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King Midas sat on the wooden chair near his daughter's bed in the morning as he sobbed bitterly. With dried tears covering his cheeks and eyes, he spent all day and night trying to keep the crying to a minimum. But his despair and anguish became more apparent when he couldn't hold back anymore.

Cinder is resting on the comfortable bed, covered in thick blankets that keep her warm. The windows are closed, revealing the sunlight peeking through the curtains. Her father brought her favorite flowers that rested on the table next to her, wishing the scent would awaken her from her slumber.

With his head down, the king cried in agony at his loss, "Why?" He screamed in agonizing pain. His voice sounded raspy as if he hadn't spoken in days. "WHY DID THEY DO THIS?" Having put his trust in the heroes he summoned, his heart ached at their betrayal.

They were responsible for her being in this state. Midas has regretted being executed on the spot after hearing of their escape. He sighed at his own chance of revenge for avenging her. Spending precious resources to create them was in vain; he should've known.

This was what he deserved for his foolishness and gullible nature in having to use foreigners to solve his country's problems. He was stupid enough to believe in using others for his own selfish gains, but who can blame him? He just wants his people to be safe from the danger.

No, it wasn't his fault. The heroes are the ones to blame for their crimes; they betrayed his trust and stabbed him in the back. Now not only he has to worry for her well-being but also about the threats that still exist across the land itself, which brings him more problems.

How long has he been in his palace? Hours, days? Months? He had lost count of time when he was sitting next to her for the longest time, waiting for some hope to just at least hear her voice. But it never came, and his heart is breaking every time he sees his only daughter in this condition.

"Cinder, my beloved daughter..." Putting his hand at her head, he caressed gently her blond hair with affection and tenderness, saying, "Please forgive me for bringing such people into this land," apologizing for his mistake when he had welcomed those individuals into his kingdom despite not knowing who they truly are.

"What a beautiful girl you have."

Ominous presence and alluring voice of woman sitting down at the other bed near his daughter's, forcing him to stand up and spun in motion to see who it was, revealing rather alluring woman but it isn't what the king was focused on, "who are you?" demanding in shock at this sudden intrusion, he was surprised to find another person inside the room with him and Cinder.

He demanded louder than before to have this intruder explain herself: "Answer me! How did you enter her room?!"Angrily pointing his finger at her with furrowed eyebrows and a cold glare, he said, "Answer my question or I will call the guards to arrest you!" Despite how angry and surprised he is, there is lingering fear inside of him.

This very woman looked beautiful; however, the unusual appearance in a couple of her eyes is what alarmed him the most. Along with her red eyes that resemble the suffering she brought onto others rather than the other way around, Midas is perhaps dealing with someone or something not human.

She giggled amusely. "In my world, I am a goddess that is feared and respected." Standing up at her full height, she dropped her remaining cloth, revealing all of her body. "And because of that, I'm generous enough to save your one and only girl," she added while grinning sadistically at the ruler.

He was in disbelief at first but hesitant. "Tell me your first," wanting to get at least a bit of information on who she is before even thinking of agreeing with this stranger. "I will not cooperate with someone I don't know who they are," Midas declared in demand.

"Lilith," the eerily woman said simply while watching the king's reaction. "That's my name," smiling widely for her reveal. Lilith was curious about his response. Will he allow her to heal his child or not? "So are you going to let me help you or not?" She pointed her right index finger at the little girl in the bed.

Baring his teeth angrily, he bawled his fists with the rage of this individual who thinks that she is above him. "Don't you dare mock me!" Pointing his finger back at her with little distance in between the two, he said, "I don't trust a person like you to approach her," refusing to ask for help when the heroes he summoned betrayed it; he was afraid to do so.

"She is dying," Lilith narrowed her eyes down on the ruler before sitting down. "Cinder is slowly dying without medicine that can cure her, only to make it slower," she said, speaking in a mocking tone of the King's failure, "can you really prevent her timely death, hmm?" The red eyes of hers stare deeply into the monarch. "Are you capable of doing so, your Majesty?" She pointed at the daughter of the ruler as her health deteriorated.

Watching his child being comatose and likely deteriorating was a possibility that he couldn't ignore. " will you save her?" He asked as the king sat on his chair, "I tried everything, but it didn't work." Giving a disappointing sigh in his failure to help his little Cinder, he said, "My kingdom is rich enough to pay gold in exchange for saving her life," speaking softly his words that might come in desperation.

But what else can he do? Watch his daughter die while he remains unable to do anything for her sake. "So what is your offer?" uncertain but willing to take the risk when even alchemists and doctors were unable to help Cinder in his time of need.

Grinning evilly, Lilith giggled in delight at having to strike the deal. "Simple, my majesty." Standing up, she brought her wrist to her own mouth before biting it. "Make her drink this," she announced, offering the girl her blood as it continued to run down from the bleeding flesh. "And her condition will become better than before," the woman replied with a tempting smile.


His eyes widened in a repulsive manner upon seeing that. "Are you insane?" Backing away from the scene with fear, he can't possibly allow something this disgusting. "You must be sick to think I would—"

"Shush," she said, placing her index finger over her lips. "I promise it is not that bad; it is very nutritious, actually," she grinned with anticipation. "Give it to her; she will wake up completely healed and healthy," gesturing at his child with her free hand while her other wrist continues to bleed profusely onto the floor.

Midas hesitated, staring back and forth between the two of them for a few seconds before finally accepting this offer: "I...fine," extending his opened palm to the woman, "if she dies, I'm going to find you and bring war unto you," threatened with a serious face.

Nodding her head with a small chuckle, the mistress of lust simply said, "Deal." Lilith moved closer to the father as he picked the wounded girl by her shoulder. She handed her blood-filled hand to the man, who grimaced in disgust before carefully using his other hand to open his daughter's mouth.

"Please...please work," praying for the great divines as he put the blood into her mouth, continuing to pray, the king watched in anxiety for whether it was a lie or not as he glanced at the woman, "when will the—"

Lilith was gone; nowhere was in sight except for themselves in this very room. He was shocked at first, thinking the interaction with her was all simply in his head, but his thoughts were stopped when the king heard his daughter groaning softly.

"Cinder?!" Immediately turning his gaze back at his child, he saw her slowly opening her eyes and saying, "Oh, thank the divines!" Embracing her tearfully, he smiled in relief at having Cinder back, "I'm so happy you're alright," and the joy of seeing his only daughter awake after so long of being absent.

"It's good to see you again, father."

Unbeknownst to him, a cruel and foreboding smile plasters itself upon the little girl's lips—a smile that doesn't speak happiness nor relief but impending evil that will soon fall upon the Empire itself.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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