of warriors just like you," Guan Yu warned him with deadly serious tone.

Doubt and amazement are two emotions within him, "God of war, you say?" He repeated in curiosity, "who knew that such god from another world be here," snickering at this, "do you truly expect to impress me with that false claim of yours, human?"

"No, I do not."

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